
Hello! I am “Coupy channel”. I am currently in Murakami City, the northernmost city in Niigata Prefecture. We departed from Toyama Prefecture and headed north through Hokuriku. We have arrived at the northernmost town that can be reached by highway. The mileage to date is 439km.

I just bought some seasonal fish at the grocery store. It was sunny until recently. So I was thinking of heading to the mountains now. But it started snowing again. What happens next? If it’s dangerous, I’ll sleep in my car somewhere. I have some concerns.

This light cab controller “MUSH” is a two-wheel drive vehicle. The rear has double tires. I don’t like snowy roads. Can you drive through the mountain roads of Hokuriku? I refueled with gasoline. I prepared the ingredients. There is a toilet in the multi-room. I have a lot of water tanks under the sink.

I think I can survive for a week even if something happens. “A heavy snow warning has been issued for the route you are planning to drive.” Is this a warning? Is it dangerous? Drive safely and keep an eye on the situation. Public roads are not closed. I am able to drive comfortably.

However, it has become difficult to see the car’s taillights. You can check the previous car. However, it is difficult to see the lights of the car 2 or 3 cars ahead. I’m heading towards the mountains now. I hope it’s not snowing there.

Visibility is quite poor and it seems difficult to move forward unless there is a car in front of you. There should be a mountain right next to it, but I can’t see it at all. The signal is almost invisible. It may be close to a whiteout situation.

I can see the tail lights of the car in front of me, so I can move forward. However, without tail lights, it may become impossible to drive. It turned completely white and I couldn’t see anything. It’s scary to start and stop. Follow the light truck ahead. relieved.

As we entered the mountainous area, the snowfall became weaker. There are trees on both ends, so the snowfall is weaker. The road is now clearly visible. When we got over the mountain, we saw that the area we had been in earlier was covered in snow clouds. It was amazing. My heart shrank.

This Hokuriku trip is the fourth time that my heart has shrunk. The sun set and it became dark. I was thinking of going further than “Roadside Station Sekigawa”. But today I will stay here in the car. After driving, I left the car alone for a while.

It’s been a short time, but so much snow has piled up. A large amount of snow has accumulated on the front lights. You can see that a large amount of snow fell all at once. There is a snow melting machine in the parking lot here. Water is flowing below here.

Snow does not accumulate under the vehicle. However, there is snow at the front desk. Tomorrow morning, I’ll clear the snow here. That’s a lot of snow. The snow is piling up like marshmallows. Luckily, this is a roadside station with a hot spring attached. Warm your cold body. Make a simple shade.

I’m going to put up the wipers today. I don’t know where the wipers are. There were wipers. It’s amazing. I already feel like I’ve stayed in my car all night. My body feels warm. The hot spring was not very large. There were three bathtubs. However, the open-air bath was large.

I took a bath in the hot spring while watching the snow. It was the best. Bathing in a hot spring while looking at the snow is an attraction only found in snowy regions. Enjoy a non-alcoholic beer after taking a bath.

Although it is a non-alcoholic beer, you can use a glass to enhance your mood. “Car campai.” (Car camping + Cheers.) “MUSH”’s refrigerator is very cold. I’m glad I went to the sauna. It’s unsightly when you’re drying your pants. My clothes got wet from the snow.

When I turn on the FF heater, it dries, so I dry my clothes. The outside temperature is currently 2.2℃.(35.96000℉) The temperature inside the car is 19℃.(66.20000℉) The camper’s battery recovered considerably by driving and charging. Currently it is 90%. No problem at all. You can use as much electricity as you want.

In the summer, there is not enough electricity to use the air conditioner. However, since we don’t use the air conditioner in the winter, we can use as much electricity as we want. Sometimes people ask me why I don’t use the air conditioner for heating.

This is because air conditioning and heating use a large amount of electricity. FF heaters designed specifically for campers use no electricity at all. Warm up the inside of your car using gasoline. The amount of gasoline used is about 1 or 2 liters per night.

FF heaters are perfect for sleeping in your car in winter. It’s a god-like piece of equipment. I’m hungry so I’ll make dinner in the car. I bought some fresh yellowtail at the grocery store today. Since Hokuriku faces the sea, fresh fish is sold at food stores. This is yellowtail for “shabu-shabu”.

I eat in a way that may be evil. Make a hotpot with Donbei and enjoy Buri-shabu. I bought an IH compatible aluminum foil pot and vegetables at a food store. Enjoy a hot pot alone at the main table. Boil 500ml of hot water.

Since the pot is tilted, use kitchen paper to balance it. First, add the vegetables and tofu and bring to a boil. Carve and add the “Oage” of “Donbei”. It’s boiling. Now let’s start with “buri shabu”. Finally, let’s eat “buri shabu”. It’s a very beautiful color. Eat it as is. I’ll enjoy having this.

The fatty yellowtail melts in your mouth. Next time I will eat it with Chinese cabbage. It’s great to be able to enjoy the crunchy texture of the vegetables and the delicious flavor of yellowtail all at once.

I finished eating the yellowtail in an instant. However, in the end, you can enjoy the udon noodles of Donbei. The hot Donbei is infused with the flavor of vegetables and fish. It continues to snow quietly outside. However, the inside of the car is so warm that the heater has to be turned off.

Thank you for the meal. I ate it as is without adding any ponzu sauce. “Donbei” soup alone was delicious. This soup contains the delicious flavor of yellowtail and vegetables. This is “Koshihikari” from Niigata Uonuma that I bought during my trip. I want to eat this rice tomorrow morning.

Cook rice with this “Donbei” hot pot soup. I’ll press the switch tomorrow morning. I’ve been hearing a loud wind blowing sound for a while now. What is it like outside now? I’ll see how it goes. It’s amazing. It’s windy. It’s a cold feeling that hits my cheeks.

The snow on the roof was blown away by the wind. How much snow will there be tomorrow morning? This roadside station is along the main road, so it’s bright. So it’s not scary. There is a snow melting device, so water is still flowing. You can see the ground in places.

However, there are some places where the snow still remains. You don’t have to worry about getting stuck in the snow. It’s safe. I get into the car, warm up, and sleep. Change into your pajamas and brush your teeth.

I’m tired from driving in near whiteout today. Looks like I’ll be able to sleep soundly. The FF heater dries out, so I shut it off and go to sleep. I feel happy that I am safe and in bed right now.

If a heavy snow warning is issued while you’re traveling, it’s best to find a place to stop right away. I checked the weather forecast. It seems that the snow will weaken from tomorrow morning. The warning is likely to be lifted.

After I wake up in the morning, I check the surroundings of my car and the weather. good night. good morning. It was morning in an instant. It seemed like I had a pretty deep sleep and felt refreshed. I used a mattress, a blanket, and a futon.

It was warm and I never woke up. It’s very cold inside the car. Turn on the FF heater to warm up the inside of the car. Currently, the temperature inside the car has dropped to 5.8℃.(42.44000℉) My clothes are very cold. Drink hot tea. We have a lot of emergency food.

The warm tea entered my body and woke me up. The best part of sleeping in a car is being able to see the silver world as soon as you wake up in the morning. This is the “Donbei Nabe” cooked rice that I prepared last night. Press the switch to create it.

In the meantime, check what’s going on outside. That’s a lot of snow. The side of the car door is frozen. Icicles are forming on the bank. A little snow has piled up in front of the car. It is better to remove the snow before leaving.

It’s a small space, but it’s covered in snow. Thanks to the snow melting equipment, there is no snow under the car. I felt something about snow during this trip to Hokuriku. Surprisingly, snow does not fall straight from above. The wind blows snow from all directions.

It turns out that the way snow accumulates on cars changes greatly depending on the direction of the wind. On the opposite side, where the wind hits, no snow accumulates at all.

However, in areas exposed to the wind, there were times when the snow would pile up to the point where the door could not be opened. Therefore, I thought that if I checked the weather forecast app to know the direction of the wind, I would be able to escape smoothly the next day.

There is a lot of snow in areas without snow melting equipment. There is a second parking lot behind the first parking lot. The snow melting equipment is working well here and there is no snow at all. It doesn’t seem to be a problem no matter how much snow falls.

The parking lot at this roadside station is very large. This is a 24-hour toilet. There are parking lots 3 and 4 next to the toilets. And there is parking lot 5. However, parking lots without snow melting equipment are completely unusable. It’s amazing. How many centimeters did snow accumulate this time?

It is about 45cm. It’s like a cross section of a shortcake. There is a park across the road. However, the slide is no longer available. There is even more snow in the park here. It’s amazing. Your feet will fit in here. When I took my foot out, there was a hole so deep.

What do you think this is? This is a table and chairs. I can’t go that far. However, the sidewalks around the roadside stations and parks are well cleared of snow, so you can walk on them. This area is a heavy snowfall area.

Even when it snows, transportation functions can be used without being paralyzed. There are some things you might be interested in in the park. I don’t think the slide is full of snow and I can’t slide on it. But what about swings? The swing is not buried in snow and is swinging.

I think you can use the swing. Ride on the swing. I approached the swing. Once you’ve come this far, you’ll have the park to yourself. Snow piled up on the slide, and at the end it was buried in snow. It seems surprisingly warm inside this tunnel.

It looks like the slide won’t be usable until next spring. It’s amazing. I have no idea what this is. It seems there were two things. Now let’s go on the swing. It looks like it’s going to touch the ground, but it’s not. I was able to sit down.

It looks like you can play it without any problems. start. It feels so good. It looks like it’s going to hit the ground, but it doesn’t. Jump forward and land. I fly. I was able to get off safely. My heart shrank for a moment. However, it was very fun.

I’m hungry so I eat breakfast in the car. The rice is cooked. It smells very nice. There are some udon noodles left. Yesterday, I bought a fillet of seasonal yellowtail at the grocery store. Bake this and eat it. I have leftover vegetables, so I’ll stir-fry them as well.

Make a lid for the frying pan using an oil splash prevention net and aluminum foil. Yellowtail is prepared to remove its odor. Sprinkle with salt, pour cooking wine over, and wipe lightly with kitchen paper. The “Max Fan” cannot be used because snow has accumulated on the ceiling. Use your own ventilation fan.

Steam the vegetables and fish slightly. Boil the water used for miso soup at the same time. It’s fatty and looks delicious. “Okoge” looks delicious. It was completed. “Buri Shabu Donbei Takikomi Gohan” and salt-grilled yellowtail set meal. Yellowtail at this time of year is fatty and looks very delicious.

Grilled yellowtail and rice cooked with yellowtail. It’s all yellowtail, but it looks delicious. There is a delicious-looking “koge”. I’ll enjoy having this. The rice shines and the flavor of the Donbei soup is delicious. The outside is crispy and the inside is juicy with yellowtail fat. It’s delicious even without adding anything.

The taste has doubled. It goes well with rice, so you can eat as much rice as you want. This trip to Hokuriku had some difficult times, but in this moment it turned into wonderful memories. Thank you for the meal. I’m full. I made 1 cup of cooked rice. I ate everything.

Fish is most delicious when it is in season. I clean up and shovel the snow off my car before heading out. The plate was covered with plastic wrap and aluminum foil, so it wasn’t dirty. Wash only the bowl containing the miso soup and the tongs. I forgot to wash the rice cooker.

At this time of year, the water is quite cold when washing dishes. This camper does not have hot water. I would like to modify it so that it has hot water. It became beautiful. The fresh water tank for the sink is located here. This is the fresh water tank.

The water is getting low. I will save water from now on. This is a storage shelf. I bought a rack at a 100 yen uniform store. This greatly increased capacity. First, remove the car shade. It’s wet with water drops. The front window is also wet with water droplets.

Simple front window shades are easy and great. However, water droplets will stick to it. You will need to remove the water droplets. Remove snow from the front window. accomplished. Snow is piling up in front. I will remove snow. The snow around here is melted by snow melting equipment. It’s wet snow.

After one night, the snow became hard. I feel the weight. I can now proceed to this point. Then step on the snow to harden it. Now we can move forward. There is no problem with the roof. I buy souvenirs at the roadside station. There is a footbath in front of the store.

Head south on Hokuriku Expressway and return to Toyama Prefecture. But I have to work on a computer. I’ll do some work in the car and then head out again. The camper’s battery is low. The remaining capacity is now 56%. On the way back, we will be driving a long distance again.

I think it will recover considerably by driving and charging. The current location is the northernmost part of Hokuriku. Head south to Toyama Prefecture using the Hokuriku Expressway. Before going to Hokuriku Expressway, there is the Arakawa Tainai Interchange. If you drive here, you will immediately connect to the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway.

I drove on this Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway when I arrived. There were bumps in the road and I felt scared. Drive on public roads until you reach Niigata City, then turn onto Hokuriku Expressway. It’s not snowing now. depart. There is only snow on both sides. It’s a spectacular view. The snow has stopped.

However, the wind is so strong that it is difficult to operate the steering wheel. I’m going to go to the mountain road now. I think there is less wind there. The mountain road is frozen. The rut is getting higher. Highways are scary. However, mountain roads and general roads have curves and are icy.

Both expressways and local roads have advantages and disadvantages. Neither path is easy. We arrived at a large food store in Niigata City. Purchase ingredients here and enter Hokuriku Expressway. I will go as far as I can while checking the road conditions.

I will spend the night in the car at the parking area and return to Toyama Prefecture. There is a large amount of snow that has been removed from the parking lot of a food store. This car is supposed to be awesome. I think someone probably left it there for a day.

More than half of the tires are buried in snow. The roof and front window are all covered in snow. Niigata Prefecture is an amazing place. It was late at night while I was working on my computer. It’s now 21:00. How far can we go? Enter the highway again. It’s snowing a little now.

The wind is not very strong so it is easy to drive. The road is in good condition as the snow has been removed well. Go as far as you can. It suddenly started snowing again. There were ruts on the road. Mash has double tires, so it can be slippery when there are ruts.

So I didn’t make much progress. But today I will sleep here and leave early tomorrow morning. Today I will cover the outside of the front window. Setting is complete. The temperature inside the car is currently 13.5℃.(56.30000℉) It’s a little cold so I’ll start the FF heater.

The camper’s sub-battery increased to 73% while charging while driving. At this rate, I think it will be 100% by the time I get to Toyama Prefecture. Take a break while drinking non-alcoholic beer. I thought I would enjoy eating the snacks I bought at the grocery store.

However, I continued to drive nervously and was tired. As soon as I finished filming this video, I fell asleep. good morning. When I woke up, I was asleep on the sofa. I immediately moved to the rear bed and slept. I realized once again how wonderful a permanent bed is.

I used to buy a lot of local produce at the grocery store. I eat at home. The snow has stopped. However, the snow on the road is frozen like sherbet. It may be a dangerous situation. It’s cold, but the parking area is in the mountains, so the air is refreshing.

It’s a very pleasant morning. There is a convenience store in the parking area. I’ll buy a drink and then leave. The table looks like a mushroom. Apparently there is a shower here. There seems to be a shower in the back. ? I left the parking area. This is in the mountains.

Clearly, there’s a bear in the back that isn’t hibernating. I wanted to confirm the location for next time, but I’m scared so I’ll go back. Remove the front cover and leave. Is beautiful. That’s excellent. The side windows had shades. The front window had a cover on the outside.

There are no water drops at all. The driver’s side window, which had a shade, was wet with water droplets. The front window is not wet at all. The front cover was more effective than I expected. It would be perfect if there were covers on the sides as well as the front.

But it’s wet here. Maybe the edge of the cover was inside, so the water droplets may have flowed from there. The passenger side on the other side was also wet. I’ll figure out the cause later. I found out why the door was wet. Look here. This is the door molding.

Water is flowing outside the mall. You will notice that water comes out when you touch it. This is water that has flowed down the bank from the melting snow on the roof. This is a rain gutter. Water flows down the rain gutter.

The edge of the front cover was placed here, so it seems that water got into the car from there. You can see the water flowing from the bank. The snow melts when the sun rises and the temperature rises. You have to be careful at that time. Think of countermeasures.

It’s almost time to reach Toyama Prefecture. Drive safely and start again. It’s a wonderful view. It feels so good. I will go non-stop to Toyama Prefecture. On the way there, we could clearly see the ocean, which had been hidden due to the snowstorm. I was able to enjoy the original beauty of Hokuriku.

The mountains came into view. Beyond this mountain is Toyama Prefecture. I returned to Toyama Prefecture safely. There may be more snow in Toyama Prefecture. All the fields are dyed white. Beyond that mountain is the Tateyama mountain range. It was cloudy and I couldn’t see even the lowest mountain in the foreground.

The mileage to date is approximately 700km. It was a snowy trip to Hokuriku. I was worried about whether I would be able to drive in two-wheel drive, but it seemed like there was nothing I couldn’t do. I got briefly stuck once. But there were no slips.

There was snow piled up in front of me when I got stuck. You can drive in two-wheel drive without any problems, except for the snow in front of you. I was so scared of the ruts on the highway that I felt like I was going to slip.

I was driving and it seemed like it was going to slip. I slowed down and stepped on the accelerator a little. This car is FR rear wheel drive. As long as I applied some traction, there was no problem. I thought the roads were safe, but the snowstorm was like a whiteout.

Surprisingly, it was easier to run in the mountains. The most dangerous road was the farm road. A place where there is nothing to block the wind and snow. There are many such roads in Hokuriku. It rained a lot this summer. A linear precipitation band has occurred.

This heavy snowfall felt like a snowy version of a linear precipitation belt. After driving long distances on the Hokuriku Expressway, there were some parts that I thought were wonderful. It was a very beautiful road. It’s not bumpy at all. This light cab controller “MUSH” has a uncomfortable ride and bounces a lot.

I thought the roads were beautiful not only in Hokkaido but also compared to the expressways on the Pacific side. The other thing is that the road is empty. There are no people at all. I think the traffic volume is about one third compared to the roads on the Pacific side.

Next, I will tell you what I felt while sleeping in the car. The first part is inside the car. The FF heater is a god-like piece of equipment. When I came to Hokuriku, I felt more wonderful than ever before.

If you do not have an FF heater, use a small gas fan heater or cassette gas stove. However, the fuel for the FF heater is gasoline. It does not take up space like gas cylinders or kerosene. And there is no garbage. It has good power consumption and fuel efficiency. And it’s very warm.

Air conditioners consume a lot of electricity, so they are not suitable for staying overnight. There is one more thing. I wore the front cover for 2 days. Compare it with the shade you put inside. I don’t know about the insulation performance. However, it was quite effective against water droplets caused by temperature differences.

There is no snow or ice on the outside of the front windshield. I was able to start again immediately. However, there were some disadvantages and problems. When washing dishes, the water in the tank is very cold. I thought it would be better to come up with a way to get hot water.

And it’s difficult to dress. It’s very cold, but when I remove snow, I get hot and sweat. When you sweat, the aftermath is miserable. We will make adjustments while listening to the opinions of our seniors who live in snowy regions. Then I’ll go home.

Calcium chloride from snow melting material should be attached to the bottom of the car. I want to clean it. This part of the body is also white. Cabcon does not have a matching car wash machine. But I’ve prepared a secret weapon. I’ll use it after I get home. I returned home safely.

I drove 700km on the highway. Remove dirt. I always use this Karcher high pressure washer. Plug in the power. Then plug the water faucet into the Karcher. Turn on the power. This will remove dirt from under the car and around the tires. I was able to remove calcium chloride from my body.

The problem is under this car. This is a new weapon. Attach Karcher to the tip. High pressure water comes out from the tip in 4 places. Wash off calcium chloride. This is the tip of the Karcher cleaning part. Remove this. Attachments sold separately were installed. I will put it on. done.

The tip is long. I added an extension pipe in the middle. So I think you can get under the car. Now let’s turn on the water. It’s amazing. The momentum is strong. Wash the underside of the car. It’s very easy. The position is comfortable and it goes in quite deep.

I went all the way in. When I put it all the way in, it popped out the other side. It reaches all areas. I bought this “MUSH” second hand. The bottom of the body was a little rusty. That’s why I painted it with anti-rust paint two years ago.

From now on, I will wash it off frequently. Prevent rust from progressing further. It became beautiful. It was an area I couldn’t reach and was concerned about. I was able to wash it off thoroughly. I will continue to clean it after driving on snowy roads. Thank you for watching until the end.

Thank you. Snow removal has been completed.



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「嫁の軽自動車で雪中車中泊/N-VAN」(YouTube急上昇ランク20位) https://youtu.be/ISZIbnl3AXU?si=AZfBa_Om_2ssV-Kf
「高速道路パーキングエリア雪中車中泊/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク22位) https://youtu.be/e4X99CecWo4?si=OhA7h4qkFeCbW21D
「嫁の軽自動車で氷点下車中泊したら寒すぎて眠れない/N-VAN」(YouTube急上昇ランク11位) https://youtu.be/T3eqtMgPF1M?si=mSpB6xPvqODKzmWT
「納車直後に車中泊/マッシュ」(YouTube急上昇ランク13位) https://youtu.be/AKXCB1Fe7Ks?si=xroC4lididC1INe_
「納車!10年落ち生産終了中古キャンピングカーを購入/マッシュ」(YouTube急上昇ランク11位) https://youtu.be/68OdfUqR6Zc?si=ZJN-mxZD8jRJNtO-
「大寒波!走行困難でパーキングエリアで一夜過ごす/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク15位) https://youtu.be/S-WQG_3pNFE?si=_iXSk8NpRbRKZ8JJ
「納車したての軽キャンピングカーで初めての車中泊/インディ727」(YouTube急上昇ランク26位) https://youtu.be/uINq1Zlk5_0?si=LQhXyQr3Zqs1Egt9







「ケルヒャー トリガーガン」https://amzn.to/423LxYq
「車台クリーナー 車の下のウォッシュ」https://amzn.to/3RYptKe




楽曲提供 K-musica http://www.k-musica.com/



  1. クーピーさんのくさい小芝いは何故かほっこりしてしまいます。

  2. クーピーさんお疲れ様でした🙋2躯のマッシュで雪国での走行と車中泊しながらも無事に帰宅💦💦最後のクピ美ちゃんの雪で遊びながらはしゃいでいる感じが微笑ましくなりました😍😂☺️

  3. 融雪装置の地下水は鉄分が非常に多く含まれています、放っておくと車体が黄色、褐色に変色しますので雪国から帰ったら必ず下回りを重点に洗車をオススメします。

  4. いいなぁ…

  5. Witaj dawno cię nie było już się martwiłem o was że znów trzęsienie ziemi jest u was ❤ miło cię widzieć spowrotem twoje wycieczki samochodem kempingowym są niesamowite gdy ogladam twoje filmy i słucham relaksującą muzykę jestem spokojnie zrelaksowany dziękuję ci 🙏🙋 . Pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱🇯🇵 ☺️ .

  6. いつも楽しく見ています。北陸道の除雪作業は大変すばらしいと思います。除雪車が編隊を組んで一糸乱れず道路を除雪することによって、路面の雪を完璧に取り除いてます。なので北陸道は除雪車が通ったあとは全然ガタガタしないんです。

  7. 汗をかく作業にヒートテックは絶対だめです。汗の水分でさらに発熱してしまいます。

  8. 外側のフロントカバーの効果、素晴らしいですよね。これは非常に真似したいアイテムです。タンクの水冷たいのは着く前にタンクの扉開けてFFヒーターの風当てて温めておくといくらかマシにはなります

  9. 雪国の知恵と申しましょうか、作業前に、背中の地肌にタオルをかけてシャツを着ます。汗をかいたらタオルを抜き取ります。

  10. カーキャンパイ🍺は

  11. 도시의 일본 모습보다 눈덮힌 일본의 시골풍경이 더 부럽네 딱 내가 꿈꾸는 여행을 이 사람은 하고있어 너무 부럽다

  12. 私はあなたのチャンネルが大好きです。それは私のお気に入りです。提案ですが、緊張感のある、怒りっぽい、大きな音楽はストレスを感じます。それがあなたの素晴らしいビデオの美しい平穏を台無しにしています。どうか穏やかで平和な音楽に戻してください 😊

  13. ダイソーでスポンジタオルを渇かさない様にジッパー袋で保管して車載して下さい。

  14. クーピーさん、お元気そうですね😊


  15. Tourguide kami membatalkan perjalanan ke negeri sakura karena di jepang sedang musim salju..karena sangat berbahaya bagi wisatawan yang tak biasa dengan cuaca dingin..yah harus tunggu musim panas baru bisa kesana…

  16. Пароварка, рисоварка интересно 🤔💭сколько энергии необходимо для приготовления такого риса? С рыбой Желтохвоста?

  17. Разморозка снега на парковках это 👉отлично 👍👏😆продуманная система-не портится асфальт и можно нормально выехать и въехать!

  18. Oo(▼o▼メ)yー~~

  19. 富山じゃないけど新潟の村上や柏崎鮭が有名なんでお土産や車中飯にいかが?くーぴーさん朝食べてますもんね😊車内はのんびり優雅な時間流れてるけど外から見れば一歩間違えたら遭難車に見えるもんね😂ご安全に😊

  20. 今晩わ〜いつも楽しみにしてます٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶


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