15歲入黨18歲與主席結婚,如今92歲依然健在,卻很少露面!【文史江山 】

In October 1948, Hua Guofeng was transferred to work in Jinzhong. One day, people invited him to watch a performance by a local art troupe. Hua Guofeng went happily . Unexpectedly, during this performance , Hua Guofeng would meet the man who would join him for life. Lover Han Zhijun At that time, Han Zhijun

Was 17 years old, in his prime. Although he was young, he was already a pillar in the troupe. Han Zhijun was born in a revolutionary family. In 1939, his father joined the first anti-Japanese guerrilla team in Shanxi . His mother was also a logistics worker for the guerrillas. Influenced by their parents,

Han Zhijun’s brothers and sisters also joined the revolutionary ranks. Han Zhijun is the most beautiful among the sisters. He has fair skin , a tall figure , and is very talented in literature and art and can sing well. He was also a good dancer , so he joined the army’s art troupe

At a very young age. In addition to performing in dramas, Han Zhijun also participated in some intelligence transmission work. At that time, he was young and the enemy would never have imagined that such a child could transmit intelligence. Han Zhijun ‘s courage used the cover of his age to help the organization

Complete the task of transmitting underground intelligence many times . He was already a heroine at a young age. By the end of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, his parents decided to let Han Zhijun go to school to continue studying. However, Han Zhijun did not

Give up in the art troupe because of his studies. At the same time, he also joined the Communist Party at the age of 15 and became a glorious party member. The female major changed and entered adolescence. Han Zhijun became more attractive. Whenever there was any publicity event,

He was the first one to find it. It was not surprising that Han Zhijun could leave a deep impression on Hua Guofeng during his performance. Hua Guofeng already liked artistic performances. He noticed Han Zhijun on the stage when he was watching the show.

At that time, Han Zhijun was cheating. One of the male characters, Hua Guofeng, was full of praise for Han Zhijun’s performance. He thought he was heroic and his performance was moving. He even asked the people around him what the actor’s name was. When he mentioned Han Zhijun, the people around him started chatting.

After Hua Guofeng listened to this girl’s words, I can’t help but admire Han Zhijun’s deeds . At that time, many comrades were worried about Hua Guofeng’s life events. He was already 27 years old, but his marriage had not yet been settled. As soon as Hua Guofeng arrived in Jinzhong

, many people wanted to match him , but ordinary girls We couldn’t chat with Hua Guofeng , and this performance made some comrades think that maybe Hua Guofeng and Han Zhijun could become a good couple, so many people tried to help them match up. Hua Guofeng was attracted to Han Zhijun

From the first meeting. I have a good impression , and Han Zhijun also admires Hua Guofeng in his heart, so this matter happened naturally. In late November 1948 , Hua Guofeng proposed to Han Zhijun to get married. At that time, when they got married, the conditions were so poor that they could not

Even buy a new dress. It is difficult to hold a happy event , and the only option is to treat the comrades to a home-cooked meal. What is even more regrettable is that due to the chaos, the parents of Hua Guofeng and Han Zhijun were not able to witness their children’s marriage

In person . Hua Guofeng took out a letter at that time. The portrait of the Chairman said to Han Zhijun that we should regard Chairman Mao as the witness, so the two of them bowed three times to the portrait of Chairman Mao, which was regarded as worshiping heaven and earth

. They are indeed a couple of gods and goddesses with the same ideals and the same ideals. We can understand each other ‘s career and have endless intimate words . However, their married life is not sweet and calm because Hua Guofeng is too busy at work. After getting married

, he did not have much time to accompany his wife. In fact, Hua Guofeng only got married for a few days. Guofeng received a notice that the organization would transfer him to work in Shijiazhuang. For Hua Guofeng, running around for work is the most common thing

. A person with such ability as him needs him no matter which department , and Hua Guofeng needs him He is also obligated to do every job assigned to him . However, this means that Hua Guofeng is destined to have limited energy to share with the family. However

, Han Zhijun never feels that he has been wronged. On the contrary , Han Zhijun is very supportive of his husband’s busy work. In the hearts of the couple, the motherland and the people always come first. In 1949, due to work needs, Hua Guofeng continued to go south again.

This time, Han Zhijun accompanied her husband. At that time, New China had not yet been established. There were enemies along the way. Rogue bandits are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may die on the spot, but Han Zhijun still did not complain. In 1949, Han Zhijun was actually still young,

But he was stronger than many old soldiers. He not only withstood the hardships of the march, but also endured the hardships along the way. He was busy taking care of the old and the weak , sorting out information, and taking care of Hua Guofeng’s food and daily life,

But he seemed to have endless energy. When people talked about Han Zhijun’s story of going south, they couldn’t help but give a thumbs up. He is a person with extremely strong willpower. This time their destination was Hunan, which was also the hometown of Chairman Mao. At that time, Hunan

Had just emerged from the shadow of the war, and the people were living a miserable life. Hua Guofeng saw it in his eyes and took it to heart , so he almost He spends 24 hours a day at work

And is so busy that he doesn’t even bother to rest for days and nights. Among the many problems , Hua Guofeng especially attaches great importance to the work of a farmer . He doesn’t like to sit in an office

But likes to go to the fields. When he went to get to know the people, his biggest wish was to make the people of Hunan full and the crops grown in the fields to feed more people. Therefore, when Hua Guofeng came home every day, his face was almost gray and

His clothes were covered with mud and water from the fields. It was soaked, but in the eyes of Hua Guofeng and Han Zhijun, such a little hardship was nothing as long as they could achieve their goals in the end. Han Zhijun never blamed her husband for not paying attention to the family.

On the contrary, he took on more responsibilities of taking care of the family so that the husband could concentrate on his work. Sometimes at work , he would accompany his husband to the fields to inspect. His concern for people’s livelihood issues later led Hua Guofeng to support Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice research work

And approved a huge amount of funding for Yuan Longping against all objections. Of course, this is a story later. Because Hua Guofeng was too busy , he was not able to come back in time even when his wife gave birth to their first child.

This made Hua Guofeng feel very guilty for his wife. Although they spent more than 20 years in Hunan, I have been very busy , but I have also left many wonderful memories. Four children were born one after another . Because my father did not have time,

My mother took on most of the education work. All four children became sensible and talented. Thanks to Han Zhijun’s efforts, Their family became a famous model family. In the 1970s, Hua Guofeng was transferred to Beijing because of his outstanding work and was vigorously cultivated by Chairman Mao. In the minds of ordinary people,

This was the beginning of his rapid rise. But for Hua Guofeng and Han Zhijun, they There has not been a qualitative leap in the quality of life, but Han Zhijun still lives a simple and low-key life . Especially Han Zhijun, whose husband later became the president of the country

, but as the president’s wife, he has never lived a day of luxury and enjoyment. After Hua Guofeng was just transferred When he arrived in Beijing, his job was just an ordinary childcare worker. With Hua Guofeng’s position at the time, it would be too easy

To find a high-paying and easy job for his wife through the back door , but the couple never did. Thinking about it this way, Han Zhijun worked conscientiously at his ordinary job and still used his extraordinary energy to take care of the family and support his husband’s career

. As the chairman, Hua Guofeng never put on any official airs and felt that he was superior to others. The salary Hua Guofeng received at that time was not high , but he had to support four children at home, so the economy became even tighter.

The rent in Beijing was not cheap at that time. Hua Guofeng had to spend more than half of his monthly salary on rent, which made many People are confused when they see it . Hua Guofeng has achieved such a high position . Isn’t it easy to get a house?

There may be many people queuing up to give Hua Guofeng a house . But Hua Guofeng will not deal with any behavior that uses power for personal gain. The front was resolutely stopped. Their family was still crowded in a small rented house. In order to save money,

Han Zhijun picked up the children from school every day and went straight to the vegetable market to bargain with the vendors for the cheapest vegetables . Some people would tease Han Zhijun . Zhijun doesn’t look like a chairman’s wife at all . How can a chairman’s wife wear old clothes

And go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables? But for Han Zhijun, this is the most normal thing. He doesn’t think there is anything special about the title of chairman’s wife . In his heart , he is just an ordinary soldier belonging to the Communist Party . Han Zhijun usually

Uses a dilapidated bicycle that has been with him for many years. It stands to reason that as the chairman’s wife , Han Zhijun can take the bus. However, Han Zhijun considered that since it is a bus, It’s just for office use and he can’t do this

, so he still rides his bicycle every day. The children are also required to do so by their parents. Although the school is far from home , their four children either walk to school or take the bus for dozens of miles . In the past year, no public vehicles have been used.

As a result, when the children were young , they had no idea that their father’s position was so important. They thought that Hua Guofeng was just an ordinary clerk in the government. It was also difficult for the teachers and classmates around them. Connect these children who live a low-key and simple life

With Hua Guofeng . After all, in people’s perception, the father is a high official , but the children should live a very enjoyable life. They have been arranged for a bright and brilliant future early. But for Hua Guofeng and his wife Generally speaking , they only hope

That their children will grow up to be useful to the country and society. Whether they want to stand out or not is not important . As for using the power in their hands to seek a future for their children, this is something Hua Guofeng never thought about.

Hua Guofeng retired in the 1980s. After a busy life, he was finally free. As soon as the retirement procedures were completed, Hua Guofeng moved with his wife Han Zhijun. They still lived with the children. In his free time, he took care of the children and grandchildren and lived a contented life

In order to take care of Hua Guofeng. Guofeng’s life center specially sent staff , but Hua Guofeng felt that he did not need staff to take care of him. Sometimes the house needed cleaning and laundry, and the staff rushed to do it

, but Hua Guofeng and Han Zhijun were not willing to do this over time . He simply swept the floor and washed the clothes before the staff, leaving the staff helpless. The old couple’s source of livelihood was their retirement salary. Hua Guofeng had been the president of the country for so long

And was not rich. He gave everything he could to the same. Dedicated to the country, the old couple found new fun after retirement. They opened a vegetable garden at home to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes when the mood struck, Hua Guofeng would practice calligraphy in the study.

Hua Guofeng’s physical condition was worrying due to hard work in his early years. After he retired, in order to help him recuperate his body, Han Zhijun formulated a strict recipe with less oil, less salt and less sugar. Han Zhijun didn’t feel at ease when others cooked it, so he cooked it himself.

Hua Guofeng occasionally complained jokingly . Of course, he also strictly abided by Mrs. Under the care of Han Zhijun, Hua Guofeng’s health improved day by day after his retirement. In fact, after they retired, many people still invited Hua Guofeng to attend some important occasions

, but Hua Guofeng refused them all as long as he could refuse . Hua Guofeng believes that he has withdrawn from the political stage and must reduce his influence. Otherwise, if others continue to specialize because of his past identity, it will be an act that is sorry for the country. Time flies.

Now Han Zhijun is 92 years old, and Hua Guofeng Hua Guofeng has passed away. The departure of Hua Guofeng brought a great blow to Han Zhijun, but he did not recover. With his optimism and tenacity, he gradually got out of the haze of losing his lover. Now

Their small family has become a big family. The children are each their own. After starting a family , Han Zhijun saw the birth of the fourth generation of his family. He still lived in that ordinary little courtyard and lived the most low-key life. Many reporters were curious and wanted to interview him

, but Han Zhijun almost never appeared in public. Hua Guofeng’s wife In the eyes of outsiders, he is a dazzling halo. With this halo, Han Zhijun can become the center of attention and bring him a more comfortable life . However, in Han Zhijun’s heart, he is still an ordinary person.

This mentality of not being confused by fame and fortune is what makes him and Hua Guofeng’s most valuable spirit

15歲入黨18歲與主席結婚,如今92歲依然健在,卻很少露面!【文史江山 】





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