
Hello everyone, I came to the live broadcast with a fake background, Mr. Chen. Today is our first live broadcast in 2024. It really didn’t have a good start, but this week is also very important. Why, because by this time next week we will already have The Republic of China has a new president.

I don’t know who it is. Let’s open it today to see who our new president will be. Okay. At the beginning, the teacher will tell you. The teacher will ask for two days’ leave. That is,

I will ask the teacher tomorrow for the day after tomorrow. I went to Hangzhou and Shanghai in two days to finish the work and I came back on Wednesday, so if you have to arrange a temporary appointment on Monday or Tuesday , you will receive a rescheduling notice from the teacher

, so I said sorry . The teacher is not in Taiwan on Monday and Tuesday. The teacher is going to China to do some private travel. This is not official business. It is official business. Just say it is official business. It is not official business. It is my private schedule.

Hurry up and go around twice. Come back and circle around for two days. How about I count two? It should be about 1,800 kilometers and then go back to Taiwan and say that there will be no empty sofas on Monday and Tuesday, so there is no need to get involved in this matter.

The sofa was already taken by someone at 5 o’clock, okay? It was taken by someone at 6:30. Okay? Then the most important thing for us this week is the first one, which is our election. In fact, people have been asking the teacher about this topic,

Whether it is in the channel or in the comments of various videos. Well, some friends also mentioned the teacher. Read all the numerology hall of fame in the past to verify whether what this guy said is true or false. Usually there is no problem. The teacher

Still has a little bit of confidence in his prediction of the numerology hall of fame. Okay, so we are still talking about this thing. There is no 100% thing in the world, so when we tell fortunes, we all need the year, month, day, and hour of birth.

Teacher, since the hour is missing, it means you guessed it. It all depends on how it is. Are you lucky? Don’t compare yourself with the teacher. Are you using the iPad or how do you do it? How can you be accurate if you practice? Then hurry up and eat. No kidding.

So the most important thing is that our predictions are mainly made by teachers using their own majors and the teachings of some masters. But just to have fun, okay? Don’t care too much, don’t be too careless. Too excited to say how can you, how can you speak for him, right?

Traitor, Chinese air thief, little pink Taiwanese independence activist, I’m so tired. I’ve gotten used to it in the past few years, so what do you guys say ? Okay , let’s talk about it first. We need to see something first. One thing is that

We are one week away from the election in Taiwan . In fact, there are a lot of interesting things here. One thing we need to know is that our ruling party , our Vice President Lai Qingde , encountered him during the election. When he asks a question, he is followed by many things.

We have to learn to observe the teacher. Today, the focus is not on who will lose, but what we have to observe is that he is a political figure. When he says this sentence, what will he bring next? The effect and why he said this sentence

Is to let everyone get used to it. When we think about a problem, when we see a problem, it is definitely not the problem itself that needs to be paid attention to. Of course, the problem itself needs to be solved , but you have to know its origin

And its origin. What are the subsequent impacts? Only then can we know how to best solve this problem. We gave the example of the Vice President this time. He talked about a very important key. It is not his scumbag medical care. Okay, it doesn’t matter . What is important? What

Is important is his so-called high-end issue. Is there anything wrong with the vaccine just now? Teacher, I don’t know. Teacher is not a student of medicine, at least not Western medicine, right? Teacher, Chinese medicine is not a student of Western medicine. You have to study Chinese medicine.

So, how about high-end vaccines? Teacher, no? I know , so the teacher has never had it, but the matter of high-end vaccines seems very strange to ordinary people. Shouldn’t you not mention something and which pot should not be opened? Isn’t it right? You are obviously a member of the Democratic Progressive Party

, so it may be controversial. Why do you want to talk about it during your own election? Isn’t this very strange, or is it just shooting yourself in the foot ? In fact, if you only look at this issue, you will have this idea

, but you have to look at it from another angle. Everyone needs to understand that Vice President Lai Qingde is not one of our new trends , but he is high-end. So after he talked about high-end, we found that a new advertisement was released the next day,

And it was about riding home together in the car. Do you understand what the teacher means? What does this mean? We can make a very broad guess. It is that Vice President Lai wants to do this today to unite people who are different from him or have different views on

Taiwanese politics. Japanese politics are very similar, especially that of the Democratic Progressive Party. Their political system is different from other political parties. The Democratic Progressive Party’s political system is more like Japan’s political system. There are many factions in one party , such as the Congress, new trends , and beautiful islands.

A lot of distribution is completely inherited from Japan ‘s political ecology . Of course, if the vice president wants to be elected president, he needs people in his party to help him carry the sedan. He also has Zhuang Jiao below to make arrangements . But if he If the other legal person

Is not so willing to support him, he must warn me in some way. I know your problem. You can only help me. Then your problem will not be a problem from now on. If I come down , please understand that your problems will all be problems

, so we will see later. When it comes to all his factions, the speed is very fast. So judging from this matter, this teacher’s personal prediction. I don’t have any inside information. Let me tell you first . I don’t have any inside information. Will I tell you about it in the future? Well,

So in this situation From this issue, we discovered what has happened in the entire political ecology. The current Democratic Progressive Party is a bit like the situation when Lien Chan was elected president for the first time in the past . The divisions within it are quite serious.

It is difficult for you to have complete resources. Integration means that now you have to rely on the Vice President to take out your cover. Only after everyone is willing to integrate it, we can help to deal with this problem together. So after we discover this problem,

We must also look at it. In the past two days of mobilization rallies or a whole deployment between the north and the south, we saw that what was more interesting was former mayor Ke Wenzhe, former mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe. His appeal was also quite strong, so when we saw

Him, he went to Tainan. Or in other places, it was just as packed. In an instant, tens of thousands of people showed up at their rally. Of course , the newspaper said it was former deputy mayor Ke Wenzhe. As soon as he called for it, 35,000 people immediately packed the venue.

But today we As soon as Vice President Lai started speaking on the stage, not long after he started speaking , there were more than 70,000 people, more than double his number , so of course Ke Wenzhe’s life experience was said There is no way to cross so many work booths

, but it can still recruit so many people in the south, which is very good . It is not like before Han Hanyu. Wherever Hanyu went before, of course, there were many people standing around. But in fact, it is very interesting. Where

The same vote does not change much from south to north, it is the same vote. So this thing is also a thing in our political history. We can see one thing. When a political star comes out, he will bring all the trends. Sometimes what is created by the same group of people

Is the same . Let me tell you, it is the same as Sun Yat-sen. Why is Sun Yat -sen, the founding father of our Chinese nation, the same as Sun Yat- sen ? During the uprising, he went around giving speeches, right? He traveled around the world to give speeches. Even in Hong Kong,

Wherever he goes to give his eloquent speeches, everyone says that the seats are packed. In fact, the number of people who come to praise Mr. Sun Yat-sen is always only a few hundred people . Therefore, the seats are always packed because everyone below knows them . They are all people I know.

That vote will always be that vote. So why is it said that he has revolutionized so many times before he can succeed? And he has never really succeeded. To put it bluntly, he has never really succeeded. Why has he failed all the time

? Because In fact, there are not many people he can push out to play. There are not many people. There are only a few hundred people in the vote who can do this. So why is Huang Huagang 72 martyrs, right ? No matter how you adjust it, you can only

Have 72 people. More than 80 people , 80 to 100 people, found about 72 names. So what he means is that the number of people you mobilize is limited. This is a very interesting thing in politics that has been going on in modern political history. So when you say Mr. Sun Yat-sen,

He is He was not a promoter of the revolution, no, he was a community of interests. He just happened to meet Yuan Shikai’s needs, so Yuan Shikai raised him to raise the bandits and raise the bandits, so he raised the bandits to respect themselves, so he raised Sun Yat-sen.

The most important thing was that Yuan Shikai wanted the position of the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang was not allowed to occupy the position of the first head of state of the Republic of China , so this history is very interesting. So when we look at Taiwan’s elections, we

Also see the incorporation of various cultures , including American-style elections and Japanese-style elections. The election is here to be a bit of a hodgepodge. He starts to distribute and integrate everything. So we have discovered one thing. Today we have to be optimistic.

Now there are three. It should be said that it is the triangle capital. There is also a three Shaka and three more. Is the angle situation true or false? In fact, we have said this from the beginning. I don’t know if you still remember.

In fact, it is not three people who are choosing. In fact, it is 2.5 people . Many people say The idea that blue and white will definitely lose the election if they don’t match up is also very interesting. You must know that our mayor, Ke Wenzhe and Qian, is a very individual person.

We don’t comment on whether he is good or bad. We don’t care whether he is a very individual person or not. A person with personality. The way he started was not to rely on people from the Kuomintang to vote for him. He was also elected. What did he

Rely on from the Democratic Progressive Party? What was his name at that time? Someone said he wanted to remove the ruins. What was the name of the thing? Suddenly Forgot to let him be elected and then let Ko Wenzhe elect him to win.

This is equivalent to saying that he was elected as the mayor of Taipei only because of his reputation as a green and as a middle-of-the-road voter. He won the second time. 40004000 votes and 6000 votes , so one of his own strengths must be green to make him go up.

So we can understand one thing. He will support Ke Wenzhe. He will not support the Kuomintang in the first place. We must clearly see this situation and support it. Ke Wenzhe may have never supported the KMT in the beginning , or he may have voted for the KMT,

But he also thinks that the DPP is also good. He may have voted for Lien Chan, or he may have voted for Tsai Ing-wen, and he may have voted for the center. Voters , but most people are inherently green.

Otherwise, he would not have been elected mayor of Taipei twice in the past two times because the DPP did not elect him. The DPP’s votes went to Ke Wenzhe. So today, if Ke Wenzhe If he has people to support him wherever he

Is, in fact, what he should worry about will never be the KMT. Why, because white people will not vote for the KMT no matter how they vote , and many things are never tolerated by green politics, so they control it to support the new generation. Power: This is our former mayor of Koko,

And it has formed a special white alliance. But the White Alliance is not really that different from the past Taiwan Federation Party Flag and the Power of the Times. You say it is difficult for him to really want to rise up. Why do you

Say white? If you don’t have money, it’s a very real thing. You can’t rely on people’s small donations to say that you can send him to the presidential palace. This is difficult because before the election, let’s be honest,

You are not like the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party. For such a wealthy political party, you have no way to tie up the crops. You have no way to do a good job of integrating factions in some places. You have to promise to others. What kind of benefits can I give you?

The first one has no money. The second one is fine. If you have some voice, it is difficult for you to do anything in a really important university. So we don’t care about the money mayor, whether he is capable or not , and we don’t even discuss whether he is a good person

, but in fact, he is. If he has no money and takes the initiative , will someone donate 5 million to him one time and then 1,000 people donate 5 million to him? If so, he might be elected. But the problem is that

He did not say that the Kuomintang is rich, the DPP is rich, but Ke Wenzhe is not. Qian said that he wanted to support legislators in this election . The increase is very limited except for Taichung. In Taichung, it seems that Cai Biru is

Cai Biru. Cai Biru was actually Lu Xiuyan. He was helping him in the election. He said that Cai Biru should be at the meeting , and then he was Lu Xiuyan. The help given to him is understandable, but if you want to go to other places, you will still get it,

But the probability is not high. The probability is actually not high. So it is quite interesting to talk about the election situation, but in the Kuomintang, his popularity is not high. This actually goes back to our fate. We will discuss this matter tomorrow. Let’s see on our numerology forum.

It should be one month ago or one month ago. It should be right. I remember it was the last month. Our teacher said that the height will only rise after the deputy comes up. The judge said that the teacher at that time said that

Vice President Lai’s life experience would be like this, and it would be wavy. Then it started to go down this month. Then the teacher said that we will verify it after one month . Today is the last live broadcast before the election. We will do it today. Let’s talk about

Whether it is the same as the teacher predicted. It is a wave shape and then starts to go down. Why is it called zeolite because it is also talked about in high-end magazines? Time-consuming issues and his own fatigue resistance problem, right? Let him ask these questions. The wave has become very big

, and his deputy has really not seen what kind of help he can do to Vice President Lai. We can clearly see that there is almost no news about him . Why is it because he actually theoretically He does not have the qualifications to run for Vice President of the Republic of China,

But if he does, let him pass. What should I do ? Well, let him pass. Anyway, it is a matter for the people in heaven. We have no control over it, right ? So these things become very interesting . To be honest, if the teacher can predict whether it will rise or fall,

You can know by looking at the polls of various companies that Vice President Lai’s momentum will still rise , but then it will continue to rise as an issue becomes popular, and then it is a very interesting approach. Former Mayor Ke Wenzhe, of course, his voice

Has been growing since the election of his deputy after the Blue-White tie was broken, and we have been greening the ladder now. Will he be elected ? In one sentence, the probability is not high. The probability is not high. It is really quite low. Yes, I think it’s possible

That he won’t be elected even if the CCP takes over Taiwan tomorrow . Is this probability obvious? I don’t hate former Mayor Ke Wenzhe. I used to be his citizen. Well, I don’t hate him. Of course we saw Hou The mayor of the northwest of Friendship and Zhao Shaogang,

Zhao Shaogang, has given him a lot of help, right ? We can clearly see whether the candidate for Vice President Zhang Shaogang has given him a lot of help this month as predicted in the previous month. So Mayor Hou Youyi didn’t say anything at all. It was all Zhao Shaogang said for him,

So his energy kept overflowing on Mayor Hou Youyi. He kept going up. Did South Korea help him ? In fact, it’s not that big. It ‘s really not that high. But the help given to him by cos Mr. Shaokang really made Mayor Hou Youyi skyrocket. The momentum has been rising. As for

The teacher in the last week, he still maintained it. My original view is that the probability of being elected is relatively high or something . It is our Mayor Hou who may ascend to the position of Vice President. Of course, the probability is still relatively low, two or three,

And then it is lower than two or three. The error is about 4% should be less than 5%. There is still an error of about 3~4% . The two of them are probably in the middle, but I think I still think that Mayor Hou’s pattern is upward

. The teacher is not very knowledgeable about politics. I can tell. World situation , but when you talk about the election, the teacher is a layman, because I think the election is so artificial and it is held in a very small place, and you choose a small place like the squad leader.

Then you go to tell me what a big deal this is. I don’t think this is a big deal. What a big deal , because no matter what you do, it has nothing to do with the world. Our own people seem to be crazy,

But in fact, it has no impact on the world because Taiwan no longer has any economic influence on the world. What are the things we want to talk about? Then we have to discuss it. High-end conferences are all in the same department. They are mainly in the same department. There

Is a chance that the next door can attend. It is impossible. It is impossible to attend next door. It is impossible. I mean, is it really possible? If you can’t find it, then you can’t get in. How about

You go and get Miniso DNA? It’s the same as head surgery. It’s equivalent to having a bad head. It ’s impossible for the old team leader. I’ll tell you it’s impossible. Well, this is impossible. Ke Wenzhe is absolutely impossible to go to school. In other words,

It’s possible for the Communist Party of China tomorrow. If you come to collect Taiwanese Ke Wenzhe, you won’t be selected. Well, that’s a sure thing, but with his situation, his official luck has been completely used up, at least I think so, I think Chen, his official luck has been completely used up,

At least with this time. In terms of the election, he has no chance. Sorry, some people heard it harsh. How can you say this? But I am a really good person. Only if he comes to be

The president can Taiwan be saved. I tell you who will be the president. Taiwan will not be saved. Will it be saved? Save it, okay? It doesn’t matter to anyone if you do n’t save it. You know how much influence there is in Hou. I don’t think Taiwan has been saved. It’s

Not saved. It’s really not saved. It’s impossible because Taiwan has no influence on the world. How many influences does it have on the world? The first requirement is that your high technology is amazing and you have no other options except TSMC. The second factor is that your industry is amazing.

Basically, Taiwan’s industry can be replaced by most countries in the world , unless we have some cables, wires or hardware overseas. Equipment manufacturing has been spread all over the world, so whether Taiwan’s regime will survive and whether overseas Taiwanese businessmen will survive are two different things.

The industry on Taiwan’s main island is already in the sunset, and there is nothing we can do to save it. You can save it, so if your industry is not good, your technology is just one thing that others can replace. And after all, our TSMC is not a R&D unit. The R&D

Unit is the United States . So you are now in Kumamoto, and now Japan Kumamoto is about to start construction this year. Is it the same as saying that we have transplanted everything? We are not only in Taiwan. We talk about many things. Taiwan, you are definitely finished. No matter

Who you choose, it is the same . I am here to talk to you now. You and I don’t ask. Who do I support? It won’t help Taiwan . It just increases the speed of its demise. It ’s nothing helpful. Is there any possibility below?

The probability is not high because it is too old. I know it will be a bubble and the Democratic Progressive Party will be a bubble. So when it comes to Taiwan, we need to have a clear look at the situation in the world. In the past, the CCP was unable to defeat Taiwan

Because of the asymmetry in military power and economic asymmetry . At that time, Taiwan’s economy was very strong, so its industry was very strong . China cannot invade us so quickly, but it is different now. Egypt is no less than 10 times stronger than us.

It would be as easy to crush Taiwan to death as to kill an ant. What he has to worry about is not Taiwan, whether you can rule it well. Whether China wants to invade Taiwan or not is a matter of considering its overall world layout. It is not something that my fortune-telling brain

Can think clearly. If we are one-on-one, we will be finished with one snap. It is better than Thanos snapping his fingers. Things that can be ended with simple things , because national power cannot be checked and balanced, right? There is no way. Russia is weaker than China.

But do you think the United States dares to fight Russia? Why doesn’t it dare? Because of the situation in the entire world, they must consider it. At that point, it’s not something that ordinary people like me can think through. If they don’t move, there must be something to avoid.

But it’s definitely not because Taiwan can’t be defeated or Russia can’t be defeated. It’s not because of this, okay? You want to choose a subject? Just choose a subject. If you want to choose a subject, just choose a subject . I didn’t say you ca n’t choose . It

Has just entered the fifth year since it has been publicly posted on the Internet, right ? It has already been watched by two presidents, right? So you can vote for whoever you want. I have no intention of asking you to do anything to have the bailout effect against me. It’s pointless and

Meaningless. I’m not telling you to bail. If you want to vote for whoever you want, vote for the Vice President. If you want to vote for the Vice President, vote for him with all your strength and your whole family will vote for him.

If you want to imitate Ke Wenzhe, vote for him with your whole family and then put your Relatives and friends, third, fourth and fifth There will be no problem if Lao Wang and Xiao Wang next door to Xiao Ba vote for him.

If you want to vote for Hou Youyi, you can vote by yourself , or if you vote with three aunts and six wives, there will be no problem. You can vote for whoever you want. I have no intention of asking you to vote. I’m sure I don’t have such a big influence.

I’m just saying that according to the numerology pattern, Mayor Hou Youyi ’s probability of winning is relatively high. The next one with a 3% to 400% point difference is our Vice President Lai, who is the least likely to win. Who is easier to get into,

Ke Wenzhe’s former mayor, He Youyou, or Lai Qingde ? It depends on whether their own teachers can help them strategize to resolve some problems that they would have , because teachers like those who have recently gone through some of the Kuomintang’s comprehensive The campaign headquarters did a very poor job. To be honest,

I saw that some of the general campaign headquarters have very bad feng shui , but I won’t tell them because I don’t support you, right ? I’m not working on the general office, I just go and buy it. I just happened to pass by when I was shopping.

The KMT is very poor. Is it comparable to the DPP? The layout of its headquarters is better . In other words, the KMT’s teachers are worse . It’s not that they may not have hired teachers. The DPP may be. Invite teachers , so compared to many teachers from the campaign headquarters of

The Democratic Progressive Party , I passed by to see that their layout is indeed better than that of the Kuomintang. So whether there is any influence in this, there will be, but what is the first impact? It affects the legislators over there , so it doesn’t necessarily directly affect the president .

In fact, there are many parameters that we have to calculate , rather than just looking at a single parameter. There are many things that people have to consider when studying horoscopes. Tell me, teacher, if I gave you this horoscope, you should have miscalculated. There are

Too many things that have affected you throughout your life . Does your Yangzhai affect your wife’s destiny ? Does it affect your own home and your Yinzhai? Many things will affect you , not just after your horoscope comes out, you should be able to see things clearly all your life.

If this is the case, it is called a charlatan. This is impossible. Just like if you want to make this chip, is it possible for you to contact TSMC? You will definitely be able to make the exact same photolithography machine. TSMC’s yield rate is impossible. Why

Is it because South Korea can’t do it? Japan ca n’t do it. The United States can’t do it itself. Ca n’t the United States buy photolithography machines? You can buy the same thing, but why can Taiwan only do it? The United States cannot do it on its own

, and the funding is designed by the United States because it has many parameters and many crushing levers that are integrated into it . So, everyone, you have to think about who can win in the election. No need to be too excited about who loses, and we don’t need to be too sad

Because they never cared about us, well, they never cared about us. Tell me which president in the past 40 years has really cared about our lives. No more. Everyone. I won the next election. If not, okay? Finally, let’s answer the questions and we will start the next one.

This is not the case, but Taiwan is not helpful. They know that it is helpful to them. Of course, it must be like this. Finally, brag to the fans. Now there is actually no need to think about it . There is nothing wrong with a person doing his own good,

Okay? Will the election of Hou delay the reunification by force? It won’t be a little bit. I’ll be honest, the level of influence is very limited. Of course, I believe that the Kuomintang will try its best to find ways to delay the reunification. Then this happened

, but I think the giant of history is like this. He will definitely crush our remaining Republic of China. Okay, this is a normal play. Let’s take a look at the QR code above when my baby is born. I am a teacher. Regarding the Douyin

QR code, I asked why some things the teacher put on Douyin should be placed in that place because there is a corner missing from the department behind me at that place , so I said that I would block it over there just to block the hole,

Not for the sake of it. It’s promoting Douyin , but it’s important to pay attention to the teacher whose sales are almost over 10,000. Then the owner can help the teacher get it, okay? If President Han is elected as a legislator, he

Will definitely be elected. You see, Han Guoyu will definitely be elected. Hundreds of percent of the time, he will be elected. Don’t analyze it. He won the first place even if he lays down, okay ? Han Guoyu

Won the first place even if he lays down, no matter the division. He doesn’t have to choose. He will definitely get it , okay? Then it will be 100%, and 10,000% will get it. That’s impossible, okay? We are still the same. This topic is probably here.

We follow our past numerology hall of fame. We mean it is still the same and there is no change now. Our mayor Hou Youyi has the highest click rate. What is the result? We can come and have a good time next week today. Complain about whether the teacher is accurate or not, whether

It is accurate or not, that’s all just to make others happy, that’s all. Okay, okay, our mentality here is chatting and gossiping. Let’s not put our mentality on who wins and who loses. It’s useless. Whoever wins will not get an extra 2,000 yuan in your account. Whoever loses will not

Pay an extra two or two thousand yuan in loans. No matter what we do, you just need to vote as long as you think it is good. Just throw a dice and choose the right one. Okay, okay, let’s take a look now. The second most important question we are talking

About is the change in the world situation. This thing, the teacher thinks, is really useful to you. Why is it because now the BRIC countries have slowly developed from the past to In fact, it has a great impact on the world now , but we have rarely heard

About the BRIC countries or the BRIC countries. It should be called a change of the BRIC countries because it was just one BRIC country or four countries. Which 4 countries are included , including Brazil, Russia , India and China? Taking the abbreviations of their names and turning them into brick names

Is also called the BRIC countries. In 2004, it was not mentioned that it was 20 years ago. A few years ago at Goldman Sachs, he predicted that the share of the four BRICS countries in the growth of the world economy would increase from 20% in 2003.

I am now talking about the share of these four countries in the growth of the world economy from about 10% in 2004 to 2025 . Next year it will exceed 20% . Between 2005 and 2015, more than 800 million people in these countries will cross the $3,000 income threshold. In 2025

, based on 2003 calculations, there will be 200 million people in these countries with annual incomes of more than $15,000. The U.S. dollar was predicted by Goldman Sachs in 2003. Has it been successful so far? Of course, it has been successful a long time ago

And has surpassed many things. According to the number of people, we are not talking about, for example , everyone in Russia has an annual income of more than 15,000 US dollars , or everyone in China has an annual income of more than 15,000 U.S. dollars. US$15,000 is not

, but there will be a total of 200 million people in these four countries whose annual income exceeds US$15,000. Of course, it has already exceeded US $15,000 . So in the BRIC countries, it has always been optimistic in the past. Why is it because these countries are in their territories?

Their economy is very important in the world. The most important thing is of course Brazil’s crops , China’s industry and Russia’s natural resources. There is also India’s R&D capabilities . In fact, everyone’s expectations for the BRIC countries at the beginning were quite high

. But on the other hand, it was also called fear. Why is it because these four countries are not easily defeated by the United States? It is not easy to be manipulated by the United States. Do you think Brazil is easy?

In fact, Brazil is not so easy to be manipulated by the United States. It is not that easy. It is said that Brazil has strong agricultural products because its climate is very suitable for the production of agricultural products , including 8 coffee and cocoa. Etc., these things are very necessary.

It is imported to these other countries and then earned to other countries to earn foreign exchange and their food supply. Of course, China’s industry does not need to talk about it from 20020 to 2000. Everyone is sure. China is the most powerful industrial country in the world and now accounts for 26%

Of the world’s industrial output. Russia’s current war between Ukraine and Russia has shown that its oil and natural gas are enough to disrupt the financial order of the entire world. It is very powerful, isn’t it? It is super powerful. Including India, what has been squeezed out this time,

Who has been squeezed out, what has Britain become, and has become a world. The Top five are the top five economies. So in terms of the entire situation, the original extreme accidents have become very serious. Strong and by 2023, South Africa’s Minister of International Cooperation also said at a press conference

That as of now, in 2024, 23 years ago, last year, the leaders of 23 countries officially expressed their willingness to join the BRICS. Argentina, Argentina, as you know, after the chainsaw presidential election last month, he said he wanted to withdraw. But in addition to these 23 countries,

There are 19 other countries that are also interested in joining. Based on the current BRICS system, Look at the current situation, it is not BRIC or BRICS. It is now BRICS 10. In the future, it will continue to expand. So the teacher’s title said: Is it possible for BRICS

To change from BRICS 4 to BRIC 40? It is very possible for the country to grow 10 times. Why ? Because the most important thing is to compete with the entire European and American economies. We cannot say division , because in this world Trade is also very difficult.

No one can leave, right? Anyone can leave, or no one can leave, because the whole thing is a large free trade circle. So when it comes to these BRICS countries, we found that it includes Iran. It also wants to join, Egypt also wants to join, and it also includes

Many countries in the Arab world that want to join. With so many countries joining, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, it doesn’t matter whether Argentina joins now or not. The BRICS countries have little impact and may hinder others, right? But once Argentina withdraws, it will actually hurt them.

Because after you join the BRICS countries, you will have a lot of trade, including channels to earn foreign exchange for several years. Or there are other countries that are willing to use their own currencies to translate into your country and become your foreign exchange as a whole to exchange for your beef,

Exchange for your other agricultural products , and then sell it, so that your own country will increase. In many other countries or foreign exchange , your economy may not be able to just continue to depreciate. How to say a catastrophe should be regarded as a catastrophe

, and then return to a value-added situation , because now he has become a poor boy . He has gone from being rich to being rich. The rich generation has become an old beggar. Why is it because he relied on others , so they now want shock therapy?

We have said before that this shock therapy will really turn into a real shock, not a fake shock. Why is it because he refused, that is, foreign trade? He wants to wholeheartedly hold on to the United States and ask the United States to help him lift him up.

But the United States cannot do this now because we will talk about this later and it is difficult. So the BRICS countries, now we have to be special. The thing I want to talk about is that the BRICS countries , including the series of Central and South America, Asia

, and Africa that we just talked about, all want to join the BRICS countries. The most important thing is that they need to split up and confront Putin. They are talking about the same thing. They have to embrace each other. When they implement a non-US dollar settlement system,

Will they be subject to an immediate tsunami-like attack ? Do you understand what the teacher means? When countries join competition, the first thing to consider is that they can compare. It’s safe, let’s all stick together . Then one day when there is a problem with the US dollar currency,

The settlement method will be changed. The currency in their hands will not suddenly become worthless or they will have to sell iron to fill the hole. Why is it because the BRICS system is getting stronger and stronger ? When trade becomes more and more intense

, domestic currency transactions or trade in other agreed currencies will become more and more mature , which means that there will be more and more situations where people do not rely on the U.S. dollar. Since you do not rely on the U.S. dollar, each country Its U.S. debt and U.S. dollar reserves

Will slowly begin to decrease, but it can’t be done soon because the U.S. dollar is still the world currency and occupies more than 60% of the world’s share. In fact, we still have the euro, so it is still very important, but only It can be slowly reduced

And gradually reduced. Of course, people are gradually accustomed to it in BRICS countries or SAP or CCTV countries. We can use agreed currency trade. It does not necessarily have to be local currency or RMB transactions , but agreed currency trade . For each country, it can increase foreign exchange income in different currencies

, and these foreign exchange income are not just deposits, but the resources of these countries that trade with each other. I get your currency , and then I can buy your other currencies. One thing buys you other things, so their trade is equivalent to saying that

It will be less and less affected by dollar inflation, euro depreciation, or other conditions. So when countries join the BRIC, it is definitely not admiration for China’s might or some kind of celestial dynasty. Those things are all marketing accounts say they are not that great.

They are just a necessary measure that each country must take to reduce its currency, economic and financial risks , and it also includes the need to avoid the United States. Before the rise of stronger and more intense trade barriers, we must first establish various channels

And have a market that other big countries can rely on , so that they are guaranteed. Otherwise , what you have today If you can’t sell it , they ‘ll either give you a severe crackdown or they’ll print their own money and print out some

Money that you may never be able to buy other things . Or it’s hard to buy the currency, and the purchase rate of the currency will become lower. I can only follow you. Buy it , but you don’t buy it from me . So we have to rely on the BRICS system. Countries

Like the IC will slowly integrate it like the IC. Only then can world trade move to another way of survival. It’s a completely viable way because no one wants to go there anymore. Because of America’s own problems Come and cause a financial crisis around the world.

Even if the United States has no problems in the past two years , even if it goes on for another four years , I guarantee that if Trump comes up again and he stays for another eight years and you are still fine,

That does not necessarily mean that there will be no problems in the future. It’s completely fine. Of course, you said it will be fine after 8 years. This situation means that the probability is relatively low. Some probability is relatively high. After all, we will know when we talk about U.S. debt.

So under this situation, we found that the 10 BRICS countries represent The meaning of the latter is very broad, that is, if everyone has money, contributes powerfully, and you have something, we have almost entered the one-thing-one-thing model. Only in this way can the world’s prices be stabilized, and

People can live longer. The better, everyone, you have to know that what the world should resist most now is that ventilation is a trap of capitalists, because everything is not in short supply , but when they make you in short supply and make it inconvenient for you,

That’s it. What has become is that things are rare and expensive, so you can’t get them. Just like diamonds, you can’t get them, and then they become very expensive. This thing is actually quite interesting. It’s a capital model. It’s quite interesting capital. So when it comes to this model,

We need to pay attention to a change in the BRICS countries. This must be a change in world trade that will be very important to us in the next 30 years at least. Of course, we are in Asia and we will look around at Cp and us. Within the BRIC countries

, Asia and Africa are actually relatively optimistic about the future. Well , they are not very optimistic about India. So in the same situation, from the decisive battle between the 10 countries just now , we can directly connect to our other countries. The theme is the Indian BRICS. What he just talked about

Is a non-USD situation that he hopes to create. And what Putin recently said is that if the world wants to adopt a non-USD system, as long as the world moves towards a non-USD system, it will be the US dollar. As the use of U.S. debt gets lower and lower

, the demand for U.S. debt will also decrease. The U.S. will become poorer and poorer. The reason why the U.S. is getting poorer is because most of the funds are concentrated in the capitalist market rather than in the hands of the U.S. government.

The U.S. government can only continue to print some U.S. dollars and then come and go to save the economy. But if these U.S. dollars are actually used less and less, their value will certainly be worth considering. What we just talked about in the BRICS At the beginning, the four countries included India,

But India will encounter a problem. Now , oil manufacturers and suppliers around the world refuse India to use rupees to buy crude oil from them . Why? Because India will not have it in 2022 and 2023. You can negotiate with any oil-producing country to settle oil sales in rupees

, but there is still no one to sell Russia a lot of oil to India . We have also said in the live broadcast before that India will not let Russia use its oil. I went to buy supplies in India with rupees and then shipped them back to Russia. He refused.

I can let you buy oil with rupees , but the rupees you get cannot buy anything. This was really interesting at the time last year. At that time, and then in the middle of last year, he said that Russia was so angry about this incident

That it has evolved to this point. At that time, the teacher said that if India dared to use this, what would it dare to use? He said that you came to buy Russian crude oil with rupees today. Crude oil or natural gas and the rupee cannot be used.

In the future, when you want to use rupees to buy other things, many countries will actually consider it and may even reject it. So now I have discovered that there is indeed no one in India about this matter. Why do you dare to use rupees to sell crude oil?

Because it is dug out of the ground and then I will exchange it for rupees. I can’t buy your Indian things. Even this deposit cannot be used by other countries. When I go to India to invest in the market, I am afraid that I will not be able to do it. Xiaomi

Will become the next OPPO, right? Why, because you make money in India, you can’t spend it in India, and you can’t remit it back , and they won’t let you spend it easily, and they won’t let you remit it back. But this is only the case with Chinese telecom operators or companies.

Have you come to this question? In fact, if you go to Baidu or Google, there are many situations like this in India. They only need to enact a law when you make money and prepare to remit it, saying that it is illegal, and they can confiscate your money. There is no reason why

He thinks It can be traced back to the law because why did he legislate that you are illegal because it is beneficial to himself? So India was a very powerful ancient civilization in the past , but it was also a very proud civilization. But now they are not only proud.

There is not much to do, because their most powerful thing is the medical system , but in fact, their officials are too selfish and greedy, including the caste system, which is deeply rooted in them . That is to say, everyone in the world is for me,

But I am There is no need to have an extremely selfish idea for the people of the world. This caste system cannot be eradicated and eliminated without experiencing a truly tragic war , such as a war or a large and super natural disaster that washes away the local human civilization.

It is difficult to escape from reincarnation , so as they say in Hinduism, you cannot escape this reincarnation. But who created this reincarnation for them ? It is the reincarnation that they set up for themselves , and you still cannot escape from the reincarnation. It’s a bit like the

Chinese wedding gift money. When you get married, you must give a bride price. What are the gifts? It’s two to three hundred thousand yuan a day. Is this who will give you the painful consequences? So India also does the same thing. In the situation in India It was also found that

India is also a low-export country. India’s exports have always accounted for 2% of the total export share in the world . So you include India’s demonetization order in the past and now, although its economy is growing, it is very large. Part of it is that they have no way to make other countries

Trust the Indian government more. If I go to your country to invest and do business, will I be protected ? In fact, it is not easy for anyone to let the United States enter. The United Kingdom will also recognize it. Why? In India, whoever comes comes is like this.

I just want your money, and you absolutely can’t take it out. Why, because I’m not allowed , so this thing is a bit of an act of killing the chicken to retrieve the eggs. So although India says that its economy has been squeezed out. Britain

, but you use its large population to crowd out Britain. I think we can only prove this . Britain is weak, but it does not mean that India is really strong, right? There is a big gap. The decline of Britain is that Because its Brexit includes its investors from all over the world

And its consumption by the United States . The decline of the United Kingdom does not mean that India is very strong. What do you really want to say ? In fact, it is difficult for India to be able to show it. An energy source for industrial products says that what they call tuk-tuks

And their medicines and generic drugs are very difficult. Their CEO Ceo is constantly exporting. The CEO can manage their company very well . Others are browsing local In fact, it is not that big. It does not have such a strong internal circulation. This needs to be noted. Why is it

Because India’s infrastructure is still very poor. For a country with poor internal construction, you cannot talk about long-term development . So we look at it from the BRIC perspective. When we go to India , we need to pay great attention to the fact that the entire world operates in one place

: trade routes. If the trade routes are not good, you don’t need to think about trade routes for the entire development. There are two places. The first is whether the domestic transportation is good or not. How good is the domestic transportation? Only the common people can make the domestic people rich.

Only then can your supplies be delivered too quickly. For example, let’s take the earthquake in China and the earthquake in Japan. Of course, this time in Japan, the teacher still wants you to pay your respects to the Japanese people. It is really a natural disaster.

We really don’t have it. Of course, the plane collision is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. We will not comment on it because it has already happened. We can only hope that disaster relief will not happen again. But it is difficult. Teacher can only say that in the year of disaster,

This matter will always happen. It is happening because Japan may not be the last one. For example, Europe is also booming now. We seem to be fine in Asia. There is no boom in Europe. So in terms of business in the whole world , you need to focus on your own country. business

And your international business, so China’s One Belt, One Road will be helpful to the entire world. When there are more people close to it, naturally we will talk about a problem between the United States and China today, okay ? Do you have any questions? Thank you here.

Thank you. David. Thank you for sponsoring. Thank you for sponsoring. Zhenghao thanks Zhenghao for sponsoring. Zhenghao is also an old fan of ours. Thank you for sponsoring . Thank you very much for sponsoring Jeff. Do you want to change to RMB for your coupon sponsorship?

You are going to China. If you want to use RMB and you are in Taiwan, can you give me 100 RMB to exchange for a piece of bread? No, right? Just the local currency is fine. Well, the local currency is fine. You don’t have to think so much.

First of all, is it possible to abolish it? It’s impossible. Everyone knows it well. The Indian court The United States, the United Kingdom and the United States turned a blind eye. Of course, it is original and has been the same as

TSMC for a long time. TSMC does not design chips. It is an OEM. It is the same in India. It is the same in India. There is no problem . Although it is not bad, it is. Is this situation okay?

Please tell me what the word for this year is Lei Huofeng. How do you interpret Lei Huofeng? King Wu conquers Zhou or is there a direct risk of war between China and the United States. Lei Huofeng is your own interpretation. Okay , Lian Gua is your own interpretation.

It is not like this, okay? This is not the way you interpret this hexagram. It is the arrangement you heard. Tell me how it is arranged. Do you understand what I mean? Well, this is not the way it is arranged. It is not arranged like this.

India does not know that it wants to be a banker. It must give way to no one in India. He will not give way to the Indians. No one will make way for you. India is only good for me. There are no good things for you and no good things for everyone.

This is the national character of India because they were in the past. The struggle has been too long. They only need me to be good. We don’t have to worry about others. As long as I am good, there will be no problem, okay? Because in this way

, only India’s military industry production line will be given to you. It’s not good for India’s military industry industry line. He said that someone seemed to try his anti-aircraft cannon. When it was fired, all the researchers died on the spot. This was a tragedy. You can’t laugh.

He really felt that it was really a dissatisfaction . When I went to see Shi Bo, I really mentioned the matter of Chef Fei. Well, the earthquake in Japan can be folded more origami cranes. The earthquake in Japan is actually something that can be expected. Okay

, so the earthquake in Japan is something that can be expected because it is in The earthquake is on top and it has accumulated a lot of energy. In fact, Japan has already made strong psychological preparations. That is to say, the officials have already made psychological preparations to say that

A major earthquake will definitely occur in Japan this year. This is a very important thing because they know it themselves , but how to prevent it. There is no way to prevent it , we can only provide disaster relief. I have no way to prevent it

, but Japan itself has good domestic transportation, so they have all the materials and they can rush to rescue when encountering a disaster. But the problem is whether the official is organized. If the official is not organized, it is private. You can go to the rescue and do

This, which is also a bad thing. It always deducts the merits and shakes the merits. I really hate the Kuomintang. It hates the accountability. Everyone has good questions, but in fact, whoever gets it is the same. So what’s the use

? Go buy a lunch box. Will you ask the boss who do you support? Go ahead and buy a movie ticket. Ask the ticket collector who are you, right? It doesn’t matter who you are. I tell you, it’s the same no matter who you are. That election is a devil. The game

Just makes the rich and powerful people richer and more powerful. They are all playing the game themselves. This is a very real thing. I always do not agree with this kind of direct democratic voting. It is definitely a test of human nature. You just Now tell me that you support Ke Wenzhe.

Do you really know what his certificate mentions? You don’t want Google now . Don’t give it to me now. Go to Google immediately. Can you tell me about his 15-item certificate? The election communiqué is here. He made the certificate. Can you memorize it? I tell you no. If

You can, you won’t be able to do 1 out of 10. Maybe 1 out of 100 will be OK. What did you vote for for Ke Wenzhe? What did you vote for for Hou Youyi? What did you vote for for Lai Qingde

? You don’t even know what’s in their election bulletin. What are you talking about now? If you don’t read it, you don’t know at all, right ? Is it possible for monkeys to go to the stock market and the market will be high? I’m not a finance teacher,

Let alone the stock market. I just guess right now and then. It’s okay for me to make money by myself . I can make money by playing stocks. You can make money by playing any U.S. stock market. You don’t have a teacher. The position you play is very small.

Don’t look at the teacher. Every time he earns more than ten or twenty dollars , that’s a teacher . His position is very small. That position is very small. If you make a lot, you will find it difficult to export the teacher . It’s just a matter of participation. Well,

My position is very small because I don’t have much money. I don’t have much money. I can only play a little bit, right? So I just want to participate and let myself know that this market situation is like this. I am a senator.

In fact, the zodiac signs I talked about are the same as what you said. I play with very small positions and very small leverage, and if I win, it won’t be a big loss or a big loss, but it’s impossible to get rich

And I won’t be able to eat a few more lunches, okay Conan ? I have no experience. Conan stopped me from going to Japan in April. Is it safe? I don’t know that Japan is so big and earthquakes don’t happen everywhere, right? Earthquakes have something to do with current emotions. No

Earthquakes have to do with geology and geography. Instead, they have something to do with geology. The native people are a very special existence in this world , but humans are not. We think that the whole world is within the world, but within the world we are only small cells in the entire world,

So there is such a thing as natural induction. But what do you want to see? In the face of such a big natural disaster, this is not natural induction. Is that right? But no matter who you are, whether you are rich or the mother of science, everyone will die when the tsunami comes.

Japan actually said that I am not good. There are natural and man-made disasters every day . Is Japan’s national fortune going to be good? I didn’t pay attention to it. To be honest, because from my concept, it seems that Japan and South Korea will never get better. Well,

The Japanese think that I won’t get better, so they can’t get better, right? They can’t get better anymore , because their industrial structure is different from Their demographic structure and all their systems have made this matter so extreme that people can no longer live , and they are unwilling to change this system

Because if you change it, the rich will be harmed, and the rights and powerful people will be harmed , so they have If it becomes an extreme situation, for example, let me simply ask you. Can the Liberal Democratic Party really have only one voice? No, there are many factions in it.

Why do each have their own interests? Can you tell me about the three major systems of Korean Sky ? It cannot be broken. Break it up and reorganize it . Everyone has benefits and can make money. It cannot be the world of the Lee family.

It will not change. Even if the president of South Korea changes 10 times, it can still be completed. 333. The world of the three famous schools. Why is it because they are vested interests ? So when a country is going to perish, it is very obvious to the vested interests

That this is an inevitable state. That is an inevitable state, okay? This is how the entire history is viewed. Do you understand what the teacher means? Okay, okay , we don’t Let’s talk about other things. Let’s finish the topics we should talk about.

Otherwise, the words will be too verbose. I am not even half of the students. Let’s take a look at the problems in the United States. When talking about the United States, you must talk about China. Why China is very important. For example , now Icemore is going to cancel the

Export of lithography machines to China. But in fact, it has basically delivered all its orders to China. There are now 1,400 lithography machines in China. They have 16 offices in 16 provinces and 1,400 photolithography machines in China, so basically they are ready in China,

That is, how to deal with a suppression by the United States , because in fact, if ASIM opens so many offices, it will Those people are preparing so many things in China , so they have no intention of completely following the footsteps of the United States

, so they are just waiting for the United States to change its policies. They can take over it on the spot and restart it. It is a broader market, and Esim knows it very well. This technology is because they insist on doing it, so the market belongs to them.

Because in this cycle, before Love Dream, the company was about to go bankrupt. It’s just that they bet on the right trend, just like Tesla’s Musk, right ? The bet was right. Musk also insisted on making electric cars. Tesla must develop it , so he became

A rich man earning 300 million US dollars a day. Why did he become very rich because he insisted on doing it? The right thing must be done until it is successful, and he will succeed. The same is true for Esmo. He insists that the development of semiconductors must be the future trend.

Optical technology is the top priority, so he does this thing. But for your entire semiconductor, you As long as the Icemore lithography machine can achieve it all, you have to package and test, and there is a lot of very delicate work involved.

It is not something that can be achieved with only one lithography machine, but the lithography machine is indispensable. So, It has 16 provinces and 16 offices in China. The meaning is very simple. I won’t withdraw this thing easily. Why do I think the United States can’t last long

? Because if you block them all, China only needs to fight back and come back. Then they have After you build your own photolithography machine, your ban will definitely be lifted. But at that time, when they were using foreign products to compete with domestic products, they still had an advantage

Because their technology was indeed relatively mature , but when China also made it, your identification would be meaningless. At that time, Esim could still continue to operate the Chinese market . So regarding this matter, Esim actually had the foresight in terms of technology

, but whether he could resist the pressure from the United States depends on the Dutch government. Esmer’s own company , but they still have to do well. In the technology industry, Apple’s stock price has been constantly falling. What does it contain? Including analysts from Barclays, analysts from Barclays in the United States

Put Apple’s stock price The stock rating ranges from holding because we have a good outlook on it to changing to underweight allocation. Why is it because Apple is going to break through its current changes and the probability of surpassing Huawei? It’s not that high. It’s not that Apple doesn’t have R&D capabilities

, it’s just that it’s innovative. It’s actually no better than any anchor class. It’s not an anchor class. He ’s not as powerful as Steve Jobs. So his degree of innovation is limited. It’s just that. It can maintain the current situation, so no matter how Apple develops

Its products, its growth probability is relatively low, but China is different. China’s first Harvey ban prevented your party, government and military from using Apple . Of course, it has a great impact on the entire Apple market. The second big blow is Huawei’s satellite phone function. You can use this satellite phone

Throughout China , whether you are in the vast desert or in the deep mountains and old forests. This thing is very important to the Chinese people. It’s a big incentive because China is such a big land. You don’t necessarily have to be able to use the network or make calls with

The four major three operators or the four major operators . It’s not necessarily true. But if you have a Huawei mobile phone, you may not be able to access the Internet, but you will definitely be able to make calls. As long as you can make calls,

In the future, you can directly use satellites to access the Internet . It will not be difficult because the Starlink plan is like Musk’s Starlink. It’s the Dalai Lama. The network fee for his Starlink plan for one month per year seems to be more than 30 US dollars

. There seems to be an adjustment. If Musk wants 30 to 40 US dollars, what China has to do is very simple. Price destroyer He may be able to do things for 10 US dollars. Teacher Dong, maybe 10 US dollars a month. 10 US dollars is equal to 60 RMB.

Do you think the Chinese can’t afford it? I told them that data traffic is very expensive. Every time I buy a data package in China, I look stupid. What are you doing to me? You have 10GB of traffic. You just told me that it costs nearly a hundred yuan.

I don’t know what the hell you are doing. If you think it ‘s blind , then you think it’s actually blind. Although China has its own financial industry, when its Beidou is upgraded and can access the Internet , it will slowly expand to the financial industry I just mentioned. Brick countries

And even Asep or other non-American and European systems can slowly start to access the Internet through China’s Beidou satellite. This is a very favorable situation for some relatively underdeveloped countries . Why? It is always said that it is very beneficial because if you want to build a network system,

You must incentivize the station and have a lot of equipment, which is a very high investment. If you want China to build this thing, you also have to borrow money from China and say, ” Please help me first.” After doing it, I will slowly

Charge you the network fee and then slowly pay it back to you, but you have to be able to pay it back. The economy has not yet developed and you can’t afford it. What should I do ? For example, in Africa, some Congolese, or the desert of Egypt,

Your cost does not meet the requirements . Isn’t it necessary for you to have a network? Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to implement the Internet of Things , all your transportation systems , and some of your trade. What should you do? In the end, if China’s Beidou satellite is orbiting them,

It will be able to In these uninhabited places , you can access the Internet. Even if the price is a little more expensive, 15 US dollars per month, I tell you, they can use it to access the Internet and share it with the villagers . Everyone can access the Internet

, and you don’t have to set up such a thing . The huge base station equipment said that this thing is actually a very important thing. If you want to break through this, it is not just about breaking through whether your mobile phone is easy to use or not.

It is a matter of creativity. It is about China. It can not only establish a firewall for some of your What does the military industry want? The party and government systems cannot use Apple , and its benefits are beginning to make other countries understand that what is said in this mobile phone

Will at least not be heard by the United States . Then their willingness to use it will become higher. Later, expand mobile phones with them. The entire network equipment will slowly spread to the other half of the world. In the future, you can see that many countries may use China’s Beidou Internet

Instead of some of their own country’s telecommunications facilities , because it is very expensive to build fiber optic cables , but you have ready-made ones. If Beidou can access the Internet, the matter will be different. So under this situation, can the United States confront China

? In fact, China is still in a training period , and the United States can now announce what they themselves include, including their finances. Minister Lun said that their salary increase has defeated inflation, so their economy should theoretically have a soft landing. Is this situation actually true? Teachers can say that

The increase has indeed occurred. Inflation in this place has indeed begun to slowly decline. After it passed , it slowly began to be digested. Therefore, the U.S. economy is now beginning to normalize. Inflation may slowly go down, but there is no way to do it so quickly. It won’t be so fast. Why?

Because we have to take into account political issues. What does it include? In the United States, President Biden is going to start now. Not only will Trump, President Trump, set a threshold for imposing additional tariffs , he will not only extend the tariffs

, but also plan to expand the scope of the tariffs . In other words, he will It turns out that all the things under Section 301 have been expanded and its scale has been continuously increased. The first is to prevent Chinese goods from entering the United States

And prevent the Chinese from making American money. In this situation, we are worried. Inflation will not drop so quickly because there is no way for you to easily reopen the industrial chains for people’s livelihood necessities in the United States. It is not that the United States cannot produce these industrial products from China

, but that the salary income in the United States is Very high, right? Last time, the teacher said that the lowest salary is 7 and a half yuan. Someone caught McDonald ‘s in New York. It’s 15 yuan versus 15 yuan . Can you please

Tell me. I agree with you. Tell me, New York, New York is of course more expensive. If you go to other states in Ohio, you Is it that expensive? Or is it that expensive in Oregon? It’s not that expensive. Assuming they are all so expensive

, you think the salary in the United States is very good. You love American teachers very much. You agree because you are an American, right? Teachers are very expensive. I agree with you , but under the same situation, if you produce a thermos flask, for example, right?

How many manpower do you need to do this? Your cost will be much higher than in China, so high wages become high burdens. When your salary has grown higher than your inflation, another thing that comes out is that your industry will not be able to develop because of high wages. Do you

Understand what the teacher means more? High wages have direct benefits to the people. I think I can But in fact, he told you one more thing. High salary means that my industry has no way to make breakthroughs. I can only do what I can do. I can only do high-end

, which means this is like our US Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. These high-tech industries or software research institutes can live very well in the United States. Why ? Because they want things that everyone can make, and the profits that each engineer can squeeze out are a lot

. There is no such thing as high-tech stuff. What’s the problem? But if you want to produce a thermos flask, a vacuum cleaner, and a pair of scissors, it’s not cost-effective. Why is it because the labor is too expensive ? If one person’s labor is like 10 US dollars,

We will calculate it more broadly, 1:6 per person. 10 US dollars per person per hour in China is 60 US dollars per hour, 60 US dollars per hour, 68 48, 480 RMB per day, which is equivalent to NT$2,000, which is quite high. This is also quite high in Taiwan, right ?

If you want workers, you have to do it every day. How can you make low-end industrial products with such a huge salary ? So when the U.S. government says that the U.S. economy has begun a soft landing and wages have exceeded the increase, this is to comfort the people,

But in fact, for the United States, it is absolutely unacceptable. This is a serious injury because people in other countries do not have such a high salary increase, which means that the products they produce do not have such a high cost.

If the cost is not so high, then I will not have such great pressure. In the past, once I bought food from the United States , of course, because that was Before the first phase of the trade war , I don’t necessarily have to buy from the United States.

I can buy from Brazil. I can buy from Argentina, right? I can buy some things from various countries. So I don’t want to buy from the United States. I buy from Iran. Buy from Russia. So the current situation in China is very simple.

As long as I stay still, I can wear you to death . I can wear out the United States. Why? Because mental growth in the United States is definitely not a very direct good thing , but they have inflation, so their minds must grow. If mental growth

Is higher than inflation, will it decline later? It will not be because of your purchase rate. If it increases your car, your salary will also increase. The boss’s cost of hiring people will also increase. Will he still have to increase the price? So when your salary increase is higher than inflation,

You just tell the boss that I don’t need to increase the price. To maintain a balance, otherwise, how can we make money, right? If there is no way to make money, I will make less money , and then I will give you a higher salary. Which boss would do such a stupid thing?

So in this situation, If China and the United States want to find ways to make money, I don’t know what will happen to them , including arms sales to Taiwan, right? Just casually, on January 7th, China will sell arms to Taiwan , but China immediately announced countermeasures

And countermeasures. This attitude is because basically several military industries in the United States do not know and will not have any dealings with China, and there is not much difference. When salary increases are high, industrial costs are high, and your competitiveness will be low later. The U.S. military

Is also facing a problem of a shortage of troops. That is to say, their source of troops is the soldiers they recruited. The energy of these soldiers is getting less and less. Why? Because joining the U.S. military in the past was the favorite thing for immigrants to do.

You As long as you join the army, you can quickly get your American identity or some work cards or many identity conveniences. But if you are an American , you can join the army first. After you are discharged, you will still be alive after being discharged.

After taking the college entrance examination or some medical treatment, the U.S. government went to cover it up and said that when soldiers retire, they don’t put up an honorable discharge sign , but say thank you for your service. Why did you serve the country of the United States

? That’s why they give it to veterans. The treatment is actually pretty good. As long as you are not disabled, your life can be relatively stable. However, because Obama’s universal health care system now includes you , many people think that I don’t have to join the military in order to continue studying. Because

I used to join the army and then go to school, which is a good help to poor people. Now Obama is saying, first of all, I will make your medical equipment available to everyone. Everyone can enjoy the insurance. His life is now guaranteed to a certain extent.

When I go to school and do other things, I don’t necessarily have to rely only on restaurants. Instead, I have other choices . Now the Pentagon has discovered one thing. What is the Pentagon? It was last year. At that time, he announced that the current U.S. military has a standing

Reserve of only 1.28 million people. This is the smallest scale in more than 80 years since the U.S. military announced its participation in World War II in 1941. The U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force did not reach the recruitment target last year, and there are not many soldiers. There are many reasons for

The 41,000 people, not just the issue of Obama’s health insurance, but also many other reasons, including their salary increases or the fact that they have become more comfortable during the epidemic. Of course, the military strength is not that high . In fact, the United States does not need so many soldiers.

Even if it is drones or high-tech operations, they require very special equipment , but few people operate it , but you still need to pay attention. One thing is that the U.S. military is constantly spreading bases in Europe. What do you need to set up these bases? What are

The countries in Eastern Europe that I just mentioned earlier? If you want to increase bases with the United States in these countries, it is very simple. You need the U.S. military to go there. You can’t let local soldiers garrison, right? You must let the U.S. military itself garrison. What to do

? You can only do it yourself , and it includes the layout of these soldiers that the United States currently faces. For example, if you are of Chinese descent, you can do it yourself. Why can’t we target the GS model defense layout where you may encounter Chinese people in the South China Sea

? Because they won’t let people of your race go close to your original country of birth . Even if you were born in the United States, because you are of Chinese descent , You will not be allowed close to the South China Sea or the Taiwan Strait

, and you are afraid that you will leak secrets back to the motherland of your DNA. This has these problems, so in their entire country, they are not so eager to join the military, and it is also because of their politics. Because of their differences

, their trust in the country is not so high. So some people say that the United States will have a civil war. The probability is still relatively low. Currently, the teacher thinks that the United States will not be divided for at least 30 years.

Currently, I simply take a look at this. It seems , but there is no big problem. So under this situation, we find that the United States is becoming more and more xenophobic. What does it include? The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also begun to confirm that

There are tens of 10 Chinese students or foreigners every month. Their local workers are all deported directly back to China. It turns out that you have already obtained a green card or you have a work visa. Regardless of whether you are directly deported back to China, there are dozens of people every month

. Although it is not many, it is also obvious. He wants to return to the White-American policy. No other foreigners will come in anyway. The same goes for Trump. He also said it is very simple. After I am elected,

I will deport illegal immigrants in their country on a large scale according to the practices of World War II. Of course , this is The election requirements are because their conservatives really want all these immigrants to be driven out of the United States. But without these foreign immigrants,

Please ask if you have to do these dirty, tiring, and unclean jobs, right ? Who will do it? You will have no choice. If people do it , then who will do it? Americans will continue to do it. Americans will do it themselves. The employment rate has increased.

Your prices have gone up again because wages have also gone up. Your vicious cycle has begun again. I am no different from the Qing Dynasty, so history has never been different. It’s an amazing repetition. This is a very scary thing . And it’s already 10 o’clock today.

There’s still half of what we’re going to talk about later. I haven’t said what to do yet, so forget it. OK, let’s see if there’s any problem. I can’t finish this. I can’t finish talking about it, okay? The probability that they will go to war is not good. The probability is not high.

Hurry up and ask him for sponsorship. Thank you. I’ll buy a lousy data card from China Mobile in China. Is China Mobile good? The satellite broadband is not enough, so the communication problem is huge . It’s enough. Dear friends, you need to know that the Beidou satellite

Is expected to transmit up to 300 meters per second. The rumor is that if Beidou satellites are used to access the Internet, the transmission can reach up to 300 meters per second , which is equivalent to its Beidou satellite. These satellite Internet access can reach 4G. In fact, 4G is enough.

You don’t need to use 5g. 5g is not said to be that powerful. It has always been 5g in China. The speed of 5g is not much different from 4G in Taiwan. I don’t think there is much difference.

So when it comes to Beidou satellite, the more they develop in the future, the more confidence they will have. Why is it because of Beidou satellite ? It is the Chinese country. You use the power of the country to build such a satellite industry chain

Without asking for help. Well, it is completely without asking for help. Whoever wants to have the Internet will have the Internet. Who does not have the Internet or who does not have the Internet ? This is one It is a very important future development trend , and it also includes the future

When all your drones are controlled by satellites. The whole style of war will be completely different. Don’t underestimate it. Compare Beidou and GSM to GPS. Let me tell you that when satellites are used to fight wars in the future, Beidou will be the most accurate. Beidou will be the most accurate.

Okay, we have exceeded the time. I really only talked about 60%. We still have 40% that we haven’t talked about. What else is there? There are a lot of things, including Huawei’s business , and the United States has banned 35 substances from China, including helium. There are many problems with Iran,

And the United States’ debt has exceeded 34 trillion U.S. dollars . It’s too late, okay, we will have it later. Let’s talk again when we get the chance. Well , this week is the last week before our final election. As the teacher just said, at the beginning we talked about these

So-called elections in the live broadcast. Please calm down, okay? Don’t get excited. It seems like it will be the end of the world if no one is elected. There is absolutely no such thing. Because whoever is elected will bring about the end of the world . It has always been like this.

Not because the candidate you support is elected and then your country becomes better and your entire people’s livelihood and people’s prosperity. Teachers who know how to do this and don’t have such a thing can still tell you that if you want a country to be prosperous, your industry must be strong

Or your tourism and culture must be attractive enough. Taiwan does not have a strong industry on its own island, nor does it have enough. The tourism industry allows the people to have enough to eat. We don’t have enough agriculture to feed ourselves. We don’t have energy. We have nothing.

We only have ambitions that are as high as the sky. But in fact, Taiwan has nothing. Who do you want to be elected? It ’s called a clever woman who can’t cook without rice. It is impossible to talk about it.

If you are elected by the Kuomintang, the most you should do is to deal with this matter. You may be able to live for a while , but people cannot always make you feel better. Just because they want to make you feel better,

I will tell you a very real thing. Is this right? There is nothing you can do about it, so it doesn’t matter who is elected. We shouldn’t hurt your friends during the election process and then go against your relatives and friends.

Teacher, I have seen too many incoherent words in the past ten years. Parents dare to scold him because what he supports is different from what he supports. Parents can argue, let alone brothers and sisters, some of whom are relatives and friends, some of whom are life-and-death friends. What’s the point of being separated

Because they support different things? What was the reason why you broke up? Why did you scold your mother? What was the reason why your father beat you ? And why did the whole family live together and you must choose him , otherwise you will not be part of this family ? Why do

You have your own inner demons? If you have demons in your heart, you can’t cross this place. You will inevitably become possessed. Once you become possessed, you will lose yourself. OK , the KMT won’t win . Let’s support him. The KMT won’t win. OK, let’s all support us.

We support Tsai Tsai. President English will continue to be re-elected for a third term. Okay, just like that , we support President Tsai Ing-wen to continue to be elected for a third term. All the people will support him, okay. Thank you for watching today. I am Teacher Chen.

We will see you next week.

1.台灣大選倒數一週!為什麼出現這麼多爭議的貓膩? 02:41
2.阿根廷不想加入金磚,但金磚即將擴大十倍? 23:38
3.印度被產油國拒絕購買石油,誰造成的? 33:29
4.中國盤活了科技,下一步要侵蝕何方? 46:47
5.美國經濟已經軟著陸?經濟即將翻轉? 53:05

台灣(北京)01/07 晚上「九點」,直播-世界政經大哉問!






老師的官方LINE: https://lin.ee/25pDkP4



  1. 沙發
    1.台灣大選倒數一週!為什麼出現這麼多爭議的貓膩? 02:41
    2.阿根廷不想加入金磚,但金磚即將擴大十倍? 23:38
    3.印度被產油國拒絕購買石油,誰造成的? 33:29
    4.中國盤活了科技,下一步要侵蝕何方? 46:47
    5.美國經濟已經軟著陸?經濟即將翻轉? 53:05

  2. 這次大選可能是有史以來投票率低的!狂熱和目標明確的會去投!民調前二名的勝負難測!支持和相信老師預測的觀點也期待那方可勝選! 🎉🎉🎉

  3. 搞选举制度就是百分之百的劳民伤财的事情!选举制度就是为资本家提供的权力分配的机制!普通人家是绝对的门外人!普通大众就是资本家的佣人而已!四年一次的投票、只是有一天的用处!
    余下1461天左右就要闭嘴巴了!自己的投票的后果不管好坏都要努力的去承受着煎熬!真是可笑至极!实在是不可思议! 难以置信!unbelievable!

  4. 即使柯不上 但他讓我們知道除了藍綠 還有其他選擇 錢花越多 就會再貪回來 老師您太悲觀 別忘了您人吃住在台灣 世界因為有您變得更加美好

  5. 美國🇺🇸也少子化!洛杉磯我爸爸住在的城市,原本有很多拉丁美洲的人(墨西哥人)家庭,現在也不生小孩了,裁撤了一間小學,多年以來沒有足額招生,所以可見募兵缺員。

  6. 柯真的是這次影響侯上不上的因素之一,我身邊太多原本國民黨的親友這次還在考慮柯!照老師說差距只有2-3%的情況來看,這次選舉真的很刺激⋯⋯

  7. 聽著時事、政治等嚴肅的話題,ending 突然被老師的幽默話語給逗笑了。陳老師超讚👍,謝謝陳老師,辛苦了!

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