We Rode an Overnight Train in FINLAND 🇫🇮 (Santa Clause Express)

Today we’re crossing Finland on the Santa  Claus Express sleeper train we start in   Helsinki and go all the way to Rovaniemi a town in the  Arctic Circle and we’re taking you along with us are you pumped or what it’s coming I’m so  excited oh you better watch out you better not cry

You better not pout I’m telling you why Santa Clause Express is coming here I love the  designs on the train they have owls and trees and of course the little Santa Claus on the  little toe that’s great yeah so I think this is  

Literally our car the one with the Santa Claus  on the side 54 yeah let’s get in let’s go fancy nice we’re seat sleeper cabin 109 and 110 okay  we’re this way I think this is us that was  

Easy oh my word this is so cute all right tour  time so we come on in here through the door and   there are the beds their bunk beds super cute  green sheets and the pillows have owls on them  

How sweet those are cute get it owl cute  uhhuh nice you have coat hangers which is   really convenient and you also have actual like  hangers to put your clothes you have a plugin   I’m assuming we have more around here we have  a nice seat here if you’re not wanting to get  

On the bed right away there’s safety bars which  is good because it might get a little rocky in here   there’s an emergency thing to break the glass  we have a ladder this ladder is built into the  

Bed and it allows you to get to the top bunk we  have complimentary towels and water really good   we have some like netted storage I’m going to  call it cuz you can put stuff in there a trash  

Can right over here really big one honestly for a  train trash can this folds out into a cute little   sink look how little that sink is it’s crazy and  a mirror you have cups if you want water and oh  

Complimentary soap as well these which were’re  trained professionals now I have no idea what this heavy door is so we know exactly what these are these are  like keys to your doors they have like certain  

Little holes and that basically is like the key  and you put it in the slot and it unlocks your   door and this one seems to be for the shower cuz  we have a shared bathroom on this train there’s a  

Lot of lights in here which is going to be good  we have thermostat to control the temperature   that’s going to be nice when it gets a little  more chilly once we get up north right next to  

The bed you kind of have like a control center  with a speaker a light a plugin tight squeeze   tight squeeze thank you all right and of course we  can’t forget our very own window I can’t wait  

To see the beautiful views in the morning because  it is dark right now and you have a little screen   to put down when you’re about to go to sleep to  block the Sun and for like the train stations I  

Bet too oh and for the train station lights as  well that’s good point and I think that’s about   it this room is definitely spacious for being  like a train room you can kind of really walk  

Around a lot in here which is nice can you do  jumping jacks yeah you can nice job giving the   people what they want okay here’s the real test  are the beds big enough for our storage oh my  

Word it is space there’s a lot of space for your  bags under the bed I must say storage wise this   like sleeper is so nice and just like our last  train experience these doors have magnets so when  

The Train’s moving and it’s jostling around the  doors won’t be jostling around with it cuz it’s   hard to open cuz it’s magnet is that is that how  those work yeah we’re the last time we were up in  

The LA lands there was like nowhere to go to eat  except for like restaurants like the onea restant   they had and it would be like $40 for one plate  we got all these groceries for €50 and this is  

Going to be all our meals for the next 4 days  they also have WiFi it good I don’t know still   loading that’s not very promising now is it man  we’re experts now yeah now it’s time to see the  

Rest of the train it’s looking like these are  just like the same cabins as us for for the   next car it’s also double decker so there are two  floors of rooms crazy I wonder if this sign means  

That pets are allowed in that room I bet I bet it  does look like it’s pet friendly I’ve seen pets   on this train it looks like this is all storage  I think right ah there’s chairs so maybe this  

Is like coach maybe business coach business know  private coach something coach looks like the next   car is coach like real Coach coach seats pretty  cheap what are you what are your first thoughts   it’s honestly as seats go pretty comfortable but  I don’t know if I want to spend 12 hours yeah this  

Is very comfortable for just like a regular train  seat but all night I would not be happy with this   yeah how do they even lie back oh it’s a lever  okay a little bit not bad a lot of buttons I just  

Want to touch them but there’s glass so you have  a whole whole room here where you go inside to use   the Wi-Fi there’s a section to hold your bikes  and your stroller wow wow this is the dining car  

And it looks really nice and it’s smells really  good too yeah it smells like tomato soup and they   have like a bunch of seats like a diner honestly  like a whole Diner car this train is so smooth  

It doesn’t even feel like we’re moving right  now but we are I think we’re going pretty fast   too like 30 mph I can’t feel a thing now we’ve  explored the train it’s pretty fun to explore

Trains this is kind of tight quarters not bad  though for a public shower on the train you got   your little area to put your stuff I’ll put my  key card there thing for pressure push button   nice shampoo and there’s the nozzle and then  right here you have coat hangers to like hang your  

Shirt and stuff all right let’s do this I did  attempt this in um on our last train didn’t   go very well I’m really nervous it’s very hard  sometimes to figure out exactly what does what here okay this is always the tricky  part why is it cing have to turn the  

Nozzle it’s like doing a little bit there  it is oh that’s so cold the hottest it gets   is like like warm just going to go for it  man the train rocking too nice done with that as showers go that was not bad I  mean they had soap the water pressure  

Was pretty good I’ll take what  I can get that was super nice everyone sleeper trains are just a great  invention because you literally get   accommodation and transportation to where you  need to go all in one ticket all in one ticket  

Guys it’s the move all right ra how Comfy are  the beds out of 10 six they’re not like super   comfy but they’re they’re comfy enough to  sleep in and they’re better than chairs   so yeah I think I’ll sleep pretty well tonight  you’ll see you in the morning good night for now

Everyone morning good morning how’d you sleep  not very well so much jostling and lights but   that’s okay life on the train you can start  to see the snow now it like just started wow there’s only 45 minutes till our  train gets to Rovaniemi but we really want  

To try the food on this train  so that’s what we’re going to do the dining car has like huge windows  so you can really appreciate it you know   okay with Gorgeous views train going  to the Arctic Circle got a Falafel salad  

Looks really good look at that yeah  the quality of the food looks way way high fresh fried Falafel that’s fantastic hmm that is good  isn’t that good thank you Kiitos all right bathroom tour time we only have 30  minutes till we get to Rovaniemi so we got to do  

This quick so you have all the normal bathroom  things a toilet a sink a trash can toilet paper   they also have a changing station for mothers  there are a lot of families on this train so   I’m not surprised they also have a kids toilet  seat looks like they have a humidifier I’m not  

Quite sure what that thing is right there but  they have it and they have a charger outlet   they also have soap and paper towels and the sink  just like every sink in here is automatic coat hangers   right behind me and that’s pretty much it this  bathroom is definitely the biggest bathroom that  

I have ever been in on a train most of the  time they are really small and a little bit cramped it is so peaceful just like  staring at these windows at the snow   covered kind of barren ground there are  trees but none of them are super tall and  

You have the occasional body of water  which is super cool really completes   that Santa Claus christmasy Winter  Wonderland sort of vibe which is awesome okay we got to pack up roll your head gently to the right and then  back to Center on the road R and I can get pretty  

Stressed just cuz there’s a lot to do it’s an app  called calm and it like has guided meditations   it’s amazing we’ve been doing it like for the  past few weeks not every day but we try to do  

It most days and it’s it’s crazy the difference  in like high tension that I have before that and   then just peaceful existence rovaniemi let’s go should  we double check that we have everything yeah goodbye it is so snowy oh rovaniemi oh we’re here Santa Claus Express  

That was so sick wow that was  a fun experience overall yeah yeah hey and that’s a wrap on our Santa Claus  Express experience overall it was a really fun   time even though I didn’t get a lot of sleep  yeah I had a blast I mean it’s not super Santa  

Clausey I think it’s because it actually brings  you to rovaniemi which is the finnish town where   supposedly Santa Clause lives all right you ready  to meet Santa guys there are so so bright this   is sick it’s so beautiful stay tuned for that  and we’ll see you later peace out guys take care

Today we’re riding the santa clause express train from
Helsinki, Finland all the way to Rovaniemi, where Santa supposedly lives! We’re so excited to share this with you!
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0:00 Intro
4:20 Some thoughts 🤔
4:50 Rest of the Train!
6:37 Shower on Moving Train
7:58 Time for Bed!
8:36 Good Morning!
9:12 Breakfast on the Train
9:55 Quick Bathroom Tour!
12:25 Coming up…
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#train #finland #vlogmas2023
We Rode an Overnight Train in FINLAND 🇫🇮 (Santa Clause Express)


  1. I'm born in Rovaniemi, Finland and I remember the trains we travelled with during the late 70:s and early 80:s as a child. I was so afraid to go to the toilet, because it was BASICALLY a hole out onto the railroad and all that stuff ended up along the railroad.. It was so noisy aswell… So much have happen since that time.. Finland was quite poor back then, because the country was destroyed so badly by the Soviet bolshevik bastards during ww2.

  2. Maybe it's time to think about these overweight American tourists aswell… Its time to build all them showers close together, so the "big one" can use 2 showers at the same time… Like in aeroplanes… They get 2 seats, right 🤔

  3. You guys tick all the boxes for a successful channel, hence why I am still watching. Only recommendation is to include more variety in food, since most travel vlog viewers are food oriented (I believe). That said, I also really like falafel 😅

  4. You can get 5G prepaid for a month for like 20€ with sim or with digital sim. We don't really do WiFi in Finland as 5G is dirt cheap and available everywhere.

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