
You can take a look at this scene. Is this a small road or a dirt road? Obviously, it looks moist. Then, it may be a light rain in the afternoon, right And then there are some of these newly built houses and courtyards here.

It is obvious that it is an ordinary small mountain village. Are you friends? It can’t be said that it’s from a small mountain village. Because there are no mountains here. Because I used to go to the mountains Those are just ordinary mountain villages.

So sometimes I get used to it and say it’s a mountain village. This is an ordinary rural area in southwest Shandong, er In the ordinary countryside, because Brother Coat lives here. So his popularity has always been high. Uh, it’s on the big coat side. Indeed, we often see on the Internet

It’s a little hot is very much So why did he say so hot Then, it has always been said that it has not been cooled down. And then there’s the buzz point about it. What is the reason for so many Ah, we can say that in their village

Let’s take a look at his door. Maybe I will understand something. In an ordinary village like this Everyone’s impressions. That is to say, when the economic conditions get better, uh buy a house in that city Rarely come back to live in the countryside. Right? Friends. Courtyard like this Probably because of this situation

Most of the countryside are old people. Like a young man Or after marriage After work ah They will buy houses and settle down in the city. work and live Courtyards like this basically say they rarely come back. Everyone can look at what is in front of them.

Is it obvious that weeds are reborn when you see them? There is no sign of coming and going at the door. Right? This is already, that is to say, I have given up. But he’s probably better than many people. The economic conditions are better for 1 year. Never left the countryside. Uh-huh. Right?

Has been rooted in the countryside Here, everyone can have a look. After going out this way The main road at the gate is at the gate of his house. Now you can see a gate in front of his house. And this one of their son’s wedding rooms

There’s a car parked at the door And then, uh, the door And the kind of charging pile Ah, this is a newly built house. Not their home It looks like a neighbor’s new house. Up ahead is the door where he went to live. We went to his door to have a look

Maybe it will also understand some problems, um There are some neighbors beside his door. also followed That means, uh… For the convenience of foreign tourists, they would like to see Zhu Zhiwen later. Not seen that day. So live here Then they changed to hotels. Hostel for everyone to live in In this case

Also according to this situation to increase some income, right This is their home is an ordinary rural Nothing special The somebody else is rich again This is his door. There are no other arrangements This is really very rare What friends. His door, too You see, there’s been a lot of this, uh, what

Anyway, it’s all I think under such circumstances Because of a person’s fame and active the local economy, right Various kinds of some commercialization So what you’re imagining here is very clear. Right? Friends look at their doorstep Everyone can have a look Right? Everybody’s sitting in here

Sometimes he would come out for a stroll Let’s interact with each other. Well, I think this way is quite good. It also satisfies everyone’s curiosity. And then also maintain their own heat, right Friends. I think, uh, the most direct reason is It’s because of the grounding gas, isn’t it

That is the world fireworks is the most mortal heart ah, right There is no estrangement for everyone Just like ordinary people. Everyone will say they like it. Everyone said I said right I saw some people go to his door. Look what he did. There are also some stools at the door.

Tourists are coming Waiting here. You can sit down and have a rest, right Although not what attractions But, uh, there’s also some heat. Look at this. Just wait here and eat. Think about it with them and him, take a picture and leave a message. I’m listening to them, too.

Say it came all the way here Just think about taking a picture. Take a look Now it’s a realistic situation Ah, when I came here, I wanted to show it to everyone. Everyone may be inspired by it. Then this video will be taken here for everyone. I’ll see you next time Bye-bye

独立骑车旅行,走走看,记录和分享远方路上的美好。 一个人

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