留学生5人組、日本に馴染みすぎたらこうなったw 【海外の反応】

We got a little bo some big city and some quieter no it’s very cool we went to bamboo forest and we fed monkeys and a monkey hi nice to meet you hello thank you for the accepting my interview yeah they have some noise but it’s not it’s not possible program yeah

Yes so what’s your name from I’m Addie and we’re from the USA USA yeah yeah I’m Steve Steve yeah Henry Henry yes Billy Billy Samantha samanth Caleb C okay we’re from Oregon in the USA again right above California in the United States yeah yeah oh I never been to America

That why I’m not very know of City West Coast West Coast West Coast oh West Coast I I know only for the Dan step from West Coast because because actually I’m dancer actually oh danc yeah basically I’m teacher Dan te so are these girls yeah what’s say dancers we dance

Valerina oh yeah W hip hop wow hip hop I’m a hip hop dancer yeah I can show you the my Instagram if you want after okay how many how many how long time you dance hip hop um since I was like 5 years old so like 10 years 10 years

Already probably 11 years yeah wow nice wow big surprise for me soccer a soccer football football amazing because I’m before the dancing i t and my small brother right now professional football in Hong Kong okay yeah Japanese but in Hong Kong wow so that’s pass time for you yes time

Oh yes we’ve been here for 5 days days already Kyoto for 4 days and here one day okay nice why you started the buing from the Koto why did we why did we start yeah yeah the history like the history um the beautiful buildings and shrines and temples yeah it’s quiet quiet and

Smaller then we come to the big city yeah ah you feel that the KY is small well we stayed in the small neighborhood of remember the name of it it was um yeah sorry historic neighborhood so that was small not all of kot small just that

Neighborhood okay okay no no no I just need only your feeling why it’s not nothing s yes yes you know that before when you come to Japan you know already that some Japanese profal s or history something yeah we we’ve known of some history yeah right yeah I’ve studied

Samurai and stuff like that yeah you study in in in America yeah yeah okay what do you know that about Japan um I know that honor was a big part of it they were good Warriors but they weren’t just Warriors they were samai oh Samurai oh so what you repeating that sh like

This in Tokyo what’s your feel well it’s very clean and the people are very uh polite right yeah and safe safe maybe safer than the United States yeah a lot yeah a lot yeah what do you feel in Japan compara in in your city what’s the point that

Different um well in the US it’s there’s a lot of like trash u in different places and it’s really clean here yeah yeah uh everyone’s like uh Dressed Up um not dressed up but nicer they dress nicer than uh people in the US yeah nice I like your necklace oh

Thanks and you you guys what you what you feel in Japan first trip what do you feel about your first trip to Japan I think everybody is so nice here and very um understanding even if they don’t know um English they’re they try to understand and they’re very um uh

Considerate oh yes considerate okay you different than or different yeah completely different yes well we don’t live in a big city we live uh very rural so more trees than people here a lot more people our city has our city has 200,000 people oh yeah this city has

Millions and millions of people smaller town compared to oh compared to Tokyo right yeah ah I understand because uh you guys start start from Kyoto because they have natur right nature beautiful they beautiful that’s why you Choice uh some not not very center Center into

Yeah we got a little of both some big city and some quieter no that’s very cool we went to bamboo forest and we fed monkeys and a monkey Park and that was yeah very different than the US very cool to see but just monkeys so they were they were everywhere not in cages

Ah yes I never reach here but I had it you know that that they have own s outside bathroom right outside the bathroom yeah bathroom outside in Japan oh they have nature and monkey come come with us to put theot water you can search in the Google and you can find it

You can put on the hot water with a monkey oh good yes okay my my recom recommendation okay that’s a it’s been great it’s been a really great trip You’ had a very good time in Japan oh yeah that’s last night today yeah wow so thank you for the good

Interview today I I I catch your good atmosphere in the family good family thank Youk thank you wish you the best yes thank so much thank you have a good day bye bye hi guys doing great you’re you’re great so thank you for acting my interview today yes don’t worry worry

Don’t worry you where are you from America oh yes America why not same home okay okay oh you got the Kawasaki jacket wow very cool why can you can you me no no no wow you are you guys very fan of the Kawasaki ah no saitama saitama

No no no I mean I said that you guys very see yeah of course wow nice ask ask him anything about kawazaki ask him anything how many yeah you stay in Japan right now um I’ve been staying in here for 4 months now four months three days 3 days 3 days yeah

Everyone else 4 months staying for a bit more wow 3 days three days wow I want to ask you the question so in 3 day yeah what you do in 3 day because past three day in Japan I go to shop shop in shabuya sh I go to Club

In Shabu I go to eat ramen in shabuya I I hang out in shabuya Z right in CIA yeah you like CIA town here yeah sometimes another one maybe a four month it’s enough to know that Japanese culture maybe more than him so what you

Feel in Japan in for mon what do you feel very big difference between in your country uh I think the people here are very generally very polite but I think especially in Tokyo there’s a certain bubble that people have around themselves it’s very polite but it’s not

Very kind it’s very it just you there’s certain protocols that people people have but there’s not as much kindness I feel like it’s much it’s much more you do certain things because it’s how you raised but it’s not there’s not much individual compassion I feel like in the

Same level as there is maybe in America or in other places in Europe but I think the politeness is very important for how Japanese Society functions and so it’s it’s very very different from America but I I really like it yeah which city people you feel that

Very more more than kind than Tokyo people uh Osaka Osaka peoplea people I think so Osaka uh I think they in Osaka they act very different from Japanese they they even walked on the different side of the road you know uh and I’ve been I’ve been to Osaka three times and

I think from what I’ve experienced there it’s definitely a very more there’s it’s less um people are less closed off there I think they’re more they’re more friendly ah yes and then as well and I think also in um in kagoshima as well people are very very more friendly than

In in in Tokyo yes yeah wow you Trav a lot actually yes I Trav a lot months you are almost Japanese [Laughter] people okay okay you you want to run a k go or something like that k k is like I learn how to talk like I want to learn

How to talk like y y y y uh like like boss uh uh that’s that’s about it like anik you know an an an that’s about it what you first language Japanese language first what what do you know that first one our first word in Japanese what this no not my first word

No no no uh was my I only learned oyabun recently I’m OAB from [Laughter] Europe what what the what do you like part of Japan part of Japan what place What What In the language you’re you’re you’re speaking such Japanese right now it’s You are you very strong guy because you already Don strong strong everybody new we’re sponsoring we’re marketing Likees um nickname this and you uh only three days right now one day two day three days I they know Japanese I don’t know I am having an incredible time in Japan you you look like very enjoy in Japan I am loving Japan I am loving Japan Ling Japan it is a great


international student in japan ! you are japanese then japanese 😹

Here another recommend video

What do you like about Japan? Reaction of a foreign tourist who has fallen in love! !👇



Dance school
WillStudio Open ! !

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You can dance with him !

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Dance school
WillStudio Open ! !

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You can dance with him !

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  1. 最近の渋谷って、他に比べるとゴミが多く汚い場所と思うけど、それでも外国の人からクリーンとか言われるのは外国ってどれだけ汚いんだろうと思いました

  2. 日本が好きで学びに来る外国人男性へのインタビューは少ないので面白かった。お酒も入ってノリノリのお兄ちゃん達いい子ばかり、イーライ君が大阪鹿児島で人情を感じていたのは良かった。😺

  3. 前半の家族連れも良かったですが、後半の日本語学校の生徒さん達は、明るくて面白かったです。ストロングゼロガブ飲みしてたけど、泥酔しないのかな?😂

  4. 東京は地方出身者がとても多いですからね。自分の事で精一杯はその通り。

  5. 東京住み大阪人だけど、たしかに東京は他人は他人って感じかな。親密になると優しいけどね。


  6. たとえば電車の場合降りる人を待ちその後に列を作り乗り込む。これを盲目的にある意味ルールのようなものだから、みんながそうしているからと思ってしている人間もいるだろうし、われ先に電車に乗り込むと降りる人は困るだろ降りれなくてと思ってそうしている人もいる。後者の場合、ここで外国人観光客の言っている「個々の思いやり」ということになる。後者のように振る舞える人がいると思えるか思えないかの問題。

  7. 語学留学の男性たち、日本がアミューズメントみたいに楽しんでるな。ホストファミリーの人も、この面子なら逆に楽しんでいそう。許可が下りれば、日本での生活風景も撮影して欲しいです。

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