Paranormies fear in this video uploaded by the  paranormies the group goes out to investigate   this incredibly creepy house which turned out  to be one of their creepiest investigations to   date but first a little backstory on the house  in November 1986 Winnipeg was hit by a severe  

Snowstorm and a man and a woman were trapped  inside their home the young woman became ill   with an undiagnosed condition and worsened during  the storm despite the man’s efforts to give her   medication she eventually died in bed a few days  later during the time she was bedridden the man  

Kept hearing her voice as well as footsteps  coming from different areas of the house that   obviously freaked the man out because the woman  was bedridden and didn’t move out of bed and now   back to the investigation during the first several  minutes of this investigation nothing really  

Interesting takes place but around the 27-minute  point everything abruptly changes when this takes place you hear that paranormal  we are hearing it sounds like   footsteps sounds like footsteps and right at that moment say paranormal that’s [ __ ]

Steps that light’s on that door is shut you  didn’t shut this door I didn’t shut that door   that’s what that noise was too was that on why  does it look like somebody’s sitting in your bed somebody was sitting in the bed somebody  was this was totally this bed was completely  

Made no wrinkles in the bed or anything somebody’s  sitting in this bed too these beds were flat the   sound of ghostly footsteps can be heard coming  from someplace in the area and it appears that   something is being tossed after only 2 minutes  they see that the door to the room is now locked  

And that there are marks in the beds after a  certain amount of time has passed the subsequent   event frightens them Mama a fever no that’s way  too high no one can possibly have a fever that high hello oh Fu said you’re dead what are you doing said this is a fine

Line said go with it oh it feels  like something’s tugging on my shirt he’s up there who’s up there y y y let’s go let’s go let’s go  I have my camera on it and the dooring   open this doll can be seen closing on  its own at random and one can also hear  

Scratching coming from the direction of the  door after a little more than a minute the   door is unlocked and open once more a little  over 10 minutes have passed and the crew is   still doing the investigation while moving as  quickly and effectively as they can throughout  

The location as this takes place however they  will soon face more frightening situations oh God I don’t like that you see anything  it’s no oh my god did you hear that I   just heard that I just heard that there  was another noise it came from I don’t  

That’s where we’re standing right  now right from where underneath us the basement is producing knocking sounds and  the Ouija board can be observed to be moving   about in there then while they’re climbing  the stairs the Ouija board starts to move on  

Its own while this is taking place the sounds  of footsteps and knocking can be heard coming   from the kitchen only 2 minutes will pass  until the following event takes place what is that am I that came from the basement I’m going

Downstairs when he goes down to the basement  there’s a sound of something being tossed   down the steps into the basement before there is  another sound after that the ULU says I will Flash   the light at around the 1 hour and 17-minute  Mark it turns the light on and off multiple times okay no

Way everyone do you have faith that this house is  inhabited by ghosts if this is the case   then the paranormies should be careful if they  ever wish to make a return to this terrifying location Shadow Spectre this Tik Tok user named  y mcpi posted a video to his account back on June  

1st 2023 in which he walks viewers around his  house which certainly seems to be quite haunted   take a look at the footage and see all the  strange activity that is going on around the house go lie down it’s okay lie down stay  it’s been doing this all morning and I don’t  

Have time for this today stop hey buddy we I  don’t I got too much going on you got to cut   it out oh [ __ ] okay I’m just going to set  it up Pap towels and we’ll just let the phone

Roll I asked if you got to go or you got  to go downstairs or something wherever   you’re going to go you got to go calm down  he’s okay please not today just holy cow little buddy when the brightness of the video is  enhanced a bizarre shadow figure can be seen  

Throughout the footage multiple different  times here are a few examples of this happening I asked it if you got to go or you  got to go downstairs or something wherever   you’re going to go you got to go calm down  he’s okay please not today just holy cow oh my God little

Budy sadly this video doesn’t really have  much context provided with it so it’s kind   of difficult to dive deep into it as a result  even still though the footage is quite unnerving   and it makes you think what would you do  if you discovered that your house may be

Haunted forest ghost this next video comes to us  from a Tik Tok account known as metaphysical show   and it starts off with a man explaining that  he has a piece of alleged paranormal footage   that he describes as the creepiest he has ever  seen in his life he says that it happened in  

The woods that surrounds him and he explains  a bit of what happens in the video the video   in question might just prove that we aren’t as  alone as we would like to think we are in this world in a blink and you’ll miss it moment in  the distance a creepy Apparition can be  

Seen walking around in the forest at a casual  Pace before It ultimately disappears from view   entirely this is a video that has been creeping  people out ever since it got posted but nobody   has been able to properly explain what exactly  is going on in the footage and whether or not it  

Is authentic what do you think do you think that  this video showcases genuine Paranormal Activity   happening in the middle of broad daylight or  do you think that something else is at play here River Apparition this next video comes to us from  a Tik Tok account known as voided one and is  

One of the most unsettling and heart-stopping  videos that you will see in quite a long time   guaranteed a woman named odet Morales is riding  around in the irrigation River channels in their   local town to relax and cool off on a hot summer  day along with her friends in the video we can  

Hear a crowd of fellow Riders screaming with  joy while riding the smooth but exciting ride   but as you will soon see this fun boating trip  soon turns into an absolute nightmare in broad daylight

Odette’s ride through the water is going well when  all of a sudden we can see what looks to be a man   swimming or floating closer and closer to odette’s  boat ride before she eventually ends the video  

More than likely so startled by what she just saw  that she had to stop filming it is worth noting   that about 5 years prior to this video’s upload  date a man allegedly died in this exact same  

Canal as a result of drowning in so it begs the  question is this the spirit of the man coming back   to haunt or maybe just to warn off other potential  Riders it looks like that may be the case Night

Rider imagine you’re going on a bicycle  ride late at night simply trying to enjoy   your time when all of a sudden you come across  something that utterly chills you to the core   that’s exactly what happened to this tick talk  user named Jose Maria Rios Castillo in June of  

2022 in the footage we can see Jose riding his  bike late at night when all seems to be going   perfectly smoothly however that all changes rather  quickly when he stumbles upon something quite unsettling

Did you see it just to the left a spooky figure  can be seen standing off to the side at this Jose   simply continu used to pedal on his bicycle  instead of hopping off to do some further   investigating this is probably for the best  because who knows what kind of horrible things  

Could have happened to him otherwise although it  definitely gets you thinking what in the world   was that and what did it want be sure to leave  any theories you have in the comments nocturnal Terrors these series of videos were made  by a user known as Elijah Matthews 101  

And seems to to document him wandering  around in the middle of this forest in   the middle of the night which brings about  some unforeseen consequences at one point   in the video he can be seen walking  around the forest trying to explore  

The area to the best of his ability for  the first little while it doesn’t seem as   if he’s going to find anything of interest  but that all changes rather quickly take a look it’s 12:45 Bell’s going off crazy all of those screams you’re  hearing are animals I know they are animals oh

I have to go I have to go but I got it on  camera I got stuff on camera okay I’m I’m   going now in this second video Elijah is making  his way through the woods where it’s just him   surrounded by the all-encompassing darkness of  the night it’s just Elijah and his flashlight  

Versus the world unfortunately for him he  soon finds himself in for the scare of a lifetime hello oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh this last video sees Elijah stumbling  across a tunnel in the woods and he decides   to make a bold decision to venture inside  which proves to be an absolutely gigantic  

Mistake take a look at what happens when  Elijah ventures in that I found in the   woods at night time so instead I’m just  going to throw something in there like   a stick that I found in the woods at  night time so instead I’m just going

To throw something in there like a stick he  finds the tunnel where he thinks the creature   lives and you can hear a growl from inside  but he doesn’t notice it himself then he   hears the bells again which doesn’t make  sense because he’s deep in the woods and  

There aren’t any buildings near where he  was fun fact that tunnel went for about 8   m and then it just stopped and I was walking  home right now reviewing the footage to see   if I caught anything that I didn’t quite see  in the first first time I caught the footage

Listen Bells there are no bell towers around  me again this happens all the time I don’t   understand what it is and this at this point  I actually want to I’m desperate to find out   what that is Bell Tower no Bell Tower around here  there’s literally nothing around here what do you  

Think was going on in these videos did Elijah  come across some sort of cult-like activity is   the forest he entered perhaps haunted be sure  to let me know your theories in the comments   below the haunted house investigation hunting  the unknown is a very popular YouTube channel  

That focuses primarily on abandoned building  exploration and and paranormal investigation   related content it’s safe to say that this  video which was published to that channel   on February 12th 2023 is one of their most  unnerving Works to date their other films in  

General have a Sinister tone to them the video in  question shows the proprietor of the channel as   he enters an abandoned and haunted house in the  middle of the night all by himself which makes   the situation 10 times worse the investigation  begins in a rather routine manner as we observe  

The uploader moving around inside of the residence  which is clearly seen better days our uploader had   to make his way through a place that appears  to be in complete disrepair which more than   likely had to be more than a little unpleasant  to walk through and I’m talking from experience  

When this does occur though at around the  11-minute mark true Panic begins to set in whoa what was that hello oh hell what the oh hell oh my God what the the uploader electromagnetic field  suddenly Sparks and shortly after that a  

Wheelchair is observed moving about all by  itself for some reason then after waiting   a few more minutes he hears this when  he’s exploring a different part of the house trash completely hello someone down there is a little break of roughly 2 minutes  before yet another Eerie thing happens have a listen any one

There it’s possible to hear the Spirit Box say ghost  and then 1 second later it’s possible to see   a cloaked figure within a room however  the uploader did not witness this at the   time that the tape was being made he seems to  catch a glimpse of a figure out of the corner  

Of his eye but by the time he turns around  the person is no longer there what exactly   do you believe was happening inside of this  really house was there truly a ghost there or   was the whole thing really an elaborate  hoax there is no way for us to know for

Certain if you like this video  so far Please Subscribe and   enable notifications thank you the Alien Encounter this next video is absolutely guaranteed  to make you scratch your head in bewilderment and   Fascination take a look at the footage and  see if you can make out what you’re looking at

The video supposedly shows a tall gray  alien walking away in a very slow manner   as the cameraman freaks out swearing there  are sounds of a helicopter lurking somewhere   above you can see the eyes and shape of  the alien’s face and even its arms as  

It walks away I have attached the original  and enhanced version side by side followed   by close-ups the uploader says that he came  across Ross this particular video in a random   zipped folder from a UFO website he says  that he doesn’t remember whether or not  

The website was or efoc casom do you  think that this video is authentic and shows   proof that aliens exist in plain sight be sure  to let me know your thoughts in the comments below the Beast sighting on this next video which  was published to YouTube on November 5th 20 2011  

By a user known as Saka 101a the opening of the  video provides us with some context by writing   the following quote it was late on the night  of February 12th 2011 I was home alone with   my friend we were outside playing basketball on  ice when we heard a screech about 500 yd away  

It kept getting closer we glanced at each other  wondering what the heck that was after about 30   seconds about 100 yards in the distance we could  make out a very large dark object walking towards  

Us we sprinted into my house began to lock all  the doors and I picked up my iPhone to take a   video of the Screech the animal was making but  I got a little more than I expected end quote so  

With that out of the way let’s take a look and  see what it was that the YouTuber was able to record it now that caps off a crazy adventure did you your window he’s coming in the house the uploader then says that  he understandably did not stay at  

His house that night and left he he  then says he returned back home the   next morning and this is what he found  dog likee creature peeking its nose out   now I’m going to see what it would have  to stand on and how tall it would have to

Be well this is my height there’s the window  there’s nothing it could have stood on you   know that’s weird there’s scratches on there  well anyways it could have had a couple LS   like this on these steps but it would have  to be about a foot taller than me in order  

For it had to peek out stating that the dog man  would be Believe It or Not 7t tall on his hind   legs according to the uploader there have been  other sight ings of a similar creature in the  

Woods by his house a hunter on his property heard  similar screeches a couple of days prior to this incident hstar emergency this is  Kyle speaking how can I help you   hello something just ran in front of us on  the road we’re in the ditch we we rolled  

Over how many people are in the car and  is anyone injured there’s two of us I I   think I don’t think we have any injuries is  the car on a topper wheels or what no it’s   kind of sitting on its side hold one moment  please while I contact emergency services

Okay okay the state police should be on their  way in a few minutes is everyone still okay   yeah I think we’re okay what ran in front of  you a deer I I don’t know what the hell it was  

But it was big it looked like a great big dog I  standing up was it a bear maybe maybe I oh my god oh sir hello are you still there sir it has been  suggested that this could either be a dog  

Man or werewolf caught on camera which would  make this video even more terrifying what do   you think could be going on on here is this  video completely authentic or could it be a   hoax be sure to leave all of your ideas  and theories in the comment section down

Below the abandoned School Chris from the  YouTube channel her Hill uploaded a video   on January 20th 2023 in which he ventured out  to an extremely creepy abandoned school where   he had quite a number of scares happen  throughout the night as he makes his way  

Through the building which is incred inedibly  quiet and run down he eventually hears some   rather unnerving sounds and starts to  see stuff that obviously freaks him out oh [ __ ] do you hear that oh [ __ ] somebody’s here

As you can see another person with a flashlight  appears out of nowhere only to then walk by Chris   who’s understandably hiding you can never  know a stranger’s intentions in a place   like that about 10 minutes or so later Chris  is recording himself walking into what appears  

To be the school’s bathroom and it’s then  when he gets a genuinely terrifying fright holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] somebody’s in there oh [ __ ] scared the out of me oh man [ __ ] that oh man hello what theu oh it’s a

Toy oh my God that scared the [ __ ] out  of me the second time he walks into the   bathroom he finds out that it’s just a toy  as he refers to it but the fact that the   figure suddenly drops to the floor the moment  he looks at it is honest really strange he is  

Then shown walking down this long Corridor when  he begins to hear something strange coming from above somebody’s he’s walking this way listen all right I’m going go this way it’s not even a full minute later  that Chris gets yet another scare coming   his way safe is still here wonder what’s in it oh

[ __ ] where did he go the he was standing right here he’s probably in this room hello it is truly unexplainable how that  person or Shadow could disappear right   in front of Chris’s eyes afterwards it was  nowhere to be seen either but just as he’s  

Getting ready to call it a day it seems as  though whatever creepy Spirits or entities   are lurking inside of the school decided to  give Chris one last scare for good measure it’s crazy I remember the last time I’ve explored oh [ __ ] remember the last time I explored oh [ __ ] hello hello

What okay I know I heard somebody coming down  these stairs I’m out it clearly sounded like   someone was running down the stairs but as  you can see there was no one there although   Chris is clearly an experienced Explorer  let’s just hope for his own safety that  

He doesn’t Venture back to this creepy  school for any further investigations thank you for watching dive into the horror  chills and share my videos see you soon

Top 10 SCARY GHOST VIDEOS of 2023 – Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeist, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok ghost videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet.

In this episode of 10 scary ghost videos, you will see: Top 10 SCARY GHOST VIDEOS of 2023 These include; In this chilling compilation, we delve into the depths of the paranormal. From the Paranormies’ harrowing house investigation to Wi McPi’s haunted home, each story unfolds with eerie encounters. Witness the Forest Ghost’s apparition, the disturbing River Apparition, and José María’s unsettling Night Rider experience. Elijah Matthews faces nocturnal terrors in a forest, while Hunting the Unknown explores an abandoned house filled with ghostly phenomena. An Alien Encounter leaves viewers questioning extraterrestrial life, and The Beast Sighting stirs fears of a mysterious creature. Finally, Her Hill’s Abandoned School journey culminates in bizarre and unexplained events, sending shivers down the spine. Shadow figures, spirits, and mysterious creatures are in today’s episode plus many more scary videos! These are Top 10 SCARY GHOST VIDEOS of 2023

0:00 Story 10
6:14 Story 9
8:46 Story 8
10:33 Story 7
12:12 Story 6
13:48 Story 5
17:47 Story 4
21:44 Story 3
23:19 Story 2
27:36 Story 1

HORROR CHILLS brings you the best ghost videos, paranormal activity, paranormal investigations, ghost hunting, scary things caught on camera, haunted houses, scary tiktok ghost videos, apparitions, poltergeists, demons, shadow figures, supernatural events, and unexplained footage. If it’s mysterious and captured on camera, it’s on HORROR CHILLS!


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