
Too sleepy Well, I can’t open my eyes Enter Wuxi Yixing Boundary 12 years apart I went back to Wuxi again Wuxi is not a very familiar city It’s not a strange city. ever. There is a past There are still a lot of memories here. In the blink of an eye

More than ten years have passed How time flies Many places now It’s not what it used to be Things have changed. Now you Is it okay? We have now arrived in Yixing City What situation I feel like I’m going the wrong way again. This is downtown Yixing Well, then we will enter Zhejiang.

There is a little bit more Go to Taihu Lake first 104 national highway A little bit wrong. Fortunately, I just looked at it. Take a detour. Then turn back again Today may be the last day in Jiangsu Then I went to Zhejiang Come on.

We have to turn over the bridge in front of us and go around it a little bit. Neon Bridge This weather is too hot The down jacket is a bit unsustainable. After hearing about Zhejiang Coastal areas are also particularly hot. I may have to change my summer clothes in a couple of days.

At night, the temperature difference between day and night is still relatively large. More than ten degrees during the day At night, um, 30 degrees, 0 degrees Sometimes I don’t know Because the more south I go The higher the temperature Look around again. Now it’s 12 degrees Night is 1 degree

Note that the temperature difference is more than ten degrees Wine jugs in Wuxi Yixing The hip flask is divided into three sections Xijianghu Tuan Kumho and Dongjing Lake Then here is Tuan Jiuhu This clothes off I really can’t wear it It’s too hot Tonight I’m going to think about I changed my clothes.

Starting at more than seven o’clock mentioned that it is now 02:50 in the afternoon Another 30km walk I guess it’s almost time to leave Jiangsu. Take a little rest and walk slowly. There are 67km to Fuzhou Yixing is famous for its pottery Here the main production of purple clay pot

It’s the kind of little pot where tea is soaked in water. In the past, I had one at home. China’s Ceramic Capital Yixing Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Palace is free to browse You can come in and have a look. Did you pass by after all? Yes, no. It’s a small memorial.

The former Taiping Rebellion The remaining earth cannon cannon Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Qing Dynasty The local rich purple clay pot I didn’t expect to have this here. I probably took a look at it The words of this museum It’s basically some pottery or porcelain or something like that. Other black hands on display

This is the only mountain to climb today Longbeishan After turning over, walk another 78km to reach the edge of Taihu Lake. The car snapped Probably lack of oil. I estimate again The most comfortable time is to go downhill at the top of the mountain. Ha ha Next, finish this section of the road.

It’s back to Ping Road. I’m hungry. I need something to eat I finished all the pancakes when I left this morning. There is no staple food today. In the afternoon, I will find a place to sell it. This will be hungry again Here is peach and plum Should be a pottery market

All of them sell purple clay pots. Just like a small town. There’s a place to eat along the street here. Eat something noodle soup bun a characteristic What is this? This is your noodle soup bag Small steamed bun soup A cage is 18 Then you can get a five-dollar guy to take it.

Match it Okay, okay, okay. Then taste it Okay, um… You old beauty Two cages of steamed buns Want two cages of socks and four A cage of eight It’s not right. Let me show you It is so big It’s such a big and small steamed bun Two cages, two cages, okay Two

Ten minutes. now steamed good good The boss is afraid I can’t eat I’m starving This puppy is fun. Well, I ordered two steamed buns Then add one of this ravioli pour point A little bit of vinegar Soup Dumas Listen to the locals say is the south side have a french eat skin water

Then the night is water foreskin Is this the bag of water? Here we go. It is now 16km away from the intersection of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Check it out today. Where is suitable for camping? Just stay over there It is possible to stay in Jiangsu. Last day

I plan to go directly to Zhejiang In fact, it can be Anyway, it’s all on the edge of Taihu Lake. Let’s go. There’s a town ahead By the way, go buy some supplies. In fact, there is nothing to buy Yesterday’s bones haven’t been eaten yet. I threw it in my bag

More than ten degrees during the day I’m afraid it will stink or change for two days. I really dare not put Wait later tonight Now it is More than four o’clock wait for nine o’clock at ten o’clock Have a supper at night Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the most comfortable cars in this season

If you ride, just wear one of these shirts during the day. I still need to wear thicker clothes at night. In fact, I’m going to buy a thinner spring breeze coat tonight. Down jacket I estimate If you go a little further, you will step down. Jiangnan in March Comfortable this season

It’s rush hour again. This is really blocked This is not yet Yixing’s downtown is still a suburb. Already the car is much more special Good card This is handed in. Hurry up and there’s a burn. Oh, roar, I’m almost broken Ha ha, how much is one Boss, two dollars each Give me three

I want three two dollars a piece Do you want it? I am three Give yourself again Do you want to hand it in This scallion roast Took three six dollars There’s a fresh supermarket here I want to see if there are any pancakes Because eat something in the morning Don’t eat

Fasting for a long time Really bad for the stomach In the future, try to eat as much as you can in the morning. No pancakes here It’s all steamed buns. Two pieces of ninety-eight are steamed buns. And noodles Three dollars and a pack of steamed buns

Two dollars and ninety cents for a bucket of water I still have half a bottle of this bottle. I’m afraid if we don’t cook enough tonight So I bought another bottle. This reply is enough If you have a full head, keep it for tomorrow morning. This is Father and Son Ridge

In front of the words into Zhejiang Smooth entry into Zhejiang boundary Faziling Village, No.1 Village, North Zhejiang This is the Riverside Highway Camped out right here. There is a computer room here. This is In fact, the computer room can also be recorded But there’s some equipment in there. It’s still being built.

It hasn’t been built yet. There are many small houses like this along the road just built. Just a few kilometers. There are also tin houses left over from the previous construction. Tonight’s words I set up a tent and camped in this tin house. You don’t have to set up a tent

This day can already Has everyone moved out now? Construction finished It’s just a little messy And a little bed There is a small bed, directly, uh, spread an inflatable cushion. Just a shop. Buckle an inflatable cushion directly Then lay a damp-proof mat on the line

In fact, I feel that I don’t need any inflatable cushions. But wearing white tights In itself I think Walk this. The bones are not cooked. It’s too late now Today’s words, um Haven’t slept for hours I think I didn’t sleep for a few hours last night. slept for three hours

I rode all these roads again today. I want to go to bed early today. Let’s talk about it tomorrow morning. This meat has been in use for three days. If it’s not cooked tomorrow morning I guess it stinks. I really don’t want to stand it tonight

I went to bed. I went to bed. I can’t stand it Didn’t hear Hello, everyone. Good morning Good afternoon. Slept all night I haven’t had a rest yet. Ah, my eyes hurt These days because Is it difficult to find a campsite? Also did not rest well

Have you slept for a few hours these days? I came here last night. It seems that it is also over 12 o’clock. Rest up till this morning seven or eight o’clock Then I ‘ve been modeling here since I got up. Still didn’t sleep well If one more sleep I feel quite good

I cut my sleeping bag last night. I almost got pissed off Cut a hole bell From I gotta buy a velcro and then glue it up Sleeping bags are not cheap. Big thousands Otherwise, this section This man will all run away I don’t know if there is this kind of hook and loop

Specialized It’s just stained with this kind of cloth. What will not fall off after it is glued I’ll buy some more If you sew with a needle, you can’t do it. Can’t sew Where did he scrape moved here He here this scale itself is bad I tied it with a sock This iron.

And then the sleeping bag fell into this position I pulled the pit and scratched it open. Alas, it hurts me badly. Ha-ha-ha Here is a small tin house from last night’s camp. It is now abandoned and unused. The construction site has been completed The only one left is this

Outside, it is on the edge of Taihu Lake. There’s a car here. There are cars all the way There’s construction over there. Next to the river is a highway Huzhou Qingquan oh is a school Wenwu School When I came here last night I thought there was a scenic spot behind it.

Have a look Taihu Lake This side belongs West Bank of Taihu Lake in Xiyuan Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China There are rumors that it is In the past, the journey of Taihu Lake was a crater formed by a meteorite hitting the earth.

I don’t know if it’s true or not. get something to eat Cooking for the first two days of the day is not easy to find a place to live. If you’re here today No one cares about cooking. And a little tin house I need to eat this meat quickly Don’t eat the stink

I ‘ve been here for three days. I’m all If it’s hot, I’ll be out in the sun for a while. Eat it today. Pack up your equipment after eating it. Continue today’s itinerary Switch Ginger Come on. Almost fast. These There are also many big bones I don’t know the fruit that sells meat.

Just If you don’t eat it today, it will taste bad. put time too long It feels like it’s going to change. I take this The ginger was thrown directly into the pot. Sprinkle some salt Okay, almost. More and more This gas is not much I still have a full bottle

It’s on the hair. Ha ha ha The knife sleeve is also broken I really took it Go back and buy a needle and thread first. I lost my previous needle and thread Buy a needle and thread and then sew things No needle and thread Not convenient outside It’s almost cooked

How small is half cooked good to cook Wow, boiled dry it smells good it smells good is boiled dry There is still a little water in the whole house. not bad This has been cooked until the flesh and blood are separated. This meat can be directly clipped off. stewed thoroughly

You look like jelly Can eat Wow, that smells good Just put some ginger on anything put some salt Stew is the best like to eat Big fat can put a little In fact, I don’t like to eat that kind of food Dairy What fairy ah There is no need to put

Those things are mainly based on the road If it is pure shield It’s best not to go around like this



  1. 大飛邊騎邊打盹,進入無錫舊地重遊感慨萬千,夜宿豪華營地 加油😂🎉👍
    注意安全 一路平安💪

  2. 太好了👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽終於找到太湖邊很不錯👍🏾的露營地⛺️過夜👏🏽可以好好休息哦⋯看完廣告一如既往的支持大飛💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿

  3. 第一次去大陸出差坐飛機到無錫 然後到宜興 無錫到宜興坐車約一小時不遠 聽宜興話實在很難聽懂 賣麵湯包老闆娘做生意實在很不錯 不會為了生意 不在乎你吃不吃得完 大飛點兩籠 還會問吃得下嗎ˊ 這店家很不錯

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