Dewa Sanzan Adventure Tour ~出羽三山アドベンチャーツアー~

are you familiar with the tohoku region
Japan this place is a treasure Trove
full of charm one special location in
tohoku is the Shai region of Yamagata
Prefecture known for its culture of
mountain worship here lie three sacred
mountains revered in the ancient
Japanese belief of shugendo mount haguro
mount gastan and mount
udono mount haguro symbolizes the world
of the present Mount gastan the world of
the past and mount udono the world of
the Future these Three Peaks are an
extremely popular destination for
pilgrimages in what is known as a
journey of rebirth join us on our ebikes
on our own journey of rebirth to the
three magical
located in Yamagata Prefecture of the
tohoku region the Sha region faces the
Sea of
Japan joining us on this journey is our
instagrammer friend
Frankie I’m looking forward to Watson’s
store for what will be her first visit
to Yamagata without further Ado let’s
jump on our ebikes and get
we first head towards Mount haguro while
taking in the scenery of
Mount huro the entrance to the three
mountains of DEA is a mountain with a
particularly strong faith at the summit
lies DEA Sansan Ginger the breathtaking
main Shrine of the three sacred
mountains of DEA the approach to the
mountain has a five-story pagoda and a
cedar lined path that is over 4 400
years old certified with three stars on
the Michelin greeng guide Japan meaning
it is a very pleasant trekking
course this is also the path that the
famous hio poet mat bash
walked in front of the Tori Gates we bow
to show respect to the
then we walk up a whopping
2,446 steps on the long Stone stairway
after about 90 minutes of hiking we
arrive at The
wow what an amazing Shrine here we’ll
pray for a fun
trip Legend has it that about 1,400
years ago the prince of the emperor at
the Time Prince haiko landed here by a
ship the prince was then Guided by a
three-legged Crow to mount haguro where
he officially opened the three mountains
of DEA for Spiritual
Worship in this tour you also get to
experience more than the
deanan just like
yoga zazen meditation is popular among
Japanese people it makes your mind clear
and leaves you very
refreshed 40 minutes of zazen
meditation well
for our next destination We Ride Along
the Sea of Japan we have arrived at C
aquarium the biggest jellyfish aquarium
in the
world this is a great spot for
photos after checking out the aquarium
we try making
sushi the top chef will instruct you
very carefully so just relax and follow
what they
say great job
our accommodation for the night is in
here we relax in a high quality hot
spring with dinner there are 10 types of
Sak to try surrounded by mountains the
Shai region is renowned for its
delicious water there are many Sak
breweries with many varieties of sucket
that attract attention
after stopping at the Hot Spring Town we
passed through the cherry blossoms of
the mataa Reclamation land in the spring
the cherry blossoms that bloom here are
a true
spectacle shauni is also known for its
Fruit cherries melons grapes and more
lots of fresh fruit can be harvested
here this time around we experience grap
picking looks like you’re having a great
the weather on the mountains changes
easily next we arrive at one of the 100
famous mountains of Japan mount
gasan mount gasan has an extremely rare
shape known as a hemispherical shield
volcano the mountain and TR the
Kam changing throughout the year the
many facets of Mount gasan mean it is a
spot that can be enjoyed no matter how
many times you
visit lastly we pass through the Autumn
Leaves and make our way to mount udonna
the shrine is rare and that we have to
remove all Footwear and go barefoot
before we undergo a purification ritual
and are allowed to enter the
from here on photography is
prohibited we are entering a sacred
place after
lastly our guide takes us to a secret
spot where we can see a
waterfall it’s rare to see a waterfall
from above like
this this time around we only showed you
a small part of the Shai region of
Yamagata there are still many attractive
spots foods and experiences in shif to
we hope you come find some for

Dewa Sanzan is a sacred place for mountain worship with a history of over 1,400 years since its opening.
This tour, which covers the three mountains of Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, and Mt. Yudono over 3 nights and 4 days, includes activities such as E-Bike cycling, trekking, meditation, sushi making experience, and grape picking, as well as hot springs, lodging, and ramen and sake. This is an adventure guided tour where you can enjoy the outdoors, food, and history, such as tasting sake.


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