Simple Japanese Listening Lesson #9 | The Transformation of Japan from the 1990s to Today 🇯🇵🕒

Today, I would like to talk about how Japan has changed from the Japan of 30 years ago to the Japan of today. The economy, population, technology, education, jobs, international relations, nature, climate, cost of living, and many other things have changed. How has each of these changed?

First of all, let me start by talking about the 1990s and the current economy. The 1990s was a very interesting time, about 30 years ago. First of all, in the 1990s, there was a period known as the “bubble economy”. During this period, prices of things, houses, and land became very high.

It was a time when everyone was spending a lot of money. However, when this bubble burst, prices suddenly dropped and many people were in trouble. On the other hand, what about today’s economy? The Internet and smart phones have become widespread, haven’t they?

This has created many new ways to spend money, such as online shopping and e-money. When you shop, you can now buy goods from home and around the world without having to go to the store. In the 1990s, many people used paper documents for work.

But now, with the use of computers and tablets, people are doing more and more of their work without paper. It’s called “paperless-ka,” and it’s having a positive impact on the environment as well as on the economy. Furthermore, the concept of a “sustainable economy” is now being valued.

This means that economic activities are carried out while protecting nature. For example, we use renewable energy and actively recycle. And many things are changing, such as how we use money, how we work, and how we interact with nature. Next, I would like to talk about the population in the 1990s and today.

There have been many changes in people’s lives and numbers between the 1990s and now. In the 1990s, the population was larger than now and there were many more children. Schools were full of children’s voices, and it was a lively time.

But little by little, people started marrying later and more families started having fewer children. Today, fewer babies are born than in the 1990s. Last year, in 2023, the number of births in Japan, or the number of babies born, was the lowest it has ever been.

Also, compared to the 1990s, the number of elderly people is increasing. People of the grandparents’ generation are now living longer. This is thanks to advances in medical care and improved living conditions. Having more elderly people around can be an opportunity to learn many different experiences.

It is even more important for society as a whole to support each other. Such a society is called an “aging society with a declining birthrate”. Population changes have affected our lives and society in many ways. For example, the declining birthrate has led to greater emphasis on facilities and activities for children.

At the same time, services for the elderly and efforts to protect their health are being strengthened. Thus, the composition of Japan’s population and demographics are changing. We need to think about how we can build a better society while adapting to these changes.

Next, I would like to talk about how our technological capabilities have changed. The technology that makes our lives convenient has changed a lot between the 1990s and now, you know. In the early 1990s, the Internet was not yet widespread.

At that time, to obtain information, one had to go to the library or look up in a dictionary. Now, however, we can easily access information from all over the world using computers and smartphones. Also, in the 1990s, cell phones were not yet common, and they were heavy and large.

They were very different from today’s smartphones, which could only make phone calls and send short messages. However, today’s smartphones have diverse functions, such as taking pictures, watching videos, and playing games, in addition to making phone calls. Furthermore, video games in the 1990s were much simpler than they are today.

But now, video games have very realistic graphics and complex, fun stories. We can explore different worlds from the comfort of our homes. The world we live in is becoming more convenient every day through technology and innovation. Thanks to these technologies, we have a richer life than ever before.

New technologies will continue to emerge and make our lives even better. That is why it is important to stay interested in and keep learning about new technologies and ideas. What kind of technologies will be created in 10 or 20 years from now?

Next, I would like to talk about how schools and the way we study have changed. In the past, school was very simple. A blackboard, chalk, textbooks, and notebooks were the main learning tools. In class, it was common for the teacher to teach while writing things on the blackboard.

We did not often use tablets or computers to study, as we do today. Nowadays, we use tablets and computers to look up information and study online more often. Also, in the 1990s, the Internet as you use it today was not yet common.

When gathering information, it was important to go to the library and read a lot of books. Nowadays, however, it is very easy to find out a lot of information on the Internet. Furthermore, in the 1990s, what students learned at school was mainly basic subjects such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Today, however, there are opportunities to learn more diverse things, such as programming, foreign languages, and environmental studies. This is because we want everyone to have a broader perspective as the world is changing rapidly. Thus, you can see that the content and methods of learning are changing very much.

As new technologies emerge, the style of learning will continue to evolve. Next, I would like to talk about the differences in the popularity of jobs in the 1990s and today. In the 1990s, “businessman”, “public officer”, and “teacher” were very popular jobs. Many people were looking for stable jobs.

Engineers and researchers were also considered important jobs. Creating new things and making discoveries were considered very valuable. However, with the spread of the Internet, the world of work has changed dramatically. Today, jobs such as “IT engineer”, “application developer”, and “web designer” have become very popular.

These are jobs that create new services using the Internet and smartphones. These are occupations that hardly existed in the 1990s. There are also now new types of jobs called “YouTubers” and “influencers”. These jobs involve distributing videos on the Internet and using social networking sites to influence people.

Many people are making the most of their hobbies and skills through these jobs. Furthermore, with the growing interest in environmental issues, jobs such as “environmental consultant” and “renewable energy engineer” are also attracting attention. These jobs are about developing environmentally friendly methods and new sources of energy to protect the future of our planet.

You can see that the popularity of jobs has changed dramatically between the 1990s and today. This is because as society changes and new technologies are created, the way we work and the skills required have also changed. In the future, there will be many new jobs that we cannot even imagine today.

Next, let’s talk about how the nations of the world have come to interact with each other. In the 1990s, there were major changes in the world. Many countries were making efforts to become friends and to live in peace.

However, there were still many things that divided us, and there were many countries where we did not know each other well. At that time, we could only talk to people in distant countries by letter or telephone. So it took us a long time to get to know each other.

But still, many people worked very hard to create a peaceful and friendly world. And now, with the development of the Internet and smart phones, we can easily talk with people all over the world. Now we can talk face to face through a screen, even with people in faraway countries.

This has allowed us to learn more about each other’s cultures and lives, and has deepened friendships between countries. In addition, countries around the world are now working together to address environmental issues, poverty, and other problems that need to be solved on a global scale.

Many international projects are taking place that would have been unimaginable in the 1990s. This is because the Internet and other technologies have made it possible for the world to unite and help each other.

You can see that the way we relate to each other between countries has changed dramatically between 30 years ago and today. Next, let’s talk about how our towns and natural landscapes have changed. In the 1990s, there were many tall buildings and lots of cars in the cities.

Since that time, town centers have been getting busier and busier. However, as time went by, the town and its natural landscape began to change little by little. Now there are more “green parks” in cities, where people can play and relax in nature.

There is also an increase in “rooftop greening”, where flowers and trees are planted on the roofs of buildings. This has made it possible to enjoy greenery even in the center of a large city. In addition, more “eco-friendly” buildings are being built in urban areas than in the past.

These are buildings built in an environmentally friendly way, such as using sunlight or reusing rainwater. In this way, people have come to value the idea of taking care of the earth more. In the countryside, too, people are increasingly trying to protect the beautiful nature of the countryside.

Tourism and agriculture that make the most of local characteristics are flourishing, and people in cities are rediscovering the charm of the countryside. I hope we can continue to cherish and enjoy the beautiful nature and scenery of our towns and cities.

Next, I would like to talk about how our cost of living has changed. About 30 years ago, the prices of things were a little different compared to today. For example, snacks such as candy and juice may have been a little cheaper than they are now.

However, building a house or buying a new car was very expensive. Still, many people worked hard, provided for their families, and lived happy lives. Today, the prices of many of the necessities of life have changed. Technological advances have made electrical appliances such as televisions and computers more convenient and affordable.

However, the prices of rent and food are on the rise. It takes a lot of money to live, especially in urban areas. In addition, the Internet is now widely available and online shopping has become very convenient. This allows us to compare and purchase various products without having to leave our homes.

Thus, the way we shop has changed dramatically. Furthermore, more and more people are trying to live in an environmentally friendly way. They are spending more money on products that are good for their health and the environment, such as organic foods and eco-friendly products. These products can be a bit pricey.

But they are an important choice to protect the earth and our bodies. The prices of things and the way we shop are changing in this way. What is still important is to use what we need with care and to eliminate waste. Finally, let me talk about how the Earth’s climate has changed.

Thirty years ago, the Earth’s climate was a little different than it is today. The four seasons were distinct. Spring was full of flowers, summer was solidly hot, fall was cool, and winter could bring lots of snow.

People talked about climate change then, but it was not considered as serious a problem as it is now. However, the Earth’s climate began to change little by little. Climate change is now a major issue. Summer heat is increasing, winter cold is decreasing, and snowfall is becoming less frequent.

In addition, severe weather events such as typhoons and torrential rains have become more frequent. These climate changes are believed to be caused by global warming. Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth. One of the causes is our human activities.

For example, the gases emitted from cars and factories have the effect of warming the earth. We can see how the Earth’s climate has changed between the 1990s and today. This change has affected our lives as well.

That is why it is important for us to think about the future of our planet and try to live an eco-friendly life. Examples include conserving electricity, being proactive about recycling, and using bicycles. We can start with small things. Each individual action can make a big difference.

Today, I would like to talk about how Japan has changed from the Japan of 30 years ago to the Japan of today. The economy, population, technology, education, jobs, international relations, nature, climate, cost of living, and many other things have changed. How has each of these changed?

First of all, let me start by talking about the 1990s and the current economy. The 1990s was a very interesting time, about 30 years ago. First of all, in the 1990s, there was a period known as the “bubble economy”.

During this period, prices of things, houses, and land became very high. It was a time when everyone was spending a lot of money. However, when this bubble burst, prices suddenly dropped and many people were in trouble.

On the other hand, what about today’s economy? The Internet and smart phones have become widespread, haven’t they? This has created many new ways to spend money, such as online shopping and e-money.

When you shop, you can now buy goods from home and around the world without having to go to the store. In the 1990s, many people used paper documents for work. But now, with the use of computers and tablets, people are doing more and more of their work without paper.

It’s called “paperless-ka,” and it’s having a positive impact on the environment as well as on the economy. Furthermore, the concept of a “sustainable economy” is now being valued. This means that economic activities are carried out while protecting nature. For example, we use renewable energy and actively recycle.

And many things are changing, such as how we use money, how we work, and how we interact with nature. Next, I would like to talk about the population in the 1990s and today. There have been many changes in people’s lives and numbers between the 1990s and now.

In the 1990s, the population was larger than now and there were many more children. Schools were full of children’s voices, and it was a lively time. But little by little, people started marrying later and more families started having fewer children. Today, fewer babies are born than in the 1990s.

Last year, in 2023, the number of births in Japan, or the number of babies born, was the lowest it has ever been. Also, compared to the 1990s, the number of elderly people is increasing. People of the grandparents’ generation are now living longer.

This is thanks to advances in medical care and improved living conditions. Having more elderly people around can be an opportunity to learn many different experiences. It is even more important for society as a whole to support each other.

Such a society is called an “aging society with a declining birthrate”. Population changes have affected our lives and society in many ways. For example, the declining birthrate has led to greater emphasis on facilities and activities for children.

At the same time, services for the elderly and efforts to protect their health are being strengthened. Thus, the composition of Japan’s population and demographics are changing. We need to think about how we can build a better society while adapting to these changes.

Next, I would like to talk about how our technological capabilities have changed. The technology that makes our lives convenient has changed a lot between the 1990s and now, you know. In the early 1990s, the Internet was not yet widespread.

At that time, to obtain information, one had to go to the library or look up in a dictionary. Now, however, we can easily access information from all over the world using computers and smartphones. Also, in the 1990s, cell phones were not yet common, and they were heavy and large.

They were very different from today’s smartphones, which could only make phone calls and send short messages. However, today’s smartphones have diverse functions, such as taking pictures, watching videos, and playing games, in addition to making phone calls. Furthermore, video games in the 1990s were much simpler than they are today.

But now, video games have very realistic graphics and complex, fun stories. We can explore different worlds from the comfort of our homes. The world we live in is becoming more convenient every day through technology and innovation. Thanks to these technologies, we have a richer life than ever before.

New technologies will continue to emerge and make our lives even better. That is why it is important to stay interested in and keep learning about new technologies and ideas. What kind of technologies will be created in 10 or 20 years from now?

Next, I would like to talk about how schools and the way we study have changed. In the past, school was very simple. A blackboard, chalk, textbooks, and notebooks were the main learning tools. In class, it was common for the teacher to teach while writing things on the blackboard.

We did not often use tablets or computers to study, as we do today. Nowadays, we use tablets and computers to look up information and study online more often. Also, in the 1990s, the Internet as you use it today was not yet common.

When gathering information, it was important to go to the library and read a lot of books. Nowadays, however, it is very easy to find out a lot of information on the Internet. Furthermore, in the 1990s, what students learned at school was mainly basic subjects such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Today, however, there are opportunities to learn more diverse things, such as programming, foreign languages, and environmental studies. This is because we want everyone to have a broader perspective as the world is changing rapidly. Thus, you can see that the content and methods of learning are changing very much.

As new technologies emerge, the style of learning will continue to evolve. Next, I would like to talk about the differences in the popularity of jobs in the 1990s and today. In the 1990s, “businessman”, “public officer”, and “teacher” were very popular jobs. Many people were looking for stable jobs.

Engineers and researchers were also considered important jobs. Creating new things and making discoveries were considered very valuable. However, with the spread of the Internet, the world of work has changed dramatically. Today, jobs such as “IT engineer”, “application developer”, and “web designer” have become very popular.

These are jobs that create new services using the Internet and smartphones. These are occupations that hardly existed in the 1990s. There are also now new types of jobs called “YouTubers” and “influencers”. These jobs involve distributing videos on the Internet and using social networking sites to influence people.

Many people are making the most of their hobbies and skills through these jobs. Furthermore, with the growing interest in environmental issues, jobs such as “environmental consultant” and “renewable energy engineer” are also attracting attention.

These jobs are about developing environmentally friendly methods and new sources of energy to protect the future of our planet. You can see that the popularity of jobs has changed dramatically between the 1990s and today.

This is because as society changes and new technologies are created, the way we work and the skills required have also changed. In the future, there will be many new jobs that we cannot even imagine today.

Next, let’s talk about how the nations of the world have come to interact with each other. In the 1990s, there were major changes in the world. Many countries were making efforts to become friends and to live in peace.

However, there were still many things that divided us, and there were many countries where we did not know each other well. At that time, we could only talk to people in distant countries by letter or telephone. So it took us a long time to get to know each other.

But still, many people worked very hard to create a peaceful and friendly world. And now, with the development of the Internet and smart phones, we can easily talk with people all over the world. Now we can talk face to face through a screen, even with people in faraway countries.

This has allowed us to learn more about each other’s cultures and lives, and has deepened friendships between countries. In addition, countries around the world are now working together to address environmental issues, poverty, and other problems that need to be solved on a global scale.

Many international projects are taking place that would have been unimaginable in the 1990s. This is because the Internet and other technologies have made it possible for the world to unite and help each other.

You can see that the way we relate to each other between countries has changed dramatically between 30 years ago and today. Next, let’s talk about how our towns and natural landscapes have changed. In the 1990s, there were many tall buildings and lots of cars in the cities.

Since that time, town centers have been getting busier and busier. However, as time went by, the town and its natural landscape began to change little by little. Now there are more “green parks” in cities, where people can play and relax in nature.

There is also an increase in “rooftop greening”, where flowers and trees are planted on the roofs of buildings. This has made it possible to enjoy greenery even in the center of a large city. In addition, more “eco-friendly” buildings are being built in urban areas than in the past.

These are buildings built in an environmentally friendly way, such as using sunlight or reusing rainwater. In this way, people have come to value the idea of taking care of the earth more. In the countryside, too, people are increasingly trying to protect the beautiful nature of the countryside.

Tourism and agriculture that make the most of local characteristics are flourishing, and people in cities are rediscovering the charm of the countryside. I hope we can continue to cherish and enjoy the beautiful nature and scenery of our towns and cities.

Next, I would like to talk about how our cost of living has changed. About 30 years ago, the prices of things were a little different compared to today. For example, snacks such as candy and juice may have been a little cheaper than they are now.

However, building a house or buying a new car was very expensive. Still, many people worked hard, provided for their families, and lived happy lives. Today, the prices of many of the necessities of life have changed.

Technological advances have made electrical appliances such as televisions and computers more convenient and affordable. However, the prices of rent and food are on the rise. It takes a lot of money to live, especially in urban areas.

In addition, the Internet is now widely available and online shopping has become very convenient. This allows us to compare and purchase various products without having to leave our homes. Thus, the way we shop has changed dramatically.

Furthermore, more and more people are trying to live in an environmentally friendly way. They are spending more money on products that are good for their health and the environment, such as organic foods and eco-friendly products. These products can be a bit pricey.

But they are an important choice to protect the earth and our bodies. The prices of things and the way we shop are changing in this way. What is still important is to use what we need with care and to eliminate waste.

Finally, let me talk about how the Earth’s climate has changed. Thirty years ago, the Earth’s climate was a little different than it is today. The four seasons were distinct. Spring was full of flowers, summer was solidly hot, fall was cool, and winter could bring lots of snow.

People talked about climate change then, but it was not considered as serious a problem as it is now. However, the Earth’s climate began to change little by little. Climate change is now a major issue. Summer heat is increasing, winter cold is decreasing, and snowfall is becoming less frequent.

In addition, severe weather events such as typhoons and torrential rains have become more frequent. These climate changes are believed to be caused by global warming. Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth. One of the causes is our human activities.

For example, the gases emitted from cars and factories have the effect of warming the earth. We can see how the Earth’s climate has changed between the 1990s and today. This change has affected our lives as well.

That is why it is important for us to think about the future of our planet and try to live an eco-friendly life. Examples include conserving electricity, being proactive about recycling, and using bicycles. We can start with small things. Each individual action can make a big difference.

Today, I would like to talk about how Japan has changed from the Japan of 30 years ago to the Japan of today. The economy, population, technology, education, jobs, international relations, nature, climate, cost of living, and many other things have changed. How has each of these changed?

First of all, let me start by talking about the 1990s and the current economy. The 1990s was a very interesting time, about 30 years ago. First of all, in the 1990s, there was a period known as the “bubble economy”.

During this period, prices of things, houses, and land became very high. It was a time when everyone was spending a lot of money. However, when this bubble burst, prices suddenly dropped and many people were in trouble.

On the other hand, what about today’s economy? The Internet and smart phones have become widespread, haven’t they? This has created many new ways to spend money, such as online shopping and e-money.

When you shop, you can now buy goods from home and around the world without having to go to the store. In the 1990s, many people used paper documents for work.

But now, with the use of computers and tablets, people are doing more and more of their work without paper. It’s called “paperless-ka,” and it’s having a positive impact on the environment as well as on the economy. Furthermore, the concept of a “sustainable economy” is now being valued.

This means that economic activities are carried out while protecting nature. For example, we use renewable energy and actively recycle. And many things are changing, such as how we use money, how we work, and how we interact with nature.

Next, I would like to talk about the population in the 1990s and today. There have been many changes in people’s lives and numbers between the 1990s and now. In the 1990s, the population was larger than now and there were many more children.

Schools were full of children’s voices, and it was a lively time. But little by little, people started marrying later and more families started having fewer children. Today, fewer babies are born than in the 1990s.

Last year, in 2023, the number of births in Japan, or the number of babies born, was the lowest it has ever been. Also, compared to the 1990s, the number of elderly people is increasing. People of the grandparents’ generation are now living longer.

This is thanks to advances in medical care and improved living conditions. Having more elderly people around can be an opportunity to learn many different experiences. It is even more important for society as a whole to support each other.

Such a society is called an “aging society with a declining birthrate”. Population changes have affected our lives and society in many ways. For example, the declining birthrate has led to greater emphasis on facilities and activities for children.

At the same time, services for the elderly and efforts to protect their health are being strengthened. Thus, the composition of Japan’s population and demographics are changing. We need to think about how we can build a better society while adapting to these changes.

Next, I would like to talk about how our technological capabilities have changed. The technology that makes our lives convenient has changed a lot between the 1990s and now, you know. In the early 1990s, the Internet was not yet widespread.

At that time, to obtain information, one had to go to the library or look up in a dictionary. Now, however, we can easily access information from all over the world using computers and smartphones.

Also, in the 1990s, cell phones were not yet common, and they were heavy and large. They were very different from today’s smartphones, which could only make phone calls and send short messages.

However, today’s smartphones have diverse functions, such as taking pictures, watching videos, and playing games, in addition to making phone calls. Furthermore, video games in the 1990s were much simpler than they are today. But now, video games have very realistic graphics and complex, fun stories.

We can explore different worlds from the comfort of our homes. The world we live in is becoming more convenient every day through technology and innovation. Thanks to these technologies, we have a richer life than ever before.

New technologies will continue to emerge and make our lives even better. That is why it is important to stay interested in and keep learning about new technologies and ideas. What kind of technologies will be created in 10 or 20 years from now?

Next, I would like to talk about how schools and the way we study have changed. In the past, school was very simple. A blackboard, chalk, textbooks, and notebooks were the main learning tools.

In class, it was common for the teacher to teach while writing things on the blackboard. We did not often use tablets or computers to study, as we do today. Nowadays, we use tablets and computers to look up information and study online more often.

Also, in the 1990s, the Internet as you use it today was not yet common. When gathering information, it was important to go to the library and read a lot of books. Nowadays, however, it is very easy to find out a lot of information on the Internet.

Furthermore, in the 1990s, what students learned at school was mainly basic subjects such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Today, however, there are opportunities to learn more diverse things, such as programming, foreign languages, and environmental studies.

This is because we want everyone to have a broader perspective as the world is changing rapidly. Thus, you can see that the content and methods of learning are changing very much. As new technologies emerge, the style of learning will continue to evolve.

Next, I would like to talk about the differences in the popularity of jobs in the 1990s and today. In the 1990s, “businessman”, “public officer”, and “teacher” were very popular jobs. Many people were looking for stable jobs. Engineers and researchers were also considered important jobs.

Creating new things and making discoveries were considered very valuable. However, with the spread of the Internet, the world of work has changed dramatically. Today, jobs such as “IT engineer”, “application developer”, and “web designer” have become very popular.

These are jobs that create new services using the Internet and smartphones. These are occupations that hardly existed in the 1990s. There are also now new types of jobs called “YouTubers” and “influencers”.

These jobs involve distributing videos on the Internet and using social networking sites to influence people. Many people are making the most of their hobbies and skills through these jobs.

Furthermore, with the growing interest in environmental issues, jobs such as “environmental consultant” and “renewable energy engineer” are also attracting attention. These jobs are about developing environmentally friendly methods and new sources of energy to protect the future of our planet.

You can see that the popularity of jobs has changed dramatically between the 1990s and today. This is because as society changes and new technologies are created, the way we work and the skills required have also changed.

In the future, there will be many new jobs that we cannot even imagine today. Next, let’s talk about how the nations of the world have come to interact with each other. In the 1990s, there were major changes in the world.

Many countries were making efforts to become friends and to live in peace. However, there were still many things that divided us, and there were many countries where we did not know each other well.

At that time, we could only talk to people in distant countries by letter or telephone. So it took us a long time to get to know each other. But still, many people worked very hard to create a peaceful and friendly world.

And now, with the development of the Internet and smart phones, we can easily talk with people all over the world. Now we can talk face to face through a screen, even with people in faraway countries.

This has allowed us to learn more about each other’s cultures and lives, and has deepened friendships between countries. In addition, countries around the world are now working together to address environmental issues, poverty, and other problems that need to be solved on a global scale.

Many international projects are taking place that would have been unimaginable in the 1990s. This is because the Internet and other technologies have made it possible for the world to unite and help each other.

You can see that the way we relate to each other between countries has changed dramatically between 30 years ago and today. Next, let’s talk about how our towns and natural landscapes have changed. In the 1990s, there were many tall buildings and lots of cars in the cities.

Since that time, town centers have been getting busier and busier. However, as time went by, the town and its natural landscape began to change little by little. Now there are more “green parks” in cities, where people can play and relax in nature.

There is also an increase in “rooftop greening”, where flowers and trees are planted on the roofs of buildings. This has made it possible to enjoy greenery even in the center of a large city.

In addition, more “eco-friendly” buildings are being built in urban areas than in the past. These are buildings built in an environmentally friendly way, such as using sunlight or reusing rainwater. In this way, people have come to value the idea of taking care of the earth more.

In the countryside, too, people are increasingly trying to protect the beautiful nature of the countryside. Tourism and agriculture that make the most of local characteristics are flourishing, and people in cities are rediscovering the charm of the countryside.

I hope we can continue to cherish and enjoy the beautiful nature and scenery of our towns and cities. Next, I would like to talk about how our cost of living has changed. About 30 years ago, the prices of things were a little different compared to today.

For example, snacks such as candy and juice may have been a little cheaper than they are now. However, building a house or buying a new car was very expensive. Still, many people worked hard, provided for their families, and lived happy lives.

Today, the prices of many of the necessities of life have changed. Technological advances have made electrical appliances such as televisions and computers more convenient and affordable. However, the prices of rent and food are on the rise.

It takes a lot of money to live, especially in urban areas. In addition, the Internet is now widely available and online shopping has become very convenient. This allows us to compare and purchase various products without having to leave our homes.

Thus, the way we shop has changed dramatically. Furthermore, more and more people are trying to live in an environmentally friendly way. They are spending more money on products that are good for their health and the environment, such as organic foods and eco-friendly products.

These products can be a bit pricey. But they are an important choice to protect the earth and our bodies. The prices of things and the way we shop are changing in this way.

What is still important is to use what we need with care and to eliminate waste. Finally, let me talk about how the Earth’s climate has changed. Thirty years ago, the Earth’s climate was a little different than it is today. The four seasons were distinct.

Spring was full of flowers, summer was solidly hot, fall was cool, and winter could bring lots of snow. People talked about climate change then, but it was not considered as serious a problem as it is now. However, the Earth’s climate began to change little by little.

Climate change is now a major issue. Summer heat is increasing, winter cold is decreasing, and snowfall is becoming less frequent. In addition, severe weather events such as typhoons and torrential rains have become more frequent. These climate changes are believed to be caused by global warming.

Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth. One of the causes is our human activities. For example, the gases emitted from cars and factories have the effect of warming the earth.

We can see how the Earth’s climate has changed between the 1990s and today. This change has affected our lives as well. That is why it is important for us to think about the future of our planet and try to live an eco-friendly life.

Examples include conserving electricity, being proactive about recycling, and using bicycles. We can start with small things. Each individual action can make a big difference. Today, I would like to talk about how Japan has changed from the Japan of 30 years ago to the Japan of today.

The economy, population, technology, education, jobs, international relations, nature, climate, cost of living, and many other things have changed. How has each of these changed? First of all, let me start by talking about the 1990s and the current economy.

The 1990s was a very interesting time, about 30 years ago. First of all, in the 1990s, there was a period known as the “bubble economy”. During this period, prices of things, houses, and land became very high.

It was a time when everyone was spending a lot of money. However, when this bubble burst, prices suddenly dropped and many people were in trouble. On the other hand, what about today’s economy? The Internet and smart phones have become widespread, haven’t they?

This has created many new ways to spend money, such as online shopping and e-money. When you shop, you can now buy goods from home and around the world without having to go to the store. In the 1990s, many people used paper documents for work.

But now, with the use of computers and tablets, people are doing more and more of their work without paper. It’s called “paperless-ka,” and it’s having a positive impact on the environment as well as on the economy.

Furthermore, the concept of a “sustainable economy” is now being valued. This means that economic activities are carried out while protecting nature. For example, we use renewable energy and actively recycle.

And many things are changing, such as how we use money, how we work, and how we interact with nature. Next, I would like to talk about the population in the 1990s and today.

There have been many changes in people’s lives and numbers between the 1990s and now. In the 1990s, the population was larger than now and there were many more children. Schools were full of children’s voices, and it was a lively time.

But little by little, people started marrying later and more families started having fewer children. Today, fewer babies are born than in the 1990s.

Last year, in 2023, the number of births in Japan, or the number of babies born, was the lowest it has ever been. Also, compared to the 1990s, the number of elderly people is increasing. People of the grandparents’ generation are now living longer.

This is thanks to advances in medical care and improved living conditions. Having more elderly people around can be an opportunity to learn many different experiences. It is even more important for society as a whole to support each other.

Such a society is called an “aging society with a declining birthrate”. Population changes have affected our lives and society in many ways. For example, the declining birthrate has led to greater emphasis on facilities and activities for children.

At the same time, services for the elderly and efforts to protect their health are being strengthened. Thus, the composition of Japan’s population and demographics are changing. We need to think about how we can build a better society while adapting to these changes.

Next, I would like to talk about how our technological capabilities have changed. The technology that makes our lives convenient has changed a lot between the 1990s and now, you know. In the early 1990s, the Internet was not yet widespread.

At that time, to obtain information, one had to go to the library or look up in a dictionary. Now, however, we can easily access information from all over the world using computers and smartphones.

Also, in the 1990s, cell phones were not yet common, and they were heavy and large. They were very different from today’s smartphones, which could only make phone calls and send short messages.

However, today’s smartphones have diverse functions, such as taking pictures, watching videos, and playing games, in addition to making phone calls. Furthermore, video games in the 1990s were much simpler than they are today. But now, video games have very realistic graphics and complex, fun stories.

We can explore different worlds from the comfort of our homes. The world we live in is becoming more convenient every day through technology and innovation. Thanks to these technologies, we have a richer life than ever before.

New technologies will continue to emerge and make our lives even better. That is why it is important to stay interested in and keep learning about new technologies and ideas. What kind of technologies will be created in 10 or 20 years from now?

Next, I would like to talk about how schools and the way we study have changed. In the past, school was very simple. A blackboard, chalk, textbooks, and notebooks were the main learning tools.

In class, it was common for the teacher to teach while writing things on the blackboard. We did not often use tablets or computers to study, as we do today. Nowadays, we use tablets and computers to look up information and study online more often.

Also, in the 1990s, the Internet as you use it today was not yet common. When gathering information, it was important to go to the library and read a lot of books.

Nowadays, however, it is very easy to find out a lot of information on the Internet. Furthermore, in the 1990s, what students learned at school was mainly basic subjects such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Today, however, there are opportunities to learn more diverse things, such as programming, foreign languages, and environmental studies. This is because we want everyone to have a broader perspective as the world is changing rapidly.

Thus, you can see that the content and methods of learning are changing very much. As new technologies emerge, the style of learning will continue to evolve. Next, I would like to talk about the differences in the popularity of jobs in the 1990s and today.

In the 1990s, “businessman”, “public officer”, and “teacher” were very popular jobs. Many people were looking for stable jobs. Engineers and researchers were also considered important jobs. Creating new things and making discoveries were considered very valuable.

However, with the spread of the Internet, the world of work has changed dramatically. Today, jobs such as “IT engineer”, “application developer”, and “web designer” have become very popular. These are jobs that create new services using the Internet and smartphones.

These are occupations that hardly existed in the 1990s. There are also now new types of jobs called “YouTubers” and “influencers”. These jobs involve distributing videos on the Internet and using social networking sites to influence people.

Many people are making the most of their hobbies and skills through these jobs. Furthermore, with the growing interest in environmental issues, jobs such as “environmental consultant” and “renewable energy engineer” are also attracting attention.

These jobs are about developing environmentally friendly methods and new sources of energy to protect the future of our planet. You can see that the popularity of jobs has changed dramatically between the 1990s and today.

This is because as society changes and new technologies are created, the way we work and the skills required have also changed. In the future, there will be many new jobs that we cannot even imagine today.

Next, let’s talk about how the nations of the world have come to interact with each other. In the 1990s, there were major changes in the world. Many countries were making efforts to become friends and to live in peace.

However, there were still many things that divided us, and there were many countries where we did not know each other well. At that time, we could only talk to people in distant countries by letter or telephone.

So it took us a long time to get to know each other. But still, many people worked very hard to create a peaceful and friendly world.

And now, with the development of the Internet and smart phones, we can easily talk with people all over the world. Now we can talk face to face through a screen, even with people in faraway countries.

This has allowed us to learn more about each other’s cultures and lives, and has deepened friendships between countries. In addition, countries around the world are now working together to address environmental issues, poverty, and other problems that need to be solved on a global scale.

Many international projects are taking place that would have been unimaginable in the 1990s. This is because the Internet and other technologies have made it possible for the world to unite and help each other.

You can see that the way we relate to each other between countries has changed dramatically between 30 years ago and today. Next, let’s talk about how our towns and natural landscapes have changed.

In the 1990s, there were many tall buildings and lots of cars in the cities. Since that time, town centers have been getting busier and busier. However, as time went by, the town and its natural landscape began to change little by little.

Now there are more “green parks” in cities, where people can play and relax in nature. There is also an increase in “rooftop greening”, where flowers and trees are planted on the roofs of buildings.

This has made it possible to enjoy greenery even in the center of a large city. In addition, more “eco-friendly” buildings are being built in urban areas than in the past.

These are buildings built in an environmentally friendly way, such as using sunlight or reusing rainwater. In this way, people have come to value the idea of taking care of the earth more.

In the countryside, too, people are increasingly trying to protect the beautiful nature of the countryside. Tourism and agriculture that make the most of local characteristics are flourishing, and people in cities are rediscovering the charm of the countryside.

I hope we can continue to cherish and enjoy the beautiful nature and scenery of our towns and cities. Next, I would like to talk about how our cost of living has changed.

About 30 years ago, the prices of things were a little different compared to today. For example, snacks such as candy and juice may have been a little cheaper than they are now. However, building a house or buying a new car was very expensive.

Still, many people worked hard, provided for their families, and lived happy lives. Today, the prices of many of the necessities of life have changed. Technological advances have made electrical appliances such as televisions and computers more convenient and affordable.

However, the prices of rent and food are on the rise. It takes a lot of money to live, especially in urban areas. In addition, the Internet is now widely available and online shopping has become very convenient.

This allows us to compare and purchase various products without having to leave our homes. Thus, the way we shop has changed dramatically. Furthermore, more and more people are trying to live in an environmentally friendly way.

They are spending more money on products that are good for their health and the environment, such as organic foods and eco-friendly products. These products can be a bit pricey. But they are an important choice to protect the earth and our bodies.

The prices of things and the way we shop are changing in this way. What is still important is to use what we need with care and to eliminate waste. Finally, let me talk about how the Earth’s climate has changed.

Thirty years ago, the Earth’s climate was a little different than it is today. The four seasons were distinct. Spring was full of flowers, summer was solidly hot, fall was cool, and winter could bring lots of snow.

People talked about climate change then, but it was not considered as serious a problem as it is now. However, the Earth’s climate began to change little by little. Climate change is now a major issue.

Summer heat is increasing, winter cold is decreasing, and snowfall is becoming less frequent. In addition, severe weather events such as typhoons and torrential rains have become more frequent. These climate changes are believed to be caused by global warming.

Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth. One of the causes is our human activities. For example, the gases emitted from cars and factories have the effect of warming the earth.

We can see how the Earth’s climate has changed between the 1990s and today. This change has affected our lives as well. That is why it is important for us to think about the future of our planet and try to live an eco-friendly life.

Examples include conserving electricity, being proactive about recycling, and using bicycles. We can start with small things. Each individual action can make a big difference.

🚀Lesson 9 Highlights:
🌈 Discover Japan’s Transformation: Journey through the last 30 years to see how Japan has evolved in areas like the economy, technology, and education.
🏠 Lifestyle Evolution: Dive into how daily life in Japan has changed, noting what has been gained and what has been lost.
🔍 Global Perspectives: Gain unique insights by comparing Japan’s changes with those in your country, enriching your understanding of both.

This video is designed to enhance your listening and speaking skills through shadowing practice, where you follow along with a native speaker.
☑️ A native Japanese speaker guides you, helping you pick up natural pronunciation and rhythm.
☑️ Activate subtitles for better comprehension and to deepen your learning experience.

☑️ Begin with Furigana: Start your learning with furigana for easy kanji reading.
☑️ Increase Speed: Move to the next level with a speed increase to 1.2x for a better challenge.
☑️ No Furigana Challenge: Finish strong by removing furigana and keeping the speed at 1.2x to test your skills.
☑️ Adjust Speed for Comfort: If the pace is too quick, slow down the video to 0.75x to match your learning speed.

00:36 Economic Changes
03:30 Population Changes
06:40 Evolution of Technology
09:39 Changes in Education
12:16 Changes in Popular Careers
15:35 Changes in International Relations
18:09 Changes in the Natural Environment
20:35 Changes in the Cost of Living
23:25 Climate Changes

Natural Speed:
26:47 Economic Changes (With Furigana & At Natural Speed)

Kanji Challenge:
48:42 Economic Changes (Without Furigana & At Natural Speed)

Real Listening Challenge:
01:10:35 1. Economic Changes (Without Subtitles & Speeded Up)

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<How to Learn Japanese with the Video>
1. Watch with Subtitles: Utilize subtitles to comprehend Japanese words and phrases.
2. Do “Shadowing” Japanese Phrases: Practice speaking along with Japanese phrases.
3. Watch Without Subtitles: Challenge yourself by watching without subtitles.
4. Repeat and Adjust Speed: Repeat the content, adjusting the speed as needed.
Note: You can also listen to the Japanese audio while sleeping.

<About My Channel>
🇯🇵 Created by Ayano, a Native Certified Japanese Teacher.
🍣 Explore Easy Japanese Conversations, Useful Vocabulary, Kanji, and Real Phrases.
🍜 Focus on Listening skills and Vocabulary Development.
🗾 By consistently watching my channel, you’ll grasp Anime, Manga, and Japanese Culture like a Native.
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