治安最悪な国でバイク旅スタート!初日からヤバい…|🇨🇴南米バイク旅 Ep2

Good morning, people. It’s 6:30 in the morning and we are at the airport in Cali. We are about to hop on a plane to go to the city of Medellin, where we’ll be starting a motorcycle adventure for the next couple of months. It is very, very cold in Japan right now.

We wanted to escape winter. We had two choices: either travel in Asia, maybe go to Vietnam or Thailand. We were almost going to travel to Vietnam, but instead we decided to come to Colombia. Last year, well, actually, this year, in April, we had the most amazing trip in Colombia.

We traveled for about a week across the coffee region, and we loved it. It was our first experience traveling off road, and it was absolutely amazing. So whenever we had the chance to come to Colombia, we decided to take it. And here we are. We’re about to embark on another motorcycle adventure.

We’re currently looking for our door. This one is B-8. We are B-6. B-8? We are going to be leaving in about an hour and it’s only about an hour long flight. It’s very, very close to Cali. We’ve got so many things with us. I’ve got this big backpack. Kaito has another backpack.

And we also have a tank bag with us and a small backpack for the motorbike. When we travel in Japan, it’s easier because you have the bikes with you, so you just pack your stuff and you go. But here, since we started in Cali and the motorbikes are in Medellin,

We need to take all of this with us. So, yeah, our hands are all busy. We’ve arrived in Medellin, Colombia’s second-largest city, bustling with a population of 4.1 million. Even with Colombia’s year-round mild climate, each city boasts its own unique weather,

And we immediately feel the temperature change from that of Cali upon our arrival. The weather’s different here. Yeah. It’s chilly. Check out Ori’s outfit. She’s got on all her motorcycle gear. From the bag to the boots and the pants. She’s rocking all of it. We’re waiting for our ride.

We have maybe a one hour journey to the place where we’re going to be seeing our bikes to embark on our adventure. As soon as we landed, a friendly staff member from Colombia Motorcycle Adventures, the company from which we’ll be borrowing the motorbikes, was there to pick us at the airport. Thank you.

Finally. I’m so excited. Our destination? A small rural community nestled on the outskirts of Medellin. After navigating through the bustling downtown and traversing some bumpy roads, we finally reached the starting point for our motorcycle adventure. We’re welcomed with open arms by Brayan,

One of the guides we had the pleasure of traveling with last year, How are you guys? Everything good? Yeah, and you guys? How are you doing? How are you guys? Super good. Chester. Chester. Chester. Chester. and Jeff, the founder of Colombia Motorcycle Adventures. Nice to see you again. How are you? Hello YouTube.

Hello. Yeah. What do you think of this place? It’s looking good, yeah. Nice view to the city. How are you guys? Great. Happy to be here. Jeff’s got himself a new spot. It’s even cooler than his last! Jeff here from Colombia Moto Adventures offers tours and motorcycle rentals,

And you get all the gear with your motorcycle. You’ve got the jackets, a bunch of them, you’ve got the dry bags over here. You’ve got a bunch of helmets to choose from. And you also get riding protection. 25 motorcycles make up the fleet of Colombia Motorcycles Adventures, a mix of Suzuki DR650s

And Honda XRE300s. Ideal rides for tackling Colombia’s rugged terrain. We brought a couple of “Kit Kats”. Cool. Thanks. So these are the “matcha’ ones. The what? Matcha. Oh really? This one either you love it or you hate it. This? The dark chocolate. Cool. And this one is strawberry cake flavored.

Which do you want to try? Matcha. You can be honest if you don’t like it. It’s good. Yeah. Really? Yeah. Yeah, it’s not bad. Bon appétit. It’s pretty dry. I like it. It’s dry, but… But it’s quite good. Before we hit the road, there’s someone we’re eager to see.

A friend from last year’s trip with Colombia Moto Adventures. Hi Eddy. Hi Ori. How are you? Good and you? So nice to see you! Same here. Welcome. Hi buddies. Hi buddies. New suits? Yeah. We came more prepared this time. Especially after dealing with all that mud last time!

We’re just about ready to head out. Let me show you the motorbike I’ll be riding. This one. Number 16. This is a Honda XRE 300. Ori will be riding the same motorbike. That one. Ori’s bike is a different color though. Adventure, number 12.

We are about to leave base camp of Colombia Motorcycles Adventures. Our bikes are ready. So, as you can see, Kaito’s motorbike is right here and my motorbike is right here. So when you get here, everything is handled for you. That’s the good part about this. You’ve got lots of help to do everything.

Super Eddy here helped us get our bikes ready. He made sure our bikes are in great condition. He attached the bags to our bikes. The same for Kaito’s motorbike. He literally made sure everything is under control. With some helpful tips from Jeff,

We’re now geared up and eager to conquer the roads of Colombia. We’re ready. See you soon. Yes, God willing. See you soon man. Thank you, Eddy. You’re welcome. Here we go. Bye. See you. You’re going to see how steep this road is. I mean. Look at this. It’s already a fun start.

It’s already what? It’s already 3:20 in the afternoon. Today we’re going to be riding for about an hour and a half. We are departing from this place, this small community called Yolamo. And we’re going to be driving until this place called Entrerríos, which is only about 60 kilometers away from here.

Since we’re starting pretty late in the afternoon, we didn’t want to go that far because we don’t want to be driving that much at night. Look at how steep this road is. It hasn’t rained the last couple of weeks here, so it means these off-roads will be very dusty. Very, very dusty.

Oh, it feels great being on the bike again. Last time we rode in Japan, it was at the end of August, right before my dad came to visit us, and now we’re finally back on the road, and it’s not cold. That’s the best part. Japan is way too cold right now to ride.

So I got to say, I’m really happy to be here. Riding in Colombia again. Look at all those mangoes, guys! Wow. There’s a lot of them. This is mango season. I’ve actually eaten a mango every day since we got here. A mango or two. Well, this time we’ve come to Colombia

And we’re going to be spending about three months here. We have partnered up with the guys from Colombia Moto Adventures, and they have lent us these two motorbikes so we can explore as much as we can of Colombia. These are the perfect motorbikes to do that. These are Honda XRE 300cc motorbikes.

The perfect size, believe me, to go off-roading and then just explore those remote places in Colombia. Our goal with this trip is to really go around Colombia, show you guys the places that do not get a lot of tourists, but that are still very, very beautiful.

We’re going to be bringing you along our adventures every day on these two motorbikes. Look at that, guys! Paragliding. There’s lots of people jumping off these mountains here. Wow, how cool! Our first toll. And let me show you guys how we do it in Colombia. This is how it’s done, you guys.

The motorbikes got the VIP pass. We do not have to pay. And we do not have to line up and wait for everybody to go across. Look at that. How many people are driving here without a helmet? Bit of a traffic jump here. Wow. Cute little houses here. Whoa. That motorbike.

Wow. Look at that, guys. Beautiful mountains. It’s already 4 p.m.. It’s getting a little bit chilly up here. I’m really surprised at how developed these mountains are here in Colombia. Like you would go up these mountains, up these hills, like very steep roads, and you will find many, many houses everywhere.

This is not the case in Japan. But here, really, there is people living everywhere, and of course, they have stunning views. Entrerríos. That’s where we’re going. This is quite a big town. Bunch of houses here. I wonder where we are. Oh, my God. She’s not scared at all. Okay.

We’ve entered the winding zone. The road is in pretty good condition all the way from Medellin until Entrerríos. I guess it’s going to be like this all the way. Wow. Amazing, this view! Simply amazing. This is what I’m talking about, guys.

Look at that big mountain there and you’ve got houses all the way to the top. Amazing. It’s absolutely beautiful. But I think we’ve made it to Entrerríos. This is it, guys. Small little town. This is my first time here and of course, Kaito’s first time as well. Oh, there’s a big supermarket here.

Wow. Looks nice. I believe it’s here, Boo. I’m going to go ask at the hotel… Is there a parking lot there? Where are you going? To that hotel over there. There’s a parking lot there, but you have to go around the block. Ah, okay. Left, then left again. “La miel”. Thank you.

Thank you. That kind guy told us there’s a parking space here to the left. Left here and maybe again to the left. Follow me, Boo. Wow, it’s beautiful. Wait. I don’t know where it is, and this is This is a one-way street. Excuse me, do you know where La Miel parking lot is?

La Miel parking lot? No? No. Maybe you should ask over there. Thank you. I’m going to go ask. I didn’t find it. There’s a hotel called “Capilla …”. There it is. Thank you. Hello. I have a reservation here. Okay. Do you know where the parking lot is?

The parking lot entrance is from the back. From the park you go… Just head up, go around the block, and you’ll see the entrance. What’s your name? Oriana. Oriana. Yes, I have you here. Okay. Here we go. It should be somewhere here. No, it should be… It’s not here.

Excuse me, do you know where the parking lot for Hotel La Capilla is? Head up, then go down, and you’ll find the entrance. Okay. Thank you. Okay. We’ve made it. We did it. Let’s see. Let’s turn the lights on. And here we are. Home for tonight. Okay.

And I think we’ve got a street view here. Let’s see. Nice. We’ve got a little poop on the window. The main square is right over there. This small town of Entrerríos is very pretty. Look at these lights behind us. It’s actually right before Christmas.

Even in this small town, the Christmas lights are something to see. In every Colombian town, you’ll find a central park, surrounded by restaurants and shops, with a church facing it. These shiny churches are totally Colombian style. You can feel the Latin vibes. I’m really surprised because this is a very small town

And there’s a lot of kids playing outside, there’s a lot of people having a drink, there’s a lot of people eating. Very cool. It was our first day of this crazy adventure and we couldn’t be happier. We are excited about driving these motorcycles across Colombia. We’ll keep you posted every day.

So, guys, if you liked this video, don’t forget to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe down below to our channel. See you in the next adventure. Bye. I have no idea how we’re going to finish these two things here. It was so cheap,

But it turns out this could easily feed four people. We’re going to try to finish this. And after that, we’re going to bed.



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#oriandkaito #バイク旅 #バイク女子


  1. 新しい冒険が始まりましたね🤣見てる方もワクワクが止まりません。安全には十分気をつけて楽しい冒険を見せてください。

  2. コロンビアの気候は良いですよね。メデジンは年中秋、カリは年中初夏、ボゴタは年中初冬といった感じかな。

  3. いよいよ、南米アドベンチャーがスタートしましたね。走るバイクを通して迫ってくる雄大な景色は、とても迫力があります。この後、どんなことが待っているのか、ワクワクします。良き(そして安全な!!)旅を。😊😊

  4. スケールの大きな旅をされているんですね。日本では余り知られていないコロンビアの地、楽しみです。Thank you,Ori and Kaito🤗

  5. 始まりましたね、新たな冒険。

  6. コロンビアでバイク旅?



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