Boko Haram, la secte terroriste

On the border of Cameroon and Nigeria, this village lives daily under the threat of Boko Haram, the terrorist organization the bloodiest on the planet. To try to protect yourself, the villagers created a militia equipped with machetes, bows and arrows. But they mainly rely on soldiers of the Cameroonian army.

In this lost post among the hills, the man who commands, It’s Lieutenant Dang. – We are… at the Din Din outpost. Every morning the officer puts the pressure on his men. Head of post… Quick! Put on battery. The post is even equipped with a mortar.

The lieutenant knows that Boko Haram is very close. – In front of us is Nigeria. The houses you see there. – How many meters is it? – 200-300 meters. My job is to secure the border. Population, so that they live in peace. And prevent any incursion of Boko Haram.

Whether it’s a suicide bomber, let it be an open war. We are here for that. We are on watch 24 hours a day. – If someone comes to you, what are you doing ? – If someone comes to us, we identify it from a distance. If he is threatening, we’re done with him.

– Boko Haram, never in this country. We will eradicate them quickly. – Boko Haram, it’s over, We are here for you. Boko Haram, there are a few dozen thousands of fighters, fanatical Islamists who rule terror in the heart of Africa. The movement was born in northern Nigeria, poor and predominantly Muslim,

Left behind by the Christian South and rich in oil. Boko Haram is also a leader, Abubakar Shekau, particularly dangerous. – Today our religion is to massacre, massacre, massacre… Massacre! As seen in these videos propaganda, Shekau imagines himself invincible and declares war on the whole world, in the name of the Quran.

Obama’s will is not going to kill me. François Hollande’s wish won’t kill me. Queen Elizabeth’s wish, don’t go killing me, The wish of the infidels of the world Don’t kill me! We practice injunctions of the Quran on the land of Allah. Shekau and his 30,000 d***, have methods particularly bloody.

They slaughter or execute their pitiless enemies, to terrorize minds. The most publicized stunt of Boko Haram, It was April 14, 2014. That evening, one of their fire commandos, Chibok High School buildings and capture 276 students, all young girls aged 12 to 17. A few days later, Boko Haram broadcast these images of them.

They recite Muslim prayers. 165 of them are Christians, they are forced to convert. – You are Christian ? – Yes. – Now you are Muslim. This kidnapping causes a stir, everywhere on the planet. Unknown people and personalities come together behind the same slogan. Give us back our daughters! Michelle Obama, very moved,

Intervenes publicly. Like millions of people worldwide, my husband and I are scandalized and bruised, by the kidnapping of more of 200 Nigerian students. Even Hollywood is mobilizing, like Julia Roberts. At the Cannes Film Festival, the stars show solidarity, even on the red carpet. All this noise because I kidnapped a few girls…

Let me tell you: it’s good me who removed them. I will sell them at the market. I have a market to sell human beings. It was God who ordered it to me. Parties from Nigeria, the Islamists are now attacking, to the 3 neighboring countries. Part of Chad, from Niger and Cameroon,

Turns into Boko Haram Land, the land of Boko Haram. This is where we will lead field investigation, as close as possible to the massacres and clashes. We will accompany the soldiers who fight these madmen of God. – Can we cross the bridge? – Pass. Protect them. Go ahead.

We will question the populations who suffer from their abuses. One said: “What are you waiting for? You have to put an end to your husband.” And they killed him before my eyes, in front of my children. We will also collect the testimonies of survivors, of k*** attacks. I lost my eye…

It was terrible. We will meet d*** captured after the fighting. – Welcome ! – THANKS. We will find an African king, Hostage of Boko Haram and miraculous. – They touched the handle from the room. It was closed. They made a flurry. It opened and then we said to ourselves that’s it,

We’re not going to get out of this. And the violence that threat here is everywhere. We will follow a priest confronted at the peril of***. And we have to stay there. Our investigation begins in Diffa, in the south-east of Niger, on the border of Nigeria, in the heart of this Boko Haram Land.

To land in Diffa, we navigate by sight, because the track is the same color as the desert. Diffa, a very small town, has been taken several times assaulted by the d***. They were rejected every time. On the tarmac, helicopters attack mi-24. Faced with Boko Haram, it’s all a coalition of African countries,

Who leads the fight. Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria. A pickup takes us under good escort to headquarters, of the Nigerien army. The base is very active. The soldiers are well armed and well equipped. It’s in this permanent building that every morning, at 10 a.m., the military leaders of the coalition,

Meet up for a staff meeting. Chadian officers arrive and Nigeriens. More surprising, we see disembark, two U.S. Army lieutenants. Obviously, they know everyone. They are not the only ones Western military. Two French officers arrive in turn. A Legion Commander detached from Operation Barkhane, further north in the Sahel, and his deputy.

Faced with the rise in power of Boko Haram, French and Americans detached a few men on site. They are surprised by our presence and do not wish to speak to us. Everyone is waiting for this man, Colonel Moussa Barmou, who controls current operations. Like every morning,

The colonel will take stock of military operations of the day. – The objective is to rid from our border, all Boko Haram threats. They have positions in territory Nigerien that they have arranged, positions they control. One of the missions, is to find, where the leader of Boko Haram is hiding.

– For the moment, I can not tell you, otherwise war would be too easy, we see and then we settle his account. It is someone who is essentially very mobile. He rarely spends 2 nights right now, on the same place. He communicates very little. Which means that, in effect,

It’s not easy to spot it and neutralize it like that on the spot. The sticks of my enemies don’t scare me. Give them k***s! Give them weapons! – I don’t think he is rationally stable. When we see it in his videos gesticulate, there is something that is not going well in his head.

And above all, with all the atrocities he commits, or that he causes to be committed, we can’t stay, really zen like that, for someone who does all these atrocities. At the end of the meeting, we question a Nigerien officer. – It’s not just Nigerians? – Of course, there are partners, Chadian friends

And the other partners too. The French, the Americans… – The French attend the meeting, they do not participate in the war. French soldiers do intelligence. They share their information on the ground with African armies. The Americans, for their part, use drones, like this one passing above the camp.

They assist us in the context of recognition. They have planes that do of recognition and this recognition has allowed several times to intervene by helicopter. When there is the presence of BH. When we say BH, it means Boko Haram. – They spot them for you and you destroy them. – Exactly.

Americans do not only information, within the camp grounds, we see a fort to reinforced protection. Behind the barbed wire, aside, Americans. They form an anti-terrorist unit Nigerien. In the camp, we exchange with soldiers of the African coalition. We ask them about Boko Haram. – I qualify them like drug addicts.

These people are thugs, c***. You are not going to go and cut your throat your Muslim brother. You are not going to put bombs in mosques. They are c***s, hypocrites of Islam. I say it and I repeat it, they are hypocrites of Islam. For these men, out of the question,

That Boko Haram invades their country. Just a few days ago, Islamist fighters have tried to cross the border, only seven kilometers apart. On site, we discover men hiding in holes. They fear news surprise attack, men of Boko Haram. These are individual locations. We are protected even from mortars and we can defend ourselves.

You can shoot correctly and without be seen by the enemy. – Where is the border? – Barely 150 meters away. Two scouts. The Nigerien officer sends men at the front. Their mission, to recognize the area to detect enemy combatants, who could be ambushed there. – Clear the bridge. Clear obstacles.

This is the Komadougou river, which marks the border with Nigeria. – They tried to cross 3 times, to come in force on the position and they were struck, chastised and repulsed. Proof, they left corpses. Deploy yourself in front, go ahead! Completely occupy the land.

They may have observers because there are big trees here. But we always do recognitions. The soldiers do not hesitate to cross the border. Protect them! Regularly, they continue the Islamists. The corpse is there. The last attack took place right here a few days ago. Bodies of Boko Haram fighters still litter the ground.

Often, when they come, they are drugged and insensitive with weapons. How do you see it? that they are drugged? When they are hurt, they continue ? – Even when you shoot at them, they come back. Even if you hurt them, they come back. Unless you reach the head, there, it’s over.

If you shoot them in the body is ***. – They shout ? – They have their tactics. They have passion, madness. They have the fury to win. This is a dangerous group. very dangerous. Someone who takes d***, who loses his consciousness, who attacks, kills and slaughters people, cannot be religious, it’s impossible.

We cannot understand them, because there is no necessity to do. And on top of that, religion has never recommended to do so. This is really what terrorism is. It is simply to be fought and to eradicate. This battle did not only dead people. The soldiers succeeded something rare,

Capture fighters and Boko Haram agents, who hoped to conquer the city. They are now prisoners at the Diffa central police station, before being transferred in the capital. Boko Haram, these are them. – Prisoners, stand up! They obey their captors and remain silent. – Move forward. Returning to their cell, they seem harmless.

The complete opposite of who they are on the battlefield. Faced with the violence of Boko Haram, the Nigerian army is also accused of serious abuses, by Amnesty International. According to a secret military report, that the Rights Organization of man was able to obtain, the soldiers proceed to arbitrary executions.

– Stay seated. You’re all going to die, b***h! These images were collected by Amnesty International. Here, prisoners are beaten to death. There, soldiers pour a container of melted plastic, on the skin of their captives. Here again, the military execute men, in mass graves that prisoners dug themselves. Return to Diffa, Niger,

On the border of Nigeria. For the troops, It’s time for evening prayer. For the colonel, It’s meal time. He dines with his officers of the general staff. Tonight, his troops are in combat. They want to take back a little city ​​to Islamist militiamen. The operations room adjoins his office.

To your ranks! Fixed ! Rest ! Very quickly, here is the situation: at the level of Gashga, our elements just took, contact with the enemy. The first reaction of these c*** That we have, it’s because they came to attack the village of Deyoua. The battle against Boko Haram takes place in neighboring Nigeria.

Soldiers return of the border. – We’re back from the fight. We were in Nigeria. It belonged to them. These are Boko Haram munitions recovered in Nigeria. I took this as a souvenir. Soldiers told us images of the battle, to take back the small town. We see materials there brand new.

On this Chadian army truck, a large rocket launcher multiple latest trends, Russian made. We also see Western advisors, probably ex-soldiers employed by a private military company, funded by the United States. The pickups advance in line shooting the d***s in the distance. Mortar shot. rocket fire, machine gun bursts. The assault is given.

The clashes last 3 hours. The Islamists abandon the village. For African armies, it’s victory. In the early morning we get authorization to go there, on the battlefield in Nigeria. On the road to the airport, we overtake several vehicles French special forces. On the track, French commandos

Protect the unloading of an aircraft who arrives from N’Djamena, the capital of neighboring Chad. To join the theater operations, we board a helicopter of the Nigerien army. The device hovers the Komadougou River, which marks the border. We set foot in Nigeria, where the soldiers passed the night after the fights.

Colonel Toumba commands the Niger battalion. His men apparently succeeded to surprise Boko Haram. – The meal was hot. They would surely have a bite to eat, but unfortunately not for this occasion. About ten days ago, they burned some houses. They committed abuses on the population and forced them to leave the city.

Nigerien soldiers congratulate each other. – Hello how are you ? – Yes, I’m fine. – Did you participate in the battle? – Yes. – They resisted? – They couldn’t resist. We are stronger than them. They don’t have the technique, they are not military. They empty the magazine everywhere. We aim and hit them.

– It’s a Dragunov. – How much do you shoot? – Up to 1000 meters. – Have you ever shot Boko Haram? – Yes. I hit 5. – Injured or dead? – Dead! One in the eye. Another one from here. Yet another one there. – In a single shot? – Yes.

Since then, the village conquered seems deserted, but the soldiers are wary, Boko Haram has a habit of letting fighters in the rear guard. This morning, the military want to make sure, that there are no snipers in ambush. – I’m ready for the fight. The buildings burned the day before,

Can hide candidates for martyrdom. The convoy takes narrow sandy streets, that wind between walls prone to ambushes. – Move forward! The patrol ends on foot. – What do you fear most here? – The surprise. Only you. Quickly, you run and take a stand. Behind me… After 1 hour of patrol, everything is calm.

Boko Haram seems to have fled. We are happy. If we are there, the population civilian will come back. Our brothers, our mothers, our sisters. We will defend integrity of our country and the neighboring country. We are proud of that. We leave the battlefield. Since the war started in 2009,

The massacres threw dozens thousands of refugees, outside their homes. Driven out of Nigeria by Islamist groups, nearly 60,000 Nigerians found refuge, in this region from northern Cameroon. Most were collected in this United Nations camp, in Minawao, near the Nigerian border. They live in overcrowded tents, at 35 degrees in the shade.

There are mostly women and children. All victims of raids and massacres by Boko Haram, they experienced tragedies and lost a or several of their relatives. This is the case of Sanoa. In the camp for many months, from the region of Maiduguri.

She welcomes us into the hut which she shares with her 5 children. She’s a Christian, a survivor. – Boko Haram fighters returned home. They were dressed in black, armed with guns and knives. My husband told them where the money was.

One said: What are you waiting for? You have to put an end to your husband.” And they killed him before my eyes, in front of my children. Despite the threats, the young woman refuses to convert to Islam. – They said to me: “What are you waiting for? to convert to Islam?

I answered them: “Why would I do it? You just have to kill us all!” We Christians prefer keep our faith rather than changing religion. – For what ? – Because even once converted, Boko Haram still kills you. One of them told me that they would come back. They whipped me and left.

The men of Boko Haram do not not only terrorize Christians. Muslims are also the target of their attacks. The UNHCR employee takes us see another woman, a Muslim, Fanay. – I am muslim, when they arrive, the only word What we hear is “Allah Akbar”. But I don’t think whether they are Muslims.

The actions of Boko Haram do not reflect religion. They ask that we marry them ideology, let us ally ourselves with them and if we refuse, they kill us. She also paid with his family a heavy price, to the violence of the Islamists. She lost her husband, but not only.

– We were attacked by men of Boko Haram. My daughter’s husband, had hid in a barrel. They found him and they killed him. They then removed one of my daughters. One of the youngest. But finally one of the d***s said: “No, she’s too young for me.”

I took my daughter with me and we never went back there again. The camp today welcomes nearly 56,000 people, that would be a quarter of the populations chased by Boko Haram, outside Nigeria. Since a few months, the Boko Haram threat, has changed face and terrain.

The d*** are now acting on the border of Nigeria and Cameroon, near the town of Maroua. We are going there. This is where the news spreads land of conquest of Boko Haram. For Islamist fanatics, there is no state or border,

But a caliphate in the heart of Africa where, as in Syria and Iraq, Sharia law must reign. We land in Maroua. At the airport, an American plane of the US Air Force, bring equipment to Cameroonian troops. The army is on the defensive. Boko Haram men are infiltrated into the city.

– One person there with him. Go for it ! Europeans are rare. Our escort will not leave us throughout our investigation. To protect us, the entrance to our hotel, was transformed into a guard post. The first fear of the police, these are suicide attacks. Today, the Islamists are multiplying k*** operations,

Among civilians and provoke psychosis in the streets. On the walls, the police put up posters, to give instructions To the population. – It’s for civilians to identify the t*** and the precautions to take to avoid getting blown up. The sheet details the behavior suspected terrorists. Wild-eyed, preoccupied,

Nervous, fist clenched on an object which could be a detonator. We can even read that the candidates to suicide are perfumed. It would be a passport to reach paradise. – With the number 1500. It’s a number free, anyone can call. Most of the time,

It is the civilians who give more information to law enforcement. These precautions date back to the summer of 2015, when a suicide attack in the city’s fabric market, caused thirteen deaths and dozens of injured. In the hospital emergency room, poorly equipped, the nursing staff are overwhelmed.

Survivors are lying on the ground the ground, bloody corridors. The city is in shock. For a long time peaceful, the little Christian community of the city, now feels threatened. It’s Sunday morning, It’s time for mass. The officiating priest is a Spaniard, Father Antonio. Outside, the parishioners are searched by volunteers,

Equipped with metal detectors. Even young children are searched. This is a Boko Haram tactic of use them as human bombs. – Sometimes suicide bombers pass by small children. The children don’t know anything. They tell them “go” and they give them something in your hands… And then they can come with it,

This is why we control everyone. – Evil and violence who threatens us, here and everywhere. In Paris, 129 dead, 300 injured. Violence is coming from everyone. During the service, a watchman comes up guards her near the surrounding wall. He ensures that no t*** don’t throw a bomb,

Or shoot from the street at the church. Since we did this at the market and the Pong district, we killed a lot of people and we took charge of our work The church had to be secured. – What do you fear the most? – Criminals, the t***s more than anything.

But in Maroua as in neighboring Nigeria, it’s not just Christians who are in danger. The city is populated mainly of Muslims. They have already been hit several times taken over by Boko Haram. The street that leads to a mosque, the Yahya mosque is blocked. We fear car bombs.

There too, a vigilance committee feel the faithful 1 by 1. From a balcony, there is even a lookout who watches over the crowd. – There are people who can come with explosives, we have to search them. – They accept ? – Yes, they accepted. They know the conditions under which, we live now.

– You, with the bag, don’t go any further! He has a big bag, I don’t have no confidence in this bag. This is how we let’s work here. They fear that women will hide explosives under their clothes, they forbid them to wear the burqa.

Only the scarf is tolerated to enter within the grounds of the mosque. Precautions that do not prevent the t***s to hit, whenever they want. This is what happened very close of the Yahya Mosque. The t***s trapped a child barely ten years old, a little beggar.

His body was cut in two, at waist height, by the power of the explosion, was he told to press on a switch? or did some t*** trigger its remote charge? Carnage. About twenty people die instantly. and about sixty others are seriously injured. It all happened on a Saturday here.

A group of regulars is gathered around a coffee seller. At 2 p.m., there was an explosion. The walls still bear the marks of the explosion. The cafeteria table is still there. His sons Bashir and Yusuf often come back to the place. – I heard the explosion, I was there.

When I came, all the people were dead. They were taken to the hospital. Our bodyguards remain on alert. A man approaches in a djellaba. They control it. – He is a member of the committee vigilance! The man’s name is Oumate. In fact, it belongs to the committee neighborhood vigilance.

He is responsible for spotting strangers, on the day of the attack, he was a of the first to arrive on site, as soon as he heard the explosion. – It’s a noise we didn’t hear never heard in our life. It’s a noise we don’t even know. It made a lot of noise!

We found arms cut everywhere. The bodies were thrown 50 or 100 meters away. In a neighbor’s house we found an arm. Oumate takes us into a house next to the tragedy. A man has lived there as a recluse since his release from the hospital. It’s a miracle. Mr. Mustafa, he is a comrade,

On the day of the explosion, he was there. He was injured. His arm is broken, he has fractures everywhere. – I have a fracture and a wound here. I lost my eye… It was terrible. Mustafa will never forget his missing friends, with whom he spoke about their common passion, football.

– We were discussing the French championship. About players, transfers. Me, I’m a fan of Marseille, there are Parisians and Lyonnais, we were together chatting. It is at this moment that the little bitch has arrived. – A beggar asks us something to eat. She had a plate.

Mr. Boubakar is dead, he had given him 100 CFA francs. – It is a sect which has groups, just to threaten people. If we brainwash someone, he may be ready to die. Those who struggle first line against Boko Haram, these are the BIR, the Brigades rapid intervention.

They were trained by the Israeli military. Their camp extends to the exit from the city. Commander Blater, the head of operations, knows those he deals with well. Faced with suicide attacks. BIRs learn to be careful to new clues. – I block and start the search. To detect any clues.

Either sims or USB sticks. – A telephone card is as important as a weapon? – More important than a weapon. A SIM card, it’s a phone card, who may have information, pictures, with a photo of a place, we can reconstruct the place. We can trace all his phone calls,

We can see with whom, with which correspondents, whether it is here, in Cameroon or elsewhere, he is in touch. This morning the BIRs are forming to the scientific police. For the DNA test, we have this equipment, we rub from bottom to top. To fight against infiltration Islamists,

The police use the latest cry of technology, a database computer science in which, they store photos and DNA. – It’s a work judicial police? – Yes, there is this transformation, of the warrior, we move on to a warrior more intelligent, who can pass a phase of coercion, at an operational phase.

The most sensitive area today, this is the north of the country, very close to Nigeria, the Kolo Fata region. We are going there. Boko Haram does not hesitate to lead helping hands, in the middle of the city and in the middle of the day.

In the fall of 2014, the d*** set fire the houses of different notables, killed several people and took hostages. Behind this surrounding wall, they capture the mayor, Seyni Boukar, who is also a traditional king, Lamido, as they say here. After 76 days of captivity, the mayor is released during of a prisoner exchange

With him, ten workers captured Chinese, while they were building a road. All hostages are safe and evacuated by plane. The king has since taken refuge far away from Boko Haram to Garoua, 250 kilometers away, where he lives now with his family. – Hello, welcome. I’ll let you in.

He shows us photos of his property attacked, where two of his relatives lost their lives, executed by the Islamists. – These are the outbuildings. There are the two bedrooms side by side. In the one on the left, there is the marabout who teaches, religion to children,

Who was killed in front of his Koran. And next to it, it’s my little brother who works in the assembly and who came to the village for medical rest, which was also coldly murdered. The youngest hostage! You will stay next to me. Six of his children and his wife were captured with him.

A miracle that he is still alive. The family is not ready to forget the day when the d***s, attacked their house in Kolofata. I hear A*** screaming! That’s the war cry of Boko Haram. They touched the wrist from the room. It was closed. They made a burst,

It opened up and we said to ourselves: “That’s it, We’re not going to get out of this!” The family was taken to Nigeria, about thirty kilometers away from Cameroon, in the Sambisa forest, the historical marker of Boko Haram, which houses Islamist camps. This is where the filming took place these propaganda images.

– There’s a little bit of everything. Nigerians, Nigerians, Cameroonians and even people beyond. There are a crazy world, there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 people there. The family was not mistreated, but she saw the horror. During our stay, we saw people move towards a point,

As if they were going at a football stadium. They were going to a point execution of sentences. It had to be done publicly. We saw the captives we were taking away, that we were slaughtering. We heard the shots of fire, the hubbub, cries of victory of all the spectators.

When it happens and you says they are captives, we ourselves were captives, We said to ourselves: “When is our turn?” If you are considered as accomplices, or supporters of everything that is symbol of the state, the army, administration… We’ll decapitate you! Every such abominable act, for them, it’s a bonus.

For heaven, that’s a bonus. They followed God’s way, they are convinced of it. It’s been 300 years in their memory, that the West and the Jews oppressed Islam. That’s their idea of ​​things and the time has come now, to put things back in order. For them, it is a global movement.

I looked at this flag, it’s the same in Syria, in Iraq… This is not a coincidence. It’s a global trend. They told the Chinese who were with us, even to China we will go. There are already Muslims there, our fight will go there. They told me to tell the Chinese:

When they return to China, they must that they convert to Islam. I translated that to the Chinese. The Chinese told me “no”. I said, “But you’re stupid. You have to say yes!” They say no, we can’t doing it at home is different. It was crazy that night!

I had to tell them: “They understood !” Since the kidnapping of the king mayor, military operations in Kolo Fata are more and more intense. – Distance, 50 meters minimum… Special instructions: risk of ambushes. In Kolofata, the BIR are on the front line. Their camp suffered several attacks and infiltration attempts.

They are on a war footing 24 hours a day. – It’s better that he waits for us at checkpoint and we will continue together. Their leader is him. – There will be two of us in this vehicle. Commander K***. He’s going into surgery this morning with around fifty men.

He wants everyone to be well at his post. He knows that every military convoy represents a target of choice, for the d***s. – Everyone, direction Tonga to reach the PC. Route following the main axis. Ahead. Several vehicles are equipped heavy machine guns. The convoy will travel nine kilometers high-risk track,

To reach Keraoua, on the Nigerian border. It is from this region that the Boko Haram fighters, prepare their attacks towards Cameroon. Boko Haram films most of his attacks, to spread propaganda on the Internet. We discover that the Islamists are very well armed, thanks to weapons and ammunition abandoned by the Nigerian army.

It is thanks to this arsenal that this group has become a real army. 4 days ago, a mine was detected a few minutes, before the convoy passes of the commander. He wants to show us the place where it happened. – Where exactly was it? – The mine was placed at this level,

So that the vehicle rising on it could explode. You do not need lots of space, but the damage is vice versa proportional to this place. It is from human sources, by populations, who have, at a distance, observed the laying of this mine, that we have been informed,

We carried out a reconnaissance and we neutralized it. We arrive at the village of Keraoua, very close to the Nigerian border. – Hello guys, how are you? This is one of the infiltration points d*** to enter Cameroon and expand their territory in French-speaking Africa. The checkpoints are there,

To limit the risks k*** attacks, since we are potential targets. We’re going to stop here. There are a lot of people in the village. It’s market day. This square has been the scene of several k*** attacks very recently. The last one was perpetrated barely ten days ago. The villagers hate these Islamists,

Who constantly target them. – Boko Haram, they are criminals, killers. They take our young girls, they are killing our men. They are criminals, we are so worried. We Muslims pray for let them be exterminated throughout the world. They are bad people. – To everyone, I remind to increase alertness.

We are getting closer to the border. If the enemy appeared in the area, it must constitute an opportunity, to neutralize it directly. The border is 100 meters away from our current position, where this armored vehicle is located. This is one of the main crossing points, between Nigeria and Cameroon.

The last meters towards the border are the most dangerous. The officer chooses to move forward between the houses. He and his men could take refuge there to fight back in case we are targeted. – All the device maximum vigilance! Nigeria starts on the other side from the bed of this dry river.

– We’ll meet again at the mayo level, which represents the separation between, Keraoua Cameroon and Keraoua Nigeria. On the other side, the buildings seem deserted, but according to the soldiers, you should not trust it. Boko Haram could be hiding there. – Security forces from Nigeria are there?

– No, currently there is no permanent force on that side. We will go back to the level from the platform there, because on this side, there is no strength and we do not constantly control on the other side of the border. The commander does not want to stay more exposed.

– It is a locality, which was previously occupied by the Nigerian administration and army, the army was forced to drop out at some point and this locality was controlled by Boko Haram. So the impacts that you see on the walls, are aftereffects of this era.

Following these fights, the population had deserted the locality and there are only a few left civilians in this locality. If there are Boko Haram fighters hidden in the ruins, we will not see them. – How are you ? Good morning. Good morning. How are you ? I’m doing well ?

Children are the future of the country and with the work we do, we will allow them, we hope, to receive education that they must have. The officer has just been informed that armed men prowl in the bush. I was told about twenty motorcycles between here and Kolo Fata, supposedly to disrupt our action.

Accomplices in the village could having informed Boko Haram, on our presence, the commander fears that the d***, don’t try anything. – We need to channel these people. This kind of people, You have to be careful, right? They say to avoid contact between populations. If there’s a bomb in there, how to know ?

He distrusts everyone. – You there ! Move over there! Lift up your coat. Turn around. Lift well behind. It’s good. Move forward! – Do you do this systematically? – We do this systematically, to filter the population, which crosses Keraoua towards by Kolo Fata.

– For them, is it good? – It’s okay, we’ll let them pass. – Is it annoying to be searched? – It’s very good like that. We cannot know if someone is hiding something. By lifting our clothes, they can see if we’re hiding a bomb. Without the controls, they could pass.

The commander prefers that we let’s get back on the trail before dark. We are leaving the BIRs. We return to Maroua, at the church of Father Antonio, at the end of mass. For 17 years in Africa, the priest is one of the last Europeans in the region

And he does not intend to give in to fear. In the sacristy, he responds to our questions without tongue in cheek. – Prayer counts, but we pray to make us aware, that we miss peace, that we are threatened. – For Boko Haram, you, you are truly the devil.

– It is certain that we are not not well seen. We represent many things which they do not accept. And so for them, we all represent the abominations. Christians are a very minority in the neighborhood of his parish, Father Antonio knows the risks he runs, but his determination is intact.

– If you let fear penetrate through a little door in the heart, you’re finished, you have to leave, you can’t stay. And we have to stay there. This is what is decisive, more important than what we let’s do what we are, with these people, in these difficult times.

And how to fight them? It is complicated. Today, Boko Haram is affiliated with D***, the terrorist group responsible for attacks last November in Paris. On these images filmed by Boko Haram and recently broadcast by CNN, some of the high school girls from Chibok, hostage of the Islamist group, still appear alive.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau would he be ready to stop the fight, according to his latest video. Other fighters call on the contrary, to an intensification of the war.

La plus sanglante organisation terroriste de la planète a un nom : Boko Haram. Son objectif : instaurer un califat et appliquer la charia, la loi islamique, au coeur de l’Afrique


  1. Today (March 6, 2024) dozens of women were allegedly kidnapped again, 10 years after the kidnapping of schoolgirls in Chibok school, when about 300 girls were abducted

  2. Je suis désolé d'entendre parler d'islamistes alors que nul part mentionné dans le Coran que le terrorisme est encouragé, le fait de prononcer le nom d'Allah ou de parler l'arabe ne fait pas qqu'un un musulman, seul les pratiques strictes du noble coran qui fait qqu'un de musulman. Ce genre de propos instrumentalisé cherche à tous prix à ternir l'image de l'islam mais tout ce qu'il a oublié ce que nul ne peut éteindre la lumière de Dieu.

  3. Je suis désolé d'entendre parler d'islamistes alors que nul part mentionné dans le Coran que le terrorisme est encouragé, le fait de prononcer le nom d'Allah ou de parler l'arabe ne fait pas qqu'un un musulman, seul les pratiques strictes du noble coran qui fait qqu'un de musulman. Ce genre de propos instrumentalisé cherche à tous prix à ternir l'image de l'islam mais tout ce qu'il a oublié ce que nul ne peut éteindre la lumière de Dieu.

  4. C'est toujours dangerease comme les animeaux sauvages en forme des homo sapiens ( les russes parmis eaux🇷🇺👹)💔🙏
    Que Dieu Protege l'humanite des sauvages humaines!🙏🌹🙏

  5. باید آنهایی که دختران را بردن از خایه به دار زد داعش القاعده و بکو حرام یک گوره تروریستی در جهان است

  6. 00:10 "Boko Haram l'organisation terroriste la plus sanglante de la Planète" qui vous l'a dit ? Ce sont des enfants face à l'État Islamique. Toujours là à vouloir présenté de façon vulgaire l'Afrique que vous destabilisé via ces groupes terroristes même que vous financé. Je m'arrête là pour le documentaire.

  7. Όσο η Αφρική ήταν αποικίες της Ευρώπης,όλα αυτά δεν υπήρχαν,μόλις τους έδωσαν πίσω την ελευθερία τους,αυτοί σχεδόν άμεσος την έχασαν😂☦️✝️🙏

  8. Depuis combien de temps ces gens mal affermis ni loi sans foie continuent de faire le désastre 'les gouvernements réfléchis pardon… surtout dans l, Adamaoua depuis 1983 par

  9. This is clearly a long time ago because that savage mentally distributed leader was still alive but he's actually already dead now praise God…. The Nigerian governsment has been yapping on for years that they will protect the Christian communities from fulani herdsmen and boko bonkers haram and they could have done it in a few days which shows that the government is behind them and probably giving them the assistance they need….

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