李大釗孫子被舉報貪污,上級調查後:李廳長20年騎壞4輛自行車【文史江山 】

In 2005, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection received multiple anonymous reports, all of which mentioned Li Hongta as suspected of corruption. Who was Li Hongta? He was not only the director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Anhui Province at the time, but he also had a very important identity,

That is, he was one of the founders of the Communist Party. Li Dazhao’s grandson had to attract the attention of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In order not to alert the snake, they decided to conduct a secret investigation first.

However, the results of the investigation were unexpected. Li Hongta ‘s family was reported to be suspected of corruption and lived in a house assigned by the work unit decades ago. He lives in an old house and is busy with official duties. He has never taken a private car to pick him up.

Instead, he commutes by bicycle and even broke down four bicycles in 20 years. The more the comrades in charge of the investigation learned more about Li Hongta, the more curious he became about Li Hongta’s past experience. His life style is so clean. Comrades will have corruption problems. Li Hongta was born in 1949.

His father Li Baohua is the son of the revolutionary martyr Li Dazhao. Li Dazhao is the founder of the Communist Party and the first person to spread Marxist ideas to China. He has devoted his life to the revolutionary cause. Running around to call on the people to awaken, young people

Laid a good foundation for the development of the communist cause. Li Dazhao’s thoughts also influenced his family. From time to time, he told Li Baohua about the glorious deeds of his revolutionary ancestors and spread red ideas to him . Li Baohua also understood how important his father’s career was. Glorious and great

, I will follow his path and move forward. In 1927, after the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke down, Li Dazhao was arrested by Chiang Kai-shek and died heroically. His son Li Baohua went to Japan to study under the protection of his friends and avoided disaster. Li Baohua

Passed the Tokyo exam in Japan. Department of Physics and Chemistry of the Higher Normal School and successfully followed his father’s footsteps and joined the Communist Party of China. Later, when the September 18th Incident broke out, Li Baohua resolutely interrupted his studies and returned to China to join the Anti-Japanese War.

Later, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Li Baohua served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Central Bureau. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China , Li Baohua became the second deputy mayor of Peking City. In the same year, he gave birth to Li Hongta,

The same age as the Republic of China . At that time, Li Baohua was busy working for the construction of New China, while his mother Tian Yingxuan was working on a motorcycle in Changxin. The party committee of the automobile factory could only go home once a week

, so Li Hongta, who was only 19 days old, was sent to a citizen nursery until he was 6 years old. Li Hongta has never enjoyed any privileges since he was born . His parents were strict with him and would not allow him to receive special care.

Growing up in such a family tradition, Li Hongta naturally formed a common people’s consciousness. He set rules but set examples first and strictly required himself to establish correct values ​​​​for his children. He was born in a revolutionary family. Li Baohua also attached great importance to family tradition and education.

From time to time, he would use Li Dazhao’s deeds to inspire Li Hongta and ask Li Hongta to be strict with himself and keep learning . Li Hongta knew what it meant to serve the people since he was a child and grew up under the influence of his father.

Once, because Li Baohua was away at work, a commoner gave him several bags of raisins. The young Li Hongta was too greedy, so he collected them privately for his father. Then he ate happily. When Li Baohua found out, he didn’t say much but returned the food stamps of equal value to others.

Li Hongta was so ashamed that he knew he had made a mistake , so he took the initiative to admit it to his father. His father also took the opportunity. Educate him that as a member of the Communist Party, we cannot give priority to interests.

All we have to do is serve the people and cannot take advantage of the masses. This is engraved in the heart of young Li Hongta. Although Li Hongta has never seen his grandfather , his father’s words and deeds It affected him all the time. In

The late 1950s, it was the time of greatest material scarcity in the early days of New China. It was also when Li Hongta was growing up. At that time, Li Baohua was serving as the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. He did not engage in special life and lived a very poor

Life. For several months, his family was Li Hongta once couldn’t help but confided his feelings to his father. Li Baohua only said one sentence. The people had difficulty in food and clothing. The cadres’ life must be hard and no specialization was allowed. His father’s spirit

Had a strong influence on Li Hongta. The subtle influence also allowed him to develop a strong willpower during the difficult period . At the age of 16, he decided to join the army and receive more rigorous training. Although Li Hongta, who had just reported to the army, was 1.8 meters tall, he

Still weighed a lot. When he weighed less than 120 kilograms, his comrades gave him the nickname “Big Shrimp”. However, due to Li Hongta’s tenacious willpower, he was not afraid of any difficulties. The comrades in arms were impressed by the fact that Li Hongta was selected as a labor expert many times

During his three years in the army. His body became stronger with practice. After serving in the army, Li Hongta was assigned to work in a chemical plant in Hefei and became a worker. I still work on the highly toxic 666 pesticide production line. The chemical plant is very intense and polluting.

Every day I have to deal with toxic and harmful gases. Chemical protection is always around me . But Li Hongta did not complain about being tired and always shared the hardest work at that time. The team leader liked this young man who took the initiative very much. Li Hongta

Quickly mastered the technical methods and became the backbone of the factory because of his enthusiasm and willingness to work. Due to his outstanding performance while working in the fertilizer factory, he also successfully joined the Communist Party of China in 1973. In October of that year, on the recommendation of the factory,

He went to Hefei University of Technology for further study. After three years of study, Li Hongta graduated and returned to his original unit to become a technical engineer. In 1978, Li Hongta was also elected to the Communist Youth League. A member of the 10th National Congress. Not long after,

Li Hongtao served as the Secretary of the Hefei Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League. He successfully entered the officialdom of the Standing Committee of the Hefei Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China . Li Hongta was a soldier at the age of 16 until he took up a leadership position.

Only he himself knows the hard work behind it. The result of his hard work, hard work, and low-key approach. His comrades, co-workers, and classmates never knew that such an outstanding young man was the grandson of Li Dazhao, the pioneer of our party. Li Hongta came through step by step

By his own ability, not by relying on He took shortcuts with his qualifications as a third- generation red official and a second-generation official . In October 1983, Li Hongta served as the deputy secretary of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League . In 1987,

At the age of 38, Li Hongta chose to leave the Communist Youth League on his own initiative and without hesitation chose to work in the Department of Civil Affairs. He said bluntly I just want to find a department that does practical things to work in civil affairs, especially those

That directly serve the people. We all know that the work of the civil affairs department is not only diverse but also cumbersome. There is no fixed time to carry out the investigation , and it even takes ten days and a half to go into the countryside

. But it is this kind of position that Li Hongta really yearns for. After coming to the Anhui Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Li Hongta worked as the director of the Department of Civil Affairs. In 18 years, during this period, he had many promotion opportunities , but he declined them all.

After moving to the Civil Affairs Department in 1987, Li Hongta never left. While working in the Civil Affairs Department, Li Hongta devoted himself to the grassroots level. He spends half of the year with the people in the countryside. His reverse working method makes people talk about it.

When he goes to the countryside, he hardly says hello to the relevant events , and the places he visits usually choose places that are inaccessible by car and then walk there. Li Hongta, who lives in the village, said that he must leave the road and go directly to the people.

Looking through the glass along the road is not as solid as his own footsteps . Since Anhui is located in the north-south climate transition zone, floods and waterlogging occur frequently. The disaster relief task fell to the civil affairs system. In 1991, the East China University Li Hongta rushed to the front without hesitation.

In order to understand the disaster situation, Li Hongta even ran in the disaster area for more than 20 consecutive days, using his reverse working method to penetrate into the masses. Once he walked into the tent where the victims lived and found that the heat was unbearable and he

Hurried away. He took out the thermometer from his briefcase and brought the measurement results to the office of the county party secretary. The local party and government agencies immediately vacated the office space and relocated nearly 30,000 victims from tents. Comrades who had worked with Li Hongta recalled that

He conducted research at the grassroots level. He always wears a pair of military green sneakers with his trousers rolled up and the shoes are full of mud. Then he goes to the relevant office to find comrades to solve the problems encountered in the survey. The most common thing Li Hongta says is that

What the civil affairs department does is to serve the party and the country in two sentences. The government shared the worries and made enemies of the needy people. In life , Li Hongta strictly demanded that he be very diligent and thrifty and never take anything from the masses. The work

Unit gave him many opportunities to allocate big houses to him, but he refused them all. Still, the family still squeezed into the old house. The area of ​​his house in the small house is only 55 square meters, which is far smaller than the 95 square meters required for housing

For provincial and departmental cadres. Although books have been piled up all over the house and there is no extra space , he still insists on not wanting to change his house. Li Hongta The furniture in the home is full of the flavor of the times,

All of which were made when they were married , including old-fashioned ceiling fans and 20-inch TVs, etc. It takes people back to decades ago. Li Hongta didn’t know about his decades of work. He has solved the housing problem for many people , but he never considered giving himself

A new batch of housing allocation quotas in the province in 1998. At that time, Li Hongta’s son happened to be in need of housing , but Li Hongta thought over and over again and still put the people first. The principle of cadres rejected this opportunity. However, he failed two years later and

The provincial leaders directly allocated him the quota for a new house . In the end, Li Hongta and his wife did not live in it but gave the house to the newlyweds. Who would have thought that Li Hongta , whose son lived such a simple life, would be reported a few years later

That such a cadre and a good public servant of the people could be corrupt ? After months of visits and investigations, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection concluded that not only was Li Hongta not corrupt , but he also Li Hongta has received a lot of legitimate dividends.

As a department-level cadre, Li Hongta can enjoy the full-time driver’s transportation to and from work according to his rank . But he smiled and said that it is more convenient for me to ride a bicycle. This has been going on for decades , no matter how windy or rainy it is.

Li Hongta insists on cycling to and from work, and someone kindly reminded him that if you don’t take a car, what should other deputy directors do ? Li Hongta bluntly said, “This is for physical exercise , not for making distinctions. As an official, you have to move in step to

Follow suit. ” As time goes by, bicycles cannot withstand the ravages of time. Over the years, Li Hongta has worn out 4 bicycles and worn out 5 raincoats and 7 pairs of rubber shoes. In 2003, Li Hongta changed his bicycle to an electric vehicle.

He also joked that this was the same as Keeping pace with the times , it can be said that Li Hongta, who was instilled with civilian education by Li Baohua since childhood, has not changed over the years.

Riding a bicycle is just a small aspect of his closeness to the people . He wants to get closer to the living realm of ordinary people through riding a bicycle . This is also a way of understanding the people’s sentiments. In this way, it can be said

That he has never left the people and is a truly good party cadre. Li Hongta always said that my ancestors taught me to always maintain a hard and simple style and always place myself among the people. Once in an interview, his wife still I can’t help but complain that there are only a

Handful of department-level cadres whose families have less savings than ours. However, Li Hongta’s clean and honest style has been questioned by others . They always feel that there are no people in the world who don’t care about material things. But they don’t know that Li Hongta The education he received since childhood

And his own experience have shaped him like this. He is the kind of person who attaches great importance to ideals, spiritual beliefs and material enjoyment. If riding a bicycle to and from work in the past 20 years is a show, then he Li Hongta, who has been working hard and plainly for decades,

Asked how many people could do it after so many years of being an official . In the end, the investigation team reported all the information they found to the leaders. Through repeated reviews by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Hongta was given justice

And confirmed that Li Hongta is an upright party member and cadre who has never violated principles. It is really hateful that he was smeared and fabricated by such a report letter , but this incident also tells us. As long as you are upright, you will not be afraid of the shadow.

Under the influence of the revolutionary family tradition, Li Hongta has been educated in serving the people and being honest since he was a child. His faith is grown in his bones and lives in his soul. The three generations of the Li family have adhered to justice and stayed true to the right path

Through the vicissitudes of history for a hundred years. We It is precisely because of outstanding cadres like Li Hongta who serve the people wholeheartedly that the country can grow stronger day by day.

李大釗孫子被舉報貪污,上級調查後:李廳長20年騎壞4輛自行車【文史江山 】




  1. 那是他自身過得硬,和他見都沒有見過的李大釗沒有直接關係,花那麼長的篇幅講李大釗幹什麼?想宣揚現在逐漸流行的血統論?

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