2024おきなわマラソン初参加してみた🏃‍♂️ 日本屈指の難コースでサブ4なるか🔥努力は裏切らない!

29 and I myself wondering what have happened to the last 10 I ran away with my life fast forward and never turn back again it’s kind of funny that the more we pass time the more we need to set the rewind and I was the give had to leave

You but now I’m seeing all the signs is thisen I can’t believe it’s true I’m just as surprised as you is this here I can’t be too sure but one day I’ll be your again lessons one in a dozen the other 11 get something from nothing I sit here

Looking for an answer maybe the biggest question was in the last chapter you gave me the soul I had today without you I never could but now I seek what you teach I do believe I always should have stayed Happ I can’t believe it’s true I’m just as surprised it’s You is this really happen here I can’t be too sure but one that I’ll be yours Again one I’ll 11 do the other something from changes just open the door one thing certain I’ll always be this I I too but what may I Be is this really happening I can be C this just surprises you you is this with the I can’t be to I’ll be Yours PA Okaya PA Is [Applause] Down Fore Spee [Applause] for what do you [Applause] [Applause] Mean Know look at me sometimes like all you want to do it’s all the things you do sure there are the things I want you Know secret St in your Heart but if you don’t want to tell me now I gu I [Applause] know who almost all my Energy speaks you never show there are the things I want to know Secret But you don’t know here we go Turing Out it off here we go you can take this [Applause] is I can’t say if you K let it let’s going even when he to me I feel like you [Applause] All all All Go let’s Go CLE [Applause] h Fore Fore [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I cuz i’ been living life I Could cuz i’ been living life right like I could just die any minute pull right down the P IIT in sight forever in Flight follow those lines will make it this time blurry street lights work as they gu to memories that we make it [Applause] tonight I’m living like I got nothing to

Prove the wind inside just we staying on the moon I’ll go night if that’s just what I got it [Applause] Show I could die every minute going for a ride down the side PC country limit I don’t need a guide all the lights take me where I want to visit are you alive I’ll just breathing cuz I Liv life like I could you any minute down

The I don’t need a GU lights take me where I want to visit are you alive I’ll just breathing I’m in a race that everybody’s chasing fast they want to be that someone on the screen and last they ain’t looking inside for their needs in life they want to be like by everybody

Sight but trust me being free ain’t spotlights it’s long night and it’s long fights with yourself all the time to get your mind right but if you put In Prove if that’s just what I got to to care about what you you can’t afford memories are in what you explore so just don’t be Ignore I’m in I’m just in I’m just trying to give something I’m just talking against Something Fore Fore I’m just trying I’m just you something I’m just try to give you something I for you I’m just try to give you Something Look

00:00:09 テーマ確認
00:00:32 前日出発🛫
00:01:45 会場受付
00:03:59 調整jog
00:05:00 当日朝
00:07:40 スタート
00:11:07 20km通過
00:13:54 嘉手納基地内通過🇺🇸
00:15:00 ライカム通過
00:15:37 40km通過ラストスパート🔥
00:15:52 ゴール
00:17:02 打上げ🚀
00:17:26 翌日
00:18:25 石垣島へ向け離陸🛫




  1. おきなわマラソンは沖縄のテレビで毎回生放送で中継されているので、マラソンしない地元の人にも親しみのある大会なんですよ!

  2. お疲れ様です。サブ6も出来ないランナーです。

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