河南开封最牛大排档,一锅骨头卖20000元,每天煮700斤酱大骨,生意火爆! #菊城小微

If I am already my biggest. This pot of mine is 500kg Two pots a day It’s usually eight o’clock. Like how much this pot can sell. I’m just 20000 dollars less Two large bowls of cold How much is this basin of oil? ten catties My name is Nian New Year. 35 this year.

Anyway, they are both more than a year. The franchise is 60 o’clock. Business is very good My body is also very dissatisfied Now this store costs more than 30000 yuan a day. Yeah, okay. It was hot in July and June. With when we talked about 100000 right Guangdong’s Tai Hospital for four months

I am 400 or 500 catties of raw meat, more than 400 catties What is the waiter here? Let’s talk This day is two pot It’s almost 1000 jin No, it’s about two pots and 1000kg a day. Very happy Buy more than 100 yuan a pack of five bags

How many pounds are there in this head 300 catties here Have you eaten here before? It turns out that I am not heartache I came to eat How about a taste It was also introduced by an acquaintance, wasn’t it? It is said that the introduction of people is similar. It’s very early.

Ha ha ha This is not afraid of running. It’s okay. I can’t. That’s right. Ah, small portions are 48 one and a half catties of meat Two cold dishes will be delivered at 6 o’clock. It is more than 20 years to do four delicious things. Cold dishes are free of money

The people over there are small Now it is Give it up here. I can’t tell the truth about this These are only seven o’clock. It’s nothing now Some customers. a little soft Go back, I’m coming Customers can’t eat That son Generally, those who come here to eat are served by themselves.

Take your own chopsticks Reprint yourself. Line up and call yourself My mother drops What kind of flavor do we want here? The big portion is 88, right 88 is to send four six cold dishes Have you eaten here before? This is not from this not ah First time to eat here, right?

And the tea party For the first time, I heard him say it at the bottom. You serve this, this, this, your own food, right You said there are more than 300 kinds of things to do now. There are more than 300 kinds of things to do now. That big house

More money for a thing This is only one count It’s all one dollar, five dollars, five dollars, yeah The price has gone up Is one dollar and five more expensive? What is the price of mutton now Well, there are many outside.

I thought the two pieces of mutton were more or less one piece and five pieces. Mmm, spicy soup His spicy soup is mutton Use Kaifeng mutton and spicy soup once WeChat this ancient is not This soup long coriander Come out with this smell Let this soup of coriander drink well

This soup is not bowl to bowl Teacher preparation it is still bad How much to buy the stone boss goose intestine I added a space Ha ha ha Stronger than the first two days The wind blew hard the other two days Heavy rain No, the sound is not good, eh

I’m eating here with a bunch of kids in the sky. Hey, the boss led me by my nickname You’re all here That wake up. Oh, my God. Dinner today. I’ll go downstairs and buy me a steamed stuffed bun. Those who want to eat mutton steamed buns want to eat mutton steamed buns

Also expensive To help get 100 dollars The head is also expensive. This kind of ah Buy some steamed buns for 100 Now it’s your turn to get paid Can you send it? Whoever makes money is money. Where’s the top? Where’s the 100 dollars? I’ll buy steamed buns later.

Now let’s go to Nanyang City There is a mutton bun seller in the street of Nanyang City. Then business is good also very delicious Nanyang City Street From this school, this one can also fill cakes with eggs. It’s been a few years Don’t eat eggs and rice today

I often have a delicious rice noodle restaurant. This is the house. His name is Na Ying Mi Xiang They opened the door He mainly sells pigs. His rice noodles are super delicious Then this Nanyang city entrance Did this Hu spicy soup get ice from the store? You Yeah.

This is the Majiabaozi. Didn’t she go out today? What does Wang Da ha have now The somebody else say somebody else do what meat Uh-huh. Do you have all the sauerkraut? I want two pieces of meat Then ask for a sauerkraut And then a carrot How much money now These four months

Six yuan, okay There are two pieces of meat, aren’t there? It’s a five. I’m sure the stroke that came over was also very fast. Look at all the people in this room. Live 30 points But he still didn’t raise the price for five dollars a bowl. As a native of Kaifeng

To be the most human fireworks It is these In the little alley in the corner of the old Kaifeng city These places are also the most earthly fireworks in the neighborhood of this street Also has many traditional specialties snacks I really pulled out a small booth in Kaifeng. It’s no exaggeration to say

A boss has been working for more than a decade or two. I don’t say if you can guess which one is selling this disease. This cake is also the cake of our Kaifeng mutton kang bun His family is specially processed for others. The old couple couldn’t do it. Now a daughter-in-law

My son is doing it. Also saved. There are several generations Here comes Mai Four steamed buns and a bowl of mutton and spicy soup Uh-huh. Good. It’s still the one in Nanyang that was originally sold to that one. Move to other people’s homes have moved for 4 years

They say it’s been 4 years. I don’t even know which flower seller I am. You see which woman is Soy sauce tube has become so serious No price increase yet. And five minutes I have always thought that the coriander in this spicy soup is very fragrant. It’s not that I don’t feel worthy

Because of coriander, I feel it is suitable for beef soup. mutton soup or something Now Kaifeng buys this mutton and spicy soup with very little coriander in it. He has to be this soup If it’s not hot He doesn’t even put this coriander well. It’s time to eat

And the spicy soup still tastes different from drinking. No price increase Now the beef on the street is out of oil. Also four yuan Well, more than 30 yuan Which have three pieces Why haven’t I seen three pieces of spicy soup You analyze the analysis

Why do Kaifeng people like to drink Hu spicy soup I don’t know Anyway, I also like to drink Hu spicy soup with black broth or something Because we sell it for ten dollars and buy more than 500 later. what did you buy I want big bread to say

The bread I bought yesterday was small. They all question him Why is it five dollars I’ll buy four I only buy bread small That’s all right I don’t even have to buy that expensive Also blend in with the seaside I’m going to struggle. There’s meat here.

He should call mutton spicy soup without reduction bump into me on I don’t buy leeks I think you taste like leeks Before you talk to me A taste of eating leeks So I don’t ask you to eat leeks Don’t pay attention to anything. raw pine blue yogurt wine sour You are delicious

You don’t eat When does it smell on the ground? Eating steamed buns without garlic has no soul Did you take the acid You say it is not You don’t call a car Maybe accept the spring thing Eat in winter this summer to eat hot After no vegetarian They buy you four vegetables.

What do you mean You can also be fragrant I will continue to produce whole wheat bread. Continue to lose weight You, you, you can return the favor They did. This is blowing what ah Giraffe ah Eh, hey. medium, medium and good looking Ha ha ha ha ha

I ‘ve been talking about flying for several years. Age is flying. Is this white sugar? I went to buy tooth candy. You also have more What’s the matter with maltose blowing? Little gourd Oh, right. The mouse can’t get back to digging after a sip. What I bought was food.

The somebody else is playing What about this? Well, there’s something to eat some have eaten How much does it cost now? Five dollars for one. Five dollars. It’s all base numbers. Isn’t that right? Right, right. You want him to hammer History has been blackout This all Who did you learn this craft from?

He and the villagers who don’t want to learn from the master Then do you have nothing to do with this now I saw that there are more than 3000 potatoes in Henan 3000 many people oh There are only more than 3000 people doing this in Henan Yes, yes, yes, ah Yes, yes, yes.

Equal to old Then I don’t think you can sell much for this now, do you Then buy one of your clothes He is a bundle Someone will ask for it later. Also sold in the supermarket. Really. You see if this is also a feeling Don’t want to lose this old craft

I don’t care how many varieties you can pinch. There are It’s like a stove. I have a curiosity about how he blew it out. All must be hollow I’ll take it back and sell it How much can you sell this day 300 200 can also be used. You work this almost

I this light and easy can also pass this old craft as furniture Yes, yes, yes. That’s what it means. This thing is old-age Old enough to manage Is you working You don’t want grandpa until you’re 50 to 60. How many years have you been blowing this I ‘ve been blowing for 10 years

I used to work. At that time, more than 20 dollars That’s when I pushed I can make 30 bucks a day pushing this Can earn more than 1000 yuan a month Then you said you were better than working. Then, you said that you used to work in this stall.

I have also raised my family. Yes, yes, yes, yes. What does this interview take students Yes, up here You also earn When I earned seven or eight dollars At that time, the money was quite useful. It is used every day. At that time, I didn’t earn 1000 yuan from working.

What do you say? This kind of thing was better in the past than it is now. At that time, I couldn’t sell the price. At that time, it was only three dollars. One fifty cents for both At the moment, if you put it aside in tourist attractions That’s 20 bucks a piece.

The shape of the head of the dish This building. On this lake. It’s all expensive That’s 40. That’s right. Is there less food here now? After a while, he said it was not hygienic. Is that right? Actually, this thing This thing he endured After all, you gave him fat He dropped points

I came to get it. It’s all clean. It won’t contaminate oh He here underground can be angry people fell to me This won’t get It’s like saying he won’t get gray. Nothing will touch This thing He’s willing to make him curious May it be noble and humble in the future

He he don’t run down He’s actually a craft. is a feeling You want to say how much it costs to eat it You can’t say how much it’s worth Can eat more Eat worthless You can’t see how many things there are, can you? That’s a craft

Is the inheritance up to white to give him a meal It’s okay to call a few disciples Good. Give Inner Mongolia a female apprentice again It is not good to learn learn a lot This is a deduction of points anyway. That is, two months. in March.

It takes two or three months to learn for just one hour. Hey hey hey That depends on this study That’s four more. wait a minute this soup is hot That tree This is cold This sugar is sugar Coco, look at that. This one is not hot for him.

He’s all staring at him. He can’t blow it. But delicious is to forget to taste it Then he, he, he sang, why didn’t he listen? I don’t sing, I don’t sing You this fruit fruit what You can’t replace the smell. Well, that’s it. Well, I ‘ve never eaten anything delicious like this before.

That give it a fragrance Well, it’s just a little less. I didn’t have a sow in my early years. Ha ha, this little mother has made money on a bicycle. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Then you don’t want to give it to Kaifeng Go to something else. I ran far away

Now the little sister in Shandong, Jiangsu, 990 Yang, is on the side it is good for you to buy this Where do you want to go with tourism After a while, don’t you listen now Don’t come out in the morning Somebody close the door The somebody else do it

Folk Craft Sugar Blowing Man Why did you sell it yourself? Kaifeng City We have two tourist attractions here. There are two in case that one of the Wanli Mountains has a name. I am in Chengdu I work in Chengdu You say so No one’s going to go to the children

You are from Kaifeng Not Kaifeng people No, no, no. I won’t do it now I bought it specially in Kaifeng By the way, this is where I came to yiyo fast food. That is oh That’s where you’re going. Where to rent a house above Yes, yes, yes. You put Chengdu

That’s not that I rent a house for 900 yuan a month. a few hundred dollars It’s only four dollars to use that bowl every year. The main thing is the temple fair. ha ha, there is no such face. It’s just waiting to be sold out.

Of course, it’s really not possible to get on the boat. Take this to play means wheat is also sold You must have rolled it out quickly. There’s a little charcoal fire down here Oh, right. This is a small saw wood pier at the door. It’s your time. Ha ha ha ha oh

Is it not a profit? By the way, I said there was no profit. This sugar somehow you have a certain degree This maltose was originally 6666 cough The school department after 60 bought some food. Ah to home When I was a child, I still had the fine cake and syrup.

But we also lost That is to say When I was a child, I ate and went on the market. a lot of price How much did you spend? Hey, you’re almost sold out here. It’s not for sale. Ye ha Tube blow no matter that lovely Ah, also send a electricity Buy it

This is for the chicken. Loosen the chicken I bought both yesterday and they were delicious. Recently this period of time Sandwiches are made at 5:30 every morning. Then come out and run around It took 18 minutes for the room to run to the Tiananmen Square member at the north gate.

Now I’ll buy Sun Ji’s fire again. His home. This fire was sold when I was a child for 50 cents each. I heard her mother-in-law passed it on to her daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law has now passed on to her grandson. Her family is lined up every day

So let’s take a look at it early today. No stall today He gave this position to the Tower Park night against this intersection Then to the west This Lunan was originally on this big tree. How to say what ah How can this be This point? Is there a fire now? came early.

Ha ha, I saw you didn’t buckle him Thought he didn’t eat sugar A few really usually come at this time can ha ha Can not find out It’s like seven o’clock I can’t even buy a child. A few pieces now Ah, five dollars or five dollars. I haven’t seen it yet.

Too long too long It turned out to be four pieces How long is four dollars It turned out to be four dollars. four pieces It’s still a month since I was lying in the trough this year. Don’t use that lid Don’t use charcoal Do not use

If I don’t use charcoal, I don’t want to use it. I let it all go This family really has a long history. 40 years. Which one did he buy then? At that time, my family lived in this gas station. The gas station is tight. It’s tight.

I bought it at that time, two or two seconds and a dime. At that time also seduce you Both are finished I say one looks complete You want more No, you said it was mainly to let us stay in this small fish in the north. I don’t know if it’s business.

No, it’s just that, old man. My car is all old You used it with your heart He heard people say You take the ignition and burn it well. eat too much I always listen to the old fire. We need 122 meat here on fire. That’s pretty much You see how much money

Is that you are all delicious Forget it. Let’s fry this fire. It’s the kind that burns. Then I’ll be a little soft when I get it. It’s not as delicious as ours, eh one day WeChat Collection Ten Yuan Get me a big one. I’m running, running, running, running, walking

Ah, when I was a child, I felt this street This dish is for that mother to buy vegetables there at that time. It feels so wide. It’s so hot now In the morning the sun crept up at dawn As if to see new hope It is also the light of effort.

Sometimes life is like this a little busy a little tired A little bitter Sometimes a little annoying When you have no money Envy the rich When there is money Envy the body is good The body is not good Envy a healthy life. Where is the smooth sailing

Do you want to have a fire this morning? Pull a mango I also don’t know how to match Anyway, all the children in my family only need meat to eat. Can be happy Make an egg cake for your husband in the morning. I took it with me for a while.

Eat at the store He didn’t go out last week. No sushi. There are several sushi Now this sushi bar is not that I don’t want to make Don’t know what’s going on Unhappy to sell. Probably like the fans say Sushi this thing it belongs to a niche product

People who like to eat can’t eat every day. People who don’t like to eat don’t eat at all. So steam less rice today Pack a few boxes I feel that there are a lot of people doing small business this year. School gate Then you can see everywhere in the streets

There are many beautiful cars. And then they sell dessert. There are sushi some sell rice balls Are you supporting small businesses It may or may not be poisoned by tremolo. In the trembles, the business of setting up stalls every day is especially good. all may make money And flexible and free time

Less investment. This may be the blind vote of many precious mothers. A 1000 or 2000 yuan A stall will be set up for 2000 or 3000 yuan. I am still that sentence You can’t follow suit Choosing a location is important. Another is to insist

If it is Baoma who wants to send the children in the morning Then buy a sushi or get a car. No matter what business No selling point I think it can be sold out in a while. If that’s what you think Don’t do it before it’s too late. Did not say anything Imagine.

As good as in the tremolo No matter what you do A good rent I’ll give it to you sold out After the robbery, the scene will only be seen in the trembles. Whatever business you do. It’s all an accumulation a precipitate You’re like this sushi You’re done Not sold out today

Then you lose the rest I don’t do much today make a few boxes It is still made with five or five dollars. a ten-dollar Stall in front of the school All I bought was five dollars There are ten dollars Like that warship. I received the goods and did not do it.

Anyway, doing business in this place now The biggest benefit. There is a time to play There is a dry time Monday to Friday can soon be over Then you can have a rest on Saturday and Sunday. Although it is not much money But I don’t feel tired either.

And being able to accompany the kids. You want to say this light this small business It’s really hard to think that I can support my family. But if you want to simply find something to do, it’s still good. The sushi is ready and the sauce is spread.

I’ll put some seaweed at the end. fragrance pine This is very fragrant and delicious. Not much this morning. Let’s be town first. sold out at noon In the afternoon, we will do Southwest again. Soon it will be the weekend again The two of us can rest Make an appointment with a best friend

I took my kids to the barbecue. Spring this season is my favorite season All kinds of flowers are blooming The weather is not hot Everywhere you go is beautiful. I also have no place to barbecue in this place. Generally, it is along the Yellow River or Heigangkou.

That one takes the shelf and makes a good shelf. Which one do you play I don’t think it’s sweet

河南开封最牛大排档,一锅骨头卖20000元,每天煮700斤酱大骨,生意火爆! #菊城小微
#探店 #美食 #菊城小微

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