視界觀953 「北美再發現」之多倫多篇:(29)一波三折,搭乘火車去尼加拉瀑布 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, today is another early day. The weather is not bad. It rained all day yesterday. Rain is also forecast today. But when I came out in the morning, it seemed that the rain had not fallen yet. Give me 15 minutes to walk to Union Station . Today

I am going to take a train that I have never taken before called the GO Train to go to Niagara Falls. This is a place I passed by last time and just drove around . Today I want to do some on-the-spot investigation because on I always feel a little regretful that

I have not been able to witness the majestic waterfall with my own eyes. More importantly, Toronto in Canada has given everyone a benefit, that is, you can take the GO Train back and forth on weekends, including trains , buses, etc. It costs 10 yuan , but you must purchase it online in advance

Before you can buy such a ticket . It is also very interesting. The activation time is also particular. It must be activated after 4 o’clock in the morning. It is valid for 24 hours on the same day. It is about Such a ticket is quite interesting

, so today I have downloaded the QR code to try it out to see if I can get on this train smoothly. I saw that the schedule of this train on weekends is different from usual. After all, it is a weekend and it may run a little later.

The earliest train is at 9:03. I also saw that the train is around 4 pm , but this train is completely different from China’s high-speed train. It should be a normal slow train, which takes about 30 minutes. It takes about two and a half hours to get to the destination

. If you drive, you can get there in about an hour and a half. This is such a train . So we are doing something new today. We will go to see if such a train is possible. It took us happily to the destination , and

Along the way we could see the scenery along the way and see if we could drive for a while on the edge of Lake Ontario. We could also see the scenery of the Great Lakes. Did you see such a Streetcar in the morning (slip of the tongue)? It has started running

. Now I walk through King Street and it should be Front Street. I can get to Union Station very soon. But I don’t know where the GO Train boarding station is , so I made a little extra time to get there . Find the place where you want to get on the train.

Stop by the Union Station and take a leisurely photo. Time flies. More than half a month has passed. The last time I took a flight from Vancouver, I came to Toronto. This is my first time. The first time I came to Canada’s largest city, I took a train called Up Express

From Toronto’s Pearson Airport and arrived at Union Station. Looking at the map, I followed the Bay Street I was walking on from Union Station to find it. It is really easy to find my daughter’s apartment. Union Station is a central area in downtown Toronto.

I believe it is also a starting point for the Pacific Railway. There are towering skyscrapers here . It is the most prosperous place in Toronto . After all, Toronto is a big city in North America. Its concept is not limited to the urban area of ​​Toronto. The larger area is called Greater Toronto.

I think many cities are the same . Even Tokyo, Japan, is called Greater Tokyo . There are many satellite cities located in such a vast land. In fact, some of them cannot be called satellite cities because they are completely independent and have their own governments , communities, economies, etc.

So how do these cities connect to each other? That’s what I’m going to do today. There is a green train called GO Train that should be a double-decker train. I have seen it several times in many places. So this GO Train is actually a self-contained transportation system. It not only has trains

But also buses . It is actually a It is connected to places where the rails are not accessible by buses. This ticket should be universal. Now I have arrived at Front Street West and walking further is the lakeside. You can often see some weird people on such streets. I

Don’t know why that person is dancing here. Of course, most of them are homeless people , but after a cold night, they should all be up. If they don’t, it will be bad. Look at this Union Station, which was built more than 100 years ago. It is very majestic. The Royal York Hotel

Opposite is also a group of buildings opposite it. The ones next to it are more of the new glass curtain wall buildings with a modern flavor. You see, this Union Station is the Canadian Railways, GO Train and up express . Of course, there are Wait for the subway. Now

I’m ready to go inside. I just saw a young man riding a bicycle out of it. So bicycles here can be treated like people. You can enter the station at will, get on the train, subway car, and go to this place. It says Go Train in green. It’s still early in the morning,

So I don’t know exactly where this station is. I have to look for you. It should be a train ticket seller here . I saw a sign saying GO Train seems to go in this direction . Workers are putting up advertisements early in the morning.

Does the GO Train seem to be going this way? It doesn’t seem to be the case. It seems that I’m going the other way. Do you think which direction does the GO Train go from ? Excuse me where’s the GO Train’s platform? okay okay there is an escalator nice yeah

After this card you go ahead like okay just keep straight okay so on your left do you know what’s the number you don’t know right there is some screen okay okay okay so i number of the platform left hand then go down right okay okay thank you so much asked an employee

Listening to what he said , he must be an immigrant. I guess he is also doing some ordinary work here. I think it is green. It feels a bit like a station. You see, there should be some people selling coffee and breakfast. The service window and so on but where is it

I don’t know a little bit sorry okay so i just want to ask you i want to go to niagara falls yes so what time the train coming so your next train is leaving at 9:17 lakeshore west 917 lakeshore west so I need connecting

Yes you’re Gonna connect onto a bus because there’s no direct train so you’re Gonna be connected onto a bus at Burlington and that will take you all the way to Niagara Falls oh really so no train directly go over there not at all okay

So just hang tight for the 9:17 to be posted and you’ll be okay okay all right all right thank you so much no problem so if i return from Niagara Falls Can I get a direct train to back? to back your train in the same way oh okay bus than train yes

Okay also we need to go to the Berlington you said and then take the number twelve bus okay number twelve when you get to Berlington there there’s staff there that will help you don’t worry okay thank you so just hang around for the next train sure um

A lot of things here are very amazing because I specifically checked last night that the shift was 9:03 and I even printed it out but now I was told that there is no direct train going there. I can only go to Burlington and take the No. 12 GO bus to Niagara Falls.

Then when I come back, there is no direct bus back here , so today is a little challenging. Ah, it’s a completely unfamiliar place. I’m really worried about whether there will be any new changes when he comes back. Will he be able to return to where I live?

Well, I’ll go to Lakeshore West at 9:14 and I ’ll have to get off there , and then I’ll need to transfer to No. 12. The situation of the GO bus to Niagara Falls is about 20 minutes, so we will kill some time here. But anyway, this is a very novel experience.

I think I still like this very much. I challenge you to listen. The language spoken now is French, because all the broadcasts here use two languages. They have to be spoken in both languages. It is a little bit verbose, but for this country , it is the two official languages

. Below the station is a Food Court . You can see that there are many people taking the train here to eat and see what is available. I have already eaten. I just came to see what kind of shops there are . I still appreciate or admire the locals. They travel very leisurely

And early. People will eat in these coffee shops, restaurants , or just take a rest there without doing anything. We Chinese are relatively hurried, so we still have to learn to live a slow life . You need to enjoy and feel. If you rush too fast,

You will lose the scenery on the road , and you will not have too much time to calm down and do some thinking. I came a little early today. In fact, it is not because the train was late from nine o’clock. The three-point mark has become 9:14 , which gives me more time

To kill time here. I can observe closely what everyone is doing at the place where everyone is waiting for the bus. Many people are just sitting and chatting and drinking a cup of coffee. Of course, there are also people working inside with computers. This is very interesting. This is just a sunken square.

He has no way to get to the platform, so he has to go back and pass the elevator I just saw before he can get to the platform . It’s like this. In order to save some battery, I stopped shooting here and waited for us to get on the bus.

I just heard the announcement, of course, it said that the platform of the 9:11 bus in front of us has been changed to 11 and 12 , so You can’t look at this screen completely because the information on this screen is updated in real time. Otherwise, you may make a mistake

. You have to enter through this. I found that there is actually free Wifi here, this is the union station and TD bank. It’s not bad to have such a free Wi-Fi jointly provided. I hope I have time on the bus. I arrived at 9:06

And then I found out that the platform has changed again. At 9:14, I went to Lakeshore West and changed it to platform 5-6. This is the platform I will take. A train , so I think this will not change again, then it also says that

You can go to your platform 10 minutes in advance . Okay, then I will prepare to find my platform. Now I am in this elevator 6- There is an elevator on No. 7, but it says 5-8, so everyone can go there . I am in 5-6.

I think I should just take this elevator to get to where I want to go. The ticket check is probably on top . The buttons are all made of iron. Everyone clicks like this . Now I go up to platform 6 to 7,

5 to 6, 6 to 7, and 5 to 6. It should be possible because this bus is accessible. The doors of both platforms can be opened . This bus is It should be the train I want to take. 9:14 Lakeshore West. It ‘s 9:09 now . Let’s go up and take a

Look. You see, this is actually made in the same way as our green leather trains in China. You see, it’s all above . It ‘s made of rivets but it’s also double-layered. It’s an interesting car and a complete adventure. You can go up to the upper level from here.

I think I should sit on the upper level. It will be more interesting . No wonder this train can be canceled at any time . You see, there are very few passengers on the whole train , so in such a place In the face of a business that is bound to lose money,

These companies sometimes just cancel or add new ones at will . I installed a GoPro video recorder on this glass and it’s still a little dark now . It seems that I turned the direction the wrong way. I want to Move to the other side. Now

I’ve moved my camera to the other side. Well, I think this side should be a direction toward the lake. Then I’ll let it record automatically here. Hi everyone, this is the GO Train. This train has started and is heading towards the first station, which should be Oakville.

Last time I drove there specifically to see a very beautiful town on the edge of Lake Ontario. This thing accidentally fell off. I have to reinstall it . Let me see. The real estate outside is Concord. Concord is Concord. It is said to be a real estate owned by Li Ka-shing. It

Is also the most famous real estate not only in Toronto but also in Vancouver. Therefore , the high-rise buildings bought by many Chinese here should look like this and are quite good. Calling Concord City Plaza was a bit of a hassle. I woke up this morning and activated the ticket first . Then

I arrived at Union Station 15 minutes early and found the GO Train station . I was told that the 9:03 train was supposed to go directly to Niagara. The train in the city of Falls has been cancelled , but you can still transfer to a place in the middle.

It seems that after getting off at Burlington, you can transfer to the GO bus number 12. It says that you can also go to the destination. Let’s wait and see. We are here. Let’s look over there to see if the transfer will be very smooth. Let’s take pictures here first

. Let’s leave the rest of today’s work to my GoPro on this car window to complete today’s shooting along the way. (To be continued)

#多倫多聯合車站 #unionstation #gotrain

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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