Полиция или Оружие? БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ в Аргентине. Как ЗАЩИТИТЬСЯ от криминала?

If your phone is stolen on the street, the police will not look for it. But you can’t stand at a traffic light like a Chinese Tourist and take a photo here. And if someone steals,

It’s usually the local emigrants who do it. In general, they never take anything that belongs to others! And friends, this kind of graffiti was painted and this little pig doesn’t give me peace. Argentines are not a smoking nation at all! I have not seen a single person who smokes

In Argentina. As I say, they are as similar to us as possible. Look at the pictures of “clean Russia.” This is a classic. This is approximately how all private houses always look. Always aims in that direction…

Answer my question. If I ask you what you think about the idea of ​​moving to Latin America, you will most likely answer that these are unsafe countries. That there is only crime, drugs and God knows what else! Stereotypes and fear of something new sometimes prevent us

From visiting very interesting places and looking beyond stereotypical thinking, today I would like to tell you about how things really are with crime here in Argentina. Is it safe to walk on the streets? Is it possible to purchase firearms for self-defense here? And how the police fight the crime situation in Argentina.

Hello, my name is Maxim. In order to understand how safe Argentina is, it is at least worth comparing the crime rate with other countries. Here, for example, are statistics for 2019 for Latin American countries. Venezuela The leader

In the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitants, with as many as 56.3 murders, Argentina ranks second to last with a result of 5.2 murders, second only to Chile. And in Europe the situation is noticeably better: one murder per 100,000 inhabitants, this statistic gives a general understanding of what the crime situation is

In different countries. Here is more data that I found on Wikipedia, there are statistics for 2020 where Argentina already has an indicator of 4.6 and even surpasses Russia with indicator 5.0. Dry numbers, yes, but then I’ll tell you my personal experience about how I see the security situation in

Argentina. In the meantime, I’ll ask you to like this video and subscribe to my channel, your likes help create new and interesting videos, support me Thank you Now let’s move on from dry numbers to real facts and opinions of immigrants. When I just arrived in Argentina, I immediately

Noticed a certain tension among people in terms of their personal belongings. People put on backpacks as if from the front. Can you imagine? Many directly squeezed their bags tightly and it was felt from the outside.

Against the backdrop of all this, you involuntarily begin to do the same thing. This is a purely herd instinct, especially before going to Latin America, I saw a lot about this country about crime, including, and of course, I felt maximum tension when I took out my phone

On the street or just I was counting money in my wallet, we have a video about security about how you shouldn’t hold your phone at arm’s length because they might take it away. Well, that’s what has changed after

6 months, I’ll say that the tension has weakened very much, I practically don’t feel it, and the only thing is I just got used to it before take out your phone several times Well, look around you and don’t stand by

The road with your devices, this habit is very quickly remembered here and everything else, I don’t see any threat from the locals, even if Three guys are walking opposite me and don’t look very

Neat, I’m not afraid at all I’m as calm as possible and in the areas where I usually go, I no longer experience thoughts that I need to be extremely collected and focused, I’m just living and enjoying life,

Someone will say you just haven’t found yourself in such a situation before, then you would have told it differently I didn’t I agree, it all depends on you if you minimize such a factor as failure and you follow

A certain set of rules. And this includes the first, don’t stand with your phone near the road, second, don’t go to unfavorable areas alone, third, don’t go out at night, fourth, don’t look for adventures on your ass then with a high degree of probability, you won’t even notice the famous Latin American

Crime; you listened to my opinion, but let’s listen to the opinion of other emigrants. Hello everyone, my name is Marina, our family has been living in Cordoba for a little over 9 months, if we share our experience and our feelings about security in this country and in the current

City, I can say the following: Our family has not encountered any difficulties or robbery related to security in the city of Cordoba. And we know that there are dangerous areas and safe ones. We try not to go to dangerous ones, but we don’t always know which ones are dangerous and

Which ones are not. It’s not always possible to navigate, so our experience is as follows: the Argentines themselves help us navigate the areas; we currently live in a safe area ; no one has offended us, for which, dear Argentines, thank you very much!

In fact, here in Argentina, as far as I have calculated, in any part of Latin America, if you give a lot of attention and care to your things and belongings, you cannot neglect them, they are obviously still in Argentina, depending on the region . Wherever you go

Can be overall better or worse, it’s a pretty general situation, obviously the further you go into the countryside the calmer it is, but yeah you still don’t worry about situations, I mean no, hmm, you always need to be careful, right? Pay attention to your things, many of us walk,

For example, with a backpack or purse in front of us, eh? Because you can’t neglect your things. Max hello So I’m also in Argentina, I’ll be happy to share my experience of being here and the

Safety rules that I’ve come up with for myself, rule number one is not to attract attention to yourself. That is, I immediately left all my branded handbags in Russia. I came to Nose Aires and

I took off all the gold and left only the silver studs for myself. I took a bag with a thick strap. I’ll say this kind of cross-body bag must have a wide strap and the first days I

Generally wore it under my shirt. That is, I put on a T-shirt bag and a shirt on top so that it was not visible at all. it was and regarding money documents phone documents since I don’t carry documents with me if

I don’t need them on the trip money only as much as I need to spend today right now if for some reason I went and phone Generally don’t shine the city incredibly beautiful I want to

Take pictures on every corner but on at a traffic light, like a Chinese tourist, you can’t stand here and take a photo. Hi Maxim, a lot has already been said about security in Argentina, so let me add my “5 cents.” Having read stories from our compatriots about

How bad the security is here in Argentina, I decided to take precautions in advance to avoid getting into such situations. And if your viewers feel the same way about my example, namely, Let them not rent an apartment in bad areas, rent an apartment only in normal areas.

Let them not shine with luxury on the streets. Believe me, friends, Argentines don’t need to know what the latest iPhone is or how many gold chains you have. Well, and most importantly, let them think about who they communicate with and what they say to whom. My first 6 months in Argentina were very

Cool and safe without a single incident. I hope this will continue. Okay, thanks Guys! And let’s reinforce everything with the fact that I will take a walk through different areas of Cordoba to show you clearly the situation in the city. I came out to show you my neighborhood,

And we have a video about security, about how you shouldn’t keep your phone at arm’s length, because they might take it away. In general, the area in which I live is called General Pass, here it’s

Quite calm and quiet, let’s walk a little around the area, I’ll show it to you and see in general how safe the streets are, how much tension there is on the streets, here’s the famous Latin American crime, now we’ll look for it. Let’s see Maybe

We’ll find it Or maybe we won’t find it, but in any case I’ll show you everything! [music] So, well, overall you can see that it’s a pretty Friendly area. I didn’t notice any suspicious individuals, but even if they exist, in general, you just need to be

More careful with your personal belongings and in general it’s very safe here. Well, let’s go on and see what we have in other areas! Maybe we will find this crime there? So we arrived in the center in the center of the area called Nueva Cordoba, in general,

Here it’s the busiest there are busy streets with a lot of cars. And now I’ll show you different streets, different areas, in fact, I look at the locals like that, they all walk around with phones, even no one

Turns around, that is, they all stick In phones, by the way, I saw this in Asia when Well, I lived in Korea There, in general, well, that is, there is simply no crime in terms of theft, they don’t happen

Zero cases per year for someone to steal something, and if someone – sometimes it’s stealing, sometimes it’s usually emigrants who do this, locals. In general, they never take anything that belongs to others. And here,

Well, you can feel the people in the center, somehow, in terms of phones, somehow they take it calmly, they go, they stick, look , friends, there’s so much booze, vino. Look how cool these sets are. It’s a pity that I

Practically don’t drink. I don’t drink strong drinks! You see how many cars there are on the street. In general, a whole, whole traffic jam of cars. The guys are sitting, relaxing, talking. It’s so relaxed here Latin America,

It’s all like that, by the way, now we’re going out onto the main street Well, so to speak, not the most important but wide street, these are the beautiful buildings, by the way, the buildings are all different, you won’t

Find two identical buildings in Argentina, they’re all building absolutely in different ways, by the way, I really like it here I like it. In general, these streets are wide, I like that the cars all

Go in one direction, the traffic lights are like in America they hang right above the road. It’s convenient. There’s a federal Policia police car. By the way, I’ll tell you about the police a little further. What’s different? federal policia

From the regular police provincial what powers do they have This, my friends, is literally the very, very juice! The busiest place! Because here we have a university and here there is a “ton”, just a “cloud” of students – a lot of students! In the evening, in general, so that you understand

The evening time, when you drive here along this roundabout, you see people sitting and, in short, there is no empty space. Here it’s all about the students in the youth, they sit, drink swear words and enjoy life, in general, they don’t strain at all . Yes, Nueva Cordoba is just a fairly

Large area. Here, too, there are a lot of different small streets, but this one is also very busy. Despite the fact that it is quite narrow, there are only two lanes and a bicycle path. They move like that because they are because they are slow, no, they are just swarming around enjoying life.

It’s 12:11 now. Weekdays, that is, in theory, there may be some kind of lunch break, but still there are a lot of people on the street, in an hour, in my opinion, “Siesta” begins. For those who don’t know, “Siesta” is

In Latin America, in Spain, it is, roughly speaking, a break in During the day they have a three to four hour break there. I fucking love walking in the center! but I wouldn’t want to live, there’s too much noise and

Roads. It’s too lively in the evening, everyone is hanging out and listening to music loudly. And also friends These are the graffiti painted and this little pig doesn’t give me peace of mind what it means guys who know Write in the comments I

See this little pig all over the city and there are different inscriptions, some kind of movement with him is obvious, well Let’s continue to see what’s going on We have interesting things here in Cordoba in the center we are walking You see how

Beautiful it is in general there are many all sorts of streets cafes everywhere shops it is impossible to pass by As you can see friends in general there are no dangers, an ordinary city, an ordinary environment

Here we are in the north-east of Cordoba, a district here there are fewer Russians of course it is possible here in general there are no Russians, no one really lives here, but it seems that the area is also quite calm, there is

A bike path here like this, we’re walking along it now, it’s early morning and in general you look at the people and understand that you don’t feel any danger yet, even considering that I’m walking I can’t help but be on the phone, people don’t pay much attention to you, they just go about

Their business. Well, by the way, it’s not cool that there’s just trash scattered around here, look! And it seems like you see such a zone , but it’s clean, if you look at the same benches behind, it’s generally clean and beautiful. Of course, first of all,

You should be wary of motorcyclists; motorcyclists are more mobile. That is, you can walk conditionally somewhere along the same zone that I’m walking through . somewhere on the road they can drive without any problems onto this green

Part, grab the phone and just drive away! That is, you won’t catch up with them and you won’t do anything! So be careful, if you are also filming on the street or just run social networks and constantly record some stories, then be careful! Here

Cyclists ride. I wanted to immediately note how sporty the nation is, there are a lot of gyms, just at every step it is also clear that people directly monitor their health and their figure, a lot of people run in the morning and also ride bicycles and this is

Very cool because in Turkey, for example, I lived there, with sports, everything is sad, that is, the nation is not a sporty nation at all, and at every step it smells of tobacco, everyone smokes. Well, actually, such a

Mentality, such customs, traditions, they are not particularly interested in all this, well, you yourself can look at the results of any competitions, have you at least once heard about some Turkish athlete So I haven’t heard and I also want to note that the Argentines are not a smoking nation at all, I haven’t

Seen a single person who smokes in Argentina, just a non-smoker as much as possible. It seems to me that here in general the business of selling cigarettes is absolutely unprofitable Well, that’s in my opinion again, maybe

I don’t pay much attention to the look, but it’s still noticeable when you’re standing at a bus stop, a lot of people usually smoke or somewhere else in some places, but here you don’t see this Kurto [music] From all nationalities and peoples that

I have met, it seems to me that the Argentines are the most similar to us in terms of a combination of some factors. For example, you even see children’s playgrounds and on children’s playgrounds there is always a

Parallel bars horizontal bar, and there, well, of course, there are slides, swings, that’s also all clear, but the parallel bars horizontal bars – this is some kind of Exclusive and only met in Russia until the moment I came here, it seemed that

For many countries a children’s playground is definitely not a horizontal bar and uneven bars, it’s something like that, I don’t know, a children’s playground is just some kind of exercise equipment they cost more like this for entertainment than for

Training, but here everything is basically the same and it looks like we have such a classic swing as in our yards, now I’ll show you this one, I don’t know what it’s called correctly In general And we also climbed on such things in childhood. You see. That is,

Money is invested in this, I’m telling you, they are as similar to us as possible. Look at the pictures. Well, this is “pure Russia”, look, friends. These are actually some very budget houses. You see, usually They have

Some kind of low private houses, one maximum two floors, common and of course everything is behind a fence behind such a prickly one, many people put up such thorns that it even hurts to look at them. And here, well, here it’s

Even more or less like just a fence, yes. By the way, I’ve seen some buildings Well, private houses, they have an electricity system connected to the fence. That is, if as I understand it, people there

Turn it on at night and Well, this is serious, this directly indicates that theft here is a very frequent and serious phenomenon. So, I decided this go to the more closed part of the area.

Just look at some nook and cranny here, let’s take a walk. What is the situation here? You also see the private sector and all sorts of buildings, some have a fence, some don’t, that is, all sorts of bars there, this is

Absolutely absolutely the usual story here, this is a classic. This is roughly what all private houses look like, as many bars as possible, a low building, maybe three or four rooms in the house and a very small area like a terrace, well, how can I say it, like a terrace, but

Usually they make some kind of puddle there – in general, everything here is just laid out with tiles. Firearms in Argentina are restricted and regulated and controlled by “ANMaC” – essentially a branch of the Ministry of Justice for Human Rights. But in order for you to be able to

Use a weapon, you need to be 21 years old, pass a psychological test, provide a medical certificate, prove that you have the means to live, take a safety course. What kind of safety course do you ask? Let’s go, now I’ll show you everything!

So we wait for the guys and go shoot at the shooting range. Are they coming? Yes, good morning! Hello how are you doing? We signed up with an instructor, her name is Fleur. Isn’t this an anti-aircraft gun? No. ship’s ship’s Damn, this is a very cool

Thing, this is the first time I’ve been standing next to such a gun, but as I understand it, it was from the Second World War or later, but here it is here and it says yes, class 1946 let’s go shoot!

So, guys, we have arrived at our shooting range, our area where we will shoot now preparations are underway, now I’ll show you how it all goes, it’s very interesting because I’ve never shot a pistol in my life and haven’t been to a professional shooting range, so let’s go!

When we make a field, we are going to hide the background of the field. Always aiming in that direction. Okay, let’s shoot the 9mm track. This is the verse I will use here. Then at most I will show you my gun so you have an idea, if not then we hold it well,

As long as the finger is on the outside and pointing to the safe area, we can hold it tightly. We will do this by looking for the magazine latch, pulling out the small button that removes the charger, the lock may be on this side because there it has become left, it changes

The location of the button, that is, this explains it. To check this, let’s mount the gun, grab the slide and pull back, yes, this is a test called mechanical and visual mechanical, because if there is a bullet in it, when we pull back, it will hit Salta.

The correct way to hold a gun is this bow and even earlier, right? Yes, there’s a finger out. The hand here is holding up well and has come very close, this little finger up, yes, yes, and what this hand does

Is it essentially brings back all that empty space that is left here, yes. That’s right, that’s it. Yes, yes, high there, this is right here and a little further forward, this finger is outward. This hand, positioned a little further forward, drops the cardboard in the middle.

Now how to get adrenaline from the first icon and now we will fix it. You squeeze your hands too hard, your weapon moves. You’re tense, you need to relax. Don’t do this… You’re standing close, I can’t relax. I do not know how. Hahaha He’s very tense!

He says bring him a machine gun! Ha ha ha Yes, he squeezes hard with his hands. Yes, he got into Alpha! Straight to Alpha! Borya, I know you have your own pistol for self-defense, so that no robbers get into that house, they take nothing away, how did you get a license, tell us

A little bit about how to get a weapons license in Argentina? Well, first you come to the shooting range and ask people Where Where can you get an instructor Uh-huh so that he can

Explain to you all the nuances of using weapons Uh-huh and Well, you come, he explained it to you first, here’s how they explained it to you Well, that’s exactly the same, that is, a couple of lessons you take these then when you

Know it all, you come all this, the third lesson turns out, that is, there should be three lessons. Well, there shouldn’t be three lessons. You can take one lesson and come and take it for the next lesson. Well

, I took two lessons, shot and passed the third lesson. Well, there’s an exam. asks about you how to use a weapon. That is, for example, you should say that you should not keep your finger on the trigger, that

Is, do not point the gun at anyone, always point the gun towards the target, point the gun, yes, and this is a theoretical exam, and then there is also a psychological test. That is,

You go to a psychologist, by the way, there is And that is, you can get it right here I’m all here adj to the psychologist, he asks a couple of questions there Well, usually, that is, it looks at what kind of person you are – not

Dangerous, not dangerous? Aren’t you a dangerous person? Well I don’t. Your first acquaintance with weapons, then you pass the exam, then you go and get a certificate from a psychologist. Next, what needs to be done? Well, all the papers, that is, the psychologist signs

A paper for you, and the instructor signs another paper, and with these papers you also go here to do papers and they give you a card for 10 years and right here you get this card, everything that is,

You came to the shooting range, practiced, shot, got permission from a psychologist and received the card itself, this can be done, I think there in a week, or even less, less than a couple of days and you’re ready very easily.

Is it possible to carry a gun in Argentina? Well, how can you transport weapons? But you must, if you are transporting, you must be able to say why you are on it. For example, I am not here. I am traveling on Yes, for example, I

Can say. So, I kind of carry a weapon because I practice yes. But if you don’t have this, you are with they caught you with this You can be imprisoned, what else when you carry a weapon you cannot carry it with you You

Must always keep it in a box and separately the bullets must howl from the pistol you understand, yes very much interesting Yes, by the way, I also wanted to ask how do Argentines generally protect themselves? Here

They are at home and they have their own home, what should they do to prevent a situation where robbers somehow get in? What do Argentines usually do for their safety? Well, of course, usually,

First of all, they put all sorts of bars on the windows. Well, this is impossible without bars. Well, here in Argentina, in my opinion, there are no buildings where there are no bars, only if there are some kind of high-rise buildings. Yes, or private

Areas, that is, closed areas. By the way, tell me about yours, what did you put in, what else? no, well, I have everything, I only have a grille and no alarms yet, the dog you also have a dog in the

Guard function, also a dog when you have a large gathering Yes, they can definitely jump and of course weapons The last frontier Yeah, well, you have the whole kit, well, I have alarms not yet, but I’ll be there soon And people also install CCTV cameras. But this won’t really protect you,

That is, everything is like an alarm system, at least there will be some proof to show to the police, yes. Well, if they come and the criminal has escaped, you can show it or did you shoot him or Yes,

Here’s the camera, I actually shot him. By the way, this will protect you from prison. As I understand it, from some because you can’t just like that, you can’t shoot a person. You have to prove that you were threatened, that is, your life is yours life was in danger, in any court

You must prove your innocence first of all than how the court proves your guilt in Russia, so that is, you must prove that you are innocent. you are guilty of if you shoot in the back, a thief is running away,

You can be punished for this everywhere because there are a sufficient number of law enforcement officers in Argentina, there are many different units and each province has its own police unit, for example, there is the police

Of the province of Buenos Aires. And there is the police of the province of Cordoba and each unit has power only in its province, the Federal Police “PFA” has higher influence and only it has jurisdiction throughout the country of course the Federal Police deals with larger

Crimes such as terrorist attacks and drug trafficking and the provincial police investigates criminal cases of a small scale as far as you can count to help the police, let’s say this: if your phone is stolen on the street, the police will not look for it. And even if you

Track the criminal via GPS on the phone, for more serious crimes, the police will react, but in the Latin American style. It’s not a fact that they will quickly arrive and quickly start looking for the criminal, but It’s worth paying tribute to, and the increased number of police officers greatly reduces

The number of thefts in this area, in every city there is constant patrolling of the streets by ordinary police officers, usually a man and a girl. That’s why you think Write your version in the comments

And now I’ll tell you the version that I heard from a local Argentinean I once asked her about this and she said that the usual Duty Patrol is specially formed from a man and a woman. Because

If, during an arrest, let’s say And a female suspect needs to have her personal belongings searched, then this must be done by a woman. Well, her partner must be a man because that a man is simply much stronger and larger than a girl and therefore, to carry out the tasks of detaining suspects,

A male representative of this profession is necessary. But an interesting fact is that there are more and more female police officers in Argentina every year. For example, in the capital Buenos Aires, 40% of police officers are women, generally divided by The only difference from men is that some female street officers

Use a lighter nine-millimeter pistol, the so-called Bersa Thunder. But this is exactly the pistol we shot at the shooting range, friends, if you want more unique content, content that no one films, write topics in the comments, we’ll discuss and perhaps make a video on

This topic. It all depends on your activity, so be active guys in the comments Thanks to everyone who watched this video like this video subscribe to my channel Good luck to everyone bye!

На СКОЛЬКО Аргентина БЕЗОПАСНАЯ страна? Как скоро придется покупать оружие?
В этом выпуске я расскажу и покажу вам реальную обстановку в Аргентине. Пообщаюсь с иммигрантами, которые давно уже здесь живут. Расскажу: Как получить лицензию на огнестрельное оружие? Что с вами будет, если вы подстрелите грабителя и как весь этот криминал регулирует полиция? БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК.

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Криптовалютой на криптокошелек (TRC20):


00:00 – Вступление
01:48 – На сколько Аргентина безопасная страна в Латинской Америке? Статистика.
02:55 – Мое мнение о безопасности Аргентины.
04:41 – Правило безопасности в Аргентине.
05:05 – Мнение иммигрантов о безопасности в Аргентине.
08:38 – Показываю обстановку в разных районах в городе Кордова Аргентина.
22:33 – Оружие в Аргентине. Легально? Как получить лицензию?
23:10 – Едем в профессиональный тир. Стрельба в тире (первый опыт)
32:00 – Как Борис(местный аргентинец) получал лицензию на оружие. Личный опыт.
35:18 – Какие меры предпринимают аргентинцы, чтобы обезопасить себя и свое имущество?
37:15 – Про полицию в Аргентине.
39:45 – Заключение.

Рекомендую к просмотру:

Роды в Аргентине. Личный опыт в бесплатной клинике:

Как получить DNI родителям, которые родили ребенка в Аргентине:

СКОЛЬКО ДЕНЕГ НУЖНО, чтобы переехать в Аргентину:

Первая часть видео о переезде из Турции в Аргентину:

Вторая часть видео о переезде из Турции в Аргентину:

Третья часть видео о переезде из Турции в Аргентину:

Что со мной стало за МЕСЯЦ в Аргентине?

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  1. Да в любом общественном месте, в любой стране нужно быть осторожным и внимательным.
    И все будет ок.

  2. Если пристрелить грабителя что будет. Даже если камеры засняли, что просто все с рук спустят? Как закон относится к умышленным убийствам в обстоятельствах самообороны?

  3. Классный ролик, на моей памяти на эту тему это первый ролик и такой качественный. Спасибо автору

  4. По видео можно реально много всего понять на сколько в Аргентине безопасно. хорошая работа проделана над видео. Это не какой то болтливый влог без идейдный. Качественный контент

  5. cordoba si comparas con buenos aires es mucho mas seguro , mi consejo a todos los rusos sus documentos personales dejenlos en su casa , ningun policia se los va a pedir si son rusos, asi se evitan un disgusto

  6. Собираетесь в Аргентину еще? Кажется в ролике все ясно сказано, что в Аргентине сейчас делать нечего! Опасно

  7. а сними про местную глушь, отдаленные провинции, как там в плане жизни. безопасности. как то, путешествуюя в гугл картах xD по аргентине, с этой целью я увидел, как велосипеды стоят не привязанные на улице, как нет такого обилия колючей проволоки на заборах, и все это не в закрытых поселках, а в обычных.

  8. Короче в Аргентине безопасно – с решетками на окнах, и пистолетом под пазухой

  9. Да, слухи о преступности сильно преувеличены.
    Конечно, есть, как и везде.
    Бывает, дома обворовуют хоть и редко.
    Но преступность такая.
    На улице это в основном могут выхватить телефон у ротозея и убежать.
    Уровень насильственных, тяжёлых преступлений крайне низок.
    Такое как в России что избивают или унижают на улице просто для самоутверждения невозможно.
    Или водители дерутся если кто-то кому-то не уступил.
    В вообще, сейчас намного, несравненно безопасней чем лет 20 назад.
    За последние годы в Чили стало опаснее чем в Аргентине.
    В провинции вообще нет преступности.

  10. Мои пять копеек насчет оружия.
    Главное отличие что система Anmac ex-Renar не разрешительная как в России а регистрационная.
    То есть никому не надо обосновывать причины приобретения оружия, это право записано в конституции.
    Получить CLU нетяжело, после покупай сколько угодно стволов любых калибров.
    Единственно, нельзя полуавтоматические винтовки кроме 22-го калибра.
    Сейф до 10 стволов не нужен, от 10 до 50 рекомендуем, после 50 да, обязателен.
    У меня самого только пистолетов и револьверов полтора десятка но это не потому что опасно а просто мне это нравится, это моё хобби, как есть деньги, периодически покупаю себе новый ствол😊

  11. Классное видео, отличная подача, Максим! Лайк Марине 🙂 В Новой Кордове ближе к парку и в самом парке можно гулять даже ночью, там хорошее освещение и много людей, по крайней мере где-то до часу ночи (может и позже, не знаю). Но телефон/кошелёк могут выхватить где и когда угодно. Я лично в первый же месяц видел, как у местного выхватили посреди дня на глазах у кучи людей на Чакабуко, недалеко от площади Испании (самый безопасный район). Крепкий бандюган шёл в толпе как пешеход, выхватил и запрыгнул на байк к напарнику, который ехал рядом. Новая Кордова это почти единственный безопасный район, где всегда людно и через каждые пару квадр дежурят полицейские. При этом, чем дальше от площади Испании, тем сомнительней обстановка. И если в НК только воруют, то в других районах грабят и даже могут убить. Россияне в основном выбирают из 3х вариантов: однушка в Новой Кордове, современный ЖК с бассейнами за забором в промзоне за речкой, либо частный дом с машиной в ебенях или в закрытом посёлке. Я бы для целостности картины упомянул недавнее убийство россиянина в БА и случай с избиением и ограблением семейной пары при просмотре дома в Кордове. Ещё стоит учитывать возможное изменение криминагенной обстановки в перспективе

  12. все так спокойно об этом говорят,что думаешь что это в порядке вещей в современном обществе я так понимаю это нормально чего то или кого то остерегаться это может привести в дальнейшем к проблемам с психикой … кошелек не доставай,телефон не бери, драгоценности не одевай, велосипед не оставляй, сумочки не носи, вечером не гулять, желательно без аргентинского дога, даже в тюрьмах безопаснее..за что и почему так надо жить это что новый вариант садомазохизма?? катастрофа а не жизнь..

  13. Как классно показали обстановку в городе. Будто бы с вами прогуливался. Отличная работа автор

  14. Никто ничего не украдёт в дневное время, девушка из видео проходила тоже залипала в телефоне

  15. "… ты должен пули держать отдельно от пистолета..," – зачем ещё что -то спрашивать ? Уровень самого стрелка, и его компетенции сразу внушают безоговорочное уважение. ) Спасибо. Меня позабавило изрядно.) А вот объяснения инструктора о кнопке сброса магазина и уделённое ей полное время (этой АРХИ !!! важнейшей кнопке) на пистолете вообще песня.
    Она (инструктор) меньше времени удилила предохранителю, чем кнопке сброса магазина. Шикарная тётя !
    И… "да", понятно. Днём сиеста, все "братаны" в спячке. Ты пройдись по злачным местам вечерком, и "на понтах", что бы пара килограмм золотых побрякушек было на тебе надето, типа как тот-же фифти цент.) Вот, тогда и глянем на криминальный элемент серебряной республики.)

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