【国家資格/勉強風景】仕事始めの憂鬱感を無くす考え方|Weekend Vlog|

It may not be the same as May disease, but I find myself hating going to work. However, once I started working, I didn’t feel that way. It’s a new year and you want to be active, but are there times when your heart just can’t keep up? ?

Also, there were times when I unconsciously compared myself to those around me and thought, “I can’t be like this…” and I thought about it a lot before going to bed. But one day I suddenly thought to myself, “I’m just amazing to be alive.” It wasn’t because I saw some news, but because

My ideal images, expectations, and goals that I had unconsciously built up were too much of a hurdle for me at that time. I realized that it was expensive. Well then, let’s lower that hurdle.

With that in mind, the first thing I did was to write down my wishes in a notebook and see how high the hurdles were.By doing this, I began to realize how many dreams and goals I had only in my head.

I was 27 years old at the time, and my main dreams were to study abroad and become a manager . I don’t want to understand the current situation where even though I can take 6-8 days off a month, I can’t quit because there aren’t enough people, and

Even though I’m in a management position, there are a lot of people above me and I’m losing experience and skills, but it’s something I want to do.

After writing it down, I finally realized that “if things continue like this, it’s impossible.” And I also realized that the reason for my mental confusion was due to my own emotions. For the time being, I decided to set a lower hurdle in the process of getting closer to my dream.

That was the first time I felt “Just being alive is amazing.” As a derivative of that, I gradually raised the bar, such as “It’s great to be able to breathe properly” and “It’s great to eat breakfast,” and in the end, I was able to make those two dreams come true.

It may be a beautiful thing, but when you praise people, they grow ← So, this January, before you feel tired or sad that you don’t have the motivation to work or study, praise yourself for the hard work you’ve done up until now and improve yourself for tomorrow

. Please give me some vitality. (I’m really proud of myself for going to work today) , but studying for the entrance exam is quite a hurdle for me, but I’ve finally completed the second round of the textbook, and I’ve

Been solving it using past question books and past question websites. , I wish the questions were asked in a different way ((´;ω;`) Ever since I started studying for the first time in October, I don’t think I’ll be able to pass the exam in the first year, but

This year I can study the most. In 2017 (single and living at home with my parents), I decided to study because I thought it was the only time to fill in the basic knowledge.The time for solving past questions goes by quickly…

For work, I have to take in-house qualifications, so I decided to study . I’ll do my best… (‘;’) It’s Friday! This week’s work ends today!! So, I came to the usual cafe! I’m really refilling my coffee, so please forgive me today too…

Labor Insurance/Collection I thought that the text for this law subject was a little less thick than the others , but it was a large amount of content () I have a lot of MUJI notebook refills, so I decided to copy them down to memorize the numbers. I thought about it, but

There are so many, and even if I just write numbers, I feel like I’m satisfied with what I’ve written, and then this blue pen.Draw a marker over the letters you want to memorize and cover them with a red sheet as you memorize them. It’s on

This paper, but with this paper, the ink bleeds through and it’s a delicate combination of failures and failures…But I don’t want to use it for text.It’s a wasteful spirit…lol Today I’m going to a spa.Why do I My back gets really rough. I had atopic dermatitis.

When I was a child, I used to scratch my whole body, and even though I hadn’t fallen, I still had scabs all over the place. It was amazing to think about it now

. It seems like it can be cured by the effect of water, but if you want to do it properly, I think it would be a good idea to stay overnight and take a bath every day, but there are no good hot springs nearby, so this time I will go to Tochigi.The

License plate has a good design. There doesn’t seem to be one in the area.I wonder if it can be attached to a motorcycle? Since I was a child, I’ve loved this scene of entering a toll gate on an expressway.It’s lunchtime

, so I’m going to go to a ramen shop to fill my stomach.Sakura Soba Store / Tochigi Prefecture Sakura City Tsukemen ♡ Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it was delicious (^_-)-☆

I got the chicken soba noodles out of all the different types of ramen that I had, and I got the chicken soba.The chicken oil smelled good and stimulated my appetite…The noodles were

Thin and the amount was good. There was quite a lot of it, and the soup had a lot of flavor from the dried sardines, so even though I’m a tsukemen fan, it was a bowl that I couldn’t get bored of until the end.You can’t tell by its

Appearance that it’s a ramen shop. . . . We arrived. The place you will be taking care of is Matsushima Onsen Otome no Yu (♡) in Tochigi, which is one of the famous hot springs highly praised by people with skin problems.

Open from 12:00 during this cold season. The skin-friendly, slimy hot springs (is that the right word?) were perfect for me, and I didn’t even have to apply moisturizing cream after taking a bath. Recommended: Romanchic Village Roadside Station

Tochigi has a strong image of strawberries, but other fruits are also delicious. I also really like this variety of pear called “Nikkori.” At the roadside station, I tend to loosen my purse strings before I get car sick, and

Once I get into the habit of reading case law and studying hard in my spare time, I have a lot to do every day, regardless of how good or bad I am. I had a great time returning home. (Smiling) Doping (Ramune/Sugar) I have to graduate from being the “children’s room lady”…

If I memorize other subjects, I will forget them more and more, so I have to use the subjects I have now in moderation.For now, we are working on welfare pension insurance. The text of the law arrived at my house.It was very thick when I was editing it. (That’s scary~)

Oh, I’m looking forward to learning new laws again tomorrow… () By the way, have you decided on your goals and what you want to do this year? Every year, five of my high school classmates and I have been meeting during the year-end and New Year holidays for about seven years to discuss our reflections and resolutions. And of course, what I announced this year

Was ★taking the exam and passing (!) I feel like the first half of 2024 will be filled with just that. And as a small detail, ★I don’t dye my hair ★I can put on a kimono by myself From reflection in 2023★Health comes first! ! ! ! ! ! !

I might have said it in a low voice because I was not confident in passing the exam, but I really want to take care of my health. I wanted to make a 2024 version of the 15 -minute notebook time (tranquilizer) bullet journal, but I gave up because I didn’t have the time. I would like to have fun with my main notebook and this kind of decoration. When I can’t find it in the index, I despair…

It’s a wide range and there are a lot of similar character strings.I’m going out with my boyfriend for two days from today. I feel reluctant to study. So, I only have an hour before I go! !

Today we’re going to a large used goods store, and my boyfriend is going to look at machines and games, and I’m going to look at kimonos! Hard Off / Hachioji I feel bad about it … Why are you wearing a kimono this year?

If you’re Japanese, you want to be able to wear a kimono. That’s a simple reason. However, I don’t have time to go to a kimono dressing class, so I’m going to borrow the help of YouTube (watch videos) and practice with a relatively cheap kimono and obi.

It’s so beautiful… However, there seem to be rules about when to wear it, such as the pattern, color, and type of obi , which is quite interesting. I like dark colors, but looking at them like this makes me want to try out colors that I wouldn’t choose. They’re too cute…I’m glad they’re Japanese…()

Some are as cheap as 1,650 yen, while others are reasonably priced. This time I couldn’t make a choice in time, so I’m going home… but I’ll be here again…(grasping my wallet) New Year’s visit and strolling around Kamakura ~ I like kudzu ice cream~ Ramune tasted a bit like violent medicine though.

Sugimotoji Temple (Bando Thirty-Three Kannon Sacred Site No. 1 Temple) Hokokuji Temple Bamboo Forest There are many people from overseas, so it’s a great spot for cross-cultural exchange. I’m in love with a cool American guy ← Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine The birds at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine are really friendly and fun. I’m satisfied.

I was surprised at how expensive the pigeon sables were (I was going to give them out at work, but I decided not to).I will keep my household account book and the memories of this trip. I’m glad I was able to visit Sugimotoji Temple while being surrounded by nature in its solemn atmosphere.

Let’s do our best next week too – improve our mental health and stay motivated! Thank you for watching (^_-)-☆




松島温泉 乙女の湯
〇ハードオフ 八王子



💛愛車❤ イントルーダークラシック400 2007年式 CAB
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  1. こんばんは、チャンネル名変えたんですね、ライブ配信楽しみにしてますよ~

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