The PAKSE Loop! The LAOS most tourists DON’T SEE 🇱🇦

Ever wondered about the Laos most tourist miss out on today join us on the Pakse loop a motorbike Adventure unveiling the Unseen Beauty and Tranquility away from the usual tourist spots immerse yourself in the slow way of life In traditional Villages where Simplicity takes Center Stage but that’s not all we’ll be

Chasing waterfalls exploring the Serene Countryside and as usual finding ourselves in some sticky situations along the way we want to say a big thank you to Surfshark for sponsoring this video now hit subscribe and join us as we uncover the secrets of the Pakse loop

Good morning guys and welcome to Pakse so today we are starting obviously the loop which was super excited about we’re staying at your Empire hostel which we would highly recommend actually there’s quite a lot of Travelers around it’s got

Quite a good atmosphere but anyway Gaz is on a call and they’ve just given us us the keys the bike and the guy had to show me literally all of the details of how to use this bike and now I have to pass it

Over to Gaz but it’s the the biggest bike we’ve had in a long time it’s like massive and I feel like the guy was not confident because I was like he was asking me to turn it on and I was like I don’t drive it I don’t drive it anyway

We’re super excited to get out on the bike we’re looking forward to how today is going to unfold and we’re really hoping we find some Hidden Mysteries along the way so yeah big adventure is about to start nothing is

It right tell me then right so we got an electronic key oh God right right that’s not working Abby press and hold the bottom button did I do a good demo G uh yeah kind of you know what you’re doing with the bike yeah it’s

Fine okay so we’re going to hit the road the first stop is about 405 to heav is it no it’s fine okay the first stop is about a 45 minute Journey outside of town but we’re going to grab some cash out ready I’m ready

After the usual Necessities before a big road trip money and fuel we pulled out of the city and straight away got a glimpse of what the road trip was going to be like beautiful blue skies glimpses of villagers going about their daily

Lives and of course animals blocking the road we could already tell this was going to be the Escape you long for when traveling we soon pulled into our first waterfall where the first bit of drama was about to

Unfold so we’ve made it to the first stop but it is so Eerie here it’s like everything’s abandoned all of the buildings and Huts are deric and we did actually see one couple come past us but there’s nobody here there’s no other

Bikes there’s nobody trying to take any money for parking it’s yeah it’s freaky I will not be swimming in this waterfall real quick before we get stuck into this epic adventure and things take a slight turn for the worst so now I’m

Like shaking up probably wasn’t worth that risk that was stupid we want to say a big thank you to the sponsor of today’s video and for supporting our Channel surve Shark now as you know me and Abby love to throw oursel into some

Crazy situations from hiking active volcano staying in remote islands and obviously motorbike Adventures now this puts our data at risk as we’ve had to connect to some pretty questionable Wi-Fi so thankfully surf shark is the perfect solution for this there a VPN or a virtual private Network that keeps

Your information safe by encrypting all of the information sent from your device to the Internet so this keeps your personal data protected from big companies and criminals a VPN is a serious travel necessity if you want to make sure all of your online banking social media accounts and personal

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Teleporter for your device all you need to do is Click your location and you can be binged watching your favorite TV shows from home surf shark has given us a holiday Day deal for you all all you have to do is click the link in our

Description and use our code Abby and Gaz and you can get up to 6 months additional for free thank you to Sur shark for sponsoring this video and to you for supporting our travels back to the video so the guy said if you haven’t

Paid for parking should always lock your wheel woohoo we’re literally chasing waterfalls today and tomorrow as well but we are at fuan waterfall we don’t know what makes this one special to be honest all we’ve done for research is just looked at the map put a few pins in and then

We’re just going to let the adventure take us and we’ll stop where we want to stop and we won’t stop when we won’t want to stop but yeah that’s a dra old bridges well look I can hear a waterfall so absolutely

Huge body of water coming down the rock face but again because it’s abandoned it makes you just feel like it’s not safe to swim in like you feel freaked out by it but definitely want to get closer and have a real look at it but yeah pretty

Spectacular it’s a good start to the waterfall Adventures lovey H woohoo it’s like an in it’s like an infinity pool because the original area of water like Trail Trails down a smaller little lip so it’s really cool I kind of want to swim up here yeah if you want to

Okay so we’ve had a look at the map and I swear this isn’t the actual main waterfall here I think it’s um another one but Gaz reckons it is so we’re going to fly the Drone because the other one’s supposed to be like 2 minute walkway but

We didn’t see where it would have been so who knows it’s only when you fly the Drone do you really comprehend quite how isolated you are with only trees surrounding us for Miles you couldn’t help but feel even more vulnerable there was just something

About this place that made us feel on edge but I think our gut was trying to warn us about what was to come what you don’t see behind the scenes guys so we crashed the Drone into

This tree up here and then I could see it so we climbed on this pile of rubble here you see it and then Gaz was trying to grab it as I was pushing it and then he fell backwards onto all of these logs which

Push me backwards and I honestly thought he’d been impaled by a stick so now I’m like shaking up so we’re just going to take two minutes to chill back we got the train back but probably probably wasn’t worth that risk that was stupid

We fell so heavily backwards it was one of those situations where you realized you had a lucky Escape literally right at the car park guys is where the main one is if you don’t want to go on an adventure like us and nearly impel

Yourself with a stick just turn straight off it’s a little one that saw on uh when I see the Drone we were looking to see it but I’m pretty sure it’s smaller than the last one and you can’t swim it the one we were at was better for sure

Yeah cruising through the countryside we couldn’t help but wonder what it’s like for in these areas when things go wrong how do they navigate the absence of immediate medical assistance these thoughts gave us a glimpse into the realization of Rural Life in Lao showing us the serious strength and

Resourcefulness the villagers must have to tackle the challenges they face okay so we stopped at a place called Mr vang’s Cafe and Coffee farm this area the Bevan plateau is really famous for coffee beans because it’s a volcanic area so it’s got really fertile lands to grow coffee beans so as we’re

Driving here all you can see is coffee plants everywhere and this is what this place also specializes in a big teepee isn’t so we’ve ordered ourselves two iced coffees and we’ve got some peanuts cuz they don’t do any food when we’re starving but I think they grow their own

Peanuts and roast them here they obviously grow their own beans so pretty cool setting it’s in like a teepee and it’s so busy in here so it’s clearly a popular spot thank you just as we said that it’s come oh it’s strong tastes strong don’t know whether it’s cuz it’s everyone’s

French here but it’s reminded me of the French Alps I don’t know why tastes nice though after a quick window around the coffee plantation we headed back on the road to our accommodation for the night which we were so excited to see after the p pictures we saw

Online do you have to surely they’re just so we’ve made it to Tad low which is one of the most famous places here on the loop and the loop is also known as the tadlo loop there’s three names for

It which we don’t know which one to call it but anyway this is where we’re also staying for our accommodations so I’ve just realized it’s called Island right FY fandy Island just in case anyone wants to know the actual name so does

That mean that we have to get a boat out s it I have no idea we just recommended it by Our Last hostel but oh my God it looks sick oh my God yeah it looks beautiful doesn’t it it does I wonder where our accommodation

Is going to be over there oh there’s a little bridge this is cool this is like camping isn’t it it is ah it’s pretty epic this is can’t believe we’re staying here hello some pretty cool ABY if you can’t if you don’t want to walk across the

Wobbly Bridge then you can’t stay on the island oh my God it’s actually so wubbly was that my flip-flop yeah you just dropped my flip-flop and the bagp g hold this I’m to hold this I’ll try and get it oh for God’s sake just hold this quickly then just flip-flop in

The water I’m scared it’s all wobbly I can’t get it we need a stick look what he’s done guys careful because my primar 1 flipflops my mom brought out for me I’m GED now I have to wear Trainers for the next if you can’t get it it’s not the end of the world

Turn it around oh yes woohoo not even got there yet all right let me put the stick back where it came from Slow Down slow waa hello you oh hello oh my God you’re small an than oh my gosh what an what a reception I’m not leaving hello oh yeah these are cute

Yeah so welcome to our crib tonight got it on the it is basic but beautiful so we have a fan a double mattress a mosquito bed but then this is what our whole $12 is paying for look at this we’ve got our own private view wow

Epic this is worth it just to come stay at this accommodation so they’ve got bows obviously it’s tpps out on absolutely beautiful Lake they’ve got two baby puppies honestly this location is pure stunning it reminds me of when we did the um remote island in the Philippines but obviously this isn’t a

Beach but it’s like similar kind of rustic vibes and we have a fun this time but yeah it’s really really pretty looking forward to seeing like the sunsets night and chilling out and watching the stars and it’s just yeah

It’s pretty cool as soon as we stepped foot on the island it was like life went into slow motion we fully relaxed playing with the cute animals taking in the beautiful surroundings and eating a delicious French inspired lunch it’s

Funny how nature can truly speak to your soul sometimes willing you to slow down and take it in so before it gets dark and before it rains cuz there’s a black cloud we’re heading back out for a war last Excursion of the day and there’s a

Waterfall just walking distance from this place but it’s one meant to be one of the most popular ones as well so this is our tour guide here she’s followed us all the way from the hostel and now she’s taken us to the waterfall yeah she

In about 10 minutes leading us which is pretty cute isn’t it I wish had puppies were coming with us yeah here we go she’s actually leading us still something tells me that this is not going to be a swimming Waterfall by

The sounds of how much water is coming from behind me it sounds ferocious well watch out I’m joking oh my God you actually scared me no I was pretending the dog would run in the waterfall no I was pretending that oh my god oh wow

Yeah this ISS cool yeah there’s no swimming going on here yeah I’m going to swim you can see the draging in the distance there’s clearly Resorts along there and there’s a resort behind us as well and then Dr down I’d love to see

What it looks like at the bottom but I think as it’s getting late today we’re going to explore other areas of it tomorrow but right now I just want to sit and take the CST and goes down cuz it’s really

Beautiful thanks for showing this to us thank you how much it how much is it going to cost 1 million Kip he’s a business dog yeah is what a beautiful way to start our day we’re here at hadlo waterfall we slept

Really lovely in that cabin surprisingly even though it was obviously under a mosquito net and today we’ve got some of the best stops on the trip so we’re really excited to get on the road but yeah it’s not even 9:00 a.m. and we’re

Looking at this absolutely stunning waterfall so it’s going to be a good day starting our morning with a back a yet early kick we took in the surroundings before hitting the road towards the two must visit spots around P but honestly the absolute highlight of this Venture so far cruising through

These Charming little Villages it wasn’t some organized tour selling an Insider’s look into Lan Country Life it was more like catching a quick real life snapshot witnessing families on scooters headed to visit friends Farmers on route to work and entire communities and trailers immersed in their daily routines it felt

We were peering into the Beating Heart of of their reality in the middle of all this cultural mix one thing that always got me was the pure happiness of kids waving as We Roll by it’s a basic but enduring thing and I’ll always hold on

To those moments especially from my spot on the back of the scooter where my main job was the official waiver backer so we have just stopped at the side of the road at faten farm and it’s this really cool place like a massive Resort it’s got loads of P lows those of

Little places that to eat I think like those of fun stuff to do for the kids and stuff but we’re actually going to drive up the road to like another coffee place and we saw this we like why have we never heard of this it looks so cool

It’s absolutely massive so we’ve got ourselves some welld deserved mockers and we’re going to rest our bums for 10 minutes from the rise all right we’ve arrived at Tad yuang waterfall which is the most popular waterfall here I’m going to say there’s bloody there’s loads of bikes and cars

Here aren’t there it’s probably the most busiest Place we’ve seen like down south is it yeah and also this is the first place You’ have to pay so to pay 20,000 per person to get in and 5,000 for parking for the bike and a lot of people

Also just come here on a little day trip from paxi rather than from the loop so we’re kind of closer to the city now so yeah let’s go check out very Instagram here and everyone’s getting their pictures taken cuz of all these like

Wicker baskets up above us and little Flags you can see in the background photo shoots but yeah it’s pretty so we got loads of people hanging out by the water there’s a bridge people having picnics and just chilling next to

This big body of water which is nice there is a restaurant right up behind us as well definitely like an attraction yeah whereas the ones we’ve been to so far are like abandoned are like Nature’s water course aren’t they yeah yeah it

Looks like you can walk right over the edge as well so I’m guessing yeah you can like hang off the edge and then go and look at it from the bottom o careful I’m fine so it’s super mysterious because we haven’t seen the

Waterfall yet and we’re just at the top we have no idea what the drop is how much water like we’re just here like this is cool but we just don’t know what’s below us yeah you could literally just jump off if you wanted yeah you’re

Just think like you could jump off people are right near the edge I’m very close to the edge yes down freaking me out that’s the edge oh I can see a little hook down there looks pretty far down so I feel like we need to go down

To appreciate the top more you can kind of see it but it is pretty dangerous around here like you’re a couple of steps off the edge of a waterfall essentially just a random tree growing through the steps the stunner well do you know what’s crazy right they like we said we didn’t know

The magnitude of it at the top there is actually wild we just stood just up there no handrails no proper warning signs people are swimming at the top in the like watery bit easily you just get swept and then you literally it’s like

Something out of a nightmare so Lally no h which is hilarious it’s so loud but obviously look at it it’s epic absolutely epic now when we go back up we’ll appreciate the danger we’re in at the top we’ll we’ll stand slight

Slightly F away from the Ed I can’t believe how to tall it is and there literally we could have just stepped off and then off we go down that drop yeah just 5 minutes around the corner from Tad Nang was Tad Fame waterfall another one the most popular near

PA so just when you think you’ve seen them all you get here and there’s another absolutely epic waterfall we’ve been spoiled for choice on this Loop haven’t we Abby the waterfalls yeah it’s pretty crazy there’s also a zip line that I wanted to do where you essentially zip line across

The canyon but unfortunately there’s about eight tour groups in front of us so it’s a couple of hours wait but can I wait can we go no no no and with that we’ve come to the end of the P Loop Adventure while the

Waterfalls were epic even without doing the zipline our absolute favorite moments were found in the quiet corners of Village Life immersed in the unhurried pace and the beauty of nature this is probably our favorite experience in La so far and we seriously recommend it if you enjoy adventurous travel like

Us don’t forget to check surf shark out to keep your data secure when you’re on the road link is in the description and we’ll see you in the next one where we explore Island life in LA

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The PAKSE Loop! The LAOS most tourists DON’T SEE 🇱🇦

Ever wondered about the Laos most tourists miss out on? Today, join us on “The Pakse Loop” – a motorbike adventure unveiling the unseen beauty and tranquillity away from the usual tourist spots.

Immerse yourself in the slow way of life in traditional villages, where simplicity takes centre stage. But that’s not all – we’ll be chasing waterfalls, exploring the serene countryside, and, as usual, finding ourselves in some sticky situations along the way.

We want to say a big thank you to Surfshark for sponsoring this video.

As always thank you so much for watching!

#pakse #travellaos #backpackingsoutheastasia #laos

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00:00 Start of the Pakse Loop
02:52 Stay cyber safe
04:10 Pha Suam Waterfall
07:31 The Bolaven Plateau & Delicious coffee
09:13 Fandee Island
13:37 Tad Low Village
16:17 Villagers in Laos
17:11 Tad Gneuang Waterfall
20:58 Tad Fane Waterfall


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