Japanese Language Proficiency Test We will now begin the N3 listening comprehension test. You may take notes. Please open your question paper. Question 1 First, listen to the question in Question 1. Then, listen to the conversation and choose the best answer from 1 to 4 on your question paper. Let’s begin. Number 1

A man and a woman are talking at the company. What does the woman need to send to the branch office? Yamamoto, could you go to the post office for me? I need you to hurry and send samples of the new product to the Kyoto branch. Yes. Samples of the new car, right?

Um… I made two samples of the same thing, but is it okay to send just one? Yeah. I need to keep one here. Leave it on my desk. Got it. Should I also send the product description documents? It’s okay. I’ll send them by email. Okay.

What does the woman need to send to the branch office? Number 2 A male and female student are talking at the university. What does the female student need to do first? Sato, I’m making posters for the club member recruitment now. Could you help me a bit? Sure, I can!

I chose this color for the poster paper. I want to include some pictures or drawings, but… Hmm, how about photos? Do you have one with everyone from the club? Yeah, that’s a good idea! The kanji for the club’s name is good for newcomers to understand, but… Could you choose from these?

I think yours would be better since you took it, Sato. Got it. I’ll do it today! Thank you! When does the female student need to do first? What does the female student need to do first? Number 3 A male teacher and a foreign student are talking about a speech at the university.

What does the foreign student need to do next? Rin, I checked the composition “New Year in My Country” that you’ll present in front of the elementary students next time. There were no grammatical mistakes. It’s neither too long nor too short, and it’s well written! Please go ahead with the presentation. Got it.

The part about New Year’s clothes is interesting! If you have clothes for New Year’s, could you wear them during the speech? The kids would be thrilled. Sorry, I didn’t bring any to Japan… I could ask my parents to send them, but… Oh, really? Then, do you have any photos?

Um… Ah! Yes, I do! Okay, please show them and talk during the speech. Got it. What does the foreign student need to do next? Number 4 A section chief and a man are talking about the company’s website. What does the man need to fix on the website immediately?

Ito, I’ve checked the website you’ve been redoing. It’s improved. Thank you. But, only the president’s greeting section is from last year. We’re supposed to receive the new text next week. I see. About the location of the company… Is the map correct? There’s no convenience store next to our place, right?

Ah! I heard it’s opening next month, so I included it. Next month, right? Put it back as it was, and change it after it opens. Also, about the product description and photos, have they all been checked? Yes. I had the sales department confirm them too. I see.

And about the contact information for the branches, it’s all correct, right? Yes. I’ve checked it several times. Alright, then! What does the man need to fix on the website immediately? Number 5 The restaurant manager is talking to a part-time worker. What does the part-time worker need to do today?

Thank you for coming early today. Um… To increase the number of customers coming for lunch… We’ve had you all post posters on the town bulletin board and hand out flyers in front of the store since last month. But, it seems like it’s not effective enough, so…

We’ve decided to hand out discount coupons in front of the store before opening. Could you do it today? We plan to observe the effects of the discount coupons and consider the prices and menu in the future. When we have new menus, let’s hand them out again. Thank you very much.

What does the part-time worker need to do today? Number 6 Listening to a message from the captain of the soccer club. After listening to the captain’s message, First, what do we need to do? Hello. This is Chief Morishita. We’re having a welcome picnic for the soccer club the day after tomorrow…

But it looks like the weather might be bad that day! Should we go ahead with it? Or postpone it? We need to decide and email everyone. We fourth-year students want to gather and discuss. Can you come to the soccer club room tomorrow at 5:00 PM?

Could you let me know if you heard this message? Also, if we do go, I’d like some help with drinks and such, but we’ll discuss that later! What should we do first after hearing the message from the chief? Question 2 For Question 2, please listen to the question first.

Then look at the question sheet. You’ll have reading time. Then listen and choose the best answer from 1 to 4 on the question sheet. Let’s begin. Number 1 A man is giving a speech at a wedding. How did the two people who got married say they met? Congratulations, Kimura and Naoko!

Kimura has been a friend since high school. I often heard about Naoko when we went out for dinner after work. Kimura and Naoko met through a skiing website on the internet, as they both enjoy skiing. They first met at a ski lesson at the ski resort. How wonderful!

Kimura, Naoko, I wish you all the happiness! How did the two people who got married say they met? Number 2 A man and a woman are talking. Why did the woman start attending swimming classes recently? Hey, Aoki, I heard you’ve been going to swimming classes recently?

Yeah, I learned the basics of swimming when I was a kid, but since becoming an office worker, I’ve lost my physical strength. I thought swimming might help me avoid getting sick and feeling less tired. Ah, swimming is said to make you healthier! Is the class fun?

Yeah, I’ve gotten better at swimming longer distances recently, so I think attending was a good decision. When do you go? On weekday evenings. There are many office workers, and I’ve made some friends too. That’s great! Why did the woman start attending swimming classes recently? Number 3

An announcer on TV is talking about the results of a survey. What does the announcer say was the top choice for what boys wanted to be when they grew up this year? For boys. What do you want to be when you grow up?

This year’s results of a survey of about 1,000 elementary school boys and girls have been announced. For girls, becoming a pastry chef was popular and rose from 10th to 2nd place. On the other hand, there was a sudden increase in boys who wanted to become scientists.

The most common answer this time was still “elementary school teacher” for girls, which was the top choice last year. In contrast, for boys, it was a police officer. Ten years ago, doctors were the top choice for both boys and girls, but… It seems to be changing recently.

What does the announcer say was the top choice for what boys wanted to be when they grew up this year? Number 4 A husband and wife are talking on the phone. Why does the husband say he will be late coming home today? Hey. Where are you?

What about the train? Is it stopped because of the heavy rain? Oh! I’m still at the office. I don’t really understand about the train, but I might be late coming home today because… There’s a meeting after this. I see. That’s tough! Are you having dinner with your coworkers?

No. Prepare mine too! I’ll just come home without eating. Got it! If there’s anything you need to buy, I’ll stop by the supermarket on my way home, but… There’s nothing particularly needed today! Thank you! Why does the husband say he will be late coming home today? Number 5

A woman is speaking on the radio. What did the woman put in a box when she graduated from elementary school? At my elementary school graduation, there was something called a graduation box, where each student would put one item of their memories into the box and bury it in the schoolyard for 20 years.

After 20 years had passed since our graduation, we opened the graduation boxes. Some people had put in a perfect test, photos taken with friends, and CDs of their favorite singers. Some had put in letters to themselves, and… I was one of them, and… It said, “Are you a singer now?”

I had admired becoming a singer back then. In the end, I didn’t become a singer, but now I’m enjoying my job of making music. What did the woman put in a box when she graduated from elementary school? Number 6 A man and a woman are talking at the city hall.

What did they decide to do at the next international exchange meeting? At the next international exchange meeting where international students and local residents participate, we need to decide what to do next, but… Do you have any good ideas? I think a sports event or a cooking class would be interesting,

Yeah… for the exchange meeting! For example, how about a conversation class where Japanese teach Japanese to international students and international students teach their native language to Japanese? Ah! We’ve just done something similar last year! Is that so? I remember there was a karaoke contest where we sang Japanese songs with international students before?

Yeah. It was fun, but… We didn’t have much time for international students and local residents to talk, so there wasn’t much interaction! How about a sports event then? You can cheer each other on and talk naturally. That’s right. It seems like we could interact unexpectedly. Let’s go with that this time!

A cooking class also seems like a lot of interaction, so let’s keep that idea for another time. Yeah. Thanks! What did they decide to do at the next international exchange meeting? Let’s take a short break here! Let’s continue now. Question 3. For Question 3, nothing is printed on the question paper.

This question is about listening to the overall content. There are no questions before the talk. First, please listen to the talk. Then, listen to the questions and choices. Please select the best answer from 1 to 4. Let’s begin. Number 1. Female and male students are talking about a book at the university.

Is this “The Secrets of Economics” by a senior? Yes, that’s right. What do you think? The book I recently read had difficult passages, and I didn’t feel like reading it halfway through! That’s not it, but I thought it would be interesting, but it was different from what I imagined. Is that so?

Because what’s written is mostly basic stuff or stuff I already know. It wasn’t a secret for the senior! Since it’s written in simple words, I think it’s good as an introductory book! What does the male student say about this book? 1. It was easy to read and met his expectations.

2. It was easy to read, but it didn’t meet his expectations. 3. It was difficult to read, but it met his expectations. 4. It was difficult to read, and it didn’t meet his expectations. Number 2. Female and male students are talking at the university club.

Kimura, are you going on the club trip this weekend? Yeah, I’m going! Hey! Kimura said he likes taking photos, right? Yeah, but why? Actually, I’m in charge of taking photos of everyone on the trip! But my camera broke yesterday, and it doesn’t look like it’ll be fixed by the weekend!

Sorry to bother you, but I was thinking of asking Kimura,, Oh! I have an unused camera, shall I lend it to you? Thank you! But I’m not familiar with Kimura’s camera,, and I think Kimura is better at taking photos, so can I ask you? Is that so? Yeah, understood!

What does the female student want to say? 1. She wants the broken camera to be fixed. 2. She wants to borrow a camera. 3. She wants Kimura to teach her how to take photos. 4. She wants someone else to take the photos. Number 3. A woman is talking on TV.

The autumn mountain with red and yellow leaves is beautiful! How about enjoying such scenery on a trip? Near the Sansen Inn, there is a popular cycling course,, and at this inn, you can check-in while still on your bike You can also consult the inn about the cycling course

After riding in the mountains, it seems refreshing to sweat in the hot spring! What is the woman talking about? 1. A popular sport in autumn. 2. A convenient inn for cycling trips. 3. How to choose a cycling course. 4. Hot springs where you can enjoy beautiful scenery. Question 4.

For Question 4, please listen to the questions while looking at the pictures. What does the person with the arrow say? Please select the best answer from 1 to 3. Let’s begin. Number 1. At the restaurant, asking the customer for their order. What does the person say to the customer?

1. Can I take your order? 2. Have you decided on your order? Number 2. In the park, telling not to feed the birds. What does the person say? 1. Don’t feed the birds. 2. Be careful when feeding the birds. 3. There’s no sign saying don’t feed the birds. Number 3.

Guiding a guest through a factory. What does the person say? 1. We’ll guide you through the factory. 2. We’ll guide you. 3. Please guide us through the factory. Number 4. Taking photos of friends. What does the person say? 1. Hey! Take a photo! 2. Am I in the picture?

3. Everyone, look this way! Question 5. For Question 5, nothing is printed on the question paper. Please listen to the sentence first. Then listen to the response, and select the best one from 1 to 3. Let’s begin. Number 1.

Um, about the Friday flower-viewing you invited me to, I won’t be able to make it. 1. Is that so? Then, I’ll invite you another time! 2. Huh? Won’t there be a flower-viewing? 3. You can go on Friday! Number 2. Okada, is there anything I can do to help with your business trip?

1. Thank you! But I’m fine. 2. Huh? Aren’t you going to help me at all? 3. Please ask me anything! Number 3. Nakamura, the manager wants us all to have a meal together,, 1. The meal was delicious. 2. If the manager can’t come, let’s do it another time!

3. Sounds good! I’ll go too! Number 4. Mori, have you seen the news on TV this morning? 1. Don’t you watch the news? 2. Huh? What news are you talking about? 3. I haven’t seen it yet. Number 5. Huh? Kobayashi shouldn’t be late for the meeting, 1. Maybe something happened.

2. He’s always late. 3. Isn’t he already here? He’s usually early! Number 6. Excuse me. Can I have this brochure? 1. Please, let me have a look. 2. Then I’ll take it. 3. Sure! Please take it. Number 7. Senpai, not many people are coming to the party next week,,

1. Everyone wants to come! 2. It’s great that so many people are coming! 3. That’s a problem! Number 8. There’s no one as kind as Yoshida, right? 1. Isn’t Yoshida kind? 2. I think there are few people like Yoshida. 3. Are there a lot of kind people? Number 9.

Ikeda, guests will be arriving soon, so could you turn on the heating in the conference room first? 1. Ah! I turned it on a while ago. 2. I’ll turn it off right away, sorry. 3. Was it still on? That concludes the listening comprehension test.

Japanese JLPT N3
Listening Practice TEST 2024 With Answers.
You can check answer after each question

N2 Listening list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXCeHBWxd4iCZ9BbNJBGPFoYXvduL_WQc
N3 Listening list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXCeHBWxd4iCqSvBJPvE2TFMWkKBKfJpv
N4 Listening list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXCeHBWxd4iDabjn6C7m0osL0drcnnt45
N5 Listening list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXCeHBWxd4iD5FKqS7r61Uk_leNRvb8X8


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