
Hi, I’m Fischer’s Ndaho. – Motoki. – Dama. – So, for today! – Yeah! If us 3 are together that means… It’s a gluttony video!! Not “So that means”! – I don’t accept that! – Oh, we have a new member! A new member! 3 of the 6 members of Fischer’s

Can eat like a horse! Nah, nah, nah… If you were to draw a line in the middle, you’d be in the top, right? Okay, if you were to draw a line in the middle!! He accepted it! I want to try a individual game today! I’ll announce what I want to do to start!

The moment we find a certain convenience store, you eat immediately! Gluttony drive! Ah!! That’s what you mean! The 3 of us are going on a drive! We have got a good area for us to start from! And drive a car! First we’ll decide who is in charge of which store! Yeah. Today… 7-Eleven.

– Family Mart. – Yeah. Lawson. We’ll play with these 3 companies! I would definitely prefer Three-F. You… If you did, I would go for Daily Yamazaki! But there’s actually a bunch in our area! There are Daily Yamazaki! There’s differences based on the convenience stores.

Depending on the area, those are a lot more predominant! Yeah. There’s not much that makes it advantageous! But in terms of number of stores… Lawson are kinda rare, right? Looking online at just Tokyo ones, there’s a lot of 7-Elevens! Huh!! – I’d imagine so! – Yeah.

Not by a big margin, next is FamilyMart! Yeah, there’s loads of FamilyMart too! There around 2800 7-Elevens. There’s 2400 FamilyMarts! There’s around 1600 Lawsons! – But that’s a lot! – Well… I guess there are! Yeah and there’s Ministop, Daily Yamazaki, Seicomart and stuff, those are! Those are more rare!

So there’s comparatively more of those 3 inside the city! “Convenience”, indeed! It’s all about that convenience! So today we’ll start from somewhere, and the moment we find a convenience store, it’s like a 3-way struggle! You have to buy something under 500 yen! And make your opponents eat it! I see!

Buy some food that can be bought with one coin! Yeah. And it can only be bought at that store! Yeah, yeah. For example, at Lawson, you could attack with Lawson sweets! But you can only buy one item! A large portion of something would end up as 600~700 yen! True.

– You don’t want it to be over in one turn! – Yeah, like that. I see! So that’s the game and we’ll decide who is in charge of which store, I want to battle and find out which store will win! I see! Yeah, like… It’s like were carrying signboards for convenience stores.

– The guys who spin them around. – On our own time! We’re taking on the job without asking! We’ll start somewhere we don’t know! I was thinking we should start at Edogawa! Why!! Why not Katsushika, it’s our home grounds! Yeah, yeah! And there’s lots of parking in Edogawa! – Yeah. – Yeah.

Let’s decide who has what convenience store first! So, Dama can have Lawson? Yeah!! But with Lawson… Sometimes there’s a huge cluster of them in one area! Going down that street could suck in an instant. Yeah, sometimes there’s 2 or 3 nearby each other! By the way, do 100 Yen Lawson’s count?

– 100 Yen Lawson don’t! – 100 Yen Lawson don’t! Good! Okay, then I… will have Lawson! Ah, cool! Rock-paper-scissors! I’ll have FamilyMart! I’ll go with 7-Eleven! Okay, Ndaho has 7-Eleven. Motoki has FamilyMart. Dama has Lawson. That’s the who we’ll have in this gluttony video! Okay, I’ll choose Motoki’s food, Motoki chooses Ndaho’s

– and Ndaho chooses mine. – Yeah, yeah… Each time we find one of the stores… Choose 1 item for under 500 yen! Please only buy something only that store sells! Yeah! If they can’t it, it is the end! I want to see which convenience store will win! Okay! Okay, to get started,

Let’s go to Edogawa, an area we’re not familiar with! – Pardon us! – Pardon us! The story which has begun to revolve at full speed ♪ Ndaho always plays that inside the car. Yeah, that’s the first song! We’re now heading to Edogawa. – Where too? – We have choices!

Hirai Bridge and Komatsu River! – We don’t go often! – Yeah. We have friends living there, but we don’t go often! For high school, a lot of people enrolled at Komatsu! True, yeah, yeah. Why not somewhere closer? – Okay, let’s go for Hirai Bridge! – Hirai Bridge!

Okay we’ll get off at Hirai Bridge, and then just follow the road down! Follow the road! What do I do? What do I do? The choice is left or right! Shall we go left? Okay, let’s go left! I dunno this area! – Is this where it starts! – Nice! Hirai Bridge street!

I feel like I know where we are, but I don’t! Feels like there would be FamilyMarts! What will the first store be? We should celebrate! I bet there’s loads of FamilyMart!! There will be! Plus they tend to have parking spaces! They do. So, which one… Who will win!

I dunno!! I don’t know with this video! As a visual, 7-Eleven, Lawson and FamilyMart, it’d be a party when we can see them all! Nah!! The person who eats, gets to say what the next route is! – Like turning right! – Yeah, which way we go. Let’s do that!

We also gotta thing about what’s on the oncoming lane too! The one that runs parallel to where we’re driving! The main street! – Yeah, the main street… – Opposite lane! You can’t pull a U-turn! So! So! I don’t see a convenience store here! Eh, but like, it’s not strange given the current area!

What do I do? Go straight or go left? – Maybe go straight! – Go down! – Go down! – Let’s go straight ahead! It’s not my problem, but I’m getting excited! But it’s cool, it’s a thrilling video! But this is still Katsushika! If we keep going straight, I’ll know! Oh, really?

Shall we turn right at the sports field? Says the GPS! But there’s gotta be one on this road! – There should be, right? – No way there isn’t! All right, let’s turn right! I wonder if there is one if we turn right! So!

There seems like there would be one if we turn right! Ah, I’m scared! Okay, right turn! Turn right and the sign… A sign! Ah, a sign! Ah!! Past the sign there! Cool, we’re heading in the direction of Shishibone! – It won’t change, as much as you try! – Nah, I dunno!

I really don’t know! Go left? There will definitely be one on the left!! Oh man, we’re getting closer! Our… Our store is coming closer! Eh, there must be one! We’re at our limit now! Man, there is definitely one!! I’m scared… – Ah, Ministop!! – Ministop!! No way, we’re safe!! Eh, it’s a Ministop!

Really! Nah, I dunno yet! – Hey, a Ministop! – Ah, Ministop? Didn’t expect this! Didn’t expect that to be the first! Eh… You ever get this scared on strolls? – The first time for now. – Ah, this is funny. – This is thrilling… – What-what-what? This is thrilling (LOL)

Is there any other thrilling city tour? No matter where we go! No way there isn’t one on this road! But there was a Life store! Ah, Life. There was a supermarket! They might not have built convenience stores! Excluding Life. If we can keep going straight, let’s do that!

Keep going straight until a highway! This isn’t a highway so we can’t do the right side! Eh, still nothing!? Eh, isn’t that freaky? Are we driving like in “Eyeshield 21”? – Yeah! – Facing an enemy… Through the eye of a needle! Yeah, like sewing! Ndaho, are you unconsciously avoiding stores? Filling the gaps…

But there are alleys! There’s gotta be one on those! Ah! Ah! Ah! Eh, seriously!? – Ah! Ah! Ah! – Seriously! Really? Really? Eh, seriously!? – Seriously! – There’s one!! – There’s one! – There’s one! Me?! The first one is a Lawson! Look at that, a Lawson! Yeah.

Dama, the 1st store is a Lawson! Me?! Okay, I’ll go buy something! Okay, I bought one item at Lawson for under 500 yen! It’s to celebrate the 1st store! So, to celebrate! Here it is! Eh? What is it? Ah~! It’s the UchiCafe one! 6 custard petit eclairs! And it’s a dessert!

Eh, but Dama likes sweet stuff! Ah, I guess I do like eclairs! You eat them often! – Yeah, these are delicious! – They are! They’re bite-sized! How are they? They’re full of custard! Those are delicious! You look happy! First time since doing gluttony videos! Yeah! – Yeah, right. – That’s true!

It’s not as though chocolate and custard don’t mix! I want one of those! Yeah, I want one! It’s normal to share those, right? Last one! Last one! – Last one! – Eat it! Hurry and eat it! I thought this would be good for editing! – Done!! – Wonderful! That was quick!!

Okay, we’ll sorta check every time! Can you still eat? I can! Dama continues! All right, all right… If you stopped here, you would have had a delicious end! That would be quick! It would! – Obviously? – It would be quick! Can still fit more in! Good you’ve still got fight in you!

All right, let’s go to the next one! – Yeah! – Yeah! Let’s drive! Which way, left or right? We did come from left! – Ah, then right! – Okay. Next time we decide to go left or right, we should prioritize what Dama says! All right, let’s go to the next one!

There’s a store on the right! If we keep going on this road, we’ll bump into the highway! Looks like there would be one around here! There’s a sign saying Edogawa’s “Healthy Path”. We’re on the unhealthy path! – Yeah! – No doubt! – Walking down the path to unhealthy! – Yeah!

In a car though! – Without walking. – Full speed dash! When we’re done, maybe we should walk there? Seriously. we might end up with 2 Lawsons in a row! 2 Lawsons! First time in my life I’ve heard that! 2 Lawsons in a row! – You don’t bar hop shops! – No!

All right, we’re still going straight! Yeah. Let’s go left on the giant road! Oh, there’s a soba place! I wanna eat soba! There’s a lot of regular food places! Yeah. But like, if there was a FamilyMart, it’d have soba right? Ones you could buy for 500 yen too!

If there’s soba, you can buy it! You probably could! SOBA! Turn the camera forward. Good place. Oh, oh… Sorry! As I’m the driver, I’ll looking far away, I might have seen something! Eh, I haven’t seen it yet… Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! We’re going in here! Go straight,

We can enter from the right! – Ah~… – Here~! Take a look here… Ah, of course! Of course~! Yeah! – Splendid! – Splendid! Well done. Yeah, the 2nd store! It was 7-Eleven! What do you want to eat? Meat! Oh, you’re back! – What did you buy? – What is it? So, Ndaho! Sorry!

Eh, don’t tell me, at 7-Eleven did you get a surprisingly good one for 500 yen? Look what we have here! Yeah, it’s stir-friend noodles! It’s got the 7-Eleven logo on it! And it was 300 yen one! Yeah! – That was hard. – Ain’t it great?

– And the volume of it too! – That’s a big amount! It’s packed! It is packed! It’s like going to a festival! Ah, yeah? At festivals you start by eating stir-fried noodles, right? Yeah. Cheers! It’s packed tightly! Massive mouthful! It’s delicious! It’s delicious and good quantity!

Don’t try to make him give up on the first try! Delicious! But when you’re an adult, you can usually choose what you want for dinner, right? Yeah. You don’t often get to choose for other people! – Yeah. – And it’s delicious too! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, it’s cool

– for someone to choose for you sometimes! – Yeah! Here, I’m done!! Thanks! That was a lot of quantity! A lot! I’m already full. All right! It’s a gluttony so will eat! All right, put your seat belts on! All right! By the way, I can still eat! Ah, really? Onwards!

– Let’s move onward! – Yeah. How long are you gunna keep that up? Ndaho gets to choose the street next! Okay, there’s a highway, so let’s go left! I’m still having fun… but something for 500 yen, I dunno! Despite being nearby, the landscape is different! Yup! Please, no more 7-Eleven!

Twice in a row is tough! I wanna get away from the 7-Eleven area! We found 1 7-Eleven, There’s like 3 around here! But this is a highway? Yeah! – So, it’s very possible! – Oh look, oh look? But on highways, we’re gunna come across FamilyMart, right?

It seemed like 7-Eleven was about to show it’s face! I totally get what you mean! You see this, guys? It seemed like 7-Eleven was about to show it’s face there! It really looked like 7-Eleven! – Yeah! – You see it? Scary! Ahahaha!! Eh? Look at this! Please look at the camera! That!

The towering sign! There’s a signpost! Look! Aaaah!! Ohoho~! Along Kannana! But this was the road that Ndaho chose! 7-ELEVEN FOUND!! Oh my, oh my, oh my… Be careful getting out. Yeah! – I’m going in! – Yeah! Don’t grin like that! Don’t grin like that, what the heck!

You said you wanted to eat meat. I do wanna eat it! – Well, here you are! – What is it? 2nd one, aaaah… Salted grilled chicken. I see. – I see. – Kinda like we’re on a tour of restaurants! It has! Motoki is just barely keeping me sustained.

I thought I might collapse somewhere! This guy. That was really scary! Nah, nah, nah… The sunlight here is great! Yeah, yeah… – It’s shiny! – It is! Cheers. Yeah, delicious! Aaaah!! Shuuut up! Even one portion is huge! It’s huge, right! Bigger than I thought! FAST FORWARD Are you full? I can still go!

Ooooh!! Thank you, I’m done! All right, let’s give up on this highway! – Right! – Let’s escape the highway! – Let’s go right! – Ndaho still has first choice! Yeah! Let’s go done the alleys. You said “done”! It’s done! But if we find 1 FamilyMart, I imagine there’s 3! Yeah, yeah!

– Go left! – Can do. We can go that way. Seems like! Another sign! Oh man! Ah, hold up… I know, seems like a FamilyMart… It does seem like a FamilyMart! – It smells like FamilyMart! – I get that! I so get that! It’s like FamilyMart! Hold up… This is FamilyMart!

It’s a FamilyMart~! I wonder, huh! Let’s go straight here! This could be the chance for a 7-Eleven! There definitely is! No way there isn’t a store on this street! Nah, there is! There’s gotta be a 7-Eleven! Yeah, there definitely is! It’s becoming more and more like 7-Eleven! The wind is blowing that way!

Oh man! There’s street plants too! Ah, I can see them! I can see it! It’ll all become clear when you go past those lights! Look at that… – That’s so great! – Look here, look here… Again, no way! – Always here for us! – Really! We can always rely on them!

Been dreaming of this! – Yeah! – Take care! Off I go! – Ah, I’m scared. – What the heck! What did you buy? That face is annoying! Quit it, what the heck! I think it’s about time now! Time for what? For dessert! Oh man! Oh man! Yeah, Cocoa Chiffion, 370 yen.

It is that time, totally! – Dessert! – Dessert? I don’t eat it much! But I do like it! It’s to polish off! Oh man! Oh man! There’s a lot in here too! These are kind of leftover cake slices. They’re popular at the moment! Really good quantity! Lots of fresh cream too!

I can’t eat too much sweet food, I can eat cream all my life! – Ah, yeah! – That’s right. All your life? I could eat a meal of it! That shrunk the timeline! I heard you say “life”! 1 meal? Yeah! – Yeah, yeah. – I didn’t say that! Other members,

“I could eat this indefinitely…” Indefinitely? You said that that like it was a compliment! It is a compliment! Oh! Finished! Thanks for buying it! Do you need another? Let’s continue! – I can keep going! – Can you keep going? I’m still fighting! You’ve had a whole meal!

You’ve eaten a main dish, a side and a dessert! Yeah. Honestly, I’m happy as is! Not reached the limit yet! I am definitely going right here! – I believe in this road! – Really? Opposing 7-Eleven, I believe there is a FamilyMart here!

If we go down there, it seems like there would be a FamilyMart! Are you not full? I’m breathing like a man with a full belly. Are you not tired? I’m tired! I’ve had 3 in a order! Plus been sat eating the whole time. Ah… That… I’m been playing Pokemon Sleep. Snorlax! Snorlax!

Even a Snorlax won’t visit 3 7-Elevens! There can’t be anymore! How can there be 7-Eleven in so many short intervals! 7-Eleven trucks, they don’t come out this far! Shinozaki Park is a nice place! It’s about time we encounter a convenience store! There really are loads of them inside of Tokyo!

– There! – Shall we go that way! Go to that slanted right! But I just saw a 7-Eleven truck pass right by us! Ah! Is that on camera? Is it on camera? Oh~ my oh my! Oh man, look at that… It went past us. Huh? Huh? Huh? Ah! – Just now! – That!

Where is that truck heading? We discovered something crazy! Shouldn’t we change roads now? No, I said we should go right! I dunno! We might be right in front of it! – Aaah! – Nah… Hey, hey-hey-hey! Good driving! I thought for a second that a 7-Eleven truck drove past!

Yeah, a 7-Eleven truck just passed by! Too good! I slowed down too (LOL) – Right in front of us… – We’re in a position we can’t escape! This video is too funny! Oh man! 7-ELEVEN FOUND!! Ah, this has got hard! Plus, I haven’t even driven for like a minute yet! Really!

Hey-hey, you said there wouldn’t be one! Sorry, 7-Eleven! You guys are great! Awesome! This cooperate effort! How do you hold this down! Maybe you’re being drawn here! Probably! You unconsciously chosen wisely! Getting sucked into 7-Eleven! Getting sucked in! Ah, funny! All right! Again! Okay, good luck, Motoki! What should I buy you?

Welcome back! This all happened within 10 minutes! True, yeah. It doesn’t smell sweet though! It smells like a side dish! What is it? I wonder? It’s a huge bag! Hey, wait, this was within 500 yen!? Ah, 464 yen! Just under! Egg and chicken with rice! Huh… Your favorite! You’ve made me mad!

You’ve finally made me mad! This is now a gluttony video! This is a gluttony video! Yup! – Dinner is served! – Cheers! Like… On location…for Ndaho’s gluttony? It’s delicious, I buy them as well! It’s good. I imagine Motoki and Silk eating it too! It’s creamy! That’s what it’s known for.

– It’s creamy! – It is creamy. Eating dessert, then eating rice. This is your 2nd lap! The following day! Am I dreaming? FAST FORWARD Yeah! Ah, really! Finished! 4th item! Eh, which way is the next 7-Eleven? Eh, Ndaho, what are you gunna do? Can you keep going? Not “can” I! I am going!

Oh~ Which way is the next 7-Eleven? We came from the right. If we go right, we’ll arrive at the 7-Eleven from earlier. We can only go left! But now… I just saw a delivery truck come to 7-Eleven, the inside looked like this was the last stop! Okay, from here on…

– There’s no goal line here! – Another store? All right, please put on your belts! Yeah! Let’s go! Okay, let’s move! I can keep going, just barely! Seriously, if we see a FamilyMart truck, let’s follow them! Please, seriously! This road! There’s more to this road! It’s time to feed me!

All right, let’s move! There can’t be anymore 7-Elevens! We had 3 in a short intervals! That’s a red flag! Yah! Ah!! Seriously!? Wah, thanks! This close!? Thanks! There’s this one this close? Thanks! Awesome! – Finally came across one! – Really! All right! FamilyMart! Finally! Dama has a big smile! Ah…

What did you buy? Motoki, you said at the start you wanted to eat soba? Yeah, I do! You were made to wait, for a long time! Oh! This was less than 500 yen? – Eh, seriously!? – Look at this. Wah, eh!? Vegetable tempura soba noodles. 498 yen! Just under!

You are good at shopping! Oh man! Tempura, great! Thanks for the tempura soba! Awesome, this amount for 500 yen! Seriously… Let’s go for the tempura first! Ah, delicious! Looks delicious! Yum! Man, soaking it in! And this is your 1st meal! Woah, soaking it in! How can you still have that reaction! Yeah.

We’re already at the middle to end of the video! For me, I’m at the beginning to mid, Ndaho has done it all! Ah~ Great! Fast eating too! Good, good!! I love the soup! I always keep white soup stock in my freezer! You did. No drinks, but had white soup stock!

Yeah, you as well… You only ate eclairs! I kinda got the first jab, then didn’t get anything else after. This is a fun drive, huh! I think my next one will be hostile! Yup! That’s a big mouthful!! Yeah, finishing up the soup is hard. Motoki, you didn’t drink any water while eating!

I don’t think he can drink much! Was that an attack!! Quit it! It’s been long, can hide it anymore. ※14 YEAR CURSE LOL Look, I drunk it! Oh, wonderful! – Thanks! – Thank you! All right! Wait, I’m hot… You’re hot, yeah. Plus the engine is off, so you must be hot!

This is meant to be midwinter! Aren’t you warm? Oh man. Motoki, which way shall we go? But we did come from behind, – so we kinda have to go that way! – Forward is fine! You can specify where to turn! Yeah! Let’s go straight ahead for now! Okay!

Motoki-wise, what do you want to find? Ndaho maybe? I get that. Yeah, that would make things easier! Wanna reap the benefits early! Totally. Before I recover! In a free for all, you crush the weakest ones first! Ah, there’s a 100 yen Lawson! But a Lawson in this area…

I’m sure they’re considering opening one here! Which way! Or shall we leave it to the 100 Lawson! Go right at the next intersection! – Down there! – Yeah! Okay. There’s a station to the right! A station!? And near a station… – Near a station… – There will be one!!

It’s possible there’s all 3 stores near a station! – We could get a rush of them here! – Yeah. Where shall we go? – Right! Right! Right! Right! – Right, okay! Quit it~! Bet everything on right!! Seems like it would be! Bet everything on right!! Freaky, freaky!

– There definitely is a convenience store! – This landscape is scary! There definitely is! The convenience aura is strong!! There is one! No way there isn’t a convenience store! This road is way too freaking, man! – There definitely is! – There is! The convenience aura is so strong! What is this…

Oh man! Oh man! We went straight! 7-ELEVEN FOUND!! Well take a look at that! Oh yeah! Seven! Seven! This… This game is funny! Oh man, I am good!! Now we have to find 7 7-Elevens! – Wah, getting sucked in! – All right! The moment I chose this road,

There was 4 7-Elevens on it! Ah~ Go left! There’s gotta be a 7-Eleven~! Why is there a 7-Eleven! I have 1 store, Motoki has 1 and Ndaho has 5. Thanks! He’s back already. Yeah. All right. We talked about trying to get as close to 500 yen as possible! And here it is!!

You and me, side-by-sideーwe’re dangos! Sakuranbo! You should sing “Three Dango Brothers”! Why did you pick this!! It’s dango. Dango. – Each one is 40 yen, so it’s cheap! – Yeah. 10 yen per ball? That’s cheap! Cheers! There’s 3 so eat them all! That’s heavy! The mochi must be hard to stomach.

Plus this is a 3rd dessert! Are you about finished? I bet these dango are harder to eat than you imagine. And like… Normally you eat dango when you’re hungry. If you’re already satisfied… Having dango when you’re full, must be really heavy. For the people who know this area,

Open up a map while you’re watching the video! They can find it find seeing which way we pick! Ah, yeah! Ndaho fans be like… “Don’t go right! Don’t go right!” I think that was said at the start of the 2nd store! It’ll be funny to look at it on the map!

– Cheers! – This is really funny!! Okay, Ndaho! Can you carry on? Or will you quit? Well.. This is my last! The next one am done! We’re going right and finding a FamilyMart! Yeah, Ndaho has the choice! You okay with right? Right!! – Okay. – I believe in this road!

On the attack! People in Edogawa, I am going right! Getting out of this 7-Eleven! Seriously, if I found another Lawson, I’m thinking of buying a banana and a Sprite! Not for me! Seriously. This combo is bad!! I’m planning to finish this now! A banned card! Cola and Mentos,

Banana and Sprite don’t go together! But I’m feeling there’s a Lawson! Yeah, feels like there is! You say that and there’s a FamilyMart! What’s that, a Lawson! – Oh, what a surprise! – There is! Ah!! – Really! – Oh? – Woah, seriously… – This… Yeah, yeah!

– There it is! There it is… – Woah-woah-woah… FamilyMart! Do it, Dama!! All right, let’s go! All~right, thanks FamilyMart! I love FamilyMart… Thanks! I love it! What is it? Let’s do it. Eh? This isn’t a branded one? Eh, it is branded! Eeh!? Oh, seriously!? It says FamilyMart Kitchen on it. It does, FamilyMart…

Yeah, they sell vegetables. Oh, yeah! Yeah… If this is allowed, then daikon radish would be allowed too!! Radishs need cooking, you just need to peel bananas! Eh? Oh screw off!! Perfectly sweet to eat in the morning! That’s within the rules! 3 bananas (LOL) That’s too much!! It’s just 1! If you do it!

Ah, funny! Dama, do you not know this game? Are you not used to YouTuber yet? Sorry, I’m still new to this! Pissed off man (LOL) But… – This is weird!! – You are good at this! This looks like a composite already! But I do love them! Nice, FamilyMart!

So now you can do a FamilyMart banana rush (LOL) What time is it? – It’s like 15 or 16:00… – It’s 15:30. Nobody eats bananas at this time of day! Or 3 of them (LOL) Indefinitely… Too quick, too quick! Too quick, too quick! Too quick, freaky… Huh? There’s none left! Awesome!

You’re good with bananas! Oh man, fruits, I did complain, but I love fruit! So it actually was a good call! And you complained at the start! – Too fast!! – Quick! Eh, are you done? – You can’t eat 3 that quickly”! – Wasn’t it too quick? The opposite way we came… Right! Yeah.

We won’t find a Lawson unless we leave this street! I want more of a competition! All right, let’s go to the next convenience store!! I love FamilyMart and all, but I’m not liking Dama. Dama’s choices are nasty. I don’t get it. Too close! Hey! FAMILYMART FOUND!! Too close! This pace is messed up!!

Awesome! Motoki didn’t even chose the road! Go left… Oh man… You can’t turn here! That’s a FamilyMart! It’s overexposed. Do not get me FamilyMart’s original Sprite! I don’t it exists! I’ll take care of it! This has gotta be the closest in history? Ain’t it nuts?

If you dashed full speed, you’d get here in 9 seconds flat. – I’m going in! – Good luck, Dama. Egg & tofu savory grain soup rice. Rice? There’s rice in there. What’s with this food combination? It’s fine, Ndaho has been down this route! This is worse than Ndaho’s.

How little do you know about food pairing! And eating this after having 3 bananas 1 minute ago! Delicious!! It’s a new item too! I feel it has the nutrients I’m craving! Were the bananas not enough? Bananas were not enough!! You can eat it. Doing good~ Today’s game isn’t that though. Pairing up foods!

Thank you! Wonderful! Finished! So, without a delay, let’s go! I’ve had enough. Motoki, can you keep going!? – I can keep going! – All right! Inside my stomach right now, it’s a “banana soup stock”. Makes no sense!! Not heard that before! But thisf or me, I think there’s still a rush of FamilyMarts!

I think there’s others! It’s easy to deliver cargo on this street! We’ve had a FamilyMart & 7-Eleven rush! Wait a sec! Wait a sec! Wait a sec! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Found one! Found one! This street is unfair! This street is too unfair! This is mandatory town. Shinozaki convenience stores are great~

It’s the same wherever we go. Yes, it’s a 7-Eleven. What shall we eat? This was so soon. – What do you want to eat? – The break was too short. This is impossible! This is too much for me. What is it? Eh? He hasn’t got anything. I bought it!

Ah, you didn’t need a bag! Yeah. If bananas are okay, then anything is on the table! I was desperate!! Does it have the 7-Eleven logo? A spoon. – A spoon? – A spoon? It’s silk. – You idiot, you idiot! – You… Seriously!! Seriously, man… It’s silk! You dummy! You dummy!

You dummy!! You dummy!! Things have gone weird. I can’t eat this! I give up! I can’t eat this tofu. 3 slices too. – Why 3 slices? – Oh man! Three-Slice Tofu: Arrow-Notch Slash. The humming move!! Brook with flesh!! Yeah, yeah! Yeah, 7-Eleven loses. You dummy!! I was desperate!! They could make anything!

– Amazing! – Great! 450g, 1 each is 150g. Heavy!! I’ll take it home! All right, next one! – Yeah, 7-Eleven and Ndaho loses! – All right! Ndaho is out! Now it’s between FamilyMart and Lawson! Do you keep quiet while in the store? I held it in! Hey!

I still have the choice, so right it is! Cool! – Yeah, let’s keep moving! – Yeah! Yeah, I feel a weight lifted off me! No way I could eat 3 slices of tofu. Good! Good! If it was one piece of chicken, I could I could barely eat it!

I don’t have the energy to eat 3 slices of tofu. With no seasoning, I’ve never seen 3 of them like that on a dinner table! Not even soy sauce. Ah, funny! That was great~!! It had “silk tofu” written on it! I’ll keep that in my head too! Ah, there are more 7-Eleven!

There’s another 7-Eleven. – What is this! – Really! Either way is bad. – Nice, 7-Eleven! – I’m glad I gave up! Yeah, thanks, Motoki! – I’m grateful you bought the tofu! – Totally. So earlier… Ah!! – There! – Good, good! – There… – I don’t see it! Just go straight! But yeah…

Ah~ We’re in a straightaway lane. Yeah! I did see a FamilyMart! Somewhere we couldn’t go. Just a little more. What is this game? It’s fun! Good value for money! Yeah… For a day of fun! Yeah, yeah. – Giggling and laughing! – We have been giggling! Let’s go keep going straight! Yeah. Ah!!

– Are we heading for it? – There!! Eh, the one we can go in? We can go in! Seriously… – So! – Huh? – Huh? Huh-huh…? – Right, right, right… Huh-huh-huh…? – Right, right, right… – Hold up… So, somehow! Sorry, I couldn’t get it on camera,

Just as passed in front of Ichinoe station, there was both a Lawson and FamilyMart! There’s one! There was! So me and Motoki! I’m out. As I’ve dropped out, it’s now a one-one-one! Got it. And miraculously we found a Lawson and FamilyMart. Please buy for each other! – Okay! – Got it!

So, both of them are going to buy something! This is where the one-on-one begins! Motoki, what are you making Dama eat? This!! Eh… Cheese hamburger bowl! Ah, great! Just under at 497 yen. – And to pay you back… – Yeah! Here you go!! Yaaah!! It’s natto!! Here is the natto sushi rolls!

Ah~ delicious! Yeah! It’s not like cheese and hamburger don’t go together! Delicious! I am satisfied! Awesome, Motoki is finished! Soba banana natto. Can you keep going? Don’t say that! Don’t say that! I don’t want to remember! The satisfaction level of the hamburger is outrageous, isn’t it? All right, all right. Yeah!

Cheese hamburger bowl, done!! Wonderful! All right, you did it! Can you keep on journeying? I can! – I can! – Ah~ brilliant!! Overtime! Of course, I… So this time, there was two stores. Can I decide on the street then? Ah, fine! Split the difference! Seems like a 7-Eleven! Quit it! Quit it!

7-Eleven are already done. Scary! Scary! Scary! I can’t look at 7-Eleven anymore… There was a 7-Eleven (LOL) – Look! Ain’t that great!? – Awesome! – What great sense! – Awesome! We just saw it! I can see it. Close one, there was a 7-Eleven! But ain’t you getting full, Motoki? I am!

Dama’s FamilyMart chant, – I can hear the FamilyMart chant! – FamilyMart, FamilyMart… – FamilyMart… – Ah!! Don’t chant! Don’t chant for it! FamilyMart! I summon thee!! A FamilyMart! Here you go! What is it? So, what did you buy? Huh!? Seriously… Eh, that’s a FamilyMart item!? Cream puff ice cream, 6 pieces.

This has got the FamilyMart brand on it! Awesome, they have these? These won’t make me gumble. Gumble… Well you did have tofu! Yeah, yeah. As it’s Motoki, I feel he can just about do it! 1 piece is big! There’s 6 of them! You brought ice cream!? Puff ice cream!

I had a feeling you wanted to eat puff ice cream! Puff ice cream is enough! Enough ice cream. I bought it for you! Please quit if you can’t handle it! Okay, 1st one. Great, was getting cold. It’s cold. Maybewe have that in common. Eating a lot of ice cream is bad! It is.

How is it? It’s tough from the first mouthful! Could that mean? Oh my? Even some meat would just be the one! Yeah, probably. This just within the line! It’s cold. Let’s share them! I’m almost at my limit! You suck at food pairing! Soup banana tofu and ice cream. FAST FORWARD Woah, awesome!

In one… You can do it. Thanks for the puff ice cream! Wow, you ate it! Shall we continue to the next? Let’s keep going! Awesome! But the goal line is close for Motoki? I wouldn’t say the goal line is near, I don’t wanna eat anything now! Yeah, right!

I thought this was a game of gluttony, but it’s food pairing! Not about being full! I hated that there was 6 ice cream! Not right? Let’s go right! Maybe forward? Okay, forward! There was a Lawson the right! Ah~ Too bad! – Good, good, Lawson, Lawson… – Too bad!

– What the heck! – Too bad. That was too bad! Ah~ found one! All right! And… And! Eh, can you turn around there? Can we turn around? Seems like! Can you do a U-turn? Might not be able too. UNABLE TO REACH THE LAWSON – Motoki… – Yeah. Too bad! Eh, that was two.

Sorry we had to overlook it! Have turned right 3 times? Ah~ true! Then arrive at Lawson! – Yeah. – That’s not good? But I dunno, will there be a FamilyMart on the way? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! – Okay, turning right! – Yeah! Yeah! I saw a lot of Lawson’s around Komatsugawa! Right-right-right!

– Right? – Hey! Go left! Go left! He can’t! Motoki! Sorry, you can only go left here! Seriously! Let’s take 3 right turns! Luck is on my side! We probably won’t arrive at the Lawson that way! – This is impossible! – We can’t do it! Then let’s go up the hill! Yeah.

Feels great! Driving is fun itself. It’s a bit of an area move! But it’s a good time to close! Yeah, a Lawson! All right. Here he comes… hello! Here he is, what did he get? What is it? A taste of his own medicine! 2 types of chocolate bars! Snowball fight (LOL)

Snowball fight, yeah (LOL) Oh my! There’s 6 in there!? Oh man, ice cream vs. ice cream! Fischer’s Winter Gluttony. – Ah~ I see? – Snowball fight. This was 257 yen! Reasonable! Ice cream, huh~! 2 types of 3, 6 in total! That’s too much (LOL) Can you eat ice cream? But Dama,

Your face says you were happy with ice cream! I thought ice cream would be better than a meal. I understand how difficult it is eating this. Revenge doesn’t stop there! So for me, if I decide to get revenge, I’m going to see it through! I’ll get you back. Good, bring it!

Don’t underestimate me! Ehehehehe (LOL) So, you’re starting to act funny? What do you think watching someone eat? I think it would be tough! Right! The next time you do this sort of idea, ice cream is banned! This is nuts. You said, ice cream during gluttony videos is taboo!

– They are a taboo! – Taboo-taboo. He can probably eat it! Really? Oh man, he ate the ice cream! Finished! All right! And Dama, can you keep going? I can keep going! The situation is getting serious! But most likely… But the next one is the end?

– Shall we make it the last one? – Yeah. The next one we stumble into will be the loser! Where shall we go? Okay Dama, I’m gunna leave on this road! Yeah! My stomach feels weird. Is it wobbling? I dunno, I’m not particularly full. Ah, another 7-Eleven! Here~! Shall we keep going forward?

Dama? Let’s go straight! Ah, another 7-Eleven! Awesome, 7-Eleven! Making me nervous~! Eh, shall we buy something? No, no, no! – Some ice cream!? – Enough of that stuff! My stomach hurts! A 6-pack? But it’s great! You two ate that! How about a 6-pack of tofu? No!

If you give up at 3, 6 would be impossible! I wouldn’t put that much in a family portion of miso soup! – It’s about time. – Where will it come from? Head that way… Eh, which way? – Oh look!? Oh look!? – Which way? – Oh look!? – This…

– Can you go there? -To that!? I wonder!? I can’t tell what it is yet, we’re heading for a store! This… So, we have discovered the last store! We’re doing in! – It even has parking! – Yeah! Yeah, yeah. Here is the last store! FamilyMart! What to buy? So…

Is this the finishing blow? What is this last one? It’s obvious! Hey! Ah~ (LOL) An 8-pack of fruit bars! 2 more than earlier! And it’s also a FamilyMart item! – This is a FamilyMart one! – For real. Um, okay. What are you going to do? Well, I quit. Finished!!

Motoki, carrying the weight of FamilyMart, is finished! That said, let me eat one of them! Oh, sure! You can’t eat 8, but you can eat 1! I wanna eat orange! Finished!! You seem good enough to eat it? I’m feeling good, but not to eat it! So the winner today is… Lawson and Dama!

Yah! It’s cold. So in the battle of 7-Eleven vs. FamilyMart vs. Lawson… Lawson wins! Yah! Probably though, the results would be different depending in the area we play it! And the starting point too! Yeah, yeah! We started in an area with lots of 7-Elevens! – I think so! – Yeah!

We saw 3 of them immediately! Yeah! So next time, another version of this store video, we’ll do it if it’s received well. If you want it, please let us know! Please subscribe to the channel and hit the like button! Please do! Okay, get ready… Adieu!! But next time if we do it…

Ice cream and tofu are banned! Let’s do that! Thanks for watching! Secondary! X! Instagram! There’re lots more videos! Please subscribe! Ready… Adieu! Time to party! All right! Light it!


















―Epidemic Sound
■ http://www.epidemicsound.com



※1 業界の皆様・ご依頼の方々・その他ご相談がある方は、UUUMウェブサイトにある「サービス」からお願い致します。
※2 YouTubeメッセージ機能は、フィッシャーズでは利用していません。ご理解いただけると幸いです。



#Fischers #フィッシャーズ #vs


  1. Please do this project in Taiwan!! Two or three convenient stores located in one intersection is fairly common. That would be really funny

  2. 御三方の食いっぷりもさることながら、モトキさんの胃の中で「ダシ香る~」が段々形態進化していくの面白いです。

  3. 自分のお散歩コースもあったから「その先セブンだわ~w」ってわかる道あって楽しかったwww

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