
Hello, everyone. I am Adu An uninhabited village found deep in the mountains of Jiangxi More than 100 houses abandoned. There are ruins everywhere Weed They are taller than people. The whole village is built on the hill Two streams of water run through the village Beautiful natural environment What’s going on here Why abandoned.

Take everyone into the village to have a look on the spot. An hour’s drive from Le’an County Came to the entrance of this unmanned village Behind this is a parking lot that hasn’t been fully repaired yet. which means that in the near future This place will be built into a scenic spot.

Let’s go into the village now and have a look. In a hurry, the original appearance of the village is still preserved. As soon as we arrive at the entrance of this village You can hear a very loud sound of water. Just ahead is the spring water flowing down from the mountain.

The whole village is built on the hillside. Layer by layer upward Where we stand now The drop from the highest house is about 100 meters. At the entrance of the village, there are still several trees. At least there are hundreds of years old trees very stout and lush

Let’s take a look at the surroundings. The mountains stand Surrounded by mountains Ah, here is a Very remote, undisturbed, paradise-like place For modern friends to see But in the past, it was a very traffic-tight place. At the entrance of the village, roads have also been built. Just can’t drive into the village

I accidentally brushed it on the Internet a few months ago. There is such an authentic ancient village in Jiangxi. And there’s no one to live in So it aroused my curiosity Just this time through Jiangxi I’m going to take a look at why there is smoke in front of me.

There must be someone It is estimated that the local villagers They came back to take a look at their house Look, everybody. Their houses are made of local materials. a foundation made of big stones Then the house is a civil structure. There are two layers of yellow mud adobe

Then add the wood built this one in front is very big It should be the largest house in the whole village. If there is no wrong guess It should be the ancestral temple in the village. Because in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, this category Villages like this have ponds.

What is the smoke in front of you? I also learned about the changes in this village. On the Internet, I saw that in 2011 The whole village was moved out. There are 100 or 200 households here. There are more than 1000 people Sure enough, yes. Burning wood below.

There’s a lot of wood at this location. original This house is what I just guessed. Wang’s Great Ancestral Hall written on the ancestral hall His archway is beautifully built. It’s a stone archway Where’s the wood? I looked at it That is to say, this ancestral temple should be renovated again.

Because in the local area, the villagers pay great attention to the ancestral temple. Their folkways are very well preserved Now this time is four o’clock in the afternoon In a little while. The sky will soon be dark The sun is going down too

At night, when it gets dark, a person still dare not come here. Some of these houses are even hundreds of years old. You can see that the architectural style of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty has that feeling. Look at this one in front. It is also a civil structure.

This one is still the location of the whole village in the center. It happens to be a semi-circular building It’s made of blue brick You see This stream flows from many canals. There’s more on this side. That’s why the whole village moved out.

It is said that it is because of the risk of geological disasters. Because it’s halfway up the mountain. And the surrounding mountains have gathered several ravines. These ravines happen to pass through the village. That is to say, if there is a heavy rain There may be some risk of mudslides in this village.

Below is the rice. And the top is paved with slates. That is, suspended This house has also collapsed Do you think it is made of wood as a whole? There are many dangerous buildings here. Let’s get as far away as possible. Because we see its walls are already tilted.

It seems that there are still people coming back often. cleaning the same. You see There are clothes hanging on it And there’s a tea bottle in front Just don’t see people Very strange Because someone was burning this wood just now. There are also some fences made of bamboo in it It is

Used in the vegetable garden this kind of enclosure This water does not stop all the year round. The current will be bigger when it rains heavily You see, there’s also the blower they use for farming. This is the rice husk blowing When I took an aerial shot

Look at the land here. It’s very little. So before the relocation There should be a shortage of materials in all aspects. Life is hard too So this is a pure wooden structure of the house Also abandoned. It’s all paved with slate. Slow down. It feels like it’s possible at any time. fall down

There are a lot of bottles in there. You see, there’s some more up there Some mural pictures of the last century Ah, motorcycle. In the 1980 s and 1990 s, it should be after the 1990 s. Motorcycles were particularly popular at that time. Go straight up the steps Very quiet Walk in here

Can only hear the sound of water and the calls of various birds and insects came after I found out that parking lots are already being built here. It is said to be ready to develop into a scenic spot. But I have doubts When they moved. If it is because of geological disasters

So now we have to build scenic spots again. Isn’t that contradictory? Maybe there are some other reasons Do local friends know? Now the village has completely moved away. Moved to a place close to Le’an County It is nearly 30km away from here Now that place is called Chouxi New Village.

And the village we’re in He is Chouxi Village Because to develop into a scenic spot There are also classrooms Xichou Ancient Village And here’s a very large building Take a look Just over there is the ancestral temple What about this one? It says Zhu Cuntang Rebuilt in 2006 On the Internet

There are more than a dozen 20 families It’s the one who lives in that cove. Of course, there’s no one left. This road is blocked by weeds. Not so good in the past I’m not going to go up again. Let’s have a look In this position There was also a sign.

Written historical buildings But these houses are now badly damaged. and only a very small part of it Its overall appearance is still preserved. Before the relocation More than 1000 people from 100 or 200 households live on this mountainside. The scene at that time must have been very lively. Laughter

The neighborhood is also very harmonious. And now everything can’t go back Why is the side door of this house still open? Take a look It seems inside In the back is a memorial tablet The front is the position of incense Let’s take a look inside the yard

It’s still a very large old house. It also has a history of hundreds of years. Its walls are made of blue bricks and yellow earth. You see There’s a patio in the middle Surabaya Guitang The water from the rain is all in this square pool.

Then there are underground pipes for running water below, and they flow out. The gate is closed If everyone wants to come over. It is best to go together A person still needs to pay attention to some This is the front door of the house you just entered.

In fact, the local villagers have already moved out 30km from here at some particular time of year For example, digging bamboo shoots Or other ancestor worship time He’ll come back and have a look Everyone is homesick for their homeland. Although they did not leave their hometown

But leaving the place where their ancestors lived Yes, there are feelings here. Fortunately, this season Like Snakes have already begun to hibernate. If it is Pay attention in spring and summer. Especially weeds so deep We need to prevent snakes and insects. You see these houses This one is more modern.

How many friends are like me? Is like this original state of the ancient village Let’s take a look inside here No one oh This house ah Just entered the door is a kitchen This is their earthen stove. It’s all covered up. It’s too dark in here If these houses are better preserved

Not so damaged I believe there are many friends who want to experience this place. live for a period of time What if you don’t care about transportation and medical care and other aspects? In fact, this place is also very suitable for old-age care. The environment is good? The air is good.

This family has a sign on it. Five good people. harmonious and peaceful family I went around the village. We returned to the ancestral temple at the entrance of the village by another road. I still haven’t seen a single person in this circle. Just came up when Someone is burning a fire

I thought if someone was here Just in time to ask about the real situation. It’s a pity Don’t see in this house I saw it on the second floor. And hanging clothes and towels But it doesn’t look like a new wash. The wind is still swaying What about this village?

It’s actually divided into two parts Dozens of households in the lower part of the west have already been relocated. What about this uninhabited village? It is very suitable for friends who like outdoors and ancient villages to come and have a look. Because he has no business No pollution Only the original ecology

The original appearance of the village If you want to come over friends Only self-driving. This video will be shared here.




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