視界觀1011「又見英倫」(1)從希斯羅機場轉乘地鐵和火車到達七棵橡樹小鎮,開啟再訪英倫之旅 @drchinviewtalk

Hi everyone, I have arrived at London Heathrow Airport. I just took this British Airways plane and arrived in London . However, there was some hiccup because the plane was delayed for almost half an hour. As a result, the plane could not open the door after arriving at the airport.

It was almost waiting. It took more than half an hour to get off the plane. It said that the trestle was not connected. Anyway, we arrived successfully . Now this is the third terminal. I don’t know how many terminals there are in Heathrow Airport . After arriving at the airport,

The first one The thing is definitely that I have to go through customs , but I have no idea how to go about it. I just follow everyone. It feels like this third terminal is old, but according to the last time I came to Heathrow Airport,

It was already there. It has been nearly 30 years. I don’t know when this third Terminal was built. I see that the floor already looks old. I saw Hainan Airlines here and looked at the situation outside. Today’s flight time is still quite good. It’s good because it

Took off at around 9 o’clock Vancouver time in the evening and after a nearly 9-hour flight, it was around 6 o’clock in the morning Vancouver time, plus 8 hours London time . Now it’s around 3 o’clock in the afternoon and it’s still bright outside.

And relatively speaking, there is not that obvious time difference. The British Airways flight I took today is an Airbus 350. It should be full. There are all men , women and children. Basically, there are European faces and some Indians. Asian faces are relatively rare.

Maybe the plane is full. It is parked at a remote airport , so there is a long corridor and a long walk here . I have already seen the Passport control, and this is the place to go to customs. I just passed through customs in front of it

And it was better than I thought. It’s much easier and very fast. Now I’m going to find my way out and see how to find the subway and take public transportation to London. First, I have to go through the baggage carousel. But I don’t have any checked luggage

, so I can go out faster. There is also a place where you can buy local phone cards. There is also a money exchange place here, but I think there should be some outside. When you go out from here, you will officially go out of the customs and the airport

. After exiting this door, there are some small shops that should be duty-free. The small shop is outside and we have reached the arrival lobby. First of all, I need to find a place where I can buy an Oyster card, which is a transportation card.

Excuse me where can I find the subway? outside the door okay thank you so much Oh it turns out there is another world here. This place is the real Terminal 3. It looks like a relatively modern building. If you take the subway, you have to go under the blue sign and stop here

For a moment. Let’s take a look. The arrival hall in front of me is the arrival hall. The building is very old. It must have been like this decades ago. Then there are some parking lots and some hotels along the way. When we get here, it is Terminal 3. The third terminal

Should be a main building. It says that various airlines use this third terminal. Among them, I also found that there are some Chinese airlines, such as Hainan Airlines, Tianjin Airlines , Capital Airlines and other Chinese airlines . If you take the train in the third terminal, you can go to the second terminal

If you get off here. You can also take the train to London or go to the fourth and fifth terminals . So at least there are five terminals here , about this. One situation: doors close doors open. Now we are on the first floor. There is a blue sign.

Take the train to London. It should be from here. It is a bit of a walk . I believe Heathrow Airport has a long history and five of them were built one after another. The terminal building is connected by various corridors and subway and other transportation.

You see here, there is the Elizabeth line , which is the express train to London. It is said to be 2022. It’s an express railway line that was opened in 2016. We went directly to the station. I just asked the staff that all the machines here can buy this kind of

Oyster card. It’s a transportation card here that looks like this . 7 yuan is the cost fee that needs to be charged , and then you recharge and I recharge 50 pounds. Then you can take these buses at will . Of course, there are many discounts . I don’t know the details

. Now we should be able to take the train. Before taking the train, there is a tube map tube here. This is a name for the subway here. It is the track system. You see it is densely packed. Thank you, you have to take the elevator to the subway station to the train.

This side is already on the second floor. From here, we should go to London. We still have 3 minutes to go. I asked the staff and asked the staff to take the train from here. The next train is now at 4:06 pm.

It seems that I need to take the Elizabeth line to central London. There are already a lot of people on the train. They should have come from other terminals , but this train is very long . Now I have got on the train. This is the train to shanfield fire stratford

Next station Hayes and harlington change for national rail services. Now I got off at Faringdon and went to find a train called the Thomas line. I saw that the train should go over there and it should come out this way. This is the Elizabeth line I just took . Should this train

Be considered a subway or a train? It goes from the airport. It goes all the way to central London. After getting off at this station, I have to transfer to Fraingdon with the same name. The train station should be right here. Just when I was taking the train,

I saw that it was already dark outside the window. It felt like Vancouver. The weather is the same because their latitudes should be similar. They are all cities in the north. It gets dark very quickly. This is consistent with my memories of being here before. The subway in London is dug very deep,

So some people If you take the subway, you will have a reaction. There will be pressure on the eardrum. In addition, you have to sit very deep and use a hand guard to go up the elevator . Although the one just now is also a train platform , I should go to

The fourth platform and the third platform . You should be able to transfer directly from this place without leaving the station. Thank you , this should be platform 3. That’s right. I’m going to Brighton at 16:58 , then I’ll take the London Bridge and transfer at the London Bridge . In 5 minutes,

A little pigeon flew into the platform. Wow, there are a lot of people here. The train on the opposite side has already arrived. The train on our side is also approaching. This train is different from the subway. The subway is round. The round model is a train. The whole train

Is composed of many carriages. It is very long . We can put our luggage on the train and have a bathroom. Bicycles can also get on the train. It is really just a train . The direction of the seats is reversed , but I only do 3. There is a station

, so I just stand for a while. I checked on Google Maps that it takes three stations , but this train actually goes to London Bridge in two stations and I will get off in a while. Now I get off this train and take it. It’s only two stations.

Then I have to find the next transfer platform. Please hold the moving handrail and face the direction of trouble. Please hold the moving handrail. This is London Bridge . It’s a very famous London Bridge . It’s nearby , that is to say, it’s on the Thames. It’s on the edge of the river.

Now I’m going to transfer from this train to another train called southeastern. I have to go to the first platform. There’s an express line and it should be two stops away. I want to go to platform 1. This is platform 1. I’m already at the London Bridge. I just asked on

The 7th platform of a train at this big station and found out that it is here . I also contacted my friends. There should be an express train at 5:25 in 5 minutes to the place agreed with my friends. , now I see that the train has arrived

, so let’s get ready to leave. We will arrive at the destination in a while. There is another person on the train who came to check the ticket , but he looked at my card and said OK . I just took it. This class is called Southeastern. It’s an express train and it’s

Only two stops away from Sevenoaks. Now we’re leaving the station to meet up with friends . This elevator looks very old . Okay, I’m about to leave now. I’ve already seen my friend. I just got off the train . My friend who came out here has already seen

Him helping two other Chinese people buy tickets . During this trip, I came from Vancouver to London . Let’s say goodbye to everyone here. I will be in the next few days. I will go around London, visit places I have been to before, and go to some new places. I

Will also get together and talk with friends . I will find some suitable content and share it with you . Thank you for watching. See you in the next video . Bye.

#希斯羅機場 #倫敦 #英國

Retired dentist but new vlogger. Spread health and inspire life.

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觀與說 DentistView&Talk:
1. 視界觀 DrChinWorldView-分享退休生活方式。Share retired lifeway, spread health and inspire life.
2. 牙醫說 ChinDentalTalk-讓你不得牙病,少得牙病的牙醫才是好牙醫。Your health, My pleasure!

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