What I didn’t Do… Lamborghini Streetfighter V4, KR1S, Kawasaki H2, Multistrada Rally Compilation

Yo what’s up everyone ProjectMoto here, so this video is a bit of a compilation   video, we’re going to get into that in a  little bit, we have got some videos coming   up on the Multistrada RS and the new mono  698 but for now let’s crack on with the video

You do the intro, well I don’t know, your have to write  it out, I don’t remember the intro, what do you mean? so what’s up everyone ProjectMoto  here, so today I’m having a video.. well what’s  

Happened is we done quite a lot of videos that  I didn’t actually finish, so this is a bit of a   compilation video, that’s good I love them, what  people don’t realize when doing videos, especially   in a live environment, and it is live it is  live, look at that you’re talking now & there’s  

Bike’s going off, so sometimes we do bits, we video  bits, i’ve got a plan in my head what we’re going to do,   I know our videos don’t look very planned do  they? well they’re not planned, they just happen,  

But sometimes you think we’ll unbox that  bike, we’ll do this.. we’ll ride it, then it rains   for a week, then someone goes on holiday  again and again, you probably had more holidays in  

The last 12 months than you’ve had for a long time,  have you or not? for a long time, you going to pour me?   that’s what happens when you get to retirement age is  it or do you have to have a more frequent because  

You forgot the last one? I can’t remember where I  went?? we can do a video and sometimes I just think ‘no’   I mean we’ve had the RS.. multi RS but remember  like in a live environment we had people hanging  

About didn’t we? hanging about, yeah so we couldn’t  do that video, I need the videos to remind what   i’ve done, did you put water in this? no, i don’t want the dregs,  alright, so this is some of the stuff that we didn’t  

Get finished, okay, let’s crack.. say it.. let’s crack  on with the video, let’s crack on, with the video no?   with the video, let’s crack on with a video.. let’s  just get this straight, I’m off this week, I’m off  

Next week then you’re off the week after that,  oh really have I still got two weeks to wait?oh no   we’re going to be missing each other, it’s going to  be a whole 3 weeks Martyn, 3 weeks without each  

Other Lucie, he’s off for 2 weeks and then  I’m off the week after, three weeks that’s nearly   a month! don’t I’m on holiday now, I just come in to see you all, I know you missed us so much you  

Couldn’t stay away, will Elle be here to make  Liam’s omelets? she will be and then shove him up   his ass, I was only winding you up I heard, you  heard or you was here? I was here, you was here? I was  

Here that day, that i nearly chopped his tongue off!!  still you’ve fed me for a few years Lucie & look at me,   I know I can’t be doing too much of a bad job can  I? you’ve actually got a sixpack under there!!  

So here’s the bikes in question, this is the bike  we’re going to be riding today the 2023 v4s Streetfighter..   but man look at the Lamborghini next to it,  so these are what, how much are these Nick? £22,895  

And this Streetfighter? a lpt of money, £55,995 is it? £56k,  so it’s basically £33k more than that bike, but   look at it, what you eating? I wasn’t even going to  have one, having a cookie? she said what you come  

Up here for a cookie? I went oh as you mentioned it I  have one, Liam what you think? look at them   next to each other, now you know how beautiful  that is, how does it look next to.. more Beautifuller 

Yeah more Beautifuller, I like that.. that’s beautiful and  that one’s more! I can’t even pronounce it, is that   a new word? £33k more though, worth it? it’s not that’s £23k & that’s £33k.. its £23k & £56k, that’s a lot of money,  

Libby you alright? what’s happened??  oh God what’s going on? I just fell down the   stairs, did you? oh my God, you ok? well yeah but my  heart is racing, you need PCP? what’s it called? CPR.. PCP? im thinking about finance

What’s a Syrup? a wig, thank you, never heard that  before, thank you, obviously i know what a syrup is, i accidentally called it a tulip but it;s not a tulip.. it’s a syrup,  so Libby, yes? what do you think about  

These? what do you like best? I like the paint  work on the Lamborghini and the carbon fibre,   but that bike is 33 Grand more than that one, but it’s the same  bike, sorry I’ve got to work now

So I might as well get ready, I’m going to take this  out first, then I’m going to take this   out.. and cut! that’s funny you’re doing a  spin, you was doing a spin in the other video, oh  

I just love spinning.. yeah I know, it’s not plus and  change, it’s two of them plus £10k, it’s quality over   quantity though, I like the sound of that! if I had  the money.. you’d buy the Lamborghini, really we  

Should, somebody should jump on a bike & someone  get on the back, we should just film this riding along,   when are you ever going to see one of them on the  road? oh Paul’s here, what are you doing out here? we’ve got  

To unbox some new bikes, yeah all right, so what do you think? of what? these.. yeah I like   that, that’s very nice, you could basically have  one of them or you could have the v4s a Bayliss and  

A Full Throttle for the same money, really?  yeah it’s difficult that, or you could have one   of them, a Pike’s Peak and £5K in your bank  account, sounds like Rev Comps, what would be your  

Choice? I’ve got to have a Pikes Peak, Streetfighter  and £6k, what about you? A pikes Peak a lot of money!! right so I’ll better get out and ride  this quick, we’ve got to do reservoirs still  what today? I’ll ride it now quickly & get it  done, while it’s not raining, let’s do it..

Any excitement Mart? any excitement going through your body? what riding someone’s £56k motorbike?   or is that not quite the word we should  be using? no, brand new tires.. lets hope the rain holds off.. Liam is on on the multi

All right so we’re going out with  Cody and Liam we on the Multistrada in front, it must look the nuts! I just think wherever you go on this  bike people just know.. well they know you  

Got a super cool bike or they know you got  a super cool bank account.. either way it’s cool man this bike.. like literally you  don’t get to ride these bikes, no one   gets to ride these bikes.. probably most of the  owners who own these bikes won’t ride these bikes!!

Anyway thank God that I am back on his bike.. and while we here we might as well show you,  if you’re into a Streetfighter, you’ve got the v4s,   which they do a (standard) V4 as well, you got the  Lamborghini.. which you’re probably never going  

To get, and then you got the Streetfighter V4sp.. so  yeah what’s your favorite? the SP, the Lamborghini   or the Ducati red v4s? [ __ ] hell look he took  down all the fences, there on fire, The Wheels are On Fire ,it’s [ __ ] fuel tanks on fire..  it’s nice and warm there though isn’t it?

That’s lucky the old Bill (police) ain’t there yet  because they would have shut that road for sure!! sweet !! foxy chocolatey biscuits! they  look nice, anything in a black wrapper is nice,   anything apart from a body!! anything that says chocolate, yeah can you.. do you want to open them Liam?  

I can’t guarantee there’ll be any in  there… oh it’s an empty packet, did you see that? he’s like a shoplifter, see that? the initial bite is not chocolatey, but they’re really chocolatey afterwards   they continue being chocolatey.. it’s like Willie Wonka’s thing the Everlasting gobstopper, i wouldn’t know!!

No one saw that, i’ I’ve had worse things go in my mouth, mmm yeah, should we get this bike out then, let’s   have a look, I can’t remember which one I see at  the show but one of them was really nice, I think  

It was a black one, oh yeah it was a black one, you  could have rode a bike in today look at it, well   I could have done now but I think later on it’s  going to get wet isn’t it? don’t seem like it you  

Know, think they lied to you, this will be a Liam size  bike this will, oh yeah look a different seat,   look at the seat on it, feel that, its comfy as it, the thing is with a 30 L tank it’s going to cost  

You £45 to fill it up, you only fill it up  if you’re doing a long distance in one go wouldn’t   you? or like me I’ll just put a fiver in every time  I use it, I’ve been watching something on YouTube  

That you might like, what is it? a music thing,  yeah? well because you play an instrument   you’ll appreciate that, I’ve been watching  stuff on Artificial intelligence, yeah so do you   know what happened the other day? so they got  this artificial intelligence thing and  

What some guys had done was asked it a couple  of questions in Bangladesh, Bangladeshi?? yeah, and   the thing replied and taught itself Bangladesh  just like that, they’ve not programmed it to do   any of that, you’d like wouldn’t you? learning  a language just like that, instantly, I would..   

Be remarkable, so if they said we can put a chip  in your brain and you could learn stuff would   you do it? yeah, what would you learn first? what  language?? well would that be something  

You learn or you just say you know what I want  to learn Kung Fu just like that, yeah.. there was   a film years ago wasn’t there where this bloke took  a pill, The Matrix? no no no it was like the  

Matrix but it enabled him to recall any memory  he had about things he’d seen, so he watched   Kung Fu on the Telly, so he took this pill and  immediately could do kung fu.. a bit like   Nick, what would I do..  I’d become a top world class boxer, would  

You? yeah, well I don’t if it can change  things physically, oh , so with the AI that’s going   to take over, yeah, you might be a slave to  the AI, yeah I’m a slave here I might as well be   a slave elsewhere,

So we just got liven  on this bike up, a Bayliss V2, we’ got Tyrone over here..   you getting the bike ready? yeah I am mate, it’s just  Ron’s distracted me, yeah so we would like to say  

We’ be taking this out but we take this out ,but we’re taking this, you say we , you ! well I am yeah, you   are yeah, let me eat my roll first, I got to  ride that as well, what was it? a 1098s

you got a itchy back? do you want a tree in  here or something? I don’t want Ronnie’s wood on my back,   fuel going in, everywhere you mean, it’s pre-booked, pre-booked Lunch? yeah, ready? this going to fire up??

So this is going to be our track bike, so  I’m going to take it out now & put some miles   on it, yeah it’s a hard old job but someone’s  got to do it and to be honest it’s been a  

Long time since I’ve been in these but I’ve  even had to put my leathers on, I put rubber gloves   on under my gloves, can hardly move my hand, in just  letting you know that before a go out on your bike,  

Alright let’s do this.. there’s Matt, this is  his bike that I’m out on, I was just out on a   1098s and man this feels lighter, smoother, it  was so stiff to 1098, right so yeah we just  

Put some miles on this, get this run in, I say  this is going to be a track bike, oh the quick   shifters are so smooth on these, you have to just  check everything works alright, it’s got all  

The gears, the brakes work all right, start bedding  them in a bit, they’re so good these V2 Panigale’s, it’s only about 6° out but it’s actually  quite nice, thank you, cheers, that is a lawn  

Mower.. look at that, I’d say come around and do  my garden but it’s probably just about fit in my garden, you know I done probably about 20 years on  sports bikes and then I started riding all like   the naked’s and the Streetfighters,  and every time I think oh yeah it’s easier.. but

Then you ride something like this & you just actually  remember how comfortable this bike is, oh man it feels so good, oh I don’t like the  wet road though.. mainly because you got to clean the bike after !

, let’s get them rally panniers  on, has he put the locks in them ? yeah look   at that Mart, there you go, look at that, let’s stick  that on, should we have a look at that ,yeah  

Let’s give it a go, I’m going to make out I know  what I’m doing, yeah just pretend, watch out, watch out.. Beadles about oi I got something for you, what  is it money? some money, I hope it is, yeah I’m going  

To give it to you in drips and drabs so you don’t  spend it all, I can’t fund your smoking   habit for much longer, why not? it’s costing me  a fortune every week, push it hard & it clips in, just  

Pushes in Easy, that’s it they move like that,  that’ll be the H2, is this is my new ride? this is my new ride should we go look at that noisy bike then?  well I’m going to take it out in a while, are you?  

Yeah, is this one of these Kawasaki’s that doesn’t  make enough horse power? how you doing? you good? yeah I saw your video on the old Widow  Maker, oh right yeah, you going to go out on it?  

We went out to The Dick Turpin the other night, the  pub, there was a guy on one of them and he wanted   a photograph with the old and the new, oh yeah, you  know with a 50 years difference, we’ll have a race  

Home, you can ride yours and I’ll ride that, Nick he  could be buying that cuz he’s the money man, just   make sure he gives me that £55 first,I told you  I’m giving it I’m giving it to you in drips and  

Drabs cuz I think you’re going to spend it, what’s it  got on it? Van Demon..the full VR one what’s   the bhp? I’ve got the map  sheet in my bag..262 at the wheel, 262 at  

The wheel !! you like that? at the wheel !! he’s got the  print out there..the dino print at 262 at the rear wheel, in something that don’t handle and  don’t stop.. what could possibly go wrong??   right hold on a sec, hold on what you got there Liam? Bacon and what ? 

Just bacon, what has Paul got? just bacon, well  I asked for sausage, no you didn’t, oh did you?   he’s got my sausage in his sandwich, have  you? yeah look, what you riding it? yeah I  

Think I can fit on it, I’l only have a  quick spin up the road on it, be careful incase  I buy it, you can buy the Salvage..  it will be cheaper, can I have sausage egg and bacon.. in  

A roll, yeah ketchup? don’t take the piss asking for  sausage.. I asked for it & I’ve got bacon, Lucie said   that you asked for that so I believe her, I said  have you got any sausage rolls and you said no  

I’ve got sausages.. do you remember that bit? I do  remember now, you do remember, but   he didn’t ask for that, he asked for a bacon roll,  so I owe you for the cigarettes don’t I ?but what I’m  

Going to do is.. I’m going to give it to you in  bits, so there’s £20, what you paying in   installments? installments yeah, I’ll give it to  you.. look at this, look.. I’m not giving it to  

Him, why I’ll probably end up giving it to him  for spark plugs, £60, oh i owe you £5, oh let’s call it £10 , [ __ ] he’s quick isn’t he? can  we have a go first before you either break it or  

It breaks down on you & we’ve got to come pick you  up, you got your phone on you? yeah of   course I have, I’ve always got the phone on me, he’s got burner phones just for break downs

Well? traction control just cutting in all  the time, he must be in real [ ] mode, he said he got it turned   up, I don’t know how to turn  it off, level 7, no Wonder, don’t turn it off.. turn it down,  

It can’t of been spinning that much, it’s the torque I can’t believe, you’re in Top Gear, you’re   doing like 80 mph and it’s just.. I don’t know what  any of this does to be honest I’m just pushing buttons, 

Traction off, boost maximum, I bought it back  in one bit so I’m getting better, what you   got ? I got sausage, bacon and egg, you got  a roll on the side there what’s the matter with you?

Oh that’s for later, what do you mean later? he  had his sausage roll.. it came down a minute ago,   he didn’t have a sausage roll.. don’t talk to  him about, he had a bacon rol,l do you want it? £50 !!

See i’m just looking at his legs, thinking if  he comes off.. they aren’t    my legs so, I’ve told him, but he’s got his nice  chest thing so his chest will be all right, just no legs, yeah brilliant

[ __ ] hell that is fast, is it? yeah maybe  with all the traction control on it   weren’t.. it weren’t doing full thing, but  that is very fast, very fast ..what’s it  ride like though nice? quite nice actually,  yeah I’m pretty impressed with that, I gave  

It a beans a couple of times to see  what it’s like and then you don’t   need to, you short shift, you been thrashing his  bike? that’s his Nick name, short shift, short something,

Wow I need to borrow 27 Grand off someone now,  right now Mart, Mart I need to borrow it, this   is a machine and half, you know when they say you  meet the woman of your dreams and you fall  

In love at first sight.. I’m really in love,  I like it and I can touch the floor, I mean that’s   like a double win win.. anyway Libby likes  it so I’m definitely going to buy one, what’s that  

Look on your face Mart? it looks like I’m riding  off on your baby, that’s the face   you’re pulling right now, we add money on for him,  no you add money on for me.. I’ll go and buy it off simon

Enjoyed yourself? I knew they had it but I never  experienced it.. the the dump valve noise, yeah as it comes off, I stood up and looked  down, I thought something had fell down, they all do it,   come on then ProjectMoto where’s  your lid? i chucked £10 in it so that probably get you  

End of the road & back, how was it then anyway  just so much power that just keeps got keeps   pulling, just keeps pulling, what are  they even doing? are you going to overtake take it? you know when there’s a girl.. you  don’t think she’s like beautiful or  

You know, let’s just say she might be a little bit ugly but but you know when you kind of think she’s all right.. I quite like her.this is this bike !! all I know is it’s fast enough for the road, I’ve been riding this  around probably in some places a little bit faster

Not that I can really show on YouTube,  as you know the sensible people that we are that Dump Valve noise yo, yo, Paul.. we got something, what have you got  in the van? let’s have a look.. here we go Paul,

Everyone’s excited, you’re always excited  to see A Kawasaki, yeah I love Kawasaki’s, he loves   Kwakers, especially Two Strokes, Well I bet check it’s in here still..   oh look at the wall.. what Lucie’s done there, yeah  Martyn right got stuck into that bush.. look at  

That.. wow !! should we get it out? Wow Let’s  Get it out, let’s get in with it,  only thing I need is a small number plate, its like a time warp, look at that baby, wow man that is so cool , 

Look at the color of that, I reckon  I could just lift it out, wow its like brand new..   wow.. that’s all we can say, look how cool that looks.. honestly it looks like it’s   just left the show room doesn’t it? oh he’s on it, that’s it mate look, what do you reckon Paul? 

I love it, he loves anything Kawasaki, sun’s  out look.. KR1S.. look at the color of that ! yeah   it’s kick start, kick it, no I can’t do that, Get Paul on it, Lucie is here now as well , 

I don’t know how to do this, no it’s not my thing, choke  on.. it don’t need to fold back, you got to really make sure you  warm this up, you alright? what you doing?   like your hair, thanks, its kind of all over the place at the minute

This is my new toy, it’s only 32 and a half years old ! Wicker Man? not the film, it’s in America, you know  that thing where they go in the desert,   wicker man what is it? is it wicker man?what  is it? when they go in the desert and burn all  

Stuff.. it’s a festival, Festival in America  in Utah or something? Utah? Utah somewhere like   that, Utah? I know Utah? what and you go there &  what just burn what anything, tires? no they   burn it eventually at the end of the week, what  they build a massive bonfire? oh massive.. Beyond  

Massive, size of a town, they burn everything, there, not  each other, it’s called Burning Man, look it up,   it’s fantastic, documentary about it the other  night, oh you watched that..i asked you what you 

Watched on telly & all you watch was [ __ ] Casualty,  I watched the Good Life the other night, Porridge i watched.. I like a bit of George & Mildred.. i find Mildred strangely attractive I like the bird on Countdown, not Rachel Riley, Suzie Dent, oh no look  

She’s here, guess who’s here collecting  money, just [ __ ] off, so mean!! he owes like 40 quid   or something, no he has got a big bill this  week, I bet he has, a whole £10, what?? I’ll  pay yours

& you pay mine, what’s mine? what’s mine? yours is the highest this week.. £27 !! £@£@*@*£^£ that’s two weeks in a row, how much is Paul’s? hold on before  you tell him, I’ll pay yours & you pay mine, na mate

I’ll pay Paul’s, oh no no no, yeah I’ll  pay Pauls, why? because I owe you a breakfast   I would have had the bigger dinner!! I’ll pay  yours.. you pay mine, you don’t eat much, you eat like a kid, he’s got to pay 2 weeks… hold on don’t tell him that

Oh come on Lucie we nearly struck up a deal then, don’t eat  much he’s only a kid what i can’t understand is how i got the smallest bill but the fattest belly I thought he was going to say  something else then.. I’ve got the smallest …  

Well that goes without saying what do Are you Martyn from ProjectMoto? yeah are you Paul from projectMoto, i think i might be, have you ridden this? just rode  it, what do you think? I was uh.. disappointed in it , 

Oh really? yeah, I don’t like your disappointment,  the seat’s the comfiest seat you’ll ever sit on !   really? yeah when you’re riding it, I see I  thought you meant I’ll ever sit on ever ! well  

I don’t know.. when you’re older you’ll probably  have to sit on one of them rubber ring things ,  oh I’do now, sit on it, I don’t know if  I can, it’s a really comfy, see I’ve had an accident  

At work, oh yeah you had an accident at work,   it’s comfy the seat isn’t it? seat’s comfy yeah   what’s this big old SOS button? I want to press it,  don’t press it.. Germany will phon you, what’  

You do then.. why are you trying to press it when I  said don’t press it?? don’t press it !! don’t press it !  I pressed it, I pressed  it about five times, oh did you? probably even  

More than that, i pressed it more than that, don’t  press it.. you got an ambulance here in a minute..   yeah you’ll need one for your injury at work ! oh  that came up look.. SOS ! down the shifter, round the bend nicely

I was actually down this  road the other day on a Multistrada V4 and it was really nice.. but the road  feels a little smaller on the Streetfighter like as you can see.. it’s a little  bit smaller with all these tractors, that’s  

Why you got to be careful down here, it must  be tractor season or something? oh & squirrel  season as well so since doing the video on the  Lamborghini I’ve actually ridden about five or   six of them Lamborghinis now.. they’re just so  cool when you’re on them but bit frightening as well

Imagine that.. you come off  around a corner with big piles of straw everywhere ook at this [ ] ah.. this will be where all the  straw and everything has come from look..   there’s a guy on a bike following that thing,  man there’s branches falling down on him.. he  

Wants to put a little bit more hay on the  back of that ! man it’s like it’s snowing !   I was just going to say please don’t go  the way I’m going… we got to get past this guy let’s follow this bike along shall we?

I wonder if he knows his  back light flashes all the time man it’s bumpy there so let’s do a little bit of Sight seeing, someone said go down to here, I can’t remember   it was whoever commented, said go down to St  Lawrence Bay, so let’s go have a look   

Look at this, that’s it oh look at this, you  can just walk straight into the sea, that’s it , well it ain’t too bad down there  is it? water’s quite nice, right over there   in the distance that’s the Power stations down  at Bradwell, man these Streetfighers are so cool…

Yeah I just love these  Street fighers they go around   corners so good, they stop so good, the  electronics are just brilliant, it just works oh there’s guys on a motorbike, there’s  police everywhere, I had that bit of Road to just   Twist of throttle and go but there was police  everywhere..

You got a tea there Nick? i just helped myself I fancy a bit chocolate actually, I fancy a bot of that chocolate cake up there, I’m going to   have some lemon, should we go up? yeah let’s  go and get some chocolate cake, just to be sure..

We did hear that Lucy slightly older sister is here.. is that the only reason you’re up here? no I’ve come for   chocolate cake, Paul wanted to see  your new t-shirt as well, you like it? I’m jealous   we’re get you one, are you both having  chocolate? I think so, are you? oh hang on

Is this the chocolate cake? no I’m having some  of that..shall we take this out and do the bike and   eat it? we’ll have to take a drink  with us, a tea with us, I was going to have some milk

You know when a woman smiles at you hoping you’re go away,, is that a CBX out there?   who’s on the CBX? this young man here, that’s clean isn’t it?  ah Liam this is what you want to look at , 

Not that, look at the cake, you see where you put  your phone now? yeah I saw it, I just   looked, yeah but what if you drop something  down there? oh your buggered ain’t you? you’re   never getting that back, even if you open it  can your hand touch the bottom? no,

My phone doesn’t fit in the other ones, yeah well  that fits but if you actually drop something down there you’re not going  to get it out, never no.. don’t fall in there Paul !! yeah but them seats are definitely different aren’t   they? that’s a tall seat, that’s a very  

Tall seat, you can see that and the back seats  bigger, can you reach the floor? it’s tall isn’t it?   do you have to have gigantism like Liam to be able to  ride one? flat footed both sides, a normal heighted  

Persons, you just saw? not too  bad, Shame you’ll never be able to get on it really?   I’m going to get on it, I’ll show ya, get on it now, no you’re not allowed to use side stand, I’m not,

What foot you having down? you need one foot down don’t  you? it’s at a 70° lean angle, you hold it and   I’ll just pretend I’m riding it, you  know what it’s no different to the Desert X, In height really I can’t see it being much taller !!

So that was a little compilation of just bits of  videos that I didn’t want to waste and get rid of,   they’ve been sitting on my computer for some of  them quite a while now, but as always guys thanks  

For watching the video, hope you enjoyed it ,if this is  the kind of thing you’re into, all things bikes then  maybe think about hitting that subscribe button and  uh.. I’ll see you again soon thanks very much for watching

Helped myself to an early birthday present, helped yourself?  early birthday present, I thought you know   I need some shades for driving, so you thought you’d have some £160 Shades? 50% off !!  50% off? she makes her own discounts now

No honestly you touch them  and like so many Finger Prints, I need a personal   cleaner, I I’ll be your personal cleaner, hang  on I’ve got new pants on today, ah there’s a sharp bit, i’m going to sue, Liam there are faulty,

Look at the fingerprints on  the inside as well, I just can’t get rid of them  i swear i haven’t even touched them, now put them on again,  I’ll clean them in again in like one minute,  

She looks cool, she looks like film star, like  a film star but not the sort of films I watch..   what kind of films do you watch? you ever been  stuck in a dishwasher?? I don’t want to know anymore !!

Sometimes for one or more reasons i don’t get to finish filming or editing all the videos we do ,so here are just a bit of some of them in a compilation video, as always i hope you enjoyed it
Thanks for watching, as always you can
follow me on instagram- https://www.instagram.com/projectmoto58/
follow me on twitter- https://twitter.com/Projectmoto58

Just started a merchandise store too.. which will help me continue doing these videos..more designs coming

Many thanks to Hyside Motorcycles for all the help making these videos
Great place for all your biking needs
web site- http://www.hysidemotorcycles.co.uk
instagram- https://www.instagram.com/hysidemcs/


  1. I think you had a KRS1 when you were in shagging , embassy number 1 and kestrel superstrength mode right lol?. Lucy is looking so great, always smiling. How cool was that guy to lend out his H2, what a champ.

  2. Great to see you are back. Just got home from Phillip Island, man the dukes were going good although Lowes did ride well. Recommend the island if you ever get a chance to visit.
    Cant wait to see the progress on the RGV.

  3. Best line of the video saved till the end “have you ever been stuck in a dishwasher” my mind instantly answered “depends how good looking she is”, boom boom! Brilliant video as usual!

  4. The last comment from Paul. Av you ever been stuck in a dishwasher🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You guy's are fuck'n Golden man. Imagine if Ducati made a Porsche inspired Streetfigher full carbon everything with black and red painted highlights. I've got a full on diamond cutter in me trousers just thinking about it 😂😂

  5. I absolutely love this channel. Been watching a while. Great banter and makes it even better not some Americans chatting waffle. I'm going to find out where this dealers is and have a look at some stunning bikes. I'm based in Kent so not to far. Keep this channel going it's the bollocks

  6. i love your videos bud, always a great watch. i didnt realised you actually worked there. i though you was just a a regular customer/visitor. looks a great place to work, keep the vids coming.

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