【ソロキャンプ】この発想は無かった! ツーリングドームと薪ストーブDECOの組み合わせ。 思ってた以上に快適でした。【白神山地 森のえき】【秋田県】

Today is my first attempt to install a wood stove in the Touring Dome LX.I wonder how it will turn out.I set it up like this.It worked just fine. Hey Okay , let’s go to the hot springs. Let’s walk a little bit. [Applause] So there are three hot springs. The hot springs are also carefully selected, but this one smells like a really good king , but yes, this one is also carefully selected. Well then, let’s go

. This is also a hot spring. I took a bath once, but the temperature of the water was a little lukewarm, so I’ll go separately this time. It’s the biggest place. There’s also accommodation there, right? I’m sure it’s a hotel. I wonder what’s going on? Yeah, I want to go there. Ah,

I forgot the hot spring discount ticket for people who come all the way here, but it’s okay. It’s already a 100 yen discount . The amount of hot springs used by people who camp.

Ah, I can’t help it . I’m going back now. No, no, I’m going to keep going. I’ve finally climbed up. I’m so tired. I took a video like this before. I’m sure, okay, I’ll bother you . Let’s go take a bath. Oh, there’s also a souvenir shop. I’m sure there’s

A large public bath here to warm up . There’s also a heated pool here, right? I want to go in and swim in the water. Well, that’s fine. Well, I’ll take care of it over here. Now, let’s take a bath. It was a really nice bath. So, when I came in earlier, I

Was allowed to take photos. I took it, but I didn’t pay the fee. It’s not dangerous. They’re going to get caught. I want to make sure I pay for that conversation. I’m sorry. Yes, I got permission to take the photo earlier, but I don’t think I paid the fee.

Iruma. I’m sorry, that’s right, that’s it. It’s a really steep uphill climb. Was it really that hard ? I’m running out of energy. I’m almost there . We’ve finally arrived. Ah, that’s it. Ah, I’m tired . After taking a bath, I feel refreshed and have a drink. I brought some ice from home.Oh

, it was a nice warm bath.I’m going to take it.Oh, it’s delicious.It’s delicious after a long time.I drank a little too much.I got tired of it, so I kept it open.Even at home, I kept drinking it. It ‘s been a long time since I’ve had a drink, Master. I

‘m going to eat some delicious hot pot. Today, I want to eat a small pot of rich miso. It ‘s bigger than usual. 300 . The smell is amazing. I’m going to put some pork in. This looks delicious. I want to add some garlic. It ‘s a bit too much

. That’s a lot. Okay , yummy . Delicious. That’s all I can do, let’s drink this. This sauce is insanely delicious . I’ll have the gyoza. The time is almost 11 o’clock. My stomach is full. I ate a little too much today. I ate dumplings. I ate beef stew. I ate

That bucket of bread. I heard that, and a hot pot, right?Miso pot.I was thinking about choosing a hot pot, but I tried to eat ramen and then rice, so I couldn’t eat at all.I’m full.Well, it can’t be helped, right?

And tomorrow, I’ll be able to take it easy, so I’ll have a good breakfast. I want to eat and have fun.Today I want to play with the cat’s maki stove a little more and then go to bed.I’ll see you tomorrow morning.Good night.It’s 5:47

Am.I went to the bathroom and it was snowing. It was only raining a little. Yes, it’s cold anyway, so I’m going to turn on the stove. It’s not heavy. I have n’t prepared it at all. How about this? It’s thin, it ‘s not broken. It’s okay

, it was yesterday night. Yesterday’s night. At night, or should I say early in the morning, my back was cold.It’s been a long time since I’ve felt really cold.I forgot to put on two layers of mattresses.It was

Cold wearing just one layer on top of the snow.It was only in the morning that I realized that.Until then. I had a good night’s sleep, but yes, it shouldn’t be that cold today. I wonder what time it is right now. It was an endless redo,

But it might have been a little colder outside. The tent was freezing to pieces . Anyway, I want to drink something warm. It’s a little late. I think I’ll use gas. I ‘ll have some coffee. Oh , it’s delicious. It’s getting warm.

There’s finally no smoke coming out of the chimney. It looks nice. Does that mean it’s completely burned? It’s about time to open the front.It’s pretty cold, about -4 degrees.The outside temperature is cloudy, but there ‘s a little bit of blue sky.I want to open the front

And have a bonfire.Yeah, I can take it easy today. I’m playing slowly.It ‘s quite cold.It feels good to open it.I’m hungry, so I’m going to eat the leftovers from yesterday’s hot pot.I put it in for now.It looks delicious , so I’m going to eat it.The hota is delicious.This is it for now.

Let’s have fun, okay, okay, okay, there’s a lot of it. You can eat this sleepy food. Oh, come on, let’s open it. It’s not the best. It’s colorful. It’s delicious. It’s delicious. Let’s eat it . It’s chewy, so this is it . And this is it. It’s delicious, it

‘s delicious, the cheese from Santo is amazing, of course it ‘s there, it’s heaped, it’s the best , it ‘s great , you can put it on that wood-burning stove.If you remove the top plate, it becomes a fire pit.I’m

Sure it’s the last one.If you remove the chimney, this is it. I want to make a bonfire and play.My mouth is small, but it’s next to me, so I’m afraid it might catch fire.I want to try it.I’m cleaning

Up little by little.Finally, I want to make a bonfire and play, so I’ll remove the chimney.It’s burnt a nice color. Well, it burned quite a bit, but it didn’t get hot at all. I don’t think it caused any damage. It’s okay. Yeah, it was fine.

It doesn’t produce that much firepower when it’s this small. Yeah, okay, let’s take it out of the chimney. It’s going to burn quite a bit. It’s okay , because we’re going to put it upright. It’s going to burn really well. That’s great. I’ve finished it. The weather has gotten really nice.

Ah , it’s nice and warm. It’s been three years since I last visited. It was a pity that there wasn’t much snow at Kananita’s forest station campsite , but I still enjoyed it. So this time, I tried playing with Coleman’s Twin Dome LX with a winding stobco. It was quite good and interesting.

I don’t think there are many people who do this, but please try to imitate it. I don’t really recommend it. I said yes. I haven’t decided yet which campsite I’ll go to next . I want to go far away once in a while. So,

Let’s meet again at the next camp. Well then, goodbye.



白神山地 森のえき



薪ストーブPOMOLY Dweller Max 3
一酸化炭素チェッカー CO濃度/湿度/温度機能付き
Prism(プリズム)充電式モバイルワイヤレスサーキュレーターCLAYMORE(クレイモア)fan(ファン) V600+(プラス) CLFN-V610WG 【日本正規品】
焚き火シート 98*65cm チクチクしない シリコン ブラック 黒 スパッタシート

コールマン(Coleman) テント ツーリングドーム LX 2~3人用
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズワンポールテント
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズバイクインテント
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ドーム
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ティピー BDK-75TC
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ベース BDK-79EX

キャプテンスタッグ(CAPTAIN STAG) キャンプ テント タープ ヘキサタープ
BUNDOK(バンドック) スクエア タープ TC BDK-20/BDK-133KA
DD Tarp タープ 3.5×3.5 マルチカム

コールマン(Coleman) 焚火台 ファイアーディスク
ユニフレーム(UNIFLAME) 薪グリル
BUNDOK(バンドック) 焚き火 台 LOTUS (ロータス)
フェニックスライズ(Phoenixrise) 焚き火台 フェニックスグリル (2枚火床Ver.)

アルパカストーブ TS-77 NC (Black)
モーラナイフ コンパニオン ヘビーデューティ (カーボン) MG ミリタリーグリーン
Hultafors(ハルタホース) アウトドア 斧 アックス オールラウンド
焚き火シート 98*65cm チクチクしない シリコン ブラック 黒 スパッタシート
一酸化炭素チェッカー CO濃度/湿度/温度機能付き
BUNDOK(バンドック) ロースタイル チェア BAMBOO
コールマン(Coleman) コンパクトフォールディングチェア オリーブ




  1. おしゃれキャンパーnaobooさん こんちわ~ 警察沙汰になるのかとヒヤヒヤしながら観ました 今後もおとなしく鍋を美味しく食べるシリーズでお願いします~😆

  2. またまた飯テロ〜🤤

  3. いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いてます😊

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