차임로그 / 12월 늦가을 도파민 중독 탈출을 위한 사서 하는 고생 일본 자전거 여행, 미나카미마치 브이로그 #4

This video of trip to Gunma & Saitama is a continuation of the previous Breakfast time the next morning They said the Natto is by handmade in their own The staff are kind enough to demonstration A voluminous and luxurious breakfast With the countryside view!

Even though the salad is something different and good The Natto is blended with something others, and it’s very delicious This may be the first time I’ve ever had such delicious Natto It was a really good breakfast I’m back in my room I’m thinking of having a morning coffee here

I forgot to put on the filter I feel sorry to stay just one night It’s an off-season weekday, so I didn’t see other guests in the hot spring It’s kind of a clean place This owl sculpture is so cute I have a light morning hot spring

Let’s go see Osamu Dazai Gallery this time Osamu Dazai wrote some of his novel at this Ryokan I haven’t read “Genesis” yet I sit for a while and read books It would be nice if I could read the books prepared here smoothly, but it’s too bad that it’s not my native language

I’m a fan of classic novels, so I love going to Ryokans visited by novelists Shall we go for a walk in town soon Arrival at destination museum It’s a small, quiet museum admission Filming is prohibited inside, so I only took videos of the outer terrace space

The contents of the exhibition were better than I expected I hesitated, but I’m glad I got in! Until this morning, the weather was warm and nice… They prepared a cup of tea and a snack for me when I finished watching I filled out a questionnaire and submited it

It was a very enjoyable time at the museum I took a walk in a small shrine in town Very tall trees I came back to the Ryokan again I took the last foot bath before leaving Ah~ It’s so warm lol

There is also a photo gallery on the first floor that are of nearby mountains I have too much time, so I wrote the guest book with all my heart I appreciated the ryokan where I had a great time and moved

There is a monument to Osamu Dazai’s literature across the street from the Ryokan I left for the Ryokan near where I will be staying today On the way, I found Osamu Dazai’s monument again I envy the Japanese who can read smoothly at this time like this

Since then, the wind started to blow strongly The sign of some shopping district’s written with “sake” big, I guess it’s a town that likes to drink. lol There’s no one here… I’d like to check my luggage When I saw the information, they said to wait in this lounge until check-in time

It’s really windy outside There was a roadside station nearby, so I went out to see it Every time I go to the countryside, I want to buy fresh produce like this… It’s a pity that I can’t buy them because I move by a bicycle so thay are to just be my luggage

The power of today’s wind Freezing It’s best to read in a warm cafe when it’s cold I ordered a cafe latte for 600 yen It was warm in the morning, but it suddenly changed in the afternoon I spent about an hour reading “Mitte des Lebens”

I visited because there was a delicious Dorayaki shop nearby Basic Ogura&Cream Raw Dorayaki and Custard Cream They also offer tea, so I’ll eat here Whatever it is, I love anything with cream in it Red beans and whipped cream can’t be bad This time, custard After all, cream is never failed

Return to Ryokan It’s an ordinary reasonable ryokan like this I can see the Tone River outside the window I had a relaxing time in the hot spring for a while It’s finally dinner time Bon appetit Maybe it’s because I just ate Dorayaki and latte… Actually, I’m not that hungry…

It say hunger is the best side dish And folk steak It’s good but I’m just full I think meat tastes better with a raw egg That’s it for today’s video If you don’t mind, please subscribe and like Thank you for watching

안녕하세요 구독자 여러분😊
오랜만에 다시 돌아온 자전거 장거리 여행입니다.
이번엔 사이타마현를 거쳐 군마현까지 도쿄의 북서쪽으로 달려봤어요.
유자와(湯沢) 직전인 미나카미마치(みなかみ町)까지 다녀왔어요.
#4은 이번 여행 중 가장 이동이 없었던 미나카미마치에서의 하루입니다.

영상에 대해 궁금한거 있으시면 언제든지 댓글주세요.
시청 후 좋아요와 구독해주시면 감사합니다💕

🎬 episodes
#1 https://youtu.be/Le1NgLaayC0
#2 https://youtu.be/BJx5QRfTubE
#3 https://youtu.be/18NCRMUigWg
#4 https://youtu.be/WMwOHJYC5X8
#5 2024/01/23 11:00 업로드 예정


Track: Move — KV [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/mQm340YnF2w
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/move



  1. 차임님의 자전거 여행은 항상 흥미롭게 보고있습니다. 일본의 모르던곳도 알게 되고 나중에 가보고싶다는 생각도 들고…잘보고있어요~
    근데 지방특산물은 국내니까 택배등 우편을 통해 보내면 되지 않나요? 저도 국내여행갈때마다 짐만드는거 싫어서 구입하고 마지막날 택배붙이거든요..ㅋㅋ

  2. 안녕하세요! 항상 잘 보고 있습니다!
    제가 못 찾은 걸 수도 있긴한데.. 혹시 료칸 정보를 알 수 있을까요?

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