Chamonix Central best of, sans Ski & Cycle,without extreme sport,normal people fun,France

Welcome sh we left the fair margin of theous  Lake of Geneva and entered the Alpine Ravines   tracing to its source the brawling arv river  through the rockbound valley of cvox beside   the mighty waterfalls and under the shadow of  the inaccessible mountains we traveled on while  

The luxuriant walnut tree gave place to the dark  Pline whose musical branches swung in the wind and   those upright forms had braved a thousand storms  Till The Verdant sod the flurry Dell and the shy   hell were exchanged for the skypier untrodden  seedless Rock the bones of the world waiting  

To be clothed with everything necessary to give  life and Beauty there is nothing of Geneva itself   in it that can repay you for the trouble of  walking over it rough Stones the houses are   high the streets are narrow many of them on the  ascent and no public building of any beauty to  

Attract your eye or any architecture to gratify  your taste the town is surrounded by a wall the   three gates of which are shut exactly at 10:00  when no bribery as in France can open them LMA  

Lake Geneva is at our feet and a little Harbor  contains our boat in which we still enjoy our   evening excursions on the water unfortunately  we do not now enjoy those brilliant Skies that   hailed us on our first arrival to this country  and almost Perpetual rain confines us principally  

To the house but when the Sun Burst forth it is  with a splendor and heat unknown in England the   thunder clouds that visit us are grander and  more terrific than I have ever seen before we   watch them as they approach from the opposite  side of the lake observing the lightning play  

Among the clouds in various parts of the  heavens and darting Jagged figures upon   the piny heights of Jorah dark with the shadow  of the overhanging cloud while perhaps the sun   is shining cheerily upon us one night we enjoyed  a finer storm than I had ever before beheld the  

Lake was lit up the Pines on Jura made visible  and all the scene illuminated for an instant   when a pitchy Blackness succeeded and the thunder  came in frightful bursts over our head amid the [Applause] [Music] darkness mind come back [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Music] baby

[Applause] fmin Abit a Protestant Theologian  born in uses after the revocation of the Edict   of n took refuge in Geneva traveled and entered  Shaman Valley before suur abbl it made a map of   the glassier of SEO unfortunately his map was  never finished or was destroyed in the papers  

Opposite burned on the order of the bishop of  is Benedict S and boret R duville Gerta Victor   Hugo Jerome L land all made the arduous trip to  Shaman little change since Roman Antiquity and   the Pastoral visits of bishops from the 11th  to the 15th century to the prior of Shaman  

The Geneva scholar s dreamed of installing  his instruments at the top of the white mole   hill that is Mont Bon and collect Alpine plants  minerological Explorations needed the boldest   crystal Seeker guides voage Alps Geneva to clu  occupies a chapter clu to Sal chapter Sal to  

Shaman from Sol the shabang demand Carriage  gives way to the ass the P donkey scrapes   against The Rock of the path to one side and  overhangs the precipice to the other this is   the route to Shaman boret was to make literary  characters of shamua shamani hunters and in terms  

Of popularity made shamani and zurat known him  and his red umbrella and powder snow described   as cream firing off pistols and throwing grenades  to hear and feel the Echoes of the valley between   Bonville and clues was great Amusement in these  days Clues to soles waterfalls n the alas but if  

Your horse gives up half an hour before you reach  sales out of sheer fatigue you’re going to arrive   there late at night and miss the waterfalls  Splendor another day was taken to Journey up   past the bridge of samata servos where locals  are trying to sell graphite a toac of the town  

Of s Pierre which was submerged and the bridge  of the Montes pelicia the village of fui and mon   crossing the river Al and arriving at the prior  marks the start of the shaman Valley Windam an   Englishman in 1741 with experience of Egypt and  the Arabic leval popularize The glaciers as the  

Callers the prior the only place to stay in town  or rather shamany the village on the Northern edge   of the river AR Napoleon the First’s Josephine  was to visit Shamone and Napoleon III and Eugene   things had improved by the time of Victor Hugo’s  visit 1925 in sles you leave your car from this  

Village to the prior of Shaman the journey is  made in shabangs harnessed to mules and formed   of a single transverse bench where one is seated  sideways under a kind of small leather canopy the   four panels can be lowered in the event of  a storm this new way of traveling warns you  

That you are passing in a way from one nature  to another here you are entering the mountain   the round flat Hooves of horses no longer suit  these rough Steep and slippery paths the wheale   of ordinary cars would break in these narrow  paths constantly torn by points of rock and  

Broken by Torrens of water you need light and  solid carts that can be dismantled in difficult   passages and cross them with you on the shoulders  of guides and muers so far you have only seen the   Alps now you are beginning to feel them Empress  Josephine was carried by eight men two gangs of  

Four in rotation on a chair raised up for Victor  Hugo still half a century later there was no more   traced route than the rushing torrent following a  stream by mule Rolling Stones ringing under their  

Feet Napoleon was so pauled that he built a road  worthy of his name the empress was able to stay   in the what’s now the Cino solur reached the  summit of Mont Blanc in 1760 that he observed  

From the top of Revolt 20 years later Packard  and balma were the first two locals to make it   to the top of Mont Blan in 1770 madmazel cand  opened the first tourist hotel hotel D though  

Popular it took nine days for the huge number of  British tourists to get to Shamone it was still a   destination for the summer Mountaineers painters  writers Byron and Shelly sporting enthusiasts   often the first Winter Olympics in 1924 was held  in shiman and cable cars just a few short years  

After suspended trains they were called 1946 the  ice Grotto was carved into the murder glass 1955   got us the egg Dei Cable Car 1965 The Mont Blanc  tunnel to Italy of the Oster Valley 39 Souls died  

In the 1999 fire from a flower and margarine  truck Shaman is a small town of 9,000 people   which becomes 60,000 visitors in the winter and  100,000 visitors in the summer often cycling and   Hiking mountaineering apart from the Victorian  palaces well spaced out there’s no real Terraces  

There’s the Modern Hotel of the Alpena imposing  its vastness in the center of town but Shaman   is very much a valley rather than a conation  thousands of small chalets separated out into   old Villages all accessed by bus traffic grinds  everything to a halt valos Up On the Border artier  

Shaman town leuch are separated by the elevated  Motorway the aqueduct that delivers you down to   Sanja VBA 70 keters an hour still hugging the side  of the Rock and with a Wall of Death hair pin or [Music] [Applause] [Music] two [Music] Th thou Ravine of our dark deep ravine th many  colored many voiced Veil over whose Pines and   Crags and caverns sail fast Cloud shadows and  sunbeams awful scene where power in likeness   of the arv comes down from the ice Gulfs that  GS this secret Throne bursting through these  

Dark mountains like Flame of lightning through  the Tempest thou dust lie thy giant brood of   Pines around thee clinging children of Elder  time in whose devotion these chainless winds   will come and ever came to drink their odors  and their Mighty swinging to hear an old and  

Solemn Harmony thine Earthly rainbows stretched  across the sweep of the Ethereal waterfall whose   Veil robes some unsculptured image the strange  sleep which when the voices of the desert fail   wraps all in its own eternity th Caverns  echoing to the AR’s commotion a loud lone  

Sound no other sound can tame thou art pervaded  with that ceaseless motion Thou Art the path of   that unresting sound dizzy Ravine and when I  Gaze on Thee I see as in a trance Sublime and   strange to Muse on my own separate fantasy  my own my human mind which passively now  

Renders and receives vast influencing holding an  unremitting interchange with the clear Universe   of things around one Legion of wild thoughts  whose wandering wings now afloat above thy   darkness and now rest where that or Thou Art No  unbidden guest in the still Cave of the which  

Pose he seeking among the Shadows that pass by  ghosts of all things that are some shade of the   some Phantom some faint image till the breast  from which they fled recalls them Thou Art There can you feel that you feel that I am in where I go sh the Sun every like every okayo one thing sets us apart from  Niagara G Canyon and the other part pollution yes we truly the  best we Mighty mil higher than All [Music] welcome sh all the sickness in the valley making [Music] me

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