真冬でも晴れれば泳ぐ沖縄の離島暮らし。 第407話

Hello to everyone around the world. My name is Satoru Sato and I live on Taketomi Island, Japan. I come here every holiday. I am now at Kondoi beach. I will be crossing on foot to the white sandbar you can see behind me. Tide levels appear to be higher than current tide figures.

Today is Neap tide and this is high tide time, but even so the tide level is too high. Here I took my phone out of my bag and checked the tide levels. It should be 160 cm at the current reference position.

Normally, when the tide is 160 cm, you can walk across to the sandbar; when the tide is around 180 cm, you cannot cross on foot. If you want to swim across to a sandbar, it is easy. Tidal levels of 160 cm are not normally this high.

I am now about to walk to the shallowest path to the sandbar. If walking is not possible, swim. For me, crossing on foot to the sandbank is a pleasure. This solid calm in February in the Yaeyama Islands is a miracle. They had such lovely sea conditions yesterday.

First I go straight west for 200 metres. Iriomote Island in front of me is a landmark. I almost go diagonally forward to the right where there is a sandbar. But if I go diagonally, I will fall into the depths.

I have walked 200 metres and turn right. Turn your body north and continue in the direction of Ishigaki Island. I hope it doesn’t go any deeper… There is a border between the ordinary seabed and a sandbar. Can you all see it? I have just ridden to the sandbar. My feet are fluffy.

The shape of the sandbars in this area is recognisable. Can you all see it? I feel good . It is February now. Even in summer, such a sticky calm is rare. There are times when it is calmer, but even so, today’s sea conditions are excellent. It‘s wonderful …

I was able to cross to the sandbar on foot. This is possible when the tide is 160 cm at high tide on Neap tide. This area can be considered the main body of the sandbar. So beautiful … great… I usually go further in, but now I rest here. This place is like paradise.

The sky is thinly overcast. On days like this we get very nice morning sunrises… Not so this morning. However, today’s sunset looks promising. When it is lightly overcast, the morning and evening skies change beautifully. I move to the back of the sandbar. Excellent location. So beautiful …

360° direction, I cannot choose where I should shoot. Oh, it’s me. All I have to do is take a selfie. This was just a few days ago. My client came to this sandbar with his belongings in a waterproof bag.

The bag was not closed properly. Seawater flooded into the bag and his phone malfunctioned. I feel very sorry for you. Something similar has happened to me before. In my case, seawater flooded through the seams of my waterproof bag and I had to replace my phone.

My phone is inexpensive, so it wasn’t a big deal. I will not fail to take action after wasting one of my phones. My phone is always stored in a special waterproof case for my phone. The phone with the waterproof case is then stored in this waterproof bag.

I then store that waterproof bag in a larger waterproof bag. As far as smartphones are concerned, it is a triple waterproof system. Everything else is kept in a black waterproof bag, so it is a double waterproof system.

I got this from a viewer. This is a soda pop of the citrus ‘Amanatsu’ from Itoshima, Fukuoka, Japan. Thank you! I drink it and take a barefoot walk to the back of the sandbank. Thank you so much ! Tasty ! Thank you all for always bringing me such delicious items.

This is the landscape I am walking through now. It is so wonderful ! I live in this beautiful place, but I plan to move to Nagano Prefecture in the mountains of Japan. Can I make it happen? I had just noticed something when I crossed over to the sandbar.

At a time like this I should have joined a tour by Passo, a snorkelling shop in Iriomote Island. It is now 11:00 am, so it is too late to realise this now. Perhaps they are at the second point by now?

Today’s forecast was for light winds and clear skies, which seemed to be a given. Why didn’t I realise this earlier? I am also on holiday tomorrow, so I could have joined the snorkelling today and the trekking tour tomorrow. Kayaking and trekking tours in ‘Kazaguruma or ‘Kaguya’ are recommended.

It’s my friend’s shop, but even I would pay my fair share♪ But… It’s good because I’m enjoying it here. I became so satisfied with this place that I stopped going out anywhere else. You only live once, and it is a short life. You have to go to nice places.

A ranking of regrets exists when people die. ‘That I didn’t go where I wanted to go.’ Not seeing the people I wanted to see.” These are. These two are at the top of the ranking. That’s just it, I want to get it done.

I arrived at Kondoi beach at 10:30am. There were only about 10 rental bikes in the bicycle parking area. Winter is a period when there are fewer tourists, even on sunny days. Of those few travellers, none come across to the sandbar at all.

Who brings a swimming costume for a February trip to Okinawa in the first place? Unless it is for marine sports. Even walking this deep into the water, the depth is just above the knees. It is good place . If it were an ocean I didn’t know, I wouldn’t come this far back.

Even the sea I know is scary. The waters I don’t know are even scarier. I brought my wetsuit… The water is not cold. I don’t use my wetsuit often, it’s too good to waste, so I might as well use it today. Today is Neap tide and it is currently high tide at 10:50am.

The wind is light today, with a southerly wind of 3-5 m/s. A customer in my shop the other day said, “Please pass on the wind speed information too.” . He is a kitesurfer.

You wear a board like a snowboard and the kite is at the end of a line held in your hand. You control it to increase your speed and fly high. The type that omits the lines and holds the kite directly in the hand is called a wingboard. It seems very difficult.

I’ve always wanted to experience… The more I listen to the explanation, the more it sounds very difficult. So today we have also reported wind speeds. I am happier with no wind, but he is happier with a lot of wind. It is great fun to be upside down on the water.

There are few fish in the vicinity of Kondoi beach. I just enjoy the clarity. It is very pleasant to close your eyes underwater. I go ashore and still sleep. Then I float in the water and sleep. There was nothing in the sea. I sit in this chair and relax. This is my office.

Souvenirs from a customer’s trip to Taiwan. This is a Taiwanese Coke. I think it was Coke. There are no letters that can be read as Coke. I think the customer said it was Coke. For now… Thank you. Today it is very pleasant to lie down naked.

Nakedness is very dangerous in summer because the UV rays are too strong. Thank you for Coke in Taiwan. Is this Root beer instead of Coke? Did she say Taiwanese Root beer? Root beer is not mentioned. However, it is also not listed as Coke. I think it tastes similar to Root beer.

This is Root beer. A PWC came from somewhere. I’d love to ride a PWC… For the first time in a very long time, I got a tan in the shape of a sandal. This is the first helicopter I have seen.

It is burgundy coloured, shiny and new, and is the type that can land on the water. Is it a new business for leisure? They flew straight from the direction of Ishigaki Island. In the afternoon, the sun is very strong and pleasant. I am about to go home.

I go home, wash my wetsuit, hang up my duvet and take a nap. I wish everyone in the world wonderful days today, tomorrow and beyond.


Instagram は「satorusato」で検索かこちら☟

Twitter は「ファットバイクレンタル竹富島」で検索かこちら☟


サトウサトルのお店のGoogle web siteはこちら☟


・GoPro HERO8 Black は瀕死の状態です。
・GoPro HERO9 Black
・GoPro HERO10 Black



  1. いつも本当にありがとうございます。

  2. 今日の海とそら超綺麗。海水まで透き通ってて、おいしい水のコマーシャルみたいに、おいしそうにみえます🎉。自然界のブルーの美しさと癒しに心和みます😊ありがとうございます😊

  3. 今回も南国の離島の日の出から始まる物語。

  4. サトウさんこんにちは!今日もコンドイビーチ綺麗でした。人生限られた時間なので思い立った時に行動したいと思っている江ノ電です!今年は雪の回廊を見に行きたいです。サトウさんお体に気をつけて頑張ってください。夫婦より

  5. 週末の金曜日🍺飲みながら拝見しております。

  6. こんにちは😃

  7. 2月とは思えない穏やかな天気ですね。サトウさんが羨ましいです。

  8. 今日もサイコー😃俺もサトルアイランドで暇さえあれば座ってたいよー楽しんでますね~今を楽しむことが出来ない人間はこの先も楽しめないらしいですよ。なかなか出来ないですよ。将来を案ずるよりも今を楽しみましょう。😊

  9. 本当に綺麗な景色ですね😊
    先週、沖縄本島に行き 念願だったホエールウォッチングツアーに参加しました。

  10. 真冬にこの空と海✨✨

  11. いつも素敵な動画をありがとうございます。また武富島に行きたい。すぐに行けないので、動画を見て行った気になっています。(笑)

  12. 綺麗ですね✨BGMもピッタリ。

  13. こんばんは!相変わらず、コンドイビーチは綺麗ですね〜😊

  14. サトウさん、Hi🖐️😃


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