We found our Japanese home! (FINALLY) | Americans house hunting pt 2

It’s got a b day have five now our decision  is even more difficult if you watched our   house hunting video in Japan I know it was  posted quite some time ago but there’s just   been so many Adventures that we’ve been  going on and we’ve honestly been kind of  

Just sitting on the house we know we’ve had a  signin date actually scheduled this next week   cuz we thought we had found our house in that  previous video we actually didn’t share what   house we had chose that was like kind of the  thing is we had had all these options but we  

Hadn’t made the decision yet so I’m telling you  that last house in that video the was the Zushi   house and that was the one we were going to go  with but randomly we got an email from a real  

Estate agent saying you know we have these two  houses we just said why the heck not like before   we sign we’ll just find out our other options  so here we are thinking we’re about to sign a   house in Zushi but now we’re like contemplating  changing everything up so today we’re going to  

Be looking at two other houses that are much  closer to work which is something that we’re   trying to consider a little bit more convenience  for me and convenience for the girls how far away  

From work is really worth it to us so it’ll be  a good test to see how we’re feeling about the   different Drive times the neighborhoods and  just overh houses overall it’s Lo now unlock it we can TR [Music] okay that’s nice

Yeah I got watch your fingers just use  the handle F mom you got to [Music] go [Music] it’s pretty good that water  is really beautiful that water is   0:01:59.840,1193:02:47.295 [Music] so beautiful but it’s beautiful  outside just what we wanted is to  

Make another difficult decision between  the houses it’s like a good problem to have wow it’s beautiful we were thinking the  other house that of this too I know I’m like Mommy Daddy some of the things that are most important  to me when looking at a house is the kitchen space   bathrooms is always nice obviously but here in  Japan we love the bathrooms whether it’s public   or private they are B JS which is such a win and  normally really well-kept and clean we’re very  

Fortunate because we have a fairly nice budget  here for being honest um being Americans they   help cover the cost of housing so we’re given  a certain allotment and we find a house in that   allotment and with that there’s some the top  tier so a lot of the houses are nice and the  

Appliances are fairly know Japanese houses are  known to be smaller so space is a big thing for   us especially because we came from a huge German  house and somehow we just acquired too much stuff honestly oh wow oh wow I did not expect  that this to be here I thought this is  

The pantry but it wasn’t but it’s a shoe  cloth yes we don’t have those many shoes   we don’t have that many shoes huh that  might be a problem huh I can’t wait   for you to see this I show you in here  shoes I didn’t even see that was there

Yeah it’s got a b day have five just  like every single house that we go to   it seems like sushi house amazing the  last one we saw great view really nice   set up kitchen then we get here and  it’s like tall ceilings big Pantry  

Hey can I have um a mangoli please oh  wow yeah the doors are like [Music] huge It’s actually nice that this is by the bedroom  sit behind you the washing and dryer place and   the potty and a sink and the tub and bathroom  so I like this house better than the ocean view  

One even without the view even without the view I  think I like this one better like this one better   for like this one why not you didn’t like the  last one house either which house do you like  

One I don’t know I like the one I don’t know but  now our decision is even more difficult so we’re   going to walk in the neighborhood get a feel  for it see where the nearest train station bus  

Station grocery store kind of thing for a few  minutes and now we have to make a decision we   cannot make up our minds here we are at the Zushi  house the house that we thought was going to be  

Our house and possibly still could be we have a  big question mark right now so we came back here   to just kind of look around feel it out there’s  just a lot of decisions to be made and they all  

Impact each other we need to start making them  but here we are I love this outdoor area and   one of the biggest reasons why I love this house  kitchen here is like good but there’s not nearly  

As much space it’s not exactly the house honestly  that I’m like attached to I feel like cuz all of   the houses are great options some have four some  have three bedrooms but now it’s like outdoor area  

Versus proximity and of course a view of freaking  Fuji not too far from here Sushi is a Beach town   and at the beach you can see Fuji and I think  that’s why our hearts are so like attached to  

This area but unfortunately it comes with a drive  every day a longer commute for tner and time is so important I’m so sick of making decisions you  guys this is a hard one because I really feel  

Like it’s going to like set the trajectory of our  experience here in Japan we already had to give   up the idea of seeing Fuji from her living room  with the house in the previous house hunting video  

That was rough I don’t think we’ve talked about  that yet but giving up like that Fuji House was   like a whole turmoil thing because we thought  it was the Dream House literally could lay in   the bathtub and see Fuji see our kids dancing  around in the living room but it just wasn’t  

The one for us for a lot of reasons now here we  are with a location that’s like we can ride our   bike in not very long amount of time to Sushi  Beach that means a lot to us being nature and  

Seeing viewpoints and that’s just such a landmark  but here we are thinking that we’re going to go   with a different one it makes sense we should  go with the closer one because it’s much closer   to work for Tanner it’s the one that provides  me more support because I’m closer to Tanner  

And some of the friends that I’ve made on base  so far you know we can go to the library they   have cute little events on the base here commute  time is much shorter it’s closer makes sense but  

Tanner and I can’t get rid of the idea of being  closer to Nature having more space more outdoor   space for our kids to like run around in the  yard you guys saw it that was a huge perk of  

The Sushi House we call it the Zushi house and  this one doesn’t really have a lot of it but we   can create it we can create a little Turf area  anyways we can’t go wrong they’re going to give  

Us very different experiences I feel like the  Zushi house is more like our German experience   where it’s like the house I wouldn’t say the  inside’s necessarily better they’re they’re both   good houses but I was more isolated in Germany  luckily because of Willis K I was able to like  

Create a community but here in Japan and her  school’s not that close to Zushi the Japanese   language is going to be an adjustment and so  I just feel like I’m going to be more isolated  

There and not have as much support anyways here  I am just I continuing to talk about it and it   has been more difficult than I ever thought  it would be what are we going to do B my so short You’re holding so still good work do you want  to look put all your hair down look at your hair what do you think do you like it yeah we finally made a decision now the house that  we chose is actually the very last one that we  

Looked at which was kind of like a happen stands  like one of those last minute things but it feels   really good we’re happy that we had that option  it’s really close for me to be able to bike to  

Work it’s much closer to the school that Willow  will be going to and it’s just going to make it   more convenient for our everyday lives that was  ultimately the reason why we decided with it we  

Thought about all of the fun times that we would  have going to the beach and like walking to see   Mount Fuji and it just sounded really nice but we  had to think about the practicality of everyday  

Things and it feels really good now knowing that  we have something that’s close and it’s going to   be really functional for every day for us some of  the other Pros for choosing this house is that it  

Does have two parking spots which is sometimes not  as easy to find a lot of times homes in the city   only have one another reason why is we’re just a  few minutes away from a train station by foot so  

It’s going to be really nice when we want to go  on longer trip trips we don’t even have to drive   to the station or take a bus or anything we can  just walk right there which is so convenient and  

Being more in the city we have a lot more options  for like food and grocery stores and things that   are just a few minutes away whereas it would have  been just a little bit longer drive to those um  

In Zushi that being said there are a lot of great  Pros for why we chose the house that we did but   there are some cons and one of those is that  we don’t have like a nice little Garden area  

Right outside of the house where we can just be  out there and relax as much we’re going to make   it do with what the space that we have here but  isn’t the quite the same and it’s not quite as  

Big and we are a little bit closer as you can  hear in the background to some Street traffic   another downside to choosing this home over the  other one is that this only has three bedrooms   compared to the four bedrooms now it’s totally  going to work for us and we know that having four  

Bedrooms for only four people uh really isn’t that  necessary especially for how small our kids are   and we’re definitely going to make the most of our  experience living here so stay tuned for our next  

Video as we give you an empty house tour and take  you along as we move into our place thanks again   for watching if you haven’t already hit the like  And subscribe button and we’ll see you in the next one

After 2.5 months of searching for a Japanese house, we finally found one that feels right for our family! It came as a surprise and just in time because we were about to sign for a different one just days after. As you’ll see in this video, the decision was not easy and we had to weigh a lot of pros and cons! Join us as we share our real and raw thoughts with you and go house hunting!

DID YOU WATCH OUR LATEST HOUSE HUNTING VIDEO? House hunting in Japan | Americans finding their Japanese home pt 1! https://youtu.be/HTRICWR9Yvg

We found our German home!! 🇩🇪🏡 We LOVE it! 😍 | First time visiting a German castle!

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Lots of love,
Tanner, Risa, Willa + Noa! 🙂


  1. Good decision, you chose the right house. What I personally think is so great is that the neighborhood looks like it does in the anime movies.cision. you choosed the right one.

  2. Hi there, I am sure you made the right decision. Make your life comfy for yourself and your kids. You can make it. CU. Not sure I can follow in futrue but I wish you all the best.

  3. Congratulations on finding you new home! I will echo the sentiments of others and say while the Beach/Mt. Fuji view is really nice, the shorter commute and closeness to your daughter's school is much nicer.

  4. I love that you are so drawn to that volcano ("freakin' Fuji"!). I miss Mt Rainier so much. One thing you will not miss about your German home – the regular fertilizing with the Guelle (liquid cow manure). But seeing the miracle of irrigation-free agriculture is something you'll never forget. Even in Washington state there are no crops without irrigation. But in Germany, God sends the rain. Lazy farmers! lol (I'm one of 'em!)

  5. Cutting down on work commute is great for family time. If you do not speak Japanese fluently you will be happier. Moreover, driving a car on regular basis is isolating in most traditional Japanese communities.

  6. Wow, it has got an oven!!! Thats unusual in Japan! And look at the view!!! So great. Zushi house. Well, I understand all the pros and cons, but I think, what is the point of moving to a foreign country? You can make japanese friends and go to japanese events and learn the language. This is what its all about. Not the comfort of your native language. Of course its a different story when having two small kids. You need to think about school, transportation etc. I think you have made the right decision!!!

  7. The fact that your new home is close to your daughter's school is not only more convenient for you and for her. It's also more likely that new friends, which she will make, live closer to you. I Germany, you surely have seen even young kids meet to go to school together by foot or by bike, at first accompanied by adults, later just with their friends. This doesn't only teach the kids early how to behave safely in traffic, it also gives them a good portion of self-reliance (hope that's the right word in this context). Of course this is only possible with a short and safe way to school. I have no Idea if this is common in Japan, I think it's not common at all in the US.
    The possiblities to use public transport is another important thing when you think of your kids growing up and becoming independant from their parents' taxi service.

  8. 1:34 "Goodbye mummy, gotta go." The seriousness and determination of this 😂😍
    (Although there's also this less serious twitch of the lip and twinkle in the eye… 🙂 😊

  9. Finally! The wait is over! 😀 I think you made the right decision, time together is so important – and you will have many more opportunities to enjoy the beautiful landscape, so it will remain something special 🙂

  10. When making decisions there is a hierachy which is dictated by life: Daily inconveniences like you mentioned: distance to work, shops, parks. Storage room, maintenance of property, noise from traffic etc. At the last there are things like the view if it is just a small feature like Fuji or a major like ugly neighborhood with industry etc.
    And in the end you will be in the house for three years only to make an estimation. It is just like rental cars. As long as they do the basic thing it is used for why fancy this or that secondary feature?

  11. Congratulations with your New home 🎉 thats nice that Tanner can cycle to work plus the school for Willa not far away either 😊.Hope your settling in finding your way around as much as you can 🙏🤞 .
    Looking forward to to your next video. Take care Have a Good week 🥰

  12. Hello, is that the house around minute 3? It felt like an house made for Americans due to the toilet being inside the bath area. At the exception of very small one room, the rule is to separate the clean (the bath) and the (potentially) unclean (the toilet) for the same reason people remove their shoes at the entrance. You could transform the 2 car spaces into a garden and use car share when you need a car. The main car sharing services are Times Car Share and Careco. There is also Anyca that is similar to Turo in the US.

  13. Sushi would have been better for the children and the current one was better for work etc. was difficult. I congratulate. Time will tell whether the decision was right. The second house was definitely better divided. Greetungs from Germany

  14. Really a pity you didn't stay in Germany or found a yard here, there's nothing more fun for kids than to be outside to play, have a little pool "Planschbecken" etc.

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