
Hello everyone We are a couple traveling around Japan with our DIY Hiace Sui-chan, camping and sleeping in the car. I’m currently in Osaka When I think of Osaka, I get the image of being in the city. The surrounding area is completely rural like Miyazaki.

This time I’m thinking of going somewhere that I can go to by car. There is a place in Osaka that is mentioned in textbooks, so I am also interested in it. What’s coming soon I came here to study at a place called “Osaka Prefectural Chikatsu Asuka Museum.”

I would like to proceed this time while also eating Osaka’s specialties. Thank you for your continued support today. It’s quite innovative Concrete This might be my first time making something like this. The entrance is still on the other side, so isn’t the entrance at the top?

Maybe not? That you can see it from above I was so eager to go up lol I went to Osaka Prefectural Chikatsu Asuka Museum. I went there We’re heading to the Mozu Tumulus Group from now on. I studied while looking at clay clay and pottery that were excavated there.

Unfortunately, video recording was not allowed inside the museum, so I only asked for permission to take photos. I’ll post the photos here, but there are quite a lot of haniwa and real things, including mirrors. Personally, I think it was fun to look at the corner where there are many such things.

The other thing is the model of the keyhole-shaped tumulus. It’s quite interesting In fact, there aren’t really any shops around this museum, and it’s not even a residential area. Osaka is such a big city, I thought it would be impossible to drive. I think I can drive around here already. I agree

We are currently in a place called Taishi-cho in Osaka Prefecture, which is said to be the town of Prince Shotoku. Apparently Prince Shotoku’s grave is actually located about 4 minutes from here. I won’t go this time though It’s a town connected to Prince Shotoku, so it’s just that, Taishi Town, right?

I was saying things like, “Is Taishi Town because of Prince Shotoku?” and it turned out to be exactly the case. I’ve changed my plans a bit. I’m already hungry, so I’d like to go eat some food first. I’ve been to Osaka many times, so I’ve eaten a lot of different foods,

Even though they’re famous.This time, I wanted to try something I’ve never tried before, so I did some research. Although it is a B-class gourmet dish, there is a type of udon called “kasu udon” so I thought I would try it. Please enjoy the cityscape of Osaka

While imagining what the udon will be like. Yes W I went into town for a while. Ah, this? Oh, this and that bike is coming. Yes, please forgive me I think it was 1 o’clock at night, or 3 o’clock depending on the day. It says “until 3 o’clock”, they’re open until that late.

Did you do it at noon, like 11 o’clock? Great beginning W I’ll enjoy having this Start with the soup It’s lighter than I expected Actually, I thought it looked quite oily. “Kasu” means “greasy residue.” It’s fried so it’s a little crunchy Delicious, delicious soup

I heard that beef fat and internal organs are fried. It’s cooked with (beef) fat. It’s completely different from hormone udon. The soup is delicious though I like that it also includes grated yam. And it was delivered very quickly About 30 seconds after ordering? It took less than a minute.

It’s udon, but it’s not udon soup. Only on the lunch menu, you can choose between rice balls or rice, which is really nice, isn’t it? Too much volume Too fat If it’s open that late at night, I’d like to come at the end. I was very satisfied Thank you for the meal

I ate kasu udon It was very delicious, wasn’t it? The hormones are fried in hormone fat. It was very fragrant, I was surprised. I still have some hormonal jiggling parts left, though. The aroma is so delicious that it melts into the noodles, isn’t it? The noodles had that greasy feel, not too soft

And not too hard, just right. I feel like it was made to go perfectly with that udon. This is unfortunate news, and I can only convey it through this photo. There was a type of rice called “Toncho”. I wanted to eat rice, so this is it for now. It’s called “taste of hometown.”

I thought there was a parking lot here, so I came here. They said it was already sold out around 12pm, so I called them and they said they would reserve it for me. Ami took a wrong turn on the way. It’s already 2pm…

So (I took the wrong route) it took about 2 hours. It’s 14:30, right? It’s 12 o’clock now, still… Were you still there at 12 o’clock? to the museum That’s right, there’s nothing wrong with my driving. I think they sell them at stations etc. However, the dates are limited.

I’ve also seen it only available on Sundays. I thought this place would be empty so I’d go home. Wow, this is an interesting place in a residential area. It’s not a factory area, but there are factories there, and the land cost is high, so each house is narrow. super narrow

I thought this was a house in the city But I was longing for it, right? Scenes where they’re talking through the window, etc. Wouldn’t that be the case if you were friends with the neighbor you once admired or had a classmate with? Through the window, ask someone to go to their house.

On the other hand, if it wasn’t so You always have to think about disturbing your neighbors, right? That’s an adult’s idea, and if you become a little more pure in your heart, you can aspire to things like that, right? Actually,

I don’t like that, I think if neighbors like that were to stick together like that, they wouldn’t have to worry about the noise. But it’s actually amazing It’s possible to cram so many people into this kind of premises. That’s right, how many tsubos is it? Besides, it can’t be helped, right?

If you live here, that’s the only place you can live. Is there something like this in Miyazaki? If it’s around Miyazaki Station, it won’t be this expensive! I guess so I can’t find anything this expensive in line. Let’s go buy some butterflies for a snack at 3pm~ Enough of butterflies?

It seems like there are fewer and fewer places where you can buy it. More and more directly managed stores are closing. The place I went to today is already the Tsurumi factory, so it’s the head office, but I wonder if that’s the rest. Shin-Osaka…Umeda, or a place inside the station

That sells all kinds of things. But isn’t it possible with a car? Because there’s no parking lot There’s a parking fee, and it’s quite difficult when it comes to stations. From what comes from outside I didn’t know you could reserve it. I didn’t know, I didn’t know that much

I ended up driving a lot in the city. It started out in a very rural place. There are so many lanes and so much traffic. I don’t even know where to turn my eyes anymore I can’t let her drive. It wasn’t like I was driving dangerously or anything.

I’ll go even if the light is red I haven’t been there~I think there are people who really believe in it. I didn’t do that, I certainly didn’t run a red light or anything like that. Even if I say “stop”, it won’t stop, it’s stopped lol Seriously, can you please

Stop and stop brainwashing me? Seriously W Well, if it’s the old Ami, why are you saying that? That kind of thing W It’s starting to snow and the wind is suddenly strong. Meanwhile, a junior high school boy in short sleeves was walking by. It’s tough, and it’s tough

To see something like that in a time like this. When we were kids, there were kids who wore short sleeves all year round. But I’ve never seen junior high school students in summer uniforms. There isn’t one, I thought it was pretty amazing. The temperature outside is 6 degrees Celsius right now,

But I think it’s a bit cold when I see that I’m wearing short sleeves like this and sticking it in my pocket. We are about to arrive at the Nintoku Emperor Mausoleum. “Daisen” park is I don’t know if it’s called “Taisen” Park, but as I went around this place,

I could see a few other ancient tombs. And now turn right And from now on, I will not enter the bicycle parking lot… enter the parking lot The parking fee is also low at 200 yen. 2 hours 200 yen

The weather is a bit strange, but I would like to come and see it. It’s only been a little over a month into this year, hasn’t it? Coming in 12 months It’s cold today A keyhole-shaped tumulus ahead There is a burial mound of Emperor Nintoku. This is in front of the keyhole-shaped tumulus.

Like the bottom of the keyhole? Is it about the shape? That’s quite a distance just to go around. No matter how you look at it, if you look at it from here I can only see the mountains beyond the torii gate, but I have no idea where they are, after all.

This is a keyhole-shaped tumulus Emperor Nintoku’s Mausoleum is one of the world’s three largest tombs, Khufu’s Pyramid Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang And this is the tomb of Emperor Nintoku Located in Japan, China, and Egypt It looks like a place of worship You can’t go inside, so you can only see this far.

The sun was shining just right, making it feel divine. here? This is it now It is said that it is not known if Emperor Nintoku even existed in the first place. As the 16th emperor, he saw how the people were suffering from taxes. “I have to do something”

Emperor Nintoku was said to be a legendary emperor because he waived taxes for just three years. I went to see it at the Asuka Museum today. I’m sorry but the cute sparrows are eating. Sorry, I was eating, but see you soon. Almost everyone left. overwhelmingly large Look at Miyazaki too, it’s in Saito.

You’ve been there before, Saitobaru Tumulus Group. This is usually where children from Miyazaki go on excursions. I went too Most places have it, but of course there are some places that don’t have it. This is what Osaka looks like from above Wow, it feels like the near future this is a small tomb

It’s full of crows though lol Time wise, it’s already 5pm and the crows will be gathering. If you come to Daisen Park, there is also a cafe there. It’s like a vacation spot now. Here, I knew exactly. There is also a “Sakai City Museum”, so I’m sure you can study there as well.

It might have been fine here, but we might also be fine either way. This way, we’re right next to the ancient tomb. I could have stayed here and walked around and looked at the various ancient tombs, and maybe even ridden a bicycle. People around here should come to this park.

Because there’s a lot of space It’s nice to be able to play with my family now. It’s also good for walking your dog. There are a lot of people bringing their dogs. It can be a running course or a walking course. There’s also a cafe, so it’s a bit of a gathering place.

I’m back in the car Now that winter has arrived, I don’t mind cooking in the car anymore, but there are times when I feel like it’s a little difficult to take out the dishes. I will cut it inside this It’s nice that leftovers don’t spoil, especially in winter.

Be gentle so you don’t tear it, okay? Look, this is it. my··· It’s a stacked tower I’ll enjoy having this Can I go from here? I’m curious about this It might get messy. Please be careful delicious! Is it healthy? It is okonomiyaki that has a “Western” and “Japanese” feel.

It also contains shiitake mushrooms It has bean sprouts in it and is delicious enough to be eaten as a potato pie. This is my first time eating persimmon leaf sushi. It smells good ~ it’s like this It doesn’t really capture the flavor of the stems and leaves that much.

I like that it also contains red ginger, it’s delicious. Okara okonomiyaki Once you add pork, you can just call it “Okonomiyaki.” Pork, I’m confused. Even though I was saving money, I thought it would be nice to make the pork a little more luxurious, and it turned out to be really delicious.

Even people who don’t like okara will definitely find it delicious. It becomes surprisingly moist. I thought it was Posoporo There are several roadside stations, and vegetables are cheap at every roadside station, so I think it’s nice that these ingredients are cheaper than I imagined. Seriously delicious

Is it alright? If Ryo-kun says it’s delicious, everyone tries it and what if it’s not good? I don’t have to buy raw okara. I bought it because it was discounted. I have finished eating my meal. I would like to end my one day sightseeing in Osaka with this.

I traveled a lot by car, but I was able to drive through the streets of Osaka. I think I was able to learn a lot of things with a fresh mindset. I’m going to send you another video of what’s going on in Osaka for the next day.

I would be happy if you could look forward to those videos as well. If you think our videos are even a little good, please let us know Please subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating. Thank you for watching until the end this time. It was Teradafufu Goodbye







0:00 オープニング
0:41 大阪府立近つ飛鳥博物館
3:20 かすうどん
6:10 とん蝶
10:46 大山陵古墳
14:28 大山公園
15:41 車中飯
18:50 エンディング











▼ チャンネル登録








#日本一周 #車中泊 #バンライフ #ハイエース #夫婦 #大阪


  1. おから入りお好み焼き作ってみたくなりました🎉

  2. お疲れ様です!!九州出身の私が言うのも変ですが、


  3. ナイスチョイスd('∀'*)かすうどん最高でしょ〜大阪にいた時は、夜な夜な食べに行ってました😅油カスは今でも取り寄せてます!

  4. 藤井寺から鶴見は遠かったでしょう!オコワ買えず残念😢

  5. かすうどんは美味しい所はびっくりしましたよ(^-^;

  6. お疲れ様です!大阪良いですね~食べ物が美味しいそうだし行って見たいです😊あみさん運転中の笑顔が とても素敵ですよ 笑顔で旅できるの最高に 幸せですよね😊ただ自分は大阪、東京絶対運転できないかも 怖くて!お目当ての物買えなくて残念ですね この次ですよね😊

  7. とん蝶、残念でしたー😢

  8. 何度も大阪行ってるのに、関西住まいだったこともあるけど古墳は一度も行ったことなかった、大仙公園広くてのんびりできそう😊

  9. 初めてコメントします😊大阪に来てくれてありがとうございます❤知っている道を通っていたので感激しました(^^)これからも応援してます♪

  10. 珈琲と旅が好きな主婦です。二人の夢は珈琲ショップを開く事だそうですね。開いたら宮崎迄行きたいですちなみに私は現在72歳なので早く叶えてね

  11. 綺麗な青空続きで楽しくドライブさせて頂きました🚐

  12. こんにちは♪

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