【ヴィンテージは不便!?】私たちを襲う 古いハーレーの悲劇!

Thank you for your hard work, Taka-san.Thank you, Taka-san.It’s a project brought in by each mechanic, so what kind of video is this? Let’s talk a little bit about the trouble I had recently while riding my bike. The reason for this is that many of the old Max bikes are old, so it’s

Unlikely that they won’t have any problems at all.It’s rare, but yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it happens often , so I started maintenance. I wish people would listen to me and tell me that even people who work in the workplace can get into trouble,

But they can’t get into trouble, but they can also use this as a reference. That’s what I understand. I’ve been thinking about it. Understood. Let’s get on with it. Thank you for your support . [Music] Well then, Taka-san, let’s talk about two things. First, let’s talk about trouble. First,

If I talk about that little trouble out of the blue, it seems like the time will be over soon, so

I’ll start by talking about the start of the day when I had a very recent trouble.I’ve just started this job. It’s been 20 years now, but that doesn’t mean I have to take weekdays off. Basically, I sometimes go out on my bike by myself,

But recently I’ve been going to a donut shop and eating donuts. It’s not like I’m going on a small tour where I go to a tool store and I think there’s a good tool, I buy it there, I look at it and then go home

, but that’s what I do. But I’m already going around the neighborhood. Yes, yes, I ate two Madonatsu nuts on my regular holiday last week, and then I stopped by a hardware store. There, I cut that wire. I don’t have those nippers that can cut that drunk wire without breaking it.

But since I found something like that, I bought it and was looking forward to trying it out at home when I got home, but the bike I ride is also an old Hare, and when I was riding it, the engine suddenly stopped.

I said there are two types of troubles, but the first one is that it doesn’t work even when I’m running . There are times when the engine starts to buzz and stops like a thud, but that’s true on many of my bikes, and most of the time when I do that, it’s because

The settings are a bit rich in gasoline, so the plug has already gone out. In that case , I could have solved the problem by replacing the plug on the spot, cleaning it, replacing it, and riding it now, but this time, the second problem I had was

That it was a little less like that, but it was completely sudden. It suddenly stopped coming on, and I knew it wasn’t the usual plug, but the feeling of it going off made me think there was something wrong with the electrical system.It suddenly went out . Yes, my bike

Has a circuit breaker or something like that on most Old Max bikes between the regulator and the battery , but mine had that fuse, and when I looked at it, it was blown

. At that time, I thought that some kind of strong voltage or current had passed through the cover of the book and it had blown, but I had two spare fuses with me, so I plugged one in and tried it, and the engine still started. Well, I thought it was good, and I

Was about to start running again, but the problem happened again soon.It was completely gone, and there was only one battery left, but I turned it on one more time, and in the past, there was a slightly different voltage. There was a problem with the system and the voltage system was

Turned on. Yes, I replaced the fuse again. Yes, when I started the engine and looked at the voltage system, when I was idling it was about 13 to 14. When I let it rise even a little, it was 1516. It’s going up, it’s completely electric, so

I can’t seem to get a blue stream, but since I still have about 20km left to reach my house, I think I’ll have to get hot, so I think I’ll just go all the way with Haling. Yes, I thought about it, but when I tried it again,

The moment I opened it a little more, it suddenly cut out. It took a little more revolutions to kill the start, but in the end it took a lot of time, so in the end, I couldn’t help it anymore. Well, in the end I ended up calling a tow truck, but the

Embarrassing story is that I learned that having a lot of fuses doesn’t cut it, and what I needed in the end was not the fuse, but the regulator that caused the fuse to blow. Also, if it flies well, it’s best to bring it with you as a spare.For

Example, if you’re doing long distance touring, it’s probably not a good idea to have one. I feel like there are very few people who always carry spare regulators and coils with them when they go touring, so of course Taka-san would say that it would be a good idea to have them with you.

But yeah, I think there are a lot of people who don’t carry it because they don’t think they’ll be flying on this tour.Yes , it can also be used as luggage, but what do you do if it breaks down due to the electrical system

? I don’t have any, so the only parts I can carry with an electric car are the regulator and coils.If I had to carry the alternator and generator, it would be a huge burden and it would be heavy.This time, let’s talk about that

. I’m trying to actually replace the regulator because the Seiryu value was wrong.Oh, sorry, I’m just guessing, but it ‘s probably the regulator.So now that the problem has stopped, I’m going to go home. It was carried by Tamasou Decker, and by the way, the regulator

Is something that looks like something you can see. Now, you see, the one with the fins on it is like this. Ah, yes, yes, this is the type. This is the pattern.I think the electricity generated in this was about 30 to 35V , but that’s AC.First of all, it came here, and

Here it was converted to DC.From 14 It’s about 15 at most, and it doesn’t exist anymore , but it’s going to the battery, and when you’re driving, the electricity generated here is

Rectified and taken to the battery, and that’s the world. Electricity is used for power, lights, etc. , but if this part goes bad, a large amount of current will flow to the battery all at once, and depending on the situation, there is a risk that the battery will swell and explode .

That’s why it’s such an important part, but rather than having the battery go bad, the fuse will take care of it and the consumables will take care of it.Well, it explodes while driving. If it’s a battery, it’s possible that it might catch fire.

Yes, yes. That’s my experience. Yes, this is my experience. If this fixes the problem by replacing the regulator, then I’ll have to carry one regulator with me when I go to the donor shop from now on. Yes, that’s a bit of a hassle, but even one regulator costs a lot of money,

So it’s a bit of a stretch to buy two at once with your own pocket money and a spare and a replacement for the broken one. Since it doesn’t come out, I just changed one for a while, and

I’m thinking that I won’t get a flat tire again for a while.In any case, I’m going to wear it out a little, so I’m going to save up a little, and when I have some spare time, I’ll buy a spare one

. Should I take it or should I take it? Well, just in case you have this problem here, the one that usually happens is that if you set it to a dark setting, the plug will slip through and fall out, so just in case everyone and Mr. Taka have trouble before taking it.

You said something else that you wish you had done, so in terms of the length of the video, can I talk a little bit about it?Then I ‘ll change the cameraman.Alright, I’ll change the cameraman, and it’s been a while since I’ve been a cameraman. I’m also

Going to talk about some troubles that I’ve had recently, instead of Taka-san, and I’ll talk about three of them. Let’s talk about motorcycles. Well, I’ll go from smallest to smallest. The first one is a light. It’s like Mr. Taka’s plug earlier, and it

‘s probably common on motorcycles, but a local Harley friend’s plug. About 5 of you and I were driving around in the dark, and when we were all riding the bypass, mine ran out of bullets, so mine wasn’t glowing anymore, so I thought this was bad.

There were some people who had their own lights , so we were all able to temporarily fix the lights with the correct brightness while talking about this and that, so it wasn’t dangerous. I drove it as it was in this condition, but

There may be a lot of things wrong with it, such as the strong vibration, the bulb, or the quality of the bulb I chose, but if the bulb breaks often due to vibration, then I guess it is. I’ve only had my headlights

And taillights burn out once since I was an excavator, but to be honest, there are quite a few times when I’ve just changed the bullet and the lights blow out, so when I ride after that, I don’t. It’s a nuisance to the people I ride with, so I check

The brakes and the tail lights to make sure they’re on properly before I start my ride, so if I think I’ll be driving at night , I’ll check to make sure they’re on properly. Fortunately, my pan now

Has two lights on at the second level in that corner, so if I were to say it with a bullet, even if one flew off, the other one would go in for the camera, but is it okay? It’s okay. I was thinking that there was a risk that the two lights

Would go out using the same wiring, so if they went to the base, both lights would go out, but the light bulb broke out a while ago and I had everyone help me. Second, this Springer is a long Springer, so it’s much longer than that one, but since I

Changed to a Springer, I had a problem where I would turn left and right when I was running on that Springer, or rather, with that long Springer. I was thinking that Nao-san might bend it someday, but when I took it apart

, I found that this axle shaft was in the hole at the tip of the tire. The core passes through easily, but the shape of the hole itself is elongated into a long nose, and the axle may be playing due to vibration.1, and the rocker here is a crunchy cookie shoe.

Mine is an old long springer, and it was swaying and bending.As far as the rear legs and Shogo can see, people often ask me to bend something, but the thinner front legs are more curved. So I thought I’d like to fix it someday, but after middle school

, the staff at the second factory straightened out the swaying pipe using various tools, and told me about 12 other causes. The third reason for the swaying, and the reason for all of it, was that one day of

Filling in that welding and changing that thing, and when I finished it and rode it, it finally started to run straight, so that blindfold was the main cause. I did it on the same day, so I don’t quite understand it, but I

Think it’s probably because the title got a little bit better, but that theory is that the front leg doesn’t run straight as if it was a thank you to the title master. The problem was relatively recent as well, so

The third one is that the engine isn’t being ridden right now, but I haven’t been riding it at the moment, so I can understand it well, but the frame is different from this one, but I can get it right here. It may be out of focus, but

This is the part where the engine is mounted on this main frame, and Toku-chan suddenly discovered that there was a hole right next to the mount part. One day, Toku-chan suddenly told me that when I rode to the store, Toku-chan

Was looking at me with a light, and told me there was a crack over there, so I could pick it up a little. When I was told that and cleaned it up a little bit, it was already flying and there was a crack in the first round and it was completely cracked

To the point where it was completely out of place. Yes, I can’t see that all the parts are on.My boss and I have been saying that it’s suspicious that she suddenly started getting into trouble, but I do

N’t think Toku-chan was the one who broke it. There are various theories, and that’s just a joke, but that’s what I thought.If it were true, I would have to represent the frame like this, dig the welding part in a V shape, and fill it up from the inside. It

‘s a vehicle, so I’m at my own risk, but I installed the engine as much as I could, shaved it off as much as I could, turned it into a V, slowly welded it with a stronger output, and gradually built up the body, but now I’m done with it.In

Reality, it’s the current car. I wanted to show you what it would look like if there was one, but I welded it like that, and I’ve ridden the bike many times since then , but even with that simple welding procedure, I could still ride it normally. Since welding

Is done in a state where it cannot be removed, the welding is surprisingly strong, but you don’t have to worry about it all the time. Things like bending the front fork are just becoming more and more common, and the same thing goes for regulators, but the point is that the

More things I’m nervous about on my bike, the more I’m worried about it. I think it’s important to fix each and every one of them properly so that you can feel at ease , so please don’t neglect them . I think it would be great if we

Could try to solve each problem one by one so that you can have a safe Harley life, and then as a shop we can help with that.Okay, that’s the end of the video. I hope this video is helpful to you, so please take a look. If

You find this video interesting or interesting, please like and subscribe to the channel. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Old [Music] Max DET



Let’s enjoy the moment!!
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Vintage Harley Custom「OLD MAX’S」
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  1. タカさんの説明は、具体的でとても参考になります!レギュレーターの機能についても、自分の様な素人にはとても勉強になります(^^)ぜひ、今後も素人にも分かり易いハーレー解説、お願い致しまーす!

  2. いつも拝見しています。

  3. いやー、ホントその通りですね。お金の問題もありますが、応急処置箇所が増えるほど不安要素が増えるわけで…

  4. いつも楽しく見ています。今回、電気系統の話でしたが、予備のパーツを持っていても交換するのが難しいと思います。そこで、日頃の電気系統のチェック方法やその数値がどんな状態を意味しているのか教えてもらえると参考になるます。よろしくお願いします🙇

  5. 勉強に


  6. いつも楽しく見せてもらってます。

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