This Lovely Town In Korea Makes Me HAPPY! ❤️ (Bike Touring Korea #7)

After the tough climb and descent from 530 meters, I found myself in Yeonpung, a lovely little town in the middle of South Korea.

My plan was just to find a place to eat, maybe a hot spring nearby, and then find a place by the river like usual to camp.

Instead, I met the nicest couple who let me join them for dinner and then also let me stay in the city hall building in their town. They also gave me tons of snacks and let me drink whatever I wanted in the refrigerator(all I took were a couple waters though).

Not much more I can ask for. Just another memorable moment in Korea ❤️

More to come from the Bike Touring South Korea series.

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00:00 Arriving in Yeonpung
00:33 Dinner With Locals
04:19 Going To My Home For The Night
07:43 Cruising the Town Looking For Bingsu
11:48 I Found BINGSU!
13:21 More Amazing Hospitality 😳
16:30 In The Next Video…


  1. I thought about adding this to the previous video but I wanted to make it its own video because I felt like it deserved it. I really couldn't believe how nice this family. And the nice man at the end of the video that showed up out of nowhere, what a legend lol. Thank you Yeonpung!

    And also, this Friday, July 19th, I'll be doing a LIVESTREAM here on YouTube. Starts at 8pm KST. Please come by and say hello and wish me a Happy Birthday. See you there!

    이전 영상에 추가할까도 생각했는데, 그럴 만하다고 느껴서 따로 영상으로 만들고 싶었어요. 나는 이 가족이 얼마나 좋은지 정말 믿을 수가 없었다. 그리고 영상 마지막에 갑자기 나타난 멋진 남자, 정말 전설이네요 ㅋㅋㅋ. 고마워요 연풍님!

    그리고 이번 주 금요일인 7월 19일에는 YouTube에서 실시간 스트리밍을 할 예정입니다. 오후 8시(KST)에 시작됩니다. 오셔서 인사해 주시고 생일 축하해 주세요. 거기서 보자!

    More to come from the Bike Touring South Korea series.

    ☕☕☕Buy Me A Coffee:

    ✌✌✌Become a member

  2. 미국남자도 K제육은 못참지
    제육, 돈가스, 국밥은 섭렵하시고 떠나시길

    간만에 요즘유튜브 같지않은 청정한 여행기 잘봤습니다

  3. 한국인은 무더운 여름에는 삼계탕을 먹는다.
    야밤에 강변에서 한국 치킨과 맥주를 마시지 않으면, 넌 캠핑을 제대로 하지 않은 것.
    한국 과일은 시원하게 먹어야 가장 맛있다. 자전거에 매달 수 있는 작은 아이스박스에 차가운 물병이나 얼음, 그리고 과일을 넣고 갈증이 날 때마다 먹으면 좋아.

  4. 친절한게 아니라 백인을 얼마나 올려쳐주는건지에 대한 문제현상이라고 봄
    백인이 아니었다면 저정도로 친절하지 않았을것임

  5. The Rising Sun flag is not actually related to Japanese imperialism. It is still used today as the flag of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (Navy). In the past, Korea also participated in joint naval exercises with Japan navy holding that flag without any issues. Additionally, you might not know this, but when Honda appeared in Street Fighter, the Rising Sun flag was prominently displayed in the background, and no one raised any objections at that time.

    The controversy began when an anti-Japanese Korean scholar wrote an article in a forum, which led to nationwide criticism. The concept of the “war criminal’s flag” did not exist, and if you search for this keyword in Korean, you will find no results until the mid-2000s. In other words, it was black propaganda, and there are many people in Korea who question this phenomenon. Please do not be misled by the agitation of ignorant Koreans.

  6. 요즘 이거 보는 재미가 쏠쏠해

    이방인 외국인의 좌충우돌 한국 자전거 여행

    그리고 어딜가든 한국인의 친절과 정

    우린 이미 선진국이다

    내가 다 고맙고 보면서 미소가 절로 나온다

    앞으로의 행보가 기대됨

  7. 1:20 hey bro, the lady sitting next you you took off to get a small plate so she could share the noodles with you, and the owner just made a smaller portion for you instead. I thought you might not have noticed it..

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