
Since ancient times The world-famous Shu Road is a road full of magnificent scenery and potential risks. Although in most cases We can all complete daily driving tasks in a relatively safe and stable road environment However, in some remote areas where infrastructure is not yet complete,

Local residents still rely on roads as their main means of daily transportation against this background This article will give you a detailed inventory of the most dangerous roads in the world first saharan highway This road is located in Algiers Spanning three countries: Algeria, Niger and Nigeria

The total length from road to fine sand is 4,500 kilometers The entire road passes through the Sahara Desert, the largest sandy desert on earth. It is a road that tests courage and courage Therefore it attracts many brave and crazy people Safety hazards on some road sections are prominent

Relatively speaking, the biggest danger is that it is the worst road environment in the world. If we take this path Then be prepared to die at any time You must know that the daytime temperature in the Sahara Desert is close to 50 degrees

The temperature of the sand on the ground can reach up to more than 70 degrees There is no water or fuel supply on most of the sun-scorched stretches. At the same time, dust storms can push huge sand dunes across the road year after year. Bury blocking road Plus sandstorms and extreme heat

It is very possible to get lost in the yellow sand in the sky We won’t be able to rescue you even if we try to rescue him by then. Maybe you have been eaten up by the desert long ago Second Pakistan Karakoram Highway This road is also called the China-Pakistan Friendship Highway

The total length of the highway is 1,032 kilometers Among them, 416 kilometers are within China 616 kilometers in Pakistan Because it is located in the Kunlun Mountains, the terrain is steep and complex. Bad climate From construction to opening of this road

A total of more than 700 people from China and Pakistan sacrificed their lives for this purpose It is equivalent to a human life for every kilometer of road. On one side of this road is a hundred-foot cliff without guardrails.

On the other side is a steep mountain wall with rocks rolling down at any time. There is also a 90-degree sharp bend in the middle of the road that allows the car to move centrifugally. Once on this road No matter how scared you are, you can’t turn around

The road is only 3 meters wide There will be no rescue Because there is no man’s land with no signal for dozens of miles. Except for adventurous tourists Almost no one comes here Fall and narrowly escape death Even if you can live

By the time the next person passes by, he will have become a mummy This is just a branch line of the Hara Kunlun Highway in Pakistan When you are ready to cross this road When you first enter, you will find Although the road becomes narrower and narrower

But fortunately it is a flat road But through the town The road conditions immediately changed. First, a small landslide tries to persuade you to retreat. Fortunately no big rocks fell Otherwise, if you get hit and scratched, you will either die or be injured. Wait until the landslide stops

Have the courage to keep moving forward Another old car wreckage was found salvaged from the cliff. Has turned into a big-headed fish with shrunken bones Corpse on the roadside Cars have become like this The owner of the car is probably already cold. This road is surrounded by mountains and waterfalls.

In fact, the scenery is also very good Why did this place become a funeral area? Isn’t this a fresh scrapped car appearing under the cliff? This lump of scrap iron and slag can’t even be distinguished from the front of the car from the rear. I don’t know if it scares you

Just turn a corner and you’ll see rescuers wrapping the driver’s body in a blanket. Slowly lift up on a slope close to 60 degrees People die in accidents almost every day on this road Rated as one of the most dangerous roads in the world third dalton highway

He was selected as one of the top ten death roads in the world This is a road built in the 1970s 414 miles of gravel road Located in Alaska, USA From Goode to Eliot The Dalton Highway even passes through the Arctic tundra along the way.

The harsh environment here makes passing drivers suffer not only from low temperatures but also We are also facing an avalanche that may happen at any time. And the horrors of this road don’t stop there. There is not only snow but also a lot of dark ice on the road

If there is a problem with the car that cannot be solved, that is the most despairing thing There is no signal for hundreds of kilometers along the entire stretch. no service station Accidents occur frequently Inconvenient for rescue There are no restaurants, gift shops or gas stations along the way.

All you can see is forest tundra and mountains The Dalton Highway is arguably one of the loneliest roads in the world The oil pipeline in Dalton is probably the one that accompanies travelers most along the way. This 1,300-kilometer-long oil pipeline has experienced many challenges In addition to the harsh climate environment

The oil pipeline also crosses three mountain ranges and large and small rivers. as well as permafrost and regularly migrating caribou and moose Nearly half of the oil pipelines are built overhead instead of buried underground year 2011 A series of documentaries produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation The most dangerous roads in the world

Dalton Highway is honored to be featured in the first episode The filming team also encountered 5 polar bears and vehicles trapped in melting ice and snow here. I took pictures of 11 cars here for 11 days and only 5 came out. Fourth Geys Passage

This is a special road connecting the outer islands of France from Beauvois-sur-Mer. Outsiders affectionately call it the Crazy Highway. The most amazing thing about this road is that It spends most of the day submerged under the sea Because of the influence of tidal phenomena

There is only a short period of time here every day until the tide goes out. The road will be revealed to allow vehicles to pass It is precisely because of this This road has also been rated as one of the most dangerous roads in the world

The total length of Geis Passage is only 4.2 kilometers. Although not long But because the power of nature is beyond human control If you want to drive through this road You must drive a few hours before the tide on both sides of the road has risen or after the water recedes. Besides

Vehicles driving on this road are not allowed to cause accidents Because if you encounter traffic jams or other vehicle problems, It would be very scary if the vehicle cannot drive normally. Really reached that situation You will know what it means to live and die as fast as seconds.

The channel has been officially opened to traffic since 1840 Countless means of transportation have been destroyed Most are outsiders Not sure about the tide times here That led to the tragedy Later, people increased the safety factor of Geis Passage Security towers have been set up on both sides of the road

If the vehicle is stranded on the road in an accident People can stand on the safety tower and wait for rescue or wait for the sea to recede. Life is saved But the car is definitely gone Therefore, it is very dangerous to pass blindly without observing the sea tide time. fifth kolyma highway

This is a road in Russia The road of bones connecting Yakutsk and Magadan Also known as the Ghost Trail The reason why this road has such a scary name It’s because there are nearly 250,000 road construction workers buried under this road. You must know that Yakutsk is the ice city of the world

The lowest temperature can reach minus 60 degrees Celsius It’s the coldest road on earth If a passing vehicle is not careful, it will stall due to low temperature. Let alone a human being Construction of the Kolyma Highway began in 1932 Because it is located in an extremely cold uninhabited land at high latitudes

The geographical environment is complex and the climate is cold It is the most difficult and dangerous section of the Trans-Siberian Highway system. It was not completed until 1953 Lasted 21 years Total length 2032 kilometers between this Groups of political prisoners were sent here one after another.

Because of the poor road construction environment, they Many people do not have better protective measures There are quite a few people who have died from exhaustion and freezing here. However, due to the excessive number of deaths There is no condition to deal with these frozen bones. so some of the dead workers

They were all buried directly under the frozen soil of the highway. It’s summer Although the temperature can only rise to a maximum of 15 degrees But it will also cause the permafrost to melt But the melted roads will become muddy Forming mud swamps several meters deep Making vehicle traffic more difficult

Drive on this road Maybe you can also see some thawed workers’ bones Sixth North Yongas Mountain Road This is known as the most dangerous road on earth also known as the road of death Although this road is only over 60 kilometers long

The North Yungas Road is a mountain road in Bolivia, South America. It connects La Paz, the capital of Bolivia The total length of Yongas Mountain Road is approximately 60 kilometers is a one way street The reason is also very simple That means the road is only about 10 feet wide

There are tropical rainforests on both sides of the road And it’s an abyss thousands of feet deep Just passing a car is dangerous What’s more, it’s two-way traffic This will only increase the occurrence of traffic accidents This will only cause more and more tragic casualties. Same as Karakoram Highway

There are no guardrails installed along the road either. And the area is rainy and foggy When encountering rainy and foggy weather It’s not just the road that can’t be seen clearly Visibility is very low all around A passing driver may fall off a cliff if he is not careful.

According to a rough estimate 1999 to 2003 On average, more than 200 traffic accidents occur on this road every year Nearly hundreds of people died Driving on this road A small mistake could lead to a free fall experience at an altitude of 300 meters.

So as long as this section of road is mentioned Anyone who knows will shudder So since this road is so dangerous, Just avoid it But that’s not the problem The North Yongas Highway is an unavoidable traffic artery for them

If residents want to go out or outsiders want to come in, they must pass here. So no one can avoid this passage Who would be willing to gamble their lives here if it wasn’t necessary? After all, if you don’t pay attention, you will die here. 7th federal avenue

Federal Avenue is located in the heart of Quezon City Known as the Philippines’ Killer Highway is one of the most dangerous roads in the world This road has regulations that are so bad that they don’t exist And the traffic is extremely heavy

Causes hundreds of accidents every year involving cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles The road is asphalt It is 12.4 kilometers long There are 6 to 18 lanes It is said to be the widest road in the country Previously it was known as Don Mariano Marcos Avenue

Due to years of poor regulations and enforcement of traffic laws This road has seen numerous pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle fatalities Many of the world’s deadliest roads are located in high altitude or remote areas If there is a lack of government intervention to fix or monitor May cause fatal road traffic accidents

The Eighth Guoliang Cave Guoliang Cave is a wall-mounted road in Guoliang Village, Shayao Township, Hui County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province Located on a cliff 1,700 meters above sea level Founded in 1972 Completed in 1977 Guoliangdong is known as one of the ten most dangerous roads in the world.

One of the 18 most unique roads in the world The terrain here is made up of hard rocks everywhere. Towering cliffs tower into the clouds There is actually a story behind this road The purpose of opening to traffic at that time was to allow villagers surrounded by mountains to

Make it easier to communicate with the outside world Otherwise, before opening It would take a day for villagers to reach the outside world. Ninth Ranch Fairy Road Ranch Fairy Road is a spectacular and dangerous alpine race track Total length: 16.2 kilometers Located in Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan Gravel roads are completely unmaintained

No guardrails to protect you and it becomes very narrow So much so that as you near the end you have to walk or bike the last stretch Drivers must remain cautious because we all know A little carelessness can take the life of a careless driver

This trail is one of the most dangerous in the world Starting point Karakoram Highway The end point is the village of Tato near the ranch line It is a picturesque destination about 3,300 meters above sea level A favorite destination for photographers and hikers The first Sichuan-Tibet Highway

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway is a high-altitude highway between Chengdu and Tibet Landslides and rockfalls are common Very few people can survive these two dangers. According to WHO statistics This road has more than 7,500 fatalities per 100,000 drivers

When driving on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, you must know the weather and earthquake conditions in the driving area in advance. Beware of secondary geological disasters such as landslides, avalanches, etc. caused by severe weather or earthquakes Turn 72 on the Nujiang River is undoubtedly the most dangerous section of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway

4,100 meters above sea level from the lowest point Climb all the way to the highest point, Yela Pass, which is 4,651 meters above sea level. Then circle and descend to Bangda Town, an altitude of 4,100 meters. About 12 kilometers long The Sichuan-Tibet road has a total length of 3,176 kilometers including double tracks.

Crossing 21 snow-capped mountains above 4 kilometers Cross 14 rivers Called the most dangerous road in the world by Chinese and foreign geographers This most dangerous road is more than 2,000 kilometers long from Lhasa to Chengdu. In order to build this road of more than 2,000 kilometers, More than three thousand young lives fell

That is to say On average, one and a half lives are spent per kilometer This is the heaviest sacrifice in the history of world road construction. Second U.S. Route 431 U.S. Route 431 is a 353-mile highway Stretching from Tennessee County, Alabama to Dothan, Alabama often called the highway to hell

It is also rated as one of the most dangerous roads in the world. U.S. Route 431, nicknamed the Highway to Hell, cuts through Alabama Crosses everywhere In memory of all the lives lost on this deadly road Most of this road of death has only one lane going back and forth.

The third delma expressway Although the paving of the Delma Highway in 2011 has made this dangerous stretch of road safer The highway from Bar Bridge to Bontoc is 93 miles long It’ll still make your heart beat faster Be prepared for thousand-foot-deep cliffs and winding roads Mudslides, landslides and rockfalls

If that’s not enough to make you turn around So a speeding bus would definitely put smaller vehicles in danger This house is used by commuters, tourists and transporters they are a highway Many people don’t yet think of themselves as their family’s home Debris tumbled from surrounding hills onto the road

Low-lying fog makes visibility difficult at the best of times Fourth Luxor Hurghada Road Luxor and Hurghada are two popular tourist destinations in Egypt The two places are connected by the 299-mile Luxor-Hurghada Road. This road doesn’t seem dangerous But it’s called a death trap first This road passes through remote and remote places

A breakdown or other accident can leave you powerless In addition, this area is full of criminal and terrorist organizations. They usually attack at night in this case Most vehicles dare not turn on their lights when driving at night This results in many fatal vehicle collisions In order to cope with this situation

The roads are regularly patrolled by police and security personnel And tourists are advised to push for escorted routes with armed guards fifth atlantic route What makes this dangerous road so interesting? Although it may be one of the most dangerous roads in the world

But it is also rated as one of the most beautiful roads So if you want to do some sightseeing on the Atlantic Way Then you’d better fasten your seat belt This Norwegian road is made for storms The bridge is called a dead end because of visual error

When driving on the highway it looks like a slope Can’t see the way forward Immediately there will be an illusion of reaching the sky when you reach the top You’d better not look down If you are trying to overcome your fear of heights This road will give you a shaky illusion again

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the Norwegian Sea You will feel it is worth your money You can lose more than just your lunch here Because when the storm comes The brutality of the waves will wash away the roads I will also take you hostage to the sea.

Fade into the depths with you Sixth Cotahuasi Canyon The Cotahuasi Canyon Highway begins on the Pan-American Highway near the city of Alaquipa On this canyon-carved road Many areas are not paved with stones and pebbles There are often situations that block the route

Not to mention that rocks may fall from the rock wall at any time. The situation gets worse during the rainy season In fact the road is very crowded It takes about 10 to 12 hours to get off this road This means only the most tenacious travelers will make it to the other side

Only four-wheel drive vehicles can cross the canyon This is a notorious road even for those who love travel and adventure Cotahuasi Canyon is the third deepest canyon in the world That is, it is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States. so it’s a long way

Cotahuasi Canyon Road is filled with some of the world’s most challenging and harrowing hairpin turns and dangerous descents Don’t think you can roll down your car windows to get some air on a hot day Because the top of this extreme road is fifteen thousand feet above sea level

The air here is very thin Breathing here is almost as hard as driving here without any worries The Seventh Tarug Gorge Road Tailuqia Road is located in Taiwan Less than 12 miles long Although there are difficulties and obstacles along the way

But it also offers some of the most beautiful scenery in the world The Tarug Canyon Highway winds through the mountains. Although it is dangerous to take this road But it has become a popular attraction for the most intrepid visitors

When you see a large number of tourist buses, cars, scooters, bicycles and even pedestrians not giving way to each other on the same narrow stone road don’t be surprised Although it’s a bit scary to think about it But every day people drive on roads full of narrow curves and blind spots.

The Tarug Canyon Highway not only has narrow blind corners And there are dangers such as rockfalls, floods, landslides and even earthquakes at any time. So it’s a miracle that we were able to complete the entire 12-mile stretch. Uncontrollable natural disasters make it extremely difficult to keep the Tarug Gorge Road in good condition

Heavy rains and typhoons ravage the region Making some sections of the road almost impassable The Eighth Fairy Meadow Road Don’t be fooled by road names Because Fairy Meadow Road in Pakistan is anything but sweet. This amazing and dangerous mountain road is less than 10 miles long

But the dangers of the journey will make it the longest 10 miles of your life The road conditions on Fairy Meadow Road are mostly unstable The gravel road reaches an elevation of about eight thousand feet. very dangerous There are many narrow bends if the speed is too fast

If you are not careful, your trip may end early Yes, this is a beautiful scenery If attention is only focused on the scenery It might make you forget that there are no guardrails here There’s nothing here to prevent a vehicle from falling off a cliff

Fairy Meadow Road is not for the faint of heart The road starts from the Karakoram Highway and leads to small villages and cannot pass vehicles much larger than a Jeep Eventually it will extend into a very narrow place Make the rest of the difficult journey on foot The Ninth Tongtian Avenue

We’ve all heard about the stairway to heaven But what I will introduce to you next is the 99 curves leading to heaven. The 99 Bend in China is a scary road that passes through the Tiananmen Mountains in the national park As his name suggests This extreme road features 99 deaths Challenging sharp turns

Built hundreds of feet in the air The construction of this road took 8 years Finally completed in 2006 But it’s an interesting path Because it successfully combines culture and history with human creativity To get to this road you first need to drive onto City Avenue or Avenue to Heaven

But the 99 turns of this extreme road are not random In fact they represent the 9 palaces in heaven when you climb to the top of the mountain You will definitely feel that you have ascended to the realm of gods and immortals But it’s worth hearing This is a natural rock arch

Considered to be the link between the gods and the mortal world The 10th Guoliang Tunnel In the past, we had to reach Wangyang Village in China. The only way is to take a narrow and dangerous path This path is right on the side of Taihang Mountain While it may be a scenic route

But the journey is long and arduous One wrong step spells doom. Local villagers are not waiting for government help to complete the task In 1972 a small group of people put their heads together and began digging a tunnel Because if you can go directly through the mountain Why go around the mountain?

This group is small Only 13 humble people Although they want to complete the tunnel But the people of Guoliang don’t have excavators or bulldozers There are no seemingly insignificant modern tools like dynamite. So the only thing they can do is dig with their bare hands Yes, that’s right

Dig a tunnel 1,200 meters long, 5 meters high and 4 meters wide It took 26 people and 5 years So Guoliang Tunnel may not be the largest in the world But considering how it was built You have to pay tribute to the people who built it with their bare hands

In the most difficult stage of excavation The team can only dig about 3 feet a day The whole process is very difficult 3 people even died in the process In the end, this tunnel on the mountain not only changed the lives of the villagers The tunnel brings convenient transportation to villagers

And over the past few decades The tunnel has also become a big tourist attraction However, this tunnel lacks guardrails and street lights So drivers do so at their own risk especially at night The road has turned into a headache Locals affectionately call it the road that tolerates no mistakes very dangerous alright

That’s it for this video There are also some well-known dangerous roads. Do you know what they are? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion If you like this video, please give it a like and support it thank you for watching bye


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