
Today I went camping in the snowy mountains. So today, I won’t sleep and will make a bonfire until morning. thank you for your hard work. We are camping again today. I’ve finally arrived at the mountain. yes. I’m camping today, but I come here every year.

Yes. So there’s not much snow, after all. This year it seems like the winter will be a little warmer and there won’t be much snow. So it seems easy to set up. However, there are quite a few animal footprints.

It may not be today or yesterday, but there are quite a few. I’d like to take a look around and see if there are any bear footprints . I wonder what these footprints are, but they’re pretty big.

Well, it’s not a bear! Yeah. There are many footprints like this. There aren’t any big footprints, so I guess it’s okay. After all, I’m scared of bears when the winter is warm and there’s not much snow. I’d like to do this with some care.

So, how about leveling the ground and setting up? I was finally able to level the ground. I was tired. So today’s tent is BUNDOK SOLO DOME. I would like to do this with just one. Today we are camping without heating equipment.

There’s no heating, but maybe a bonfire and a hokkaido? Please use it, it may be cold. I would like to try it. I’ll build a tent. The setup has been completed. This is how I’m going to do it today. So today I won’t sleep and will make a bonfire. So

I brought a lot of firewood besides the cat. still. yes. Even though I told you not to sleep, I have a sleeping bag. This is a sleeping bag just in case. I won’t sleep today. So the tent is just a place to store your luggage. yes. Please understand that. yes. Like this.

Oh no. I like the mountains after all. It will get you excited. I feel cold today. So since there is no heating, I use warmers and platinum warmers. Can you bear this? It’s still around zero degrees. I’ll use it already.

Having it and not having it are completely different. Put this in your pocket. It’s warm. Good. Of course I will use this too. Good. This should be OK. This is absurdly warm. Good. This is also a pocket. It’s a pocket.

So today, there you go. I’m going to make a bonfire without sleeping, so if I start drinking too early, I’ll get sleepy. For now, I’d like to start a bonfire and have something warm to drink. Initially. Good. Now let’s light the fire. How’s the wind?

It’s coming from the front. The wind is coming from the front. It’s already warm. That’s nice. It’s warm when you light a fire. So I still drink it cold. cheers. If it gets rusty in the mountains, it’ll be a mess. It is ok, is not it?

If there’s a black lump, it’s over. I’m already doing this while looking around. I’m really curious. I’m going to cook early today. It always takes time. So for today’s stew dish, I’m going to make “motsu stew.” Stir-fry the offal. With sesame oil. Is the fire weak?

Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh. hot! I’ll wear these too. It’s suddenly hot. Good. Here. I went to cut up some vegetables. Radish, burdock, carrot konnyaku. Stir-fry this as well. It’s also a large amount. There’s no point in leaving it behind, so I’ll do it. Stir-fry this too.

Once it’s roasted to a certain extent, add water and bring it to a boil. with this. Let’s simmer this. It boiled nicely and I also removed the lye. Let’s go have another drink. It’s still going to take a while. It will take another hour and a half.

I plan on simmering it for about 30 minutes, seasoning it, and simmering it for about an hour. I also bought some hot pot and some fish today. Do you want to eat grilled fish? Add flavor. That’s good. Add 1 piece of Yasumaru dashi stock to this. Put one in.

First of all, ginger and garlic. a little. a little. Dashi soup that will calm down for a while. Is it better to boil it? Even if I do this, the soup stock will already come out. Listen. Should I leave it in? So today it’s red. I’ll try this with miso.

I don’t know what’s going on. Also add sugar. Fair enough. I’ll do it properly. Let’s boil this for a while. Also. with this. Let’s simmer this again. I can’t drink anything cold anymore, so I’m going to drink shochu. This is also my first time.

Satsuma Shochu Kaikozu. I wonder if that’s what you’re saying? Chestnut gold. Where is this? Kagoshima Minamisatsuma. Thank you for your help earlier. Good. Let’s go drink this. Because I’m boiling water. Would you like to taste it first? I’ll take a look then. Is it quite spicy? perhaps? Good. Let’s drink hot water.

Hot water allocation. At this point. I’ll try adding some hot water. Even if you mix it with hot water, it won’t be that sweet. Stay dry. Is it quite rare? Ah~. But it’s delicious. Warm. Is delicious. It’s 5 o’clock right now. The temperature is -2°.

The LED is on, but let’s turn on the oil lantern. Ah~. good. I think it’s been about 30 minutes since I simmered the motsu. I’m hungry. I’m currently enjoying it with hot water. Ah, it’s delicious. It’s warm, after all. As for the hot water. Today is also great.

It will warm you up with hot water. Drink it without making it too strong. Because I can’t sleep today. I’ll drink it slowly. Ah~. delicious. It’s about time to stew the offal. Yeah. Let’s eat, let’s eat. Looks delicious. It’s hot. already. Let’s eat. looks delicious. It is like this.

That’s a lot of carrots. Like this. I’ll add some color. of course. So colorful. I’ll take it then. Now this. looks delicious. I’ll have the offal stew. Yeah. delicious. It became soft. nice. Burdock. Japanese white radish. Konnyaku. delicious. Fit. They fit together ridiculously.

It’s dangerous. It was a steamy place. It’s warm and delicious. Something is making a loud noise. “Please turn up the volume on your device and listen.” What? I’ve never heard of it. what? this. eh? The owl also began to hoot. I’m talking about it. Please lower the volume.

I’m warming up the sake now. Let’s drink this in the meantime. I can’t wait. Let’s eat. Ah~. cold. It’s now 5:50. The temperature is my 3.2C. It’s getting quite cold. But after eating and drinking a little, I felt warm. So, I’m going to sandwich it cold once. delicious. Grilled dried striped Atka mackerel.

So I’m warming up my drink. It’ll be delicious. Continued in the second part.




薪ストーブPOMOLY Dweller Max 3
Prism(プリズム)充電式モバイルワイヤレスサーキュレーターCLAYMORE(クレイモア)fan(ファン) V600+(プラス) CLFN-V610WG 【日本正規品】
ユニフレーム(UNIFLAME) 薪グリル
LAGERFEUER 火吹き棒 火起こし 名栗 12cm~61cm 伸縮自在
焚き火シート 98*65cm チクチクしない シリコン ブラック 黒 スパッタシート
一酸化炭素チェッカー CO濃度/湿度/温度機能付き

コールマン(Coleman) テント ツーリングドーム LX 2~3人用
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズワンポールテント
DOD(ディーオーディー) ライダーズバイクインテント
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ドーム
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ティピー BDK-75TC
BUNDOK(バンドック) ソロ ベース BDK-79EX

キャプテンスタッグ(CAPTAIN STAG) キャンプ テント タープ ヘキサタープ
BUNDOK(バンドック) スクエア タープ TC BDK-20/BDK-133KA
DD Tarp タープ 3.5×3.5 マルチカム

コールマン(Coleman) 焚火台 ファイアーディスク
ユニフレーム(UNIFLAME) 薪グリル
BUNDOK(バンドック) 焚き火 台 LOTUS (ロータス)
フェニックスライズ(Phoenixrise) 焚き火台 フェニックスグリル (2枚火床Ver.)

アルパカストーブ TS-77 NC (Black)
モーラナイフ コンパニオン ヘビーデューティ (カーボン) MG ミリタリーグリーン
Hultafors(ハルタホース) アウトドア 斧 アックス オールラウンド
BUNDOK(バンドック) ロースタイル チェア BAMBOO
コールマン(Coleman) コンパクトフォールディングチェア オリーブ




  1. 広辞苑に「ことめかす」という単語はありませんでした(笑) …ということで、流行語大賞ねらいますぜ! ことめかし料理という使い方、Goood!

  2. naobooさん、お疲れさまです!

  3. naobooさん

  4. お疲れ様です♫

  5. naobooさんお疲れ様です☃️

  6. naobooさん、お疲れ様です😊



  7. おはようございます😌今回は山に入ったのですね😂ことめがす早くも流行語にランクインですか 笑 なおぶーさん、その調子で熊もわためがしてやって下さい 笑

  8. お疲れ様です。

  9. naobooさん、こんばんは👋

  10. naobooさん、いつも拝見させてもらっています。
    フクロウの声は、かわいい😀 こちらはカラスの声ばかりです。

  11. やすまる出汁 ワタシも家で使っています。
    中身は全部 食べられるので袋をちぎって中身をお鍋に直接入れています。
    取り出して捨てるのは 勿体ないですよ。

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