
It’s full. shocking Amazing number of people Eh? What should I do with this luggage? Let’s take our luggage with us Luggage transportation completed So I’ll set up the tent right away. What about the timer? I haven’t set the timer. Huh? That’s bad. I didn’t stop I didn’t stop Viewer rating: 0 Amazing! 280… No, 286 hours. Either way is fine Awesome! Wow wow Shall we go? OK I always think that I’m the one There is a time limit to measure, so you are losing time. Because it won’t change Shut up! No, I lost 10 seconds. Too serious dangerous Pegs go through shoes Huh! Seriously?! Poor thing you’re kidding Ahhh That’s bad (crying) Good luck x2 I’ll support it Help me I wish I could have flown Did I hear it wrong? Yes, Ten is 6 minutes 33 seconds Okay, Eight, how long will it take? How many minutes will it take? It’s over~ How frustrating~ Struggling (Is it ready yet?) Both of them took 9 minutes and 21 seconds. Yes, it was unfortunate It’s three minutes late Let’s be a little closer, okay? Tent set up complete I just bought it at the wet market I would like to try making yakitori. So then Yakitori Tontoro Skirt steak sausage Sweet smell It smells so good it’s driving me crazy The skirt steak is cooked, so let’s eat it. Somewhat tasty After finishing my meal, I head to the public bath. It’s a public bath. There’s a campsite here If you go this way I’m here Drop it in the pond The conditions are just right! (And the campsite is free!) I’m heading to the public bath. So then lost item I was thinking of going to the public bath. It’s too burnt. I’m baking it now. It’s overcooked We’re both full I can’t eat a bit If you lose at rock-paper-scissors, you eat one Let’s start with the first match. All right! Ugh! I lost! Hurry up Hurry up Delicious! Delicious even when you’re full That’s fat! Whey! Whey! Damn it Ooooh ho ho ho Dangerous! Woohoo! No way! I’ll skip this because it’s a boring story Eight (6) Ten (4) Thank you for the meal Thank you for the meal Now, let’s head to the public bath. So then arrival! I came out of the bathhouse and returned to the campsite. Already a campsite Everyone is asleep so I can’t speak loudly. Public baths are better ・Business hours: Day trip bathing 6:00-23:30 (last admission 23:00) ・Price: 650 yen ・4 indoor baths (including cold bath) / 2 outdoor baths / sauna for about 8 people Recommended point: 100% natural hot spring water, 43 degrees Let’s sleep well tonight and prepare for tomorrow See you tomorrow the next day good morning It’s still morning I want to have a serious showdown right away. Serious showdown: What will we do this time? That is to say At the campsite where we stayed today There is a pond. Over there It seems like you can use a boat. Boat showdown for 〇〇 By the way, what is the content of the showdown? Compete for time in one-way trip from shore to shore Important punishment game There is this time too The punishment game is As with the last time, without sweets I want to go Now, let’s go to the battlefield [Venue] The camera fell over,so the video was not very clear. Unexpectedly omitted Wow~~ stop Record: 6 minutes 58 seconds Result announcement!? So, Result announcement As you already know the result, Umm… In the first place, I was defeated. actually··· Moving to the starting point I thought it was going well… Not progressing at all Starting point I’m back at the starting point/ This is no laughing matter. Retirement? Retirement? / Retirement and this This is bad, this is bad, I can’t go home Unexpected retirement Returning Actually, it was a marten that almost fell into the pond. So, Eight’s complete victory And why am I holding the microphone like this? When trying to swap boats The microphone was dropped. There is some difficulty in hearing due to the single microphone. I’m going to eat some sweets now. Ten is without one (sweet) Please enjoy that too. So then Wow! My skin feels amazing! Didn’t the water from the pond earlier moisten you? Not moisturized at all It’s gotten worse! It took quite a while. Not quite. I usually stick my right hand in. That was really crazy! I thought that it had fallen I thought for sure I’d fallen. It was crazy. That face was crazy It looked like the end already Because if someone told me that the pond stinks… I’m in despair now I’m glad I’m still on shore Seriously. Good temperature I really want this to continue forever Seriously at night Just right Yes! When you go to bed at night For the first time I was able to sleep comfortably Maybe it was just too cold before It’s the right time, after all Because it was about the right time to do it Camping in single-digit temperatures… ↓ #3 [A trip around Japan on a moped! Hokkaido (Furano City)] Dynamic sea of ​​clouds flowing in and freezing cold camping! I just came out of Kirin. Because photography was prohibited inside the store It ends up in the photo. Eight ordered "Motsuseiro" Choose from two types of soba: "Sesame soba" or "Country soba" The soup is very effective. Motsuno is better In addition to the giblets, it also contains regular chicken meat. There is quite a lot of volume. It was great for the price of 900 yen. Soba restaurant hopping? That’s a really incredible price Which one should I choose? Tempura soba? All toppings are just 480 yen! Let’s eat! I came out of Kamadaya. Eight ate "Tempura Soba" Tempura soba ¥380 I also thought the tempura could have been a bit crispier. It’s all melted Rather than tempura It looks like tempura flakes. Either way Tenga "Tempura Udon" Tempura udon ¥380 And the store has a high turnover rate. Recommended for those who want to finish their meal quickly Sweets Tour Great appearance too Look at this on the right Very stylish But this It looks delicious, like gelato purchase By yes here Activate the ticket (for the real battle) Ten is… No apple pie I’ll have some apple pie Apple pie ¥520 Inside the store purchase Soft serve ice cream (maple) ¥420 Inside the store Thank you for the meal Next destination It’s an observation deck called "Miharashidai" The clouds are looking a little ominous. Rain is forecast for around 3 or 4 o’clock. Also, do you know the probability of rain starting at 3 o’clock? 85% I want to get there before the rain starts. Greenland I’m looking forward to the commercial You may not have been on a Ferris wheel. You can come on board. I’m waiting No, it’s okay. Are you okay? Are you okay You’d better get on No, it’s okay. No… I’d better get on. How much do you want to ride? Arrival~~ Head to the observation deck for a spectacular view! I thought it would be pretty soon Walking unexpectedly Wait, wait, wait It’s quite long How many are there? Stop the car already Keep your mouth still and move your feet I forgot my face I’m going back to get my loss. Go! Go! Go! Oh, good! Whey(?) Observation deck found! Wow, that’s amazing It feels like it’s going round and round Can you go down there? Maybe?/ There doesn’t seem to be anything below/ \Let’s go up/ Huh!? Wow, that’s amazing! Oh no, oh no, I saw it/ Wow! amazing Greenland This is… nature The wind noise was too loud so we cut it all out… Of this time Iwamizawa Edition Iwamizawa Chapter Completed next time #%$#&% I would like to head to To the next video Thank you for watching until the end! Please subscribe, like, comment, and follow us on Instagram and TikTok!



0:00 テント設営と夜ごはん【北村キャンプ場】
4:54 ガチンコ対決【北村キャンプ場】
8:25 雑談中【移動】
9:32 岩見沢来たら行ってほしいそば屋【希林】
10:10 まさかのそば屋をはしご!?【かまだ屋】
11:10 アップルパイ美味すぎた【ほんだ】
12:06 リピート確定!ソフトクリーム!【メープル倶楽部】
12:47 観覧車はマスト【移動】
13:32 展望台がデカすぎた【見晴台】
15:14 岩見沢編完結!

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