2024/04/10 五行川沿いのんびりポタリング


♯自転車 ♯ロードバイク ♯真岡鐵道 ♯五行川 ♯芳賀 ♯真岡 
♯下館 ♯筑西市 ♯栃木県 ♯茨城県 ♯八起屋 ♯たこ焼き ♯鯛焼き

This is a record of me cycling along the river while looking at the cherry blossoms as the weather was nice. After going down to Shimodate, I returned to Moka and had delicious takoyaki and taiyaki for lunch. I want to eat it again.
It looks like the temperature will rise in the future, so I want to go further away.

♯ Bicycle ♯ Road bike ♯ Moka Railway ♯ Gogyo River ♯ Haga ♯ Moka
♯Shimodate ♯Chikusei City ♯Tochigi Prefecture ♯Ibaraki Prefecture ♯Yakiya ♯Takoyaki ♯Taiyaki

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