たけとみ島 2月の海水浴日和♪ 第406話

This is a moonset. Dawn at the same time. Good morning to everyone around the world. My name is Satoru Sato and I live on Taketomi Island. Good morning, but the current time is 10am. On such a beautiful weather day, I think my bike rental shop should be open for business.

We’ve had clear skies all week… But there were no tourists at all. It seems a shame, but I think the islanders are surprised that February, the wet season, is so sunny. I go to the beach. These are beach chairs. ( That’s a toy snake… ♪ )

I cross over to the white sandbar in front. I walk across the shallowest path from the beach to the sandbar. Cold! The sea water is incredibly cold! This is the most beautiful place. The sea water is cold today. I arrived at the sandbar. It is currently 10:30 am.

No tourists cross here, probably because the water is cold. High tide in 20 minutes from now. Today is neap tide, so there is little difference between the ebb and flow tides. So even at low tide, this view hardly changes.

Today is the opening day of my favourite bakery on Ishigaki Island, 「Pain de mie」. In recent years, no matter how many times I went to that shop, it was closed. This is because I did not check when they were closed. Ishigaki Island bakery Pain de mie is closed on Sundays and Wednesdays.

I had the option of going out to Ishigaki Island or playing on this beach. However, it is rare to have such sunny days in February during the rainy season. And since it is very rare for my super rainy man holiday to be sunny, I chose to play in the sea today.

So good ! I take a walk on this sandbar first. Walk south-west on the sandbar. Enjoy the empty environment before other people arrive here. The past week has been sunny and hot like summer. So I expected the sea water to be warmer… It is very cold.

It is freezing cold, like a social wind blowing against me. If I thought Japanese society was cold, I would not be able to live in a foreign country. There was almost no wind around my home this morning. The wind is probably blowing about 8-9 m/s here.

I am now shooting with a sponge cover over my GoPro. I do not know how effective this is. I used to use a GoPro Media Mod. It cost around $100 at the time. That was a very difficult product for me to use because it was not waterproof.

Sponge covers are easiest to use for outdoor people. For people in urban areas, Media Mod is a very good product. However, for people in urban areas, an i-phone or Google Pixel may be better than a GoPro. I have recently made a conscious decision to move away from my phone.

However, I will brag to you all on social media that I am now enjoying the beach. Drink ‘Mt. Fuji Coke’ given to you by a viewer. ‘Mt. Fuji Coke’ is milky white. Is it the colour of snow? Mt. Fuji Coke ! Thank you very much! So tasty !

However, the taste is different from Coke. Natural water from Mt. Fuji is used. A friend of mine recently stopped all social networking sites altogether. I have always believed that too much dependence on smartphones is bad for me. You are all free to do your own thing. I feel it’s not good for me.

The friend called me the other day. In my friend’s case, the signs were not physical, but showed signs of poor family relationships. He lost time to talk with his wife, spend time with his daughter and his own reading time.

He has discussed this with his family and has stopped all his own social networking sites. He is now able to communicate with his wife, has time to be close to his daughter and appears to enjoy reading himself.

I am trying to reduce the amount of time I spend on my phone rather than stop social networking. I felt that way because I could see my life expectancy. When I was younger I was not aware of any of this.

When I think about how many more years I will live well … Smartphones are low on my priority list. However, social networking is a great modern tool. Some people have had wonderful experiences, such as making friends and meeting the love of their life through social networking. It is a balance of people’s values.

Clear winter weather! Mt Fuji Coke on the beach! Delicious! Now I am in the best location. So nice view ! You don’t need to see me in this video. Best feeling! I hope you all will too! Come here! No living organisms at all… I like this play.

Kondoi beach is always devoid of life. While I was snorkelling, I felt light-headed and seasick. The cause is probably the smell of wetsuit rubber. I really don’t like the smell of this rubber. I think rubber wetsuits are cool, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

Now, when I soak my feet, they are not cold at all. However, if you swim to the darker coloured areas offshore, the seawater is ice cold. Footage of me filming upside down near the surface of the water.

That footage is great footage if you are cool people. If I did it, it wouldn’t be a very cool video. But it is very enjoyable as a self-indulgent game.

There is an inn called SAKUSAK HOUSE on the Greek island of Paros. It is run by a Paros husband, his Japanese wife and their lovely daughter. I found a post on Twitter looking for carers for the cats at the inn when the family was away.

The period is this month of February. I wanted to go. While I was struggling for two days, the decision was made by someone else. I did the same thing again with the sea kayak I missed out on earlier.

Life is very short and you only live once. There is no time to worry. I made the same mistake twice. The story continues. One day, we received a call that a family from SAKUSAK HOUSE was coming to Taketomi Island. I spent about an hour talking with them.

I said I wanted to get away from my phone and social networking, but thanks to social networking I have experienced wonderful encounters. Winter clarity is more spectacular than summer. The rubber of the wetsuit is very uncomfortable. Let’s take it off! See! The sandbar is on two levels. Whatever… Time for relaxation. This time, forever.

Does this look like a background image for remote working? It would be interesting if I were actually talking in my living room at home.

He said that the Yaeyama Islands are an area where there is a lot of passing rain, so it is very dangerous to go out with bedclothes hanging out to dry. I really enjoy sitting here.

A woman has recently opened a foot massage parlour on Taketomi Island. She operates the business while working for a buffalo cart tourism company. The name of the restaurant is Ashibina. She is also on Instagram and Twitter. Her Tweet this morning read, “A famous Japanese actress visited our shop.” It said.

Who is this actress? This is the only shop in Japan where you can get a foot massage in a red-tiled wooden house in Okinawa. Ashibina foot pressure salon. Everyone is welcome to visit. She works for a buffalo cart tourism company, so daytime opening days seem to be few and far between.

However, it appears to be open at night, making it ideal for those staying on Taketomi Island. vapor trail! Where are they going? Not in the direction of Hawaii. There is another plane cloud! The two aircraft appear to be passing each other.

How far apart are they? It feels like we are passing each other in that cloud. Air traffic on Hateruma Island? That could possibly be the air route to Hateruma Island. Air services to Hateruma Island have only recently started. That air route has been in or out of service many, many times before.

Finally, the service was put into service, but… I don’t know if it’s profitable… I was the first person to see the landscape of plane clouds rubbing against each other. Finally today I remembered to bring my bottle opener. I can barely drink this. This is root beer given to us by a customer.

As soon as the cork is opened, it smells very good. Thank you so much ! So delicious ! I feel sorry for the people at A&W … This is nothing in comparison! An American bought these in the USA and brought them to the faraway island of Taketomi.

I’m sure… I think they were from Wisconsin. There were three people – a husband and wife and a friend. This tasted so good I did some research on the product and found out that it was a very good product. This is a product that has won a US root beer competition.

Is ‘Sprecher’ the name of the product? Is it the name of a company? I would highly recommend it to everyone in the world! Excellent! It also smells of honey… Listed as Made with honey. Thank you so much! When I come home now, it’s about 2pm before I finish cleaning up.

It feels so good here now that it’s a shame to go home. I am about to go home. I have enjoyed this place too much and for too long. I am very much left out here. It would be a wonderful life to live on a beautiful beach.

My clothes have dried for a while and then they get wet again, even up to my chest. I always park there because it is always shaded by trees there.

It appears that the tree canopy has been cut down, probably to protect power lines. This place will be in the sun for some time to come. When I got into my car at Kondoi beach, I was approached by a man of about 60 years old.

He said, “Are you Mr.Sato?” and I recognised him as the viewer. He is from South Korea and is travelling alone in Okinawa. His wife is staying at home. He is watching this small channel in South Korea. I am very happy. I can’t believe you watch my channel.

All the footage from Kondoi beach though. I was so happy that I got off and we stood around for a long time. It is so good time. Mr Pak from South Korea .  I hope to see you again.

He is apparently travelling for the next week and the weather forecast for the coming week is all good. As a change of subject, I have a lovely shade tree in my garden, which is unusual in February. Because February is wet and windy every year. Cactus given to me by Paradise Cafe.

I clean up the sea play. Wishing everyone around the world healthy, happy and wonderful days today, tomorrow and beyond.

普段は強い北風と冷たい雨の1月2月ですが、今年いらした方々は想像をかなり飛び越して楽しめていると思います ♪

Instagram は「satorusato」で検索かこちら☟

Twitter は「ファットバイクレンタル竹富島」で検索かこちら☟


サトウサトルのお店のGoogle web siteはこちら☟


・GoPro HERO8 Black は瀕死の状態です。
・GoPro HERO9 Black
・GoPro HERO10 Black

とにかく必死で撮ってます(; ・`д・´)


  1. これを書いている今日も八重山諸島は晴天で27℃予報なんですが…
    自宅で筋トレして過ごす事にしました( ;∀;)

  2. やったぁ~一番乗りです(笑)

  3. こんにちは😊
    でも残りの人生思い切った行動とらないとダメなのは今の自分でした。  来月また旅に出ます。白保で波の音を聞きながらこれからの人生を考えたいと思います。
    パクさんは日本語堪能だったんですか?    韓国語はわからないので仕事でよくポケトークつかいます👍

  4. さとるさん。こんにちは~あの蛇はどっきりかな?~😅今日のサトルアイランドは内容濃かったですヨー人生一度きり心に響いたよー😊いつも楽しく見てますよ!

  5. 2月に海水浴、さすがサトルさん!また、美しい月の入りありがとうございます。脳内に「🎼月ぬ美(かい)しゃ ~ 十日三日(とぅかみっか)~(八重山民謡)」流れてきました。

  6. こんにちは❗️竹富は相変わらず夏の日差しですが、まだ海に浸かるには早いみたいですね〜😅

  7. サトルさん、こんにちは〜(^o^)/

  8. コンドイビーチの日差しが清々しく初夏みたいに綺麗ですね。サトルアイランドを歩き回れるなんて、気持ち最高🎉でしょうね。こちらは、雲、雨、ですが、綺麗な目が覚めるような海と空美しかったです。

  9. サトルさん、やっぱりコンドイビーチはいつも最高ですね👍


  10. サトウさんが持ち運んでる椅子、サトルベンチとしてアイランドに常設したら人気スポットになりそうですね(笑)

  11. 昨日午前中、4年ぶりに竹富島へ行きました。



  12. 今日、実はコンドイで泳いでたんですよ🏊🏻‍♀️💨

  13. 初めまして。いつも楽しく拝見しています。何度も竹富島にはお邪魔しております。最近タンタンちゃんが見られませんが元気にしてますでしょうか?

  14. コンドイビーチの海の色😍最高ですね✨サトルさんドヤ顔してるし😆俺が邪魔だよね!?にも笑っちゃいました🤣 SNS自分次第ですよね💦私もみる時間を減らさなきゃとは思いますが情報収集するには、やはり開いてしまう😔 でもそのおかげで繋がった方もいるのも事実🎵 ギリシャの方がまさか竹富島に来ていたなんて😳やはりご縁ですね
    ✨ サトルさんのペースで配信宜しくお願いします😊

  15. バッグの下の🐍については何の説明もせず、1人で笑うのがサトルさんらしい😂



  16. 癒しの動画、毎度ありがとうございます✨

    今年もお邪魔できたらいいなぁ〜 (_ _).。o○

  17. へび、笑ってしまいました😂


  18. こんにちは♪


  19. さとうさん、おはようございます🌺動画待っていました~✨

  20. 竹富島のサトウサトル 様 



    堂々2月1日、竹富島へ入島、素敵なコンドイビーチを楽し見ました。そのうえサトウサトルさんにお会い出来ですごく 嬉しいがったです。


  21. 竹富島のサトウサトル 様



    堂々2月1日、竹富島へ入島、素敵なコンドイビーチを楽し見ました。そのうえサトウサトルさんにお会い出来ですごく 嬉しいがったです。


  22. SNSはとっても楽しいけど、日常生活に支障を及んでしまうとやっぱりちゃんと考えないといけないですよね。

  23. 最高に美しい海ですね。久しぶりにサトルさんの画像見れて癒やされています。誰もいない海サトルアイランドサトル😢、さんひとりなんて海らやましいです。

  24. Xでフォローしていましたが、サトルさんのお姿初めて見ました!次竹富島に行った際はファットバイクさん利用したいです☺️

  25. こんにちは😊ほんとに素敵な景色がすぐみに行けていいですね〜。竹富島では車のガソリンはどうされてるのかな?とふと考えてしまいました。同じ日本とは思えないほど素敵な島ですね。サトルさんがうらやましいです😊

  26. この動画、見落としてました!めっちゃ忙しい2月がやっと終わり、ちょっと一息の週末です。

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