Alaska: the land of the missing people!

Alaska positioned at the far west of the North  American continent is described as one of the   most remarkable and largely unexplored regions  of the United States discoveries made so far   reveal that Alaska Harbors 39 mountains over  3,000 Lakes more than 12,000 rivers and over  

27,000 glaciers with these features and its Rich  Wildlife species Alaska stands among the unique   places on Earth however Alaska also has a dark  dark and mysterious side since 1988 records show   that approximately 61,000 people have gone missing  in Alaska this means an average of 1,800 people  

Go missing each year with some years seeing the  number of disappearances reach up to 2,500 this   situation has led people to refer to Alaska as  the land of the missing some individuals claim   that these disappearances in Alaska occur in a  triangle system similar to The Bermuda triangle  

However the disappearances in Alaska are not  limited to this triangle such incidents occur   throughout the state and the missing individuals  often leave no trace this week we will examine   these strange disappearances in Alaska and try to  understand the reasons behind these events before  

The video If you subscribe to the channel you  will make me really happy now we can continue   the video gnome situated far West in Alaska  and quite remote from other settlement areas   began to attract migration in the early 20th  century due to the gold deposits discovered in  

The region experiencing significant development  during this period however over time there has   been a decrease in the number of people coming  to the town leading to a substantial decrease   in Investments nevertheless today the town still  functions as an important trade and Transportation  

Center due to its harbors and airports s  the main reason for this is the considerable   distance between gnome and other major cities with  thousands of kilometers separating it from places   like Anchorage the town is so remote from other  settlement areas that embarking on a journey by  

Car towards gnome in a state like Alaska where  freezing cold prevails is almost tan amount to   Suicide Additionally the roads leading to rural  areas in the town are in poor condition and there   is hardly any direct Road access to make major  settlement areas this situation has led to the  

Intense use of the town’s harbors and airports  enabling the town to survive however despite all   these challenges gnome is located in an extremely  isolated and desolate Place compared to other   settlements this situation has contributed to the  town having a dark and mysterious side especially  

Between 1960 in 2004 approximately 30 people  mostly from surrounding Villages dis appeared   under mysterious circumstances in Gnome leaving no  Trace behind while this might seem normal at first   glance and one might think that The Disappearance  of 30 people over a 44-year period could be  

Considered ordinary the average population of  the Town between 1960 and 2004 was only 2,900   this indicates that the number of disappearances  in the town is well above the national average   the families of the missing individuals have even  CL claimed that the local police made no effort  

To solve these disappearances and campaign for  years to find the missing alleging neglect from   law enforcement and finally in 2005 the mother  of the missing Erica aatii reached her goal by   sending a petition to the state prosecutor Eric  aatii who went missing on October 5th 2004 had  

Set out early that day to visit his pregnant  girlfriend in gnometown however before starting   his journey his mother had warned him not to go  to the town mentioning that bad things happen to   those who go there despite not believing much  in the tales circulating among the people Eric  

Continued on his way however shortly afterward he  called his girlfriend’s family to report that he   never arrived upon this news an extensive search  operation was launched both on land and at sea   but despite all efforts not a single trace of  Eric was found after Eric’s mother reached out  

To the state prosecutor the case was taken over  by the FBI and all other missing cases related   to the town were investigated FBI profilers  determined that the majority of people who   went missing in and around the town were males and  they often went to local bars or excessively drank  

Before disappearing according to the FBI these  individuals likely got lost and ventured out of   town due to being heavily intoxicated succumbing  to harsh weather conditions and losing their lives   however the real question at this point is what is  causing something or someone to lead individuals  

Out of the Town safe environment and a way along  with these questions it is noteworthy that gome   toown has no mountainous terrain or Hills in its  vicinity in fact there are no wooded areas around   the town this suggests that over the years remains  of the missing should have been discovered the  

FBI also investigated the possibility of a killer  or a group of killers operating within the local   community but could not find conclusive evidence  supporting this possibility and finally the most   famous missing person case in the town occurred  in 2016 Joseph balderis a 36-year-old man working  

As a legal clerk in the second district court was  known in the community on June 24th a Friday he   told his friends that he would go hunting after  work but on Monday morning June 27th he didn’t   show up for work Tracy one of his colleagues  called the police station expressing concern  

That Joseph hadn’t come to work and something  might have happened to him upon this the police   began questioning if anyone had seen Joseph in the  town two witnesses stated they had seen Joseph’s   car on The Gnome Council Highway about 70 km away  police officer Timothy Smith rushed to the scene  

And indeed found Joseph balder’s car parked near  a threshold in the vicinity of The Gnome Council   Highway using a megaphone he began calling for  Joseph but could only hear the sound of the wind   around him understanding the situation Smith began  inspecting Joseph’s car but he couldn’t find any  

Signs of damage and there were no traces when  he examined the nearby ground despite extensive   efforts thermal cameras and search dogs were  deployed to the area but the dog stopped at   a certain point while trying to pick up Joseph’s  sent and didn’t proceed further no results were  

Obtained from the the search efforts that day and  Joseph balderas has been missing for approximately   6 years now when Joseph went missing searches  were conducted for about 5 months involving   numerous law enforcement agencies however despite  all efforts not a single trace of Joseph was found  

A local Court declared Joseph legally Dead about  a year after his disappearance the balder’s case   remains one of the most mysterious events in  gnome’s history a man with no health issues or   enem loved by many in the town with an extensive  family and friend group Joseph’s disappearance  

Baffled detectives no signs of a struggle or  similar evidence were found at the scene or around   the vehicle indicating he hadn’t been attacked the  most frightening aspect of this disappearance is   that similar incidents have occurred in the  town certainly the disappearances in Alaska  

Are not limited to gnometown on June 4th 1999  15 year-old Michael Palmer and two friends had   attended a party near Meadow Lakes after the party  they hopped on their bikes to head home together   however Michael started falling behind and after a  while he disappeared from sight his friends waited  

For him but when he didn’t show up they went back  to search for him despite extensive searches no   trace of Michael or his bike could be found the  next day Michael’s bike was discovered 38 kilomet   away near the ca River and his sneakers were found  near an airstrip however despite comprehensive  

Search efforts Michael’s remains were never found  this incident repeated itself 11 years later in   April 2010 when Michael’s brother Chuck went  missing in a similar manner at the time of Chuck’s   disappearance he was part of a group riding  snowmobiles near the talut town like his brother  

Chuck had fallen behind and unintentionally  separated from his group when his friends went   back to to look for him they found no trace  of Chuck shortly afterward aerial searches by   authorities located Chuck’s snowmobile abandoned  in an open plane but there were no signs of him  

Around the vehicle what was intriguing was that  the snowmobile seemed as if it had been suddenly   lifted from the top because it had traveled in  a straight line for a while and appeared to have   stopped spontaneously there were no footprints  around the snowmobile indicating that Chuck had  

Stepped off despite all investigations no remain  have been found for these two brothers the Palmer   family had lost two sons in remarkably similar  ways was this an incredibly coincidental event or   was there something in the wild nature of Alaska  praying on them the largest disappearance event  

In Alaska occurred on January 26th 1950 with the  vanishing of a Douglas C 54 Sky Master military   transport plane the aircraft carrying four people  was flying flying from Alaska to Montana and had   its last radio contact in the second hour of  its 8-hour flight after that point there was  

No further communication and the aircraft could  not be located 2 hours after takeoff an operation   called the mic operation involving search and  rescue efforts was launched an hour after the   plane failed to arrive in Montana despite the  involvement of 85 aircraft and 7,000 Personnel  

In the searches no traces of the a aircraft or  its occupants could be found even after scouring   an area of approximately 1,200 km during the  search for the aircraft several other planes   also went missing with some crashing into the  Matt quento mountains the crash of ab 36 bomber  

Carrying nuclear weapons in British Columbia led  to the suspension of search operations and the   decision not to search for the sky Master Again  The Disappearance of the sky Master is considered   one of the largest groups of American military  personnel ever lost the question of what might  

Be causing such disappearances in Alaska has not  been definitively answered these incidents are   often associated with challenging climatic and  geographical conditions High mountainous areas   continental climates and weather variability  additionally finding aircraft and individuals   lost in the vast and remote areas of Alaska can  be challenging complicating search and rescue  

Efforts however there are numerous speculations  about the exact reasons behind such incidents   and each case has its unique circumstances  the speculations about the reasons for the   disappearances in Alaska often focus on mysterious  explanations such as aliens paranormal entities or   undiscovered creatures like Bigfoot however there  could actually be a quite logical explanation for  

These events firstly Alaska is home to various  predator at atory animal species including   cougars wolves and polar bears these animals can  occasionally roam in areas just 20 minutes away   from towns or cities this increases the risk of  encountering these predatory creatures during a  

Hike outside the town leading to unintentional  loss of life the challenging natural conditions   in Alaska even for survival experts are  a significant factor in explaining these   incidents Alaska features unexplored areas like  dense forests massive Cliffs and Barren Tundras  

Many regions remain Untouched by human hands and  even between towns the lack of proper roads is   notable therefore while navigating Alaska one  might encounter risks such as falling into a   snow covered crevice being hit by a frozen tree  or freezing to death while trying to find your  

Way in panic additionally the body of a person  who goes missing in Alaska can be completely   concealed by up to 2 m of snowfall in a single  day due to heavy snowfall this situation could   explain why the missing individuals are never  found again however it may still be challenging  

To entirely explain certain cases especially  those involving the Michael brothers or the   sky Master incident solely through these factors  thank you very much for watching the video Until   the End if you like And subscribe to the video  you will make me very happy thank you again

Alaska, known for its wild nature, harsh climate, and remote areas, has a history of mysterious disappearances in the town of Nome that extends from the early 20th century to the present day. Despite growing as a town with the gold rush, Nome is also recognized for its distant and challenging geography. It remains an important trade and transportation center due to having both a port and airports.

The disappearances in Nome are often examined through the lens of around 30 people who went missing outside the town between 1960 and 2004, with an average population of 2900 during that period. Although these disappearances are claimed to occur in a region referred to by town residents as the “Devil’s Triangle,” it’s noted that the disappearances are not limited to this triangle but have occurred throughout the entire state.

Situated in the far west of Alaska, Nome, once a bustling town with the gold discovery in the early 20th century, witnessed a decline over time due to a decrease in population and investments. Nome carries a dark and mysterious atmosphere, especially solidified by the mysterious disappearances of nearly 30 individuals between 1960 and 2004, where they vanished without a trace.

The most famous disappearance in 2016 involved Joseph Balderas, a 36-year-old legal clerk. Joseph had informed his friends that he would go hunting, but he failed to show up for work later. Searches revealed Joseph’s car on Nome Council Highway, yet he disappeared without leaving any trace. This incident, along with other mysterious disappearances in the town, remains unsolved, and the families of the missing individuals have criticized local police for not putting in enough effort.

The disappearance of Joseph Balderas and similar incidents can be attributed to the wild nature and challenging conditions of Alaska. Additionally, the poor state of roads leading to rural areas outside the town has elevated the significance of Nome’s port and airports, contributing to the town’s survival. However, even these factors do not fully explain the mysterious disappearances in the town.

The general causes of disappearances in Alaska are associated with factors such as the wild natural conditions, harsh climate, predatory animals, and transportation difficulties. Nevertheless, some events remain unexplained and shrouded in mystery. Major incidents like the 1950 disappearance of the Sky Master military transport plane, where no traces were found despite search efforts, are recorded as one of the largest American military personnel groups lost in Alaska.

While some disappearances in Alaska can be easily explained by natural factors and geographical challenges, others remain unsolved mysteries. When such events align with Alaska’s wild and unexplored nature, they give rise to numerous speculations and questions.


  1. Place far from the rest of the country secluded perfect for the human traffickers gotta feeling this is their top place to do this since it’s became publicly known that this happens

  2. 39 mountains? Do you possibly mean mountain RANGES…? There have got to be more than 39 mountains or mountain ‘peaks’ in that state… come on

  3. Ya this is a crazy mystery that not only happens in Alaska but also in the entire world but especially in the united states in state or national parks. Although it does happen more in Alaska but then again it's a hard place to live. They don't call it the last frontier for nothing!

  4. Hale Boggs and his entire plane disappeared in Alaska. he was on the Warren Commission and was not happy with how the Kennedy assassination was being investigated. no trace was found that I know of.

  5. Big business..Human trafficking..Insurance fraud experts..Many lies about suicide..Fishing industry run by very aggressive immigrants..They fly in switchers..They don't just kill in Alaska they steal everything you own if your unlucky…Very nice people do live in Alaska…The Police very hard to assist contractor s in fishing..You must introduce yourself to the real community to be safe..

  6. Stopped watching the moment it's inferred there's a "triangle" like Bermuda, the latter being completely debunked decades ago. Thumbs down and a quick click on "don't recommend channel. Reality doesn't exist here.

  7. You totally contradicted yourself, and then you completely puss out at the end! You explained how the people went missing like with the snowmobile just stopping and no foot prints around of somebody getting off, the same with another disappearance, where there were no foot prints or tracks to go to, which would be very easily seen. They need to bring in all these normal, albeit, dangerous animals, except for if it was those animals, they would be blood spatter everywhere, they would be pieces of clothes, shredded and in obvious kill site. Not to mention, they all bury their kills after, and come back and eat on them periodically. And there were no tracks anywhere, people or animals. I hate how are you? People do 20 minutes of egging people on, and then just give the flimsiest excuses ever as to what happened to them when there is absolutely no evidence that they were killed by a person or an animal. Get a life, and get off YouTube because you’re making people more stupid by every video you put out there!

  8. I lived in Alaska 1970s and 80s. When asking about friends sometimes people would say, "He's gone missing!" We'd just nod our heads! 😮 2 1/2 times size of Texas!
    "There's no truth, only stories!" Zuni Chief said, much repeated! 😅😮 Many politicians live by it!

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