Paris, la ville des Jeux Olympiques menacée par les toxicomanes

A few hundred meters away of the Sacré-Cœur, in Paris, ghostly silhouettes cross the road barefoot, coming close to an accident. A scene that has become commonplace in the neighborhood from the Chapel Door. Just like these men who, victims of hallucinations, scan the ground for a dose. We call them ***, *** consumers,

A powerful derivative of ***. Many beg to pay for their doses. They get supplies from *** hill, a wasteland below of the device, become a supermarket drugs in the open. Every day, 400 drug addicts come to stock up there. Karim is 39 years old, he buys *** there regularly.

There, I’m starting to get tired of my life. With his friend Thomas, they agreed to share with us their daily life as drug addicts. Regularly, they come consume their drugs in the Montmartre district, close to tourists. Here, my mouth. THANKS. Shall we settle there? – No, we’re moving forward.

Please. – There, go ahead. There you go, I stuck my rock in, you see. Karim smoked crack the first time five years ago. At the time he was a salesman for a printer manufacturer. All stories are the same, everyone will tell you the same thing. Someone give you a taste.

The first puffs are pleasant, It’s awesome. You enjoy it, you laugh, it’s festive. Then you don’t do it on a daily basis. You do it once every two or three months. Now you don’t like it anymore, that’s just the obsessive side. You have to smoke.

Karim lost his home a year ago, he lives thanks to social minimums. When we say that we have our homes on our backs, these are not lies. A towel to dry me off. A little mirror, just to be able to still look at my face. I have toiletries: toothbrush, soap, shower gel.

That’s all I have left. He kept a memory of his previous life. The keys to my last apartment. Now it’s shit. Is it important to keep them? What is it important for? What is it important for? You can have the most beautiful woman in the world,

The best professional situation, you can be anything. Stories like that, There are many. It consumes you. It eats you up. How long will I last? How long will I last? *** is very addictive. Unlike some drugs as ***, he does not exist of substitute products. Get out of addiction is extremely difficult.

The *** is a small white stone with devastating effects. It causes brain damage, hallucinations and paranoia attacks. This explosive cocktail of *** is heated with ammonia, and baking soda, is smoked using a pipe. Its users would be around 15,000 in Île-de-France. The main places of deal, Stalingrad Battle Square in the 19th arrondissement,

But also the *** hill and its surroundings, Door of the Chapel, in the 18th arrondissement. – How many do you want ? – Fifteen. You stay there, we do it there. – Yes. To stem this scourge, the police increase actions on the ground. Open the mouth !

Positive, bike the red in a box. The networks that hold traffic are moving and not very hierarchical, they reappear every time. It’s a job of attrition and if we didn’t do it, it would be worse, the situation would be worse. Originally from West Africa, *** dealers are called modous.

You worked well today, Where does all this come from? There would be around a hundred to operate throughout the capital. In the subway, dozens of transactions are carried out every day. In the chic neighborhoods of Paris, it sells ***. The epidemic begins to arrive in Paris. To avoid getting arrested with merchandise,

Mods hide the doses in their mouth and swallow them in the event of arrest. It’s beautiful, it fits, impeccable. To fight against trafficking in the transports, a specialized brigade was created three years ago. These plainclothes police officers have developed a new technique of questioning.

They seize drug addicts and dealers to the glottis to prevent them from swallowing. Positive. In the north-east of Paris, cohabitation with the *** exasperates the local residents. We don’t want any more drug addicts *** in our neighborhood, for our children, for everyone. Mehdi lives at Porte de la Chapelle.

It’s still quiet, but a little later, It’s going to become Walking Dead. With the young people in his building, he organizes rounds to prevent intrusions by drug addicts. You hear ? – Yes. Hello ! They are potentially dangerous. Unfortunately, we sometimes have to use violence and get them out. We have to.

Residents exasperated because of the *** and distraught parents. Martine’s daughter has been addicted for five years. She desperately tries to get her out of the trap of addiction. It was this drug that brought her to misery, in poverty. I will fight until the end to get her out of there.

Investigation into *** and its ravages in the heart of the capital. This afternoon, Captain Nicolas from the police station of the 18th arrondissement mobilized around twenty of his colleagues. Start of Operation Porte de la Chapelle in the company of two tango crews, two BAC crews, three GSQ crews.

Nicolas will carry out an operation punch to the hill of ***. On site, live permanently a hundred drug addicts and a few drug dealers. We will try to get there quickly to avoid there being a scattering of all people who are on this portion of land called the Hill.

We have people who are under ***, under *** who are alcoholic. These are behaviors difficult to manage. Come on, let’s go down. Go, go, go, go! Get down, get down, get down! The police want to control all occupants. Top, top, top, top, top! We raise our hands. We raise our hands.

Among the drug addicts who live here, many are undocumented immigrants, but there are also people in a regular situation, especially young women. Some are barely 30 years old. The makeshift barracks are expanding on a plot of land 30 m wide and approximately 70 m long. They are made with construction site grills,

Tarpaulins and salvaged furniture. That’s where they live, where they smoke, where they play cards, where they drink. Sit down, sir! Sit down there ! The police begin the search. They put their hands on a cell phone and a computer… Are you receiving? Not only. – Jewelry.

It could be from theft and they make money with it. They then buy *** with it. It doesn’t take them long to discover doses of ***. In the tents. – Good game ! In all, more than fifty doses, we call them pancakes. They often don’t have it with them

And they hide it to the right and to the left in the tents. The matter is half resolved. The police will not find the owner of the cakes. On that day, some consumers are in a hurry to leave. Wait ! However, one of them comes to speak to us spontaneously.

My name is Clement, but they call me Jesus ***, not Jesus Christ. 40 years ago. It’s been 20 years that he tries to get out of the ***, but he recently relapsed. Listen. When I fell, I lost my job, my wife, my children, my home. I took refuge in there.

Clément had a job as a locksmith. He has two children. Because of his addiction, he no longer sees them. It’s been a year since I last saw them. The mother does not want that I give news or I see them in the situation in which I am. I understand.

Do you miss your children? I think yes to them every day I cry. Yes, it’s hard, but I know that I will manage to stop, but I must hurry. Clément is disgusted of what he sees on the Hill, especially the fate of women forced to make passes to pay for doses.

They are considered like merchandise, almost. Like… yes, what merchandise is… Men, when they want, they have to… there it is. Generally, it’s a blowjob for a buck and a pass for a pancake. A love is a simple whiff of ***, the equivalent of five euros. One cake is a dose worth 15.

On the hill, drug addicts under the influence can be very violent. This man was attacked just before the police arrived. A man was laughing. There are a lot of crazy people here. He broke bottles and he broke a bottle in my hand. I didn’t even feel it.

Sit down, move to the other side. The man is taken care of by the firefighters. As for the police, they arrest two people, one for receiving stolen objects, the other because she is wanted for previous facts. Without new discovery, they raise the camp, powerless in the face of the situation.

These interventions take place every week, Everytime, the occupants remain on site. Since its appearance 10 years ago, the *** hill was dismantled about fifteen times by the police, but it tirelessly reforms itself. Today, this supermarket open-air *** moves away and extends throughout the neighborhood from the Chapel Door.

300 m from the Hill, right in front of this municipal stadium, drug addicts and drug dealers took possession of the sidewalk. We go there with a hidden camera. On site, we discover a kind of small village with its own organization. There are street vendors, like this man. On his stall, he offers alcohol,

Lighters, single cigarettes. How much for cigarettes? – Fifty cents. He also sells this little transparent box, a basic kit. How much are you selling this for? Five euros maximum, four euros minimum. It’s a *** pipe. Distributed free of charge by prevention associations, they are the subject of a parallel trade.

We will then approach two men. Good morning. We make ourselves pass for consumers. Can we have a piece of stone? – Caillou, take it easy, friend. You must not speed up. Sit down. I’m giving my friend a taste, he’ll taste it. In each hand, the man is holding a *** pipe.

He hands it to us and he insists to make us taste his drug. Very suspicious, he wants to make sure that we are not police officers. I like to give to people, discreet, you taste. Why not ? – I smoke, but not outside. Why not smoke there? You’re from the police. – No.

Offering the first puff is one way to make new customers dependent. The man accepts in the end to sell us a cake. How much do you want ? Fifteen ? You stay there, we do it there. We decline the offer and decide to leave the place. Go ahead guys. See you later.

In minutes, on the sidewalk of this Parisian artery, it is therefore possible to obtain everything you need for smoking. At the 18th arrondissement police station, the police prepare a major operation to stem traffic on the famous sidewalk of Boulevard Ney. At night, our friends on the Hill tend to position themselves here,

Where there are a few more passages, a little more fashion, a few more drug addicts and everything that goes with it: prostitutes, street vendors. Commissioner Debatisse is in action. For this delicate operation, he mobilized around thirty civil servants. The role of BAC plainclothes police officers will be decisive.

I hope that upstream, we can have a flag with back monitoring. When we have control of the buyer which is positive, we trigger the arrest operation. Civilian crews will have to notice blatant transactional crimes. They leave early. The commissioner and his men in uniform will stay away from Boulevard Ney.

Unlike other drugs like the *** or ***, the sectors transforming *** into *** and resell it are poorly structured. The dismantling work of these networks is complex. It’s much more artisanal for a whole bunch of reasons. The drop in the price of *** facilitated access to the ***.

Then, the ***, there are very few in the ***, but there are a lot of chemicals which are easy to access. Constitute the elements which will allow us to sell *** does not require great technical skills nor a very large structure. We have groups three to four individuals

Who will take turns to sell, cook the ***, et cetera. After 45 minutes, surveillance by BAC police officers prove fruitful. They arrested a drug addict who just bought. In the second square when we leave the Porte de la Chapelle, second square, second tree. The two dealers sit side by side.

Everyone, 2TI18Alpha let’s get started. After the tram, we start. Come on, great, let’s go. The seller is handcuffed by the BAC. I don’t have a product, I don’t have anything. Do you have any syringes on you? – I have nothing. Do you have a knife? – I have nothing.

I only sell my beers. Wait, wait! – Search me, I have nothing. Open the mouth ! Stick out the tongue ! I’m just selling my cans. The man claims to be a street vendor. He doesn’t have any drugs. It’s so small that he can throw it anywhere.

While the BAC tries to find out where the *** was hidden. Come on, stand up there! Shall we give our papers? – Yes, there you go, like last time. The commissioner and the police officers of the 18th century gather the crowd along the stadium gates. Everyone will be searched.

We’re going to touch them. We are in France… – You calm down. Nearby, the police finally get their hands on some *** hidden in the luggage rack of a bicycle. That’s right, positive, red bike in a box, well done. *** pancakes. Is it a large quantity? – Yes, there is a little bit.

About fifteen pancakes in all. The arrested dealer says he comes from Gabon. What’s your name ? Are you from Gabon? I’m telling you. – Do you have an address in Paris? We have everything we need. Flawless. It is very good. 18th century investigators will deploy an annex

From the police station on the sidewalk. They will verify the identity of a hundred people. Where is your country of origin? – Senegal. Homeless, unemployed? It’s an Italian passport. Most individuals checked are drug addicts, like this man about fifty years old. How long have you been using?

– It’s been 10 years. – Ten years ? I can smoke two patties a day. Ten pancakes? – Two. Two ? – Yes, I work too. I can’t put it all in the ***. You must not come back here at night, at Porte de la Chapelle. I am also being monitored medically.

That’s why, it’s an opportunity. Yes. – SO ? However, there is also suspected dealers who, due to lack of products on them, leave without being worried. He got away with it. He’s a modou to death! Have you seen how proud he is… He’s being smart, too. – Not for tonight.

This operation will have allowed to stop traffic and consumption of *** on the boulevard, for a few hours. There are some who will come back, others don’t, it varies greatly. It’s two o’clock in the morning, so you have people who will end by leaving the sector anyway.

Then, the mods are no longer there. One of the main reasons the stagnation of drug addicts, it is the prospect of being served. The mods won’t come back this evening. The two in custody will not return and maybe not right away We hope so. The two dealers arrested risk 10 years in prison.

Despite these regular interventions of the police, drug addicts and dealers always end up coming back. For residents of the neighborhood, this cohabitation has become unbearable. If I tell you no! At night, drug addicts leave the Hill to beg and they sometimes show themselves very insistent. Do you have a room? Give me money.

Two euros, two euros, two euros. The inhabitants of this great tower are exasperated. How are you ? How are you guys? Mehdi is 29 years old. He was born and raised here. It’s still quiet, but later, It’s starting to become Walking Dead. They start to wake up and go out.

For this neighborhood kid, the situation has become untenable. There is the tram there, the metro, the buses, there are many passages. Drug addicts come here to beg. They have 200 meters to go to go get their ***. They do this all day, We see this all the time. Look at the addict, barefoot.

At the start of this month, they are all heading towards this distributor. It’s the *** post office. What date is it today ? It’s RSA day, the evening of the RSA. So they withdraw their money, and will have their cake. Mehdi is a martial arts teacher.

Twice a week, in this room, on the ground floor of its tower, he gives sports lessons to around thirty inhabitants of the Chapelle district. In position, we are going to start the course. Mohamed, you give me a warm-up in 10 min, joint? Go ahead ! Follow Mohamed for the warm-up.

A way to brighten up their difficult daily life, but also to teach them to protect themselves. On someone like me, or strong people, yes, they are not going to do anything, but those they consider weak, they will start to take advantage, to pick your pockets, to shoot them, to attack them.

It happens every day. It allows them to gain confidence in themselves and to be able to face it every day. When they are in mass and we are all alone, in the end, we don’t know if we have to move quickly, run a little bit, quietly at home. They can have knives, syringes.

That’s what scares me the most. Every evening, before returning his flat, Mehdi goes around the cages staircase of the building. He makes rounds looking for drug addicts. They often enter in the common areas to shoot up, warm and out of sight. Often they respond. They are often waiting for others. You hear ?

Mehdi is reassured. No intrusion is to be deplored. Today is a good day for us, there is no such thing as a drug addict. Tomorrow morning, there will be no unpleasant surprises. The children go to school quietly. Few days ago, a resident of the tower filmed these images with his cell phone.

What are you doing ? I sleep. You go out in front of your door and there’s a guy. In the morning he opens his door, there is a drug addict lying there. Like the vast majority of residents from the Chapel Door, Mehdi has the feeling to be abandoned by the public authorities.

I already called the police because there was drug addicts on the stairs. I called the police, but they did not move. Unfortunately, we have to use sometimes violence and take them out. We have to. For some time, a new phenomenon worries him. It’s that of migrants become drug addicts.

This is the case with this man who comes from Sudan. [Audio in Arabic] Yes, kull shay, “kull shay” means everything. They are being bombed in their country. They see things that we don’t see. Arrived here, they lose their heads, they do ***, they take *** and it’s over, they fall in.

This dose is given to migrants. Afterwards, they become dependent on it and drug addicts. Migrants have become the new target of dealers. Like Mehdi, the associations that help them are sounding the alarm. Dozens of undocumented immigrants would have fallen into the *** trap in Paris. Long nicknamed the poor man’s drug,

The *** no longer only affects a marginalized population. Martine lives in central France. For seven years, she has been taking the train once a month for Paris. She tries to get her daughter, Éloïse, out of the infernal spiral of ***.

The thread that still binds them is thin and can break at any time. Hello ! Yes, where are you at the moment? I don’t have time to see you. How ? – For what ? – You can not see me ? – Not at the moment. – Not now ? OK.

Éloïse is elusive, she is homeless. What did you come to do? I came to see you, because you are not coming. Where are you ? As always, Martine has to wait hoping that his daughter agree to see her. Alright. Come on, see you later. Does she answer you every time? – No.

When the conversation displeases him, she cuts. I’m pushing a little. She refuses to talk to me. It can last several days. Éloïse came to Paris 10 years ago to study theater. She falls in love of the son of a famous singer who consumed ***. It can affect all walks of life,

Since initially, she does not come from a disadvantaged background. She had the opportunity to study, to have a good job and a comfortable life. It’s an accident of life, following a bad encounter. Someone who was in hard drugs, and who destroyed it completely. In this folder, Martine keeps her daughter’s documents,

Since the day his life changed. This is a photo that I took the day I got it back, one summer, four years ago. A Parisian called me to tell me to come get my daughter. He found her on a sidewalk in a pitiful state.

He invited her to sleep at his place, he collected it. He begged me to come up and get her. I found her completely emaciated, exhausted. Since she started drinking ***, daughter’s appearance has changed radically. She’s a very, very pretty girl, very very beautiful. She attracted everyone’s attention, she was very pretty.

It’s cruel, it damages, it destroys. Among the documents, there are around ten letters that Martine addressed to the public authorities. She desperately asks them for help. This letter was sent to the public prosecutor. We are the parents of a drug addicted girl which puts his life in danger.

She suffered a series of ***. She was pregnant of an undocumented migrant, while continuing to consume ***. She regularly visits the hill from *** Porte de la Chapelle. It’s a real nightmare. Most of his letters remained unanswered. Martine will manage to see her daughter two days later,

15 brief minutes over a coffee at the station, before she takes the train again and that his daughter does not return to her demons. The daily life of *** is made of wandering and begging in the streets of the Capital.

I’m going to see ***, like that at least, I’m taking it with me to the Hill. If he is not in Pigalle, he will be at Lamarck, I must look for him. That of Karim and his friend, Thomas, revolves around the quest for the product. Usually they beg in the metro trains.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Forgive me for the inconvenience, I’m 34 years old, I’m homeless. If I ask you, it is quite simply and above all to try to buy me a lunch, thank you again for listening and I am counting on your sympathy and understanding. In the wagon that day,

Karim meets a young person from his old neighborhood. Are you okay, brother? Calm ? I’m doing well ? What are you doing ? – Nothing, I’m just coming out of training. I’m just coming out of my internship. – That’s good, mashallah. They knew each other before Karim sinks into the ***.

You didn’t see me, I told you, you didn’t see me. You’ve grown up since then. He’s a little kid from the city where I lived before. You see there, him seeing that, it makes me… It disgusts me a little. In just 5 minutes, Thomas managed to collect a few euros.

How much did you manage to get? – €5.05 is not huge either. It means to start again, to have at least twice the same amount. Which is the equivalent a meal at our house. A meal, that is a pancake for 15 euros.

It was a little one who lived just down from my house before. He said to me: “You’ve lost crazy weight.” To get a cake, Karim and Thomas don’t even need to get out of the metro. In the stairs from Stalingrad station, they come across a salesman. I have five.

We were just planning to pick up business and go fishing, but there is one here, we’re going to fish right away, The crack dealer saw our camera. He refuses to sell to them. On the Gare de l’Est platform? – Yes.

A drug addict on the stairs advises them to go to Gare de l’Est two stations away. We are in the train, there is already another one. Another seller, of course. It’s a real epidemic. How do you recognize them? By the look. By the look, they know we smoke. We know that they sell.

Afterwards, he just saw the camera. He’s shitting himself. Most are undocumented immigrants, they don’t want any problems. Are you Senegalese? You are not Senegalese? Dozens of dealers from from Senegal sell in the metro. They are called modous. In Wolof, the most spoken language in Senegal, that would mean small traders.

Karim and Thomas have just discussed with a Gare de l’Est seller. He asked them to wait in front of the metro. He told us he was going to recharge and will do something to us. They take the goods in the mouth. They manage to put 20, 30, 40, 50 patties.

There, he no longer has any, he has to take 20, 30, 40. It will reload. They’re not going to wander around with 150 pancakes. You have to do it little by little. This technique allows for the dealer to swallow the doses in the event of a police check and make the evidence disappear.

Even if they are packed in plastic, they can open and cause an overdose. The dealer is slow to arrive. The wait… Ten minutes later, he’s still not here. Karim is getting impatient, he is in need. You want to drive me crazy. I turn around. I want to wash, I want to eat.

Find someone, I don’t worry about anything. For the life of me, I don’t go up to the Chapel. Find me someone, and now it serves me. I do not care. Its dependence on the product obsesses him as much as it disgusts him. You smoke once, twice, three times,

You have a ring around your finger, you are married to your stone. You can have the most beautiful wife, the best job and salary, live in the 16th arrondissement. Your life in a few months, she becomes miserable. You only live for that, you only think about that.

Thirty minutes later, the seller is still not there. What do we do now ? Reluctantly, Thomas and Karim must go to Porte de la Chapelle to buy their dose. There you have it, everything I hate. They take line 12, a busy line by drug addicts.

I mean that my name is Morgan, the coach. There you go, you can say hello anyway already. Hello ? Check me already. Thomas had a disagreement with the dealers Porte de la Chapelle a few days ago. Karim will continue alone. Flawless. Arrived at the station, Karim does not want that we accompany him.

He doesn’t want to be seen in the corner with journalists. A quarter of an hour later, we find it a few stations further. Drugs in my pocket, the desire to smoke is too pressing. They will consume it immediately. Is the appeal of the product too strong? We’ll say it like that.

On the other hand, when I see children, I do not do it. By principle. At this moment, I couldn’t look at myself. I have three little wolfs. I couldn’t do that to other people’s children. Karim no longer pays attention in the eyes of others. Only the high matters to him.

It’s my down jacket that’s in the process to burn or is it your filter? The next day, we find Karim. He desperately tries to buy a dose and scans the docks looking for a modou. Odéon, you have to look for them everywhere! He’s my guy too.

It’s at the Odéon station, in the prestigious 6th arrondissement, that he finally sees a dealer. He saw him on the platform opposite. Karim is accompanied by two other ***. I’m doing well ? He’s someone I know very well. The dealer, here he is, he is Senegalese. I’ve been looking for you, brother.

Poto, I’m just 13, bro. – Two euros. No, buddy, it’s for my beer. Here, go ahead, come on, here. Leave me at least a euro for my beer. It is a beautiful ? The transaction lasts just a few seconds. The modou takes the dose out of his mouth and gives it to Karim.

It’s beautiful, it fits, impeccable. I just had a pancake in the Odéon station. – You can show me ? – Yes, she is there. She’s there. The other two addicts have also purchased from modou. With Karim, they will smoke directly on the platform. Even in the chic neighborhoods of Paris, it eats ***.

It’s starting, the epidemic is starting to arrive in Paris. To fight against trafficking and consumption of *** in the subway underground, The police headquarters created a specialized brigade. With 700,000 daily passengers, North Station is the busiest in Europe. Served by three metro lines, many buses and commuter trains,

This is one of the main points of sale of *** of the Capital. Among the crowds of travelers today, plainclothes police officers like Jérôme. We’re going to get back in the middle, I do not like too much, sometimes there is a passage. At Gare du Nord, we have a large concentration of sellers

Which will remain more or less fixed. We will have almost every day, at the same time, we can have between 10 and 15 sellers. It’s a big black spot in terms of *** traffic in a railway environment for example. For three years, Jérôme’s brigade is tracking *** dealers in transport. This afternoon,

Around ten of his colleagues crisscross the station. They communicate with each other by conference call. It’s in progress, colleagues are currently placing themselves and to be stationary waiting as the customers arrive. It will start to move. Thanks to video surveillance,

One of their colleagues pointed out to them the comings and goings of dealers. Very quickly, a transaction is noted. These are both who are on the stairs? These two men just bought from a modou. Jérôme is going to follow them. It will consume on the stairs to Maubeuge.

There, it happens at the Relay level. With three other police officers, they follow suit discreetly. The buyer hid the dose in his mouth. The police take him by surprise. It’s the police. Police ! Open the mouth ! Raise your hand, raise your hand.

They grab him at the glottis to prevent him from swallowing the dose. He can still breathe, but cannot swallow. Spit out the stone! Spit it out, spit it out! Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out! Open your mouth, open your mouth! Open your mouth, spit it out!

Spit it out, spit it out, spit it out! The man ends up spitting out the dose. It’s positive. It is packaged in plastic. That’s the dose. This technique of questioning may appear violent, but it is necessary according to the police. If he takes a wrong turn, we have already seen men swallowing badly,

They can’t breathe afterwards, just for a *** stone. This is why we intervene in this way. It’s more or less muscular, but we have to. – Why swallow it? – They are gambling with their lives. They are customers, they are addicted. They beg all day to get a stone.

They don’t want to get caught with it. They are more afraid of losing their dose than going into police custody. The second addict had nothing on him. The police can now call out to the dealer, but he will remain untraceable all afternoon. The next day, the police will have better luck.

Their surveillance and shadowing lead them 500 meters away, in the 19th arrondissement, place of the battle of Stalingrad. With the Gare du Nord, this is one of the other hotspots of the *** deal in Paris. We find Jérôme and his colleagues in an adjacent street.

A priori, we don’t have a lot of drug addicts arriving on site. We would a priori have a guy which would be turning to check if it was clear around and make sales. In teams of two, the police will surround the place. A first is installed at the back, Saint-Martin canal.

We will try to be very discreet, because they don’t want to see us. If they know we’re here, we call on the mods, they can no longer buy. You have to be as discreet as possible. A second team takes position 50 meters away. A third will be installed at an outdoor cafe.

There, I arrive at the bar level. We just have to wait the next transaction. A colleague helps them remotely. He observes the place thanks to video surveillance. We have a transaction in progress. Wait until we’re all ready. We have a seller. We will try to arrest him quickly with the product on him.

It’s right in front of us. What is grouped, it calls out. Come on, give your hand, turn, turn! The dealer is arrested. – It’s positive for him. – Positive for him too? Next to it, one of his customers is also handcuffed. That’s what he had in his hands.

Part of the merchandise was hidden in this external battery. That was on him. The *** that can be consumed immediately. Look. Let’s see too. – We’ll take it. It was inside. This time, the seller is not Senegalese, he is a resident of Seine-Saint-Denis. – Which municipality? – 93. – 93 what? – 300.

It’s what ? – Aubervilliers. An atypical profile. Usually, Jérôme deals with mods. He lives in Aubervilliers. It is a person who comes from the suburbs to sell. Even on the product presentation in himself, you were able to notice the unpackaged product,

And he didn’t have it in his mouth, what we call *** unpacks. These city resellers carry out flash sales. They sell their unpackaged doses in a few minutes before leaving. The drug addict arrested will be imposed an obligation of care. The dealer had on him about twenty *** stones,

The equivalent of 300 euros on resale. He faces up to 10 years in prison. It’s been 30 years since the *** rots the Stalingrad district, a rapidly changing neighborhood, with its trendy waterside cafes. Right in front of the square, the terrace of this bar fills up this late afternoon.

Do you want to taste ? Alexandre, 32, took over management of the establishment one year ago. – Do you have any Heineken zero? – Yes of course. – So. – All right. Very quickly, the customers of his terrace are bothered by *** smokers. Sir ! It happens often ? Yes, it’s all evening.

They come 10, 15 times in the evening. They are asked to leave. They take in consumption from the customer and in the package. They hang around, they are there, This is not reassuring for children. It’s around 9 p.m., when night falls, that the broom of drug addicts intensifies in front of its terrace.

This is the beginning of night trading. The dealers are coming, the others come to provide themselves. Night falls, it begins. In fact, Alexandre’s bar is about thirty meters away from a point of sale. Just across the sidewalk. Look towards the trash cans over there.

I remain discreet to avoid any problems at the bistro. I want to avoid window breakage. It bothers me, but I don’t say anything to be able to open tomorrow. I have my employees who need to work. There is a form of tolerance. Many times, the dealers used of his toilet

To hide their merchandise. They tended to hide their stones here. They come in the morning, they hide them. In the afternoon, they pick them up there, in the cupboards, in the trash, everywhere they can. It annoys me, because they are using from the establishment to hide their drugs.

Afterwards, it is better not knowing sometimes. It is now 10 p.m. Under the arcades, traffic is in full swing and the *** no longer hide to consume. Victim of hallucination, this one is desperately searching on the ground *** residue for smoking. Under influence, the behavior of drug addicts is unpredictable.

Alexandre paid the price on opening day. First day where we worked, on a Monday. In the evening, a man attacked a customer for a cigarette refused. They started to fight. I threatened them with the baseball bat. That’s problematic. Until the early morning, Stalingrad Square will remain occupied by dozens of drug addicts.

A few days later, the police officers of the anti *** brigade continue their war of attrition against the drug dealers in Stalingrad. They noticed a transaction and have just challenged the buyer. I got it. It’s positive. Your sleeve! Positive 803, for us, it’s positive. Let’s go.

A second team of police didn’t let go of the dealer one step. They are watching him from this bar. The modou is in front of us. It’s in Greek. He has a gray t-shirt, black sweatpants. OK, we’re going to question. Five police officers enter the appearance of nothing in the establishment.

Police, police! – Don’t move, don’t move! Spit, spit, spit, spit! Do not touch me. Spit, spit, spit! Spit, spit, spit, spit, spit! Come on quickly, get out. – He swallowed it. It’s okay, he has… – It’s okay, it’s going to be okay. The modou had time to swallow the cakes. I use pliers.

The man is from Senegal. You swallow it when I arrive. You swallow, and if one is badly wrapped, It’s an overdose. You are big, you assume. You know why you swallowed it. Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about it. He had *** in his mouth, we saw the stones. He swallowed.

If the swallowed paper is not waterproof, he risks an overdose. Given the toxicity of the product, it’s dangerous. This is why we prevent them from swallowing, but they are gambling with their lives. They play the return to the country, they play everything. In his bag, his winnings for the day.

It’s a bit like Fort Boyard. All his bag, These are just parts. You worked well today. Where does all this come from? A few dozen euros in small change. There are also restaurant vouchers. The principle is simple. Basically, they give him a €12 restaurant voucher,

The modou takes it as a cash value of €10. According to the police, mods like him would earn 200 euros per day. Man will be led to the nearest police station to be presented to a judicial police officer. He faces up to 10 years in prison. Good game !

Return to Porte de la Chapelle, near the *** hill. Every week for a year, cleaning services from Paris town hall come to clean the den of drug addicts. Their interventions are secured by the police. When they see us coming, they remove their personal belongings, for then we allow it to intervene correctly.

This well-established ritual, Pierre-Adrien knows him well. He is in charge of the fight against drug addiction at City Hall. The embankment is evacuated of its occupants, cleaning crews can destroy makeshift dwellings. Like every week, they will pick up there approximately five tonnes of waste. Hence the need to come very regularly

To avoid that in space two or three weeks, the site becomes a huge dump and a shantytown on the outskirts of Paris. These operations cost 18,000 euros per month at the Town Hall. They respond to the health emergency, but do not resolve the root of the problem.

Addicts wait the end of the intervention on the other side of the road. There, typically, they gather on these two spots during the operation weekly cleaning. Then, once we’re gone, there will be a resettlement. Indeed, barely the Hill cleared of its waste, drug addicts rebuild there their camp.

Is there a will from the authorities to contain drug addicts Chapel door? When we ask the question to town hall officials, they avoid the subject. It’s a question to ask the authorities and elected officials. I can’t answer you on that. It’s not up to me to answer you, I am a civil servant.

Your opinion ? I have no opinion on the matter, Reserve duty. Finally, the police headquarters dismantled the Hill a few weeks ago. This is the 18th time in 10 years. This time, mobile gendarmes park nearby to prevent reinstallation. However, drug addicts did not disappear. They moved Porte d’Aubervilliers, 500 meters away.

They came to graft to migrant camps. Faced with the simple displacement of the problem, for the third consecutive evening, local residents are showing their fed up. The Hill has been dismantled. They must be taken care of and put them elsewhere. Come on, get out, get out!

My wife has insomnia, she gets up at night. She even sees them being prostituted under our windows, everywhere, even in classes now. This becomes unacceptable. For 30 years, petitions from local residents and police operations had the sole effect of moving the *** from one district to another of the Capital.

The problem seems unsolvable and the authorities totally overwhelmed.

De nos jours, Paris n’a plus l’image du parfait petit couple amoureux se baladant sur les bords de Seine. Pauvreté et misère poussent une partie de la population à se réfugier dans les bras de la faucheuse. Son allure ? Un petit caillou blanc très dangereux, dont la dépendance est quasi instantanée !
Nous enquêtons au cœur de cette activité, rythmée par d’imprévisibles consommateurs et des équipes de la BAC déterminées, dans une partie de chasse ne fait que commencer…
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  1. Alors moi je pense que BIP… un peu moins de BIP… parce que ca en devient BIP… Dans ce cas autant ne pas faire de BIP…. sur les BIP… Vous allez perdre beaucoup de BIP… à force de jouer les bien-BIP… Pauvre BIP…., notre monde devient carrément BIP… ! 🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩👎👎👎

  2. mon avis sur se reportage est …. …… ….. …. biiiiiiiiiip biip biiiiiiip…… ….. Biiiiiiiip biiiiiiiiiip sur ce Niiiiiiiiiip viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip …… voila mon avis
    ce n'est pas fais pour les gamins ce genre de documentaire ca ne sert a rien a part enerver les gens –-" sur ce je ne regarde meme pas votre enquête a deux balle. j'ai autre a écouter que vos biiiip –-"

  3. Heureusement que j'ai quitté Paris et sa banlieue depuis longtemps après juste 5 ans lorsque je suis revenu en banlieue pour visite je ne reconnais plus ma ville la drogue gangrène la France cela ce généralise et les politiciens se foutent royalement de l'état décadent du pays . L'immigration à rapporté beaucoup de problème on voit le reportage très peu de Patrick ou de Sylvie désolé mais il faut être réaliste . C'est un fléau mondial car du côté de l'Amérique , Canada pas mieux voir pire .

  4. Peine de mort pour les vendeurs de drogue = problème réglé.
    Pourquoi on les laisse détruire les vies de centaines de milliers de gens ? Pourquoi la France est-elle si faible ?

  5. trop de censure, si vous vouler [REDACTED] il faudrait au moins que [REDACTED] puisque si [REDACTED] fait que [REDACTED] , eh bien c'est sur que [REDACTED] ne pourra pas [REDACTED].

  6. Bravo à nos politiques incompétents d’avoir foutu la France en cacahouète quelle tristesse. Arrêtons d’abord l’immigration avant de mettre plus d’effort…

  7. Pour connaître une personne qui prend du crack depuis un certain temps, ils disent un nombre de mensonges et de bêtises assez surprenant.. chercherait t'ils à manipuler l'opinion publique pour insiter les gens soutenir la politique :"on cache la crasse qu'on créer dans Paris pour ls JO"

  8. En plus c'est très simple de stoper la trafic, il suffit de faire en sorte que les punitions législatives soit extrêmement dur pour les vendeur de crack, les meurtrier, violeur pédophile etc. Si un enfant fait une bêtise et qu'il reste impunie ou peu, il n'a aucune raison extérieur d'arrêter. Certaine personne ne sont pas capables de se remettre en question et on besoin de conséquence concrètes vis à vis de leur mauvaises actions.

  9. Putain sacré bonhomme ce Mehdi ! 30 et quelques années et une sacrée lucidité! Mais la maman derrière m’a arraché des larmes ! Je vis dans le val d’Oise depuis 50ans et cette maladie 🦠 est exponentielle, même dans nos campagnes ça ce développe 😢!

  10. 😮ai no metrô 🚇 na cara de pau e falta de respeito próprio em primeiro lugar, e as altoridade faz vista grossa, uma coisa é o vício outra é ser desrespeitoso, se fosse aqui no Brasil seria punido exemplamente pelos vagabundos mano 😬🤒🤕🤯👍

  11. Diga se de passagem a pedra de crack aí é caro muito caro ,ja no Brasil comparado a Paris barato muito barato, por isso vário se arisca, exemplo 20 pedra ai 300 euros, na moeda do Brasil, 1,600 reais mas que um salário mínimo no Brasil 😮

  12. Кто бы что бы не говорил, наркоману может помочь только сам наркоман. Никакие запреты и никакие законы ему не помогут

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