Inside the ISIS Hunt: Tracking Former Jihadi Fighters in Europe

It’s estimated that half of the foreign fighters who left Europe to join ISIS have already returned to their countries of origin. Posing as refugees or travelling on fake passports, others were able to flee the caliphate for the West and rebuild new lives. But a handful of men are on a mission to find them.

At the Al-Roj camp in Syria, hundreds of women and children live in squalid conditions while the world decides what to do with them. They are the wives and children of ISIS fighters, captured when the caliphate fell. Among them are hundreds of Westerners who desperately want to come home. For the moment, there is little indication of that happening. But what about the fighters who weren’t captured?

Ahmad Ramadan, 33, leads a secret network aimed at tracking down these former jihadists and holding them to account for their crimes. Today, he’s on the trail of a fighter believed to be now living in Germany. A video provided by an informer shows him training as a truck driver. Thanks to this network, high-profile members, like jihadi spokesman Abdul Kader el Raqqaoui, have been arrested in Europe. But the members themselves pay a heavy price and are themselves the target of ISIS reprisals.

This documentary was first released in 2021.


  1. When I hv problems I wont go to facebook and start talking about syria or isis…and after dat marry a terrorist….dat woman should be there 4ever!

  2. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

    By the sky with its mansions, and by the promised day, and by a witness and a witnessed. The companions of the trench have been destroyed, by the fire full of fuel, while they were sitting over it, and they were witnesses to what they were doing to the believers. And they had no vengeance on them except that they believed in Allah, the Almighty, the Praiseworthy, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is a witness over all things
    Indeed, those who have persecuted the believing men and believing women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire.
    Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great attainment.
    Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is severe.
    Indeed, it is He who originates and restores.
    And He is the Forgiving, the Loving.
    Lord of the Throne, the Majestic.
    Action Why does he want
    Has the news of the soldiers reached you?
    Pharaoh and Thamud
    But those who disbelieve are in denial
    And Allah is behind them, encompassing
    But it is a glorious Qur’an
    In a Preserved Tablet
    Quran 85
    Surat Al-Buru

  3. گول اسلام گوگولی را نخورید همه مسلمانان قاتل و ضد زندگی هستند گول تبلیغات چپ ها و مسلمان های اطراف تون رو نخورید

  4. I'm a Palestinian, and I hate ISIS. I don't want them supporting my people. They never even have done anything for us Palestinians. Rest in peace, Hassan Nasrallah; he died fighting for the Palestinians.

  5. En tant que musulman je suis toujours aussi dégoûter lorsque je regarde ce genre de reportage. Des pseudos musulman usant de la bannière de l’islam pour commette des atrocités sans nom… Et nous cela nous portes préjudice, pour les gens de la masse qui ne connaissent rien à l’islam ce référant à ce qu’on vois dans les médias sachez que ceci n’est pas le message de l’islam, c’est un islam dévoyé qui viens contredire l’islam authentique, entant que musulman alkaida daech etc sont des factions égarer qui nuise au musulman et au monde entier ce sont nos pire ennemis. Nous les réfutons et nous nous désavouent de leur atrocité. C’est l’homme qui corrompt la religion et non pas l’inverse.

  6. المعارضة السوري مهدؤ الطريق الداعش السيطرة على العراق و سوريا و بسبب السيطرة و المال أنشق داعش عن المعارضة

  7. ليت يتم مطاردتهم في اوروبا واعتقالهم مجرمين شوهوا الاسلام وقتلوا المسلمين باحكام باطلة والان منتشرين في اوروبا يبحثون عن جوازات السفر والمساعدات بعد ما كان يسميهم الصليبيين والكفار والذبح دجالين ليس لهم علاقة بالاسلام

  8. To think we work hard…. and are taxes are going paying benefits to islamist 'paper' europeans who hate us, hate everything about us… yet live on our land and take our money.

  9. Hoffentlich können sie diesen Hund schnappen und möge Allah ihn für seine Taten richten. Wer in der Stadt wohnt, kennt das Massagebüro und froh ist er dort nicht mehr geworden.

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