Island-Hopping By Bicycle From Fukuoka: Nagasaki’s Charms On Foldable Bicycles / 折りたたみ自転車で五島列島巡り

Join us on a 3-day three- night adventure across the picturesque outer islands of Nagasaki and all from the seat of our foldable bicycles these ultra light yet sturdy bikes our trusty companions could be easily carried onto fairies and trains they fold up in seconds and fit into a standard siiz

Japanese Dinko bag making them a perfect match for Japan’s public transportation system just sling the bag over your shoulder walk on board and sto in the designated area the best part usually there’s no extra fee our journey kicked off with an overnight ferry ride from Hakata port to oika one of the most

Secluded and smallest of the goo Islands we arrived around 5:00 a.m. and our first stop was the Serene Chino coima Shrine to witness the sunrise from there we cycled around the island each Discovery more stunning than the last I think it’s worth noting that neither of us are season cycling

Our aim was tourism by bicycle rather than cycling tourism the choice of foldable bicycles was driven by their Simplicity ease of use and the sheer enjoyment that they added to our travels our foldies offered us the freedom to explore diverse terrains from paved roads and tunnels to tight Alleyways

Open Fields And even sandy beaches this is an adventure that anyone in good physical health can enjoy could foldable bicycles be the ultimate way to experience Japan we think they just might be so read our full trip report on fukoka and join us as we Traverse this captivating region

Uncovering it aure one pedal stroke at a time

ISLAND-HOPPING BY BIKE FROM FUKUOKA: DISCOVERING NAGASAKI’S CHARMS ON FOLDABLE BICYCLES! / 折りたたみ自転車で五島列島巡り::: Travel offers countless opportunities for adventure and excitement, and cycling is increasingly becoming a popular choice. This is particularly true in Japan, where the blend of scenic landscapes and well-maintained infrastructure makes for an ideal biking environment. On this particular journey, we’re putting a unique spin on traditional cycling by choosing foldable bicycles, also known as “Foldys.” These bikes are not only a marvel of convenience and eco-friendliness but also a perfect companion for explorers…

より生き生きとした感覚を味わえるのは旅の醍醐味。環境にもやさしく、サイコロを振って進むような大らかな旅ができる自転車、中でも折り畳み自転車は、ほとんどの公共交通で持ち運びができるので、突然の雨やハプニングでも何かと便利。新年はチャレンジしたい!健康的なことをしたい!と決意している人も多いのでは?そんなあなたにこそお勧めしたい、九州らしさを楽しむ折り畳み自転車での3泊3日の旅を紹介します 🚴‍♂️


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