Walk in Seoul I Travel Vlog South Korea

We continue to get acquainted with Seoul and today we are going to the village of Bukchon. The name means Northern Village and it is one of the old quarters of Seoul, which has survived to this day. The village

Is located next to the already famous Gyeongbokgung Palace. it appeared here in the 14th century. During Joseon times, these traditional houses with tiled roofs belonged to the Korean nobles. Members of the royal family and the highest circles of the capital’s aristocracy lived here. The houses of the nobles

Have reached us almost unchanged and the houses are residential to this day. The village is a tourist attraction, but it is a residential area. Therefore, when visiting the village, you must maintain silence and you can visit it until 17:00. On Sunday – this village is closed to tourists.

I really like the decor of this cafe. In Bukchon village. We found an advertisement on Instagram, it’s very cozy, it smells like wood , the cafe always has water, you don’t have to ask the waiter, you just go up and pour it,

This cafe is famous for its yogurt with fruit. Let’s try now . The navigator took us through these streets, old Seoul, they sell meat here, they cook meat here, and there is kimchi. Now I’ll show you where kimchi sells real homemade kimchi. That is, it’s sauerkraut

, Chinese cabbage, but very, very spicy, with rice with meat. tasty. Behind the Gyeongbokgung Royal Palace is the Blue House, which was the residence of the President of the Republic of Korea from 1948 to 2022. In 2022, by presidential decree, the blue house was opened

To the public for the first time, and the president now works in another building. Entrance to the territory of this building and the park is free, but you must have a passport with you. For those who watch Korean TV series, dramas,

The series “Vagabond” was very good, this series was filmed here, the main character of which was played by Lee Sun Gi, a very famous Korean actor, the filming took place here, These rooms were used by the First Lady to receive foreign guests, Traditional Korean style .

In Korean culture, there was a belief that a house with a blue roof symbolizes wealth, prosperity, peace, stability. Perhaps choosing a blue tile roof for a blue house symbolizes the prosperity of the nation. The famous bookstore is worth seeing. Today we arrived on the southern bank of the Han River,

An area called Gangnam. This is one of the richest areas, it didn’t particularly impress me, it’s a modern quarter BUT there is an old Buddhist temple here, which we’ll go to a little later. First, let’s have a coffee. Next to the temple there is a cafe,

Here there is a street with old houses, this temple and the monastery around were founded back in 8th century and ancient buildings of the 9th-10th centuries have really been preserved here. Very interesting, very good energy, make a wish aroma of candles, meditative mood

If your tower doesn’t fall, your wish will come true In Gangnam, among the skyscrapers, a large temple complex has been preserved; before you take a bicycle, you need to wash your hands, hygiene. We had lunch at a Japanese restaurant, pork cutlet, delicious meat in a crispy crust.

Han River The path is great for cyclists and for pedestrians. great I like it. Safe for pedestrians and cyclists It’s a pity that it’s cloudy today, but it’s very warm 15°C on the river bank you can exercise

In this building on the river there is a Starbucks with a wonderful view of Seoul, gyms everywhere, such a wonderful area. last 3 nights in Seoul new hotel if any of you want to stay in this hotel that’s what it’s called today is our last day in Seoul.

It’s raining, but fortunately there are a lot of cozy cafes in this city Korean restaurant, as always, a wide variety of snacks Today it’s raining in Seoul and this is an ingenious system: in shops and in the metro,

You clear the umbrella of water and go further to the metro station. Why isn’t there something like this in Paris? And another famous area, Itaewon, is located in the very center of the capital.

It is a very popular place among foreigners, but I did not come here by chance. This is where the drama I think was filmed that this is one of the best dramas of 2020, the drama was called Itaewon Class and I want

To see the atmosphere of the area. On many streets of Seoul there is not only a red traffic light, but also a light strip for those who constantly look at the smartphone screen, which is surprising in Asia and in Seoul and Japan,

Electrical wires are everywhere. In France, these wires are hidden underground everywhere. I like the fact that you won’t find a single similar cafe here, each cafe has its own decor, its own flavor and why not go to this cafe and drink a cup of tea

tonight I’m flying to Paris, flying through Beijing on Chinese airlines and I still have time to walk around Seoul Today is the first frosty day, it snowed at night and now it’s -5°,

Good thing I took my winter clothes by the way, right in front of you is the Seoul City Hall and on the left side is the entrance one of the palaces. Yesterday it rained and it was warm, today it was frosty and snowing, but the sidewalks had already been sprinkled with salt

And the road was not slippery, and there in the distance you could see the roof of a blue house before leaving, I was lucky enough to see some ancient costumes. cold wind

I have a plane in the evening, but I still have the whole morning in Seoul. I fell in love with this city. I will definitely come back here again. The cappuccino is incredibly delicious and tiramisu. In the evening I return to Paris. What are my impressions of

The country? Although I can’t say about the country because I only saw Seoul and Busan. I really, really liked this trip. My interest in South Korea appeared, like probably many others did, after watching Korean TV series and became interested in the history of this country, a country that

50 years ago was one of the poorest countries in the world. And now it is a country with developed technologies and level life is not inferior to Western countries. I was also interested in observing the combination of ancient traditions and modern innovations, traditional markets and modern shopping centers, historical

Palaces and ultra-modern skyscrapers. What is important for a tourist in any foreign country is safety, naturally. Seoul is one of the safest cities, public transport works well, the Seoul metro is one of the best that I have seen in different countries. In the metro, at any station

You can connect to the Internet for free, and almost all metro stations also have free, clean toilets. Before leaving, I’ll eat delicious Korean dumplings, with kimchi, of course. Korean cuisine is really spicy, but you can always ask for less pepper and make the dish less

Spicy. The cuisine is healthy and varied. Wherever we dined it was always very tasty. Cafe Seoul is a separate wonderful story and of course the people. The people are very friendly, Koreans are known for their hospitality and respect for others. So personally, I felt very, very

Comfortable in Seoul. Thank you for watching my videos and as always See you again on the France and more channel

Walk in Seoul
Intro: 00:00
Bukchon Hanok Village: 00:14
Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House) (청와대): 3:46
Starfield Library: 5:09
Seoul Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사 (서울) : 6:38
Han River Walking: 8:59

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#seoul #travelvlog #сеул #корея


  1. Ваши видео екскурсии всегда замечательные и интересные .
    А сейчас еще расширились географически !
    Спасибо ❤ Сил Вам и новых возможностей ❤

  2. Спасибо, Елена, всегда интересно с Вами!
    Вот такой орнамент на стенах этих домов и ограждений, интересно узнать о нём, это корейский национальной орнамент? Кажется видела такой-же или похожий в Египте?

  3. Лена, с новым годом!!! Здоровья и всего хорошего в личной жизни, спасибо большое за видео, очень красиво!

  4. Южная Корея показала, что можно построить всего за 50 лет своим трудом, не имея никаких природных ископаемых и колоний.

  5. Лена, огромное Вам спасибо за такую прекрасную экскурсию !
    С Новым Годом ! Здоровья, радости, хороших новостей и впечатлений ! 💐

  6. Леночка огромное спасибо за зкскурсию. Вы с таким азартом и любовью показали нам Сеул, что мне очень захотелось Туда.
    Благодарю!!! ❤❤❤

  7. N.B. !! Оговорка в видео! Правильно: "Южная Корея была одной из самых бедных стран 50 лет назад " 😂

  8. Спасибо елена,что путешествуете вместе с нами! Как всегда очень интересно,познавательно! Благодарный зритель!❤

  9. США активно помогали ЮК, инвестировали в экономику, делились новыми технологиями – это государство создавалось "в пику" Северной Корее, за которой стояли СССР и КНР. После распада СССР, темпы роста экономики ЮК пошли на спад (из-за устранения конкурента Штаты стали меньше помогать), в конце 90-х в Южной Корее произошёл дефолт, который хорошо показан в одноименном южнокорейском фильме.
    Влияние американской культуры очень велико в ЮК. Молодёжь мечтает мигрировать в Штаты.
    Да, корейские дорамы создаются качественные, интересные, их смотрит весь мир. Но есть и негативные явления: из-за массового увлечения идолами К-попа, в ЮК начал процветать гомосексуализм (мальчики-цветочки). К великому сожалению, южнокорейская нация стремительно меняется!

  10. Очень интересно что касается проводов в Японии мне объяснили что опасная зона сейсмически

  11. Елена, благодарю Вас, что открыли для меня Корею! Очень красивая и интересная страна. Я от неё в восторге, как и от ваших видео. ❤

  12. Как мне повезло быть пдписаной на ваш канал все сюжеты такие интересные что люблю их смотреть по несколько раз😊❤❤

  13. "Итевон класс"-в 2020 году была моя 1я дорама в Жизни 🙂 и теперь я смотрю с интересом их. А провода приложены над домами из за сейсмической активности в тех краях как: Япония,Ю.Корея,и др страны более подвержены. Тем более начало 2024 года показало это на Японии снова.

  14. Le reportage rappelle de bons souvenirs ! La Corée était sans doute le meilleure voyage de 2023, entre la très bonne nourriture, la qualité du service et les paysages, tout était super 😊

  15. Елена, спасибо огромное за великолепную прогулку. Спасибо, что берёте нас с собой в путешествия!

  16. Очень понравился Сеул! Большое спасибо за знакомство с удивительной культурой и традициями Кореи ❤😊

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