
Fuling Town is now 18 degrees Maximum temperature 20 degrees 22 tomorrow. Day after tomorrow 25 Big 26 the day after tomorrow. Soon to 30 degrees 6 A beautiful day has begun. beautiful scenery Next to the words is a small reservoir

Last night, I set up a tent in this parking place for a day. I haven’t started yet today. It’s already noon the environment is quite good But I can’t leave Ready to pack up and set off. Today’s Itinerary Because I only have vegetables in the car

I don’t have to go to dinner either. The town in front is about 20 kilometers away Less than 30km to Sanjie Town Now pack your things Ready to go I didn’t do anything I wanted to cook. This bamboo shoot was bought yesterday afternoon I’m not fired either. Let’s wait for the evening.

I have to find a place to go There’s a viewing deck in front See if there’s a snack bar over there. What to get something to eat first Now is the weather It’s getting hotter every day It’s too hot Pour the MSG from this bag here I got a mineral water bottle

If this mineral water bottle is filled with monosodium glutamate, it will not leak. and convenient With a belt To tell the truth is not very convenient Well, this time it’s okay The bottle is a little big. In fact, it would be nice to replace it with half of this kind of vial.

But I couldn’t find that kind of mineral water bottle yesterday. The car has been installed No need to wear clothes It’s hot Just wear this spring and autumn shirt In a few days I can’t even wear a spring and autumn shirt I think I’m going to wear half sleeves. This is Zhuge Xianshan

Zhuge Mountain Village Enter Shangyu Boundary Guangling Village, Ji Kang’s Hometown Legend of the Three Kingdoms period Wei literary scholars Thinker The musician Ji Kang once lived in seclusion here. The landscape here is good No wonder in ancient times, scholars and scholars liked to live in seclusion in such places.

The words here are still an ancient road in ancient times. What is the name of this ancient road? I can’t remember This side is very close to Shaoxing. It is almost 20km. So this location is particularly good. Suitable for living pension is quite good Because it’s closer to the city. but also convenient

Not the kind far from downtown. And the environment here is also very, very good. The air is good. Very high vegetation coverage came out of the valley Now return to Chenzhou National Road 104 Next to the words is Cao E River Walk 17km along the Yangtze River to reach today’s Sanjie Town.

This year is the year of the dragon. But there is no spring is oligoyear But there are still marriages this year. I ‘ve seen two marriages. Today is also a good day Tomorrow seems to be a good day. We seem to have married there too. Deep state and 35km

This statue is Wang Chong, a civil minister of the East River in the late Han Dynasty. Huang Zhong is a native of Shangyu, Huiji, Zhejiang Here is his hometown Wang Chong’s words are very famous in history Like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms inside Wang Chong Offers Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo

Then he introduced Diao Chan to Lu Bu. With a beauty meter Then he turned against Lu Bu That is to say, Wang Chong It is five o’clock in the afternoon to arrive at Sanjie Town This way is OK Say it’s a mountain road the feeling is still mediocre it’s also easy to walk

Go get the express first it’s been a long time since the express arrived I can finally get the express today. Is the six-pack an episode today? It’s still a night market. This afternoon is quite lively here No point. Chicken Leg Chicken Bone Feeling enough Well, that’s enough. That’s enough. Is this the tenderloin

Ah, yes, yes, yes How much is a kilo 25 pieces 20 55 give a little more Take it out Let’s have a box and a small bowl. It’s all the same You can add this. I want this want this Is it okay to mix these two

Can be the same price can be sent Okay, that’s about it. Ah, there are 25, 25 Boss, this is a good hand. just a kilo Hey hey hey A little more also earn a kilo give an extra dollar Millions are not expensive, eh? Oh, yes, thank you.

25 yuan to eat a little force from the chicken I haven’t eaten since morning. Hungry Electricity-electricity I order steamed bread inside I didn’t buy any food yesterday. Are there any steamed buns here today buy a little Come two days I’m going to travel tomorrow. Yes, ha ha steamed bread

How much is it now? You want sweet to dip Sweet or not sweet I’ll give you two as well. No. Two dollars, two dollars fifty cents a I see you this what leg ah I also have a northern accent. Where is your villa ah are not far away Henan I am Henan

Listen to the accent laugh Ha ha ha ha Pull me up All right, bye. Where did you ride from Shandong 170 Ten steamed buns And donkey chicken Buy these first Will we talk about it later? I’m going down this road There are two plots in a parking lot.

There seems to be a total of four pieces of land here Go get the express first I’m kind of evil. I haven’t eaten since last night. I ate three eggs. Well, it’s 17:25 now. One day without eating. I tried two of those. Well, Snickers, ha, ha, ha

This is not very resistant to hunger Reduce weight It doesn’t matter No, the 7th is gone. There is no one. Here, this is a live broadcast. You that a few I’m not saying you’re very accurate. Is it new? Yes This windshield feels so small ten pieces are also good

The main thing is that the cassette furnace is windproof. Be sure to confirm it after receiving the goods. If confirmed correctly Then you can receive the goods The pants are two-pronged Yes, a black a black Eat a delicious one first Hungry a little panic If you don’t eat I… With underground sugar good

It tastes good Just get one. This is taken from the water One by one battery This is a mobile wifi above Battery I this mobile wifi words Go to interlace Four g traffic wifi can be used all over the country It can be used in some local areas of Tibet and Xinjiang.

A month 1500g traffic speed is OK Under normal circumstances, huh? If you say you can reach the network speed is good Can reach a little more than three meters Because of the battery, I have used it for 1 year. This battery needs to be replaced

But the battery is still the same after one year. Use it as usual Can hold on for another day No problem for a day But the new battery is more durable I went to the factory and sent me another piece. Everyone wants this wifi. Can go to my

There is a link in the window of the tremolo shop. 1500g a month is enough. Change the new battery This battery has not been deducted for more than a year. directly replace it with a new one It can be used for more than a year again. This play My words are telecom 4g

Traffic fee About 40 yuan a month More than 40 yuan is OK Main traffic affluence Watch TV Why is it basically enough? No need to peel outside I used to be Telephone cards cost 300 or 400 yuan a month. Now there are more than 100 dollars in traffic. All depend on it

And a courier He sent it to me next to Chenzhou city. 22km. Not going today Where are we going tomorrow morning? Today, find a place to put up a tent near this three-boundary town. It’s six o’clock now. Go find the campsite. Otherwise, there will be nothing to buy when it gets dark.

If I buy the food And last night’s Because I didn’t do it Eat it today. Let’s go. let’s go This way, it’s cool in the afternoon. The mountain air is not comfortable. We found the campsite today. Right here in this little square This sculpture. This is Hometown of Xie Lingyun

A poet traveler in the Eastern Jin Dynasty He is a traveler’s group B I will be on this stage tonight I pushed the bike up There’s a little step here Put up a tent right here. This bamboo shoot It’s been a day And this meat. Alas! It hasn’t changed, has it?

I’m telling you, it doesn’t look stinker. To wash a wash Let’s fry this bamboo shoot tonight It was fired last night. Not fried. Turn the lights on. fill a light Cooking Take out this bamboo shoot flush it with water Here I hit this water yesterday a bottle to wash the meat

This night, huh It’s cold. It’s cool, huh It’s especially hot during the day The temperature dropped at night. I ‘ve never fired this bamboo shoot before. Never done it before Rinse it first It’s not bad peel off the outer skin of this bamboo shoot Sow down a lot for me

It’s broadcast like this. Do you want to broadcast it again It should be this one inside the grass I haven’t done it anyway. Just now I took a bite of raw A little bitter Ha ha I don’t know what it tastes like. Have a taste Cut it first. This

The bamboo shoots have been cut Cut a nest Then add this a few dollars of meat Just cut the dishes I wiped the knife a wipe knife The handle is scratched The Last Band-Aid I don’t have a band-aid on me now. Tomorrow, we have to find a place to buy some quilts.

It is quite convenient In the past, I used up a lot of my back. I guess I’ll have to be at the door for a few more days. The cut is not very deep But it’s best to wrap it A little bleeding Come on. Raw smoke Add onion and garlic

Flowers are another pot. I thought it wasn’t a lot Have some salt It’s a little cold First in the tent Still wearing a sleeping bag warm for a while Just let it simmer for a while. That pot It’s boiling Have some 13 incense Yes, ha Only this one put 13 incense

Put it or not MSG is a little bit I can’t eat too much Just a little bit. turn off the fire turn off the fire How much more, a little more It’s time to eat. Eat Take a look at the fried ones tonight. Fried Pork with Bamboo Shoots

It’s okay. I’ll have a steamed bun. Give some staple food Not if you don’t eat staple food This is me First time looking for a master. Never fired before. I tasted it and it’s okay I can fry it again next time. Ha ha, if fried is not delicious I won’t do it

Not bad Crunchy This street lamp lights up all night. It’s been so bright it’s quite good I’m going to bed There are still 20km to Chenzhou. Well, I’m going to bed early today. Tomorrow’s words Yes, go to Shenzhou District to pick up the express. There’s one more thing Sleeping with the next one.



  1. 大飛.不要減肥胃腸受不了.你有騎腳踏車胃腸要顧好.三餐一定要吃.在路上注意安全.保溫暖哦.祝大飛你一路平安健康快樂如意.⛽⛽⛽⛽⛽👍👍👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💪💪💪💪💪

  2. 一天一餐這真是錯誤的減肥的觀念…騎行要多吃高蛋白質的食物!“白肉類雞胸肉,蛋,豆類,魚類”蔬果類!少吃澱粉類“米麵類”才是正確的!

  3. 骑車就消耗體力了,跟本不用減,不要吃飽,就進帳篷去睡?小運動慢跑几圈在進去睡,生活沒規劃,所以胖?😊🎉😊

  4. 煮菜不用味精,盐巴也不用,你买的那些本身就含盐,会胖跟调味也有关。 你买大陆咸酥鸡买一大桶,苏丹红辣椒粉、胡椒盐还加不少,难怪瘦不了,还有那位是王允不是王充,到快递站收货拿一个篮子装收货品,老 是掉在地上不卫生

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