【ADV160】現代の160ccはこんなにすごいのか!新東名120km区間で検証してみた!【まさチャンネル】 #adv160 #最高速

Ah [Applause] [Music] This video is not the only one on Masa Channel. We upload many videos that will be helpful to you. Renting a bike costs about 20,000 yen per session. It’s going to cost more than 20,000 yen. I think I’m going to go bankrupt.

I would appreciate your cooperation in subscribing to the channel. Thank you very much for your support . Channel registration registration registration registration registration [music] registration Hello everyone watching Masa Channel This is my channel. It’s not hello. No, it’s not good evening. It ‘s 5 o’clock in the morning, so good morning. So

, I can’t see the bike I’m riding right now. I think so, but it’s the ABV 160. I previously reviewed the PCX160, but at that time, the wind pressure was a bit too harsh.It’s the bike with the highest wind pressure ever.It’s not the 1060, it’s the BCX160. The BB160

Is an adventure bike, so even though it’s a little small, it has a nice windshield, so the wind production is quite good.However, if you want to cruise at high speeds, you might want a slightly longer seat. However, I am currently

Running on the new 120 km section of the new transparent road, so the high speed itself is short, and the wheels are small, so I wonder how the straight-line stability will be like. It doesn’t feel like it, I can run normally.I don’t look at the meter,

But I feel like I’m running comfortably, and the speed I’m getting is about 95 to 105, but I still don’t have engine power, so I’m 100km now, and I’m in the red zone from 9500 rpm. However,

I think Masa-chan is spinning around 8000 rpm quite a bit in her video, so when she’s riding at high speed, it ‘s probably a little low.The ups and downs of the speed are very large.In short, when it comes to hills, it goes boom.

It goes up to about 110, and when going uphill it drops off at 80g, so I feel like I need to be careful with the small amount in such places , but when I look at it, I feel like I’ll be able to run comfortably. That’s it , and what’s the 120km load?

[Music] Since I’m here, I ‘m wondering how much the Nema advv1603 will produce, but actually, I reviewed it in the AD150 era, so it depends on the individual Nema. I think it ‘s probably about 115 as it was a very slow ride, but I wonder

If the top speed will reach 160 at the end.I don’t think the top speed will increase that much anymore . I’m making a prediction, but I think the speed to reach that point will be much faster.The important thing is acceleration performance.I understand that the potential has increased by changing from 150 to 1510

, but I wonder how many times I’d like to challenge the top speed. I think so . Now, let’s go a little to the right and open up all at once. It’s 100 km now. Let’s go a little to the right. It’s accelerating slowly. I guess that’s about 1189. I wonder if it’s a bit too much. Looking at this, I feel like it’s a little tough to go up to 120, but I’m going to try it out. Does it change when I put it on? It doesn’t change

. I wonder if this is the limit. [Music] ] 119 Something like this [Music] I just want to try it out. It’s already over the red zone. It’s revving around 10,000 rpm, so if it gets close to 120 km, there’s a possibility that it’s hitting the rev limiter

. Let’s drop it down to 8th and accelerate.What kind of acceleration is the full throttle? If you look at it, you’ll see that it accelerates properly to a certain extent.It’s something like this, or something like this when you climb a little

. I think you’re all thinking, I think it’s accelerating, right? Let’s try it again. It’s 80 km now and it’s 11. Until this point, it accelerates normally. It’s a little slow car. A slow car. This may not be a harsh word, but there

Is no problem in overtaking slow cars.It’s 100km now.Let’s change lanes at 100km.The wheelbase is short and the tires are small, so change lanes quite quickly. I’m going straight like this, but I don’t feel that unstable.Let’s try accelerating from 100km to 110km.How about it?It’s fast.One more time.

[Music] No, I know it’s painful. I know it’s painful , but it’s going to come out, so I’m going to go ahead and do it one more time right now. It’s like this, it’s like this, hmmm

, even if I ease up on the brightness, it’s still the whole thing. It keeps accelerating like this. But when I got to this point, when I got to about 11889, it suddenly felt like it was sluggish.The acceleration was so maybe it was hitting the rev limiter.

It doesn’t feel like it’s accelerating even if it’s gradual, it’s a bit stiff. It feels like it’s stopped somehow, so I wonder if it’s 2L, so in terms of AVV160, I don’t get 120. It’s around 118 and 1. 9,500 rpm is the start of the red zone, and at 10,000 rpm it

Feels like it won’t rotate any more, so I think it’s hitting the rotation limit.If anyone knows more , please let me know. I think that the thing that bothers me the most when driving at high speeds is the bumps. Masa-chan’s video This is how I feel about the initial bumps, and

The initial input is strong . I guess it’s okay if I’m feeling a little absent-minded, but when something like this comes along, I get quite surprised, so I guess that’s the deepest part.It’s pretty close

To my waist, and it’s an upright bike, so when I’m feeling a bit relaxed. It hurts my lower back quite a lot when I ride hard, but I don’t think it will get over it, but I feel like that’s what I’m concerned about when riding at high speed.Other

Than that, even if you change it quickly, it goes quickly. And the straight-line stability is not bad at all, but it is weak against crosswinds.It is weak against crosswinds, but I have had no problems until now.I

Have been driving around the truck so there are no problems.Also, the vibrations, the vibrations, and the butt . I can definitely feel it, but it’s not like the vibrations are harsh, I can feel it in my butt.The vibrations aren’t that harsh, and the engine noise is also very quiet [music]

.The engine is roaring. I don’t feel like I can’t do anything about it, but when I’m running at around 100 km, the engine speed is around 8,000 or 9,500 rpm, as I said earlier, so it’s spinning fairly well, but

The engine is quite quiet. I don’t feel like it’s running well because I’m making it, so this one is a Shield Wound Shield.I think it would have quite long-distance performance if the screen was made a little longer,

And I wonder about fuel efficiency. It gets worse all at once when you drive at high speeds.I’ll talk a little bit about this now, but where does the wind protection come from?If the wind is normal in this country, when you hold your hand over the cat, it’s

Just around the mouth, rather than the mouth and chin. It’s a little above the mouth, so I don’t know if it’s about 15 cm or so, but if it’s possible, I’d like a yellow one that’s about 20 cm long.Even if it’s 20 cm,

I’m 165 cm tall and it won’t come into my field of vision, so it’s 20 cm higher. I don’t think it would be a problem.If it was 20 cm, it would be really easy.I just wanted to tell you that you need to be careful about the fuel efficiency

, but it’s not good for fuel efficiency when you’re driving at high speed and spinning this much.Normally. I think it will probably run more than 40km, but I ran like this earlier and it was about 100km. I’ve included [music] , but there are

Videos about the ABV 160.In addition to this, there’s also a check of the gait, and two winding and three winding videos.If you’d like, you can check them out in the summary section. I think you’ll know everything about the avv10060 if you

Take a look at it.And this time, we’re using a cat abv160 called 500 mile touring, so if you take a look at it, you’ll be able to tell us about the ultra-distance performance of this avv160. I think you can understand it, so I would appreciate it

If you could check it out as well.I’ll link it in the summary section if possible, so I hope you can watch it.And this is the only video on my channel. I ‘m uploading a lot of videos that will be helpful to everyone.

Please take a look at the channel introduction video that will be played after this. Please help me by subscribing to the channel. This is a YouTube channel for old men who don’t look good. But even I , it’s more fun to watch YouTube videos of girls who look

Good.That’s true, everyone.However, it costs about 20,000 yen per unit . As I write this, I am writing about the bankruptcy of rental bikes.Please help me by subscribing to the channel.Well then, please watch this channelBinary [ Music] 1 [Music] 1


☆ADV160 インプレッション

【HONDA ADV160】シートが広くて足がつかない!って本当なの?164cmが検証してみました【まさチャンネル】

【HONDA ADV160】伊勢志摩e-Power load サファリパークか?ってほど鹿と猿の楽園だった!絶景をADV160で堪能する!【まさチャンネル】 #adv160

【HONDA ADV160】2日間で1331km走った500マイルツーリングの帰り、気になったことを全てお伝えします。燃費報告もあるよ!【まさチャンネル】 #adv160 #燃費


♪たとえ500マイル離れても〜 アドベンチャーバイクADV160ならサラッとイケるっしょ!【その1】スタート編【まさチャンネル】 #adv160

♪たとえ500マイル離れても〜 アドベンチャーバイクADV160ならサラッとイケるっしょ!【その2】冬の高速はガチで寒くてムリ!【まさチャンネル】

♪たとえ500マイル離れても〜 アドベンチャーバイクADV160ならサラッとイケるっしょ!【その3】最初の目的地、本州最南端の潮岬に610km 9時間半で到着!【まさチャンネル】 #adv160

♪たとえ500マイル離れても〜 アドベンチャーバイクADV160ならサラッとイケるっしょ!【その4】世界初の完全養殖マグロ近大マグロ&回らない寿司を食らう!【まさチャンネル】 #adv160

♪たとえ500マイル離れても〜 アドベンチャーバイクADV160ならサラッとイケるっしょ!【その5】導きの神様【 #猿田彦神社 】参拝!帰りの高速はサブチャンネルで公開! #adv160





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  1. ADVもそうですけどPCX160も118キロぐらいてリミッターかられてるみたいなんですよね。

  2. 自分、メーター読みで、122kmを、一瞬ですが、見ましたぁ😊👍

  3. インプレッションどうもありがとうございます。(^^)


    風の抵抗を受けると115km/hあたりが限界かなと感じた(119km/hまで確認)ので、トンネルの中で試しましたら、123km/h (9,500rpm) 出ました。(メーター読み)

    (80km/h 6,000rpm、90km/h 7,000rpm、100km/h 8,000rpm、110km/h 9,000rpm弱)

    ADV160の巡航速度は、80km/h 6,000rpm、90km/h 7,000rpmくらいで走っている方がいいかなって感じしました。

  4. 最大馬力の発生回転数分かるよね、ADVはメーター読みで90㎞が良い。燃費的にも追い越しの為に余力残す意味でも。風防はコレがベストな作りだと思います。高さもヘルメットの口〜顎なのでヘルメットのベンチレーションの相乗効果がありますね。広く長くすれば巻き込む風の増加、車体に対する抵抗も大きくスピードダウンも。。

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