【HONDA CT125 ハンターカブ】紅葉狩り「そうだ付知峡へ行こう」

Best autumn weather I am aimlessly riding in search of autumn leaves I came to Minokamo But this area is slightly colored Is it still too early for early-November? After taking a restroom break at the park ahead, I will decide on my destination It’s almost noon, so I can’t go too far

On the left is Yamakusu Park Located at the foot of a small mountain Oops, this park had an observation deck I’ve passed by many times, but I’ve never been there. I have some free time so I’d like to go up I think about my destination while walking Go up right away

A little autumn leaves Is there a place with beautiful autumn leaves somewhere? If I head towards the mountains in the north I might see beautiful autumn leaves Today is a weekday It won’t be that crowded This is the place I decided on Enter National Route 41 ahead At Shirakawa Town, head to the prefectural road From Kashimo, Nakatsugawa City to Tsukechi Town Turn left and go up the gentle slope Approximately 60km one way from here Let’s go then The trees along the river are slightly colored Turn left at Shirakawacho As I head north, autumn becomes more abundant Oh it’s autumn It’s a beautiful tree A magnificent ginkgo tree welcomes me Turn right to Tsukechi Town Ascent to the destination

It was such a good road Oh nice view It’s the best view Already seeing the autumn leaves Basking in the autumn sunshine Enjoy the peaceful scenery I feel so good Looks like it’s still going up Are these cars on their way back from viewing the autumn leaves?

I like this sunlight filtering through the foliage Oh, is this here? There is plenty of parking space It’s already beautiful from here I’m getting excited Start strolling I was healed I’m glad I came after all I didn’t drink or eat, but I was satisfied The good season passes quickly

I want to enjoy this fall a little more Thank you for watching


00:00 – イントロ
01:17 – 山楠公園展望台
02:05 – 目的地とルート
02:46 – 国道41号線
03:23 – 県道62号線
04:23 – 付知峡へ
06:46 – 付知峡
07:39 – エンディング

Customized CT125
【Gcraft&YSS】Front Rear Suspension
【キジマ (KIJIMA)】リアラック


 DaVinci Resolve Studio18
 Insta360 Studio 2023



  1. Vetchさんこんばんは☺️

  2. いつも楽しみにしてます!

  3. 季節的には 既に遅いですが 僕がお勧めする紅葉地は 木曽福島から入る地蔵峠が良いですヨ 道路両再度の樹々の紅葉が抜群に綺麗で そこから望む御嶽山が また 良いのです。 お勧めします。帰りは高山を回って帰路に付きます。

  4. 中津川市沖田から 山の中に入り 神坂峠に行き 少し北上すると駐車スペースが在り 付近一帯をトレッキングするのも良いヨ
    それと 苗木城跡も散策するのも良いです。恵那峡が 眼下に広がり 眺めは抜群です

  5. こんばんは!!

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