
What is this Look inside here, my, my, my, my downstairs I give you below My mother Fortunately, I pulled him out of the gate early. My mother Let me show you this meat stuffing. I just picked up some clams I thought to myself, today is over and it’s all shellfish. worthless

To show you This is a little dragon Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey hey hey hey You see, you see, you see, it’s still very flexible. You see, this tentacle is really as hateful as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. How about I ate one last time. I had a special taste before.

He’s better than one of those big pliers. It has more meat than that You see, he’s diving very fast today. So say what a lot of big goods Is this a sabel Let me show you There is so much fire. Yo, there’s a little eye Er… Lovely I’ll take it out and see

Mom, yeah. Three feet. What happened to you What happened to you Wow, that’s a lot Oh, I picked it up Look, the mouth starts to breathe here. It just closed Look, this is also Dangdang Take these two guys almost on the floor and take them away. Let me see if this is okay

Uh-huh. Slowly closed. No problem at all And here’s another one You see if he has Yeah. Oops. How long have I been playing Not yet Oops. Yeah, wow. You see Is it really too enjoyable You see this octopus handsome handsome Take away All of a sudden there is a heavy feeling

There are so many scallops here This season to catch the sea What scallops and octopus must be fed every day Others can produce fish. Or you’re lucky to get something. Oh, is it so strong? You see oh You look so strong It’s not small This one can’t fry a plate and top two.

Put it down. Put it down. Hey, this is black Is it the fan I picked up before? By you see Sure enough, it is. Well, I can’t pick it up You watch big ah It’s not because I’m stupid in gloves. because they’re too big One hand can’t get it.

You see, this clam is quite delicious. the taste is very special If you look at it, it doesn’t taste good. Your head is really small With my palm so big a what top back ah very nice The taste is different from different Gerry very special wow another one Look!

This is also too awesome nice to take away Keep looking Here is a Cory I’ll see if my eyes are getting old. I said yes How about You see But I also see a beautiful back here. Compare this beautiful back How about this one? It’s still a little fatter. Cut it quickly

Too thin I gave it a dig Let’s see how much we can dig out. awesome awesome How about To force it I think it’s not bad There’s a big bottom here. Why do you have anything? There’s another kind of, uh… White Clams Ouch, there’s a big rock Is this a rock?

I’ll dig again in Stone Water Town Ouch, look, look There are many more I don’t think so anyway. Intend This will be almost But this one is called yellow clam this is also delicious Yellow clams are not too expensive Look at this place. It’s a good place for tourists. Big kelp

How good is the quality of this kelp The quality is great from start to finish. Nothing bad at all That’s not good. Ignoring so big You see, it’s so awesome This is also happy ah Are you happy? Just this big kelp Are you greedy or not Don’t move.

I’m not willing to eat this Leave it to you I have to roll this This head shot, you’re full all at once. Oh, okay. So professional. You see, my roll is quite straight, right Yeah, not very good at work. Er, hey, it’s okay, it’s okay Look at this piece. I estimate this

The bucket is full I’ll see if I can put it in Do you have the feeling of head shot Take a picture of him Take a picture Take a cover. Thank you for your support Everyone give me some praise Let’s go and see what we can catch. See if there’s a clam here

Oh, my God. I picked up these clams And there are clam shells here. I picked up these clams Let me go. I can’t hold the bucket again. Look here. Who doesn’t know where there are two more? Wow. That’s not true. Not sea duck eggs This what ah My mom wow it’s so big

Let me show you Sea duck eggs are so green This is white I see two faces to me still so big I thought it was a goose. You know what? Actually, it’s not What kind of egg is this? Don’t go back. If you take it back, it’s still safe.

Here the tide comes up Was it broken by a stone? Isn’t that right? There are two big ones here This is much bigger than sea duck eggs. a lot of big One hand can hold two sea duck eggs. Look at this. You can only hold one hand. One is bigger than the other

See the red golden yellow It’s really different. The goose in our house Chicken Duck lay an egg Can’t see the living at all Wow Cat’s Eye Snail Here one Look, this is a castle You guess this is not ah I look like ah Take this out first

I ‘ve caught a lot of cat’s eye snails recently. I’m so happy Performance Hey, it’s fun. Too happy This is our greatest pleasure to catch the sea In fact, I have already eaten enough. Hey hey, it’s just playing. Do you feel like opening a blind box? It’s not a blind box. Wow

There are A lot of sand Look at wow. too fresh Not as good as you There are scallops and eggs. This, if we find out that… Minute running dissatisfied with non-African soil bags Wow. very big too big to accept They’re all jokes I said the top of my head hasn’t turned yet.

Just say half a barrel Hey hey hey hey hey hey How about I’m bound to fill the barrel today. Watch the beautiful scallops Wow, a pack In my experience One hundred percent is a cat’s eye. You guys guess What a cat Egg mama ah It’s over. It’s over.

The car overturned. The car overturned. this set is good He is also a blogger. The car overturned No need to drive the sea Hey, a little sweet snail It’s crawling out here Oh. Oh, a lot of water A lot of sand I took it. I took it Oops. Not big

Water is not small. I almost smashed my eggs. Look at these two scallops. Wow. I just saw that he was still having a silent birth. Look at the three scallops here Spring, is this a small snail lying on the sand? There are sweet snails on the beach recently. Well, it’s good

Too much sand, too much mucus. Take it. Come and take this position oh, it’s too big How big is this person? thumper ah What situation without meat. Doudou All right, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I found a lot of fish here Don’t you look Just a excited

I almost fell on the floor today I ‘ve been here for a while, huh to show you This is a sandy fish. Many soups are delicious. We do this because it doesn’t like to move very much. Stupid Darling very cute We all call him stupid rain. Look at this red one.

You seem to have a piece I picked up a fish. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo Is this one still my dish? I see its tail Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Go inside See if there’s an octopus down here. Just when I stepped on the rice

The water almost scared me to death. Add so many fish Hello, everyone. I am Comrade Liu Yu I’m driving the sea. You see why this scallop jumped up I don’t know why You see my friends around me give me a little worry

If you don’t like my video, you don’t have to order it. This is a compliment. Is a two-way rush You know what? It is you who urged me to watch the video. I will try to update Er, er, er, er, er, that’s great. Yes, yes, yes, oh Oh, oh, you go slowly

I changed myself again. Did you see it? like this is slippery I want to praise friends who forgot to praise Friends who like my videos. Don’t like mine I don’t want your praise either. 3.4 You say right Uh-huh, uh-huh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Let’s go if you see what’s in it.

Want to live shy There are many scallops You see, many of them fall off their claws. The injured are still alive. Starfish are also afraid of the cold, OK This dumpling is all up is the starfish Don’t think it’s in the sea It is not afraid of the cold Including the fish. Crabs.

Scallop leaf Octopus The temperature they require is still very strict. If the temperature is not suitable, they will not be resurrected in half an hour. Wow, I thought I should hide more here. Just one. 100 block At this time, you can see that you have hidden a lot.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Unconscious Fortunately, the car is far away. Otherwise, the mobile phone will waste half of the seafood. There is wood under the prince See if there is wow under this I didn’t expect two. half-claw fish Look at this claw

It feels incomplete when it is opened. It’s because he’s in poor health soft, um It seems that this one has been closed with a fishing claw. And a little change in me Ready for lifting Ouch Yes, ha, good This one looks very ruddy. received directly Continue Continue Claw Claw

Look, I haven’t moved the stone yet. I see claws Back, boss, boss, boss, over there. Oops. Get up directly Wow, no wonder you show your ass. It’s too big. See if there is any swimming under this The two seas are still not open Get up soon Oh, pick up seafood

Two different varieties of this Patrick wow Hey Crab. Don’t you see Ha ha ha ha ha Eh, cut him Both of these have one more wow Here’s another one He won’t go ashore today. I don’t want to go to the shore to get the clip today. I took it directly with my hand.

Looks too much like a cow Not as alive. Look, this is a female What is this Didn’t see me You see, it’s also a mother’s Catch two female crabs Opened inside. So there will be octopus Not finished Give him back Yes I can’t carry my soil again. Oops.

Why is there a fish here? Fool fish You can’t see the live Take it away clip it up Did you see the crabs? Oh, good. That makes me lay down My lens passed But where do people look? Your eyes are always good and bad. Can you be a photographer?

All netizens have seen it. ha ha This is not small Another female crab hand If you want to sleep, go home and leave it at home. It is About 20 degrees There’s starfish on this side. There are still big rocks here. Three to see. Oh, no. I didn’t see this, er, ah, no

Come to our simple scallops a simple one to eat Just wanted a haircut Claw fish infinite hint Ah, right. Almost let the bucket drag me away Oh, is there no good-looking This side picked up the scallop with fire again. And fish. Sand fish on top The fish again.

There are a dozen or so sandy fish Finished again. You see this is still alive This board knot Jump here and lack of oxygen. All actually rhubarb You see, eh so cute This won’t work washed away by the water Lele is dying This hand is a little cold Look what it is

Go over and have a look Go and go Look, it looks so big Oh, my God. Look closer. It’s a big pirate. Look at that. I went to this kelp is good Look at this quality is still very good Take it back and have it ironed

Then the cold and spicy stir-fried are delicious. Not bitter I just came here today and gained so much. Hello, everyone. I am a cow powder It’s time to catch the sea again. Look at the smoke on the river today. It’s very mysterious. Full of mystery

Well, I just came here to harvest a lot and put it in a bucket. Look, there’s a crab Wow, it’s very vivid Fight here. It’s still popping out here. Rain boss, ha Give it away It’s still holding Let’s take it together Put it in the barrel Two. nice

It’s a piece of junk to take away from him Keep running Too rubbish This kind of rush to the sea to remember to eat garbage You go to the front to see Look at the rocks over there. There should be crabs. All Look what I found If you read it correctly

Is it a little crab Look here at this ha is a slider Adult I hope I can eat it when I am an adult. Look, don’t let it, don’t let it catch Hey, look at this claw. It is firmly stretched it does not come out You can see But this is not big

Is it not too big? No more Put it here. I’ll put it back to you, huh I’m sorry Excuse me, let’s go I see another crab here There are many crabs here today. It’s a new place. It’s just different The species harvested in this sea drive are different. Look here is another crab

This is the reef area Doha Crab Yes, ha But this is not big I don’t need it either. Same as last time No need Hang up. Another bubble-spitting crab See here? Hey, there’s a little half claw here. I’ll take out the little eight claws for it first. What you want is not alive.

The water here is too cold Frozen to death Tidy him up Okay, don’t add me here now I went This crab is not small. This crab can eat You see, it can’t be pulled out Also spit bubbles This is a mother’s ha You watchThere’s meat. You see Fat, fat, fat, fat, thin, ha

Look, there’s this rainbow Is it okay to have a head? How good are pigs? Our side of the sea rainbow not particularly big But the meat is particularly tight. Lose weight, huh can eat Change or live. Wow, I keep playing here I went down to see Certainly not wrong

This is what this situation Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah This ah ah ah ah ha Rebellion here again He It’s very comfortable to lie here and sleep Come back to meet me There is another hotel on this one, huh I come here often Catch lobsters here often Look, oh

This one seems to be a little smaller than what I caught before. But it doesn’t matter If you catch a lobster, you’ll be rich. What bicycle do you want? My brothers ha ha can Ah, look what I found This is a big crab I didn’t take the clip today.

Let me challenge them with my hands Ouch, yo, yo This seafood, look at the sudden bubbles in your mouth. When I just came over Watch him attack me here with big pliers Wow, this head is OK This wood is very fat See if this crab is fat or not

I can tell it’s hard in here. There is no meat in the legs. Take it Look, I found another one here. Wow Ouch, yo, yo, fierce Come on, it’s lifting the pliers again. You see, this is called swimming crab That’s the kind of swimming crab we produce here. Take Gemini is blue Oops.

I was going to say the southern orchid crab give it a cut I lost a leg. I didn’t mean it either. Look, this is also a public empty much This season ah Look, there’s a crab It runs so fast Yo yo yo yo yo almost slipped Why don’t you run away

Was it just washed by water? This one can’t live I lost my leg. Big turn off I don’t know who to fight with. This is also very fat. is also a public Look here. I’m telling you, huh The pure white belly here is very hard when pressed. That means it’s fat.

The bald forest also has a harvest Look, there’s a crab How easy it is to hide here Challenge it again. You see, it’s fierce As soon as you move it, it will lift its pliers and come out Wow, another big swimming crab It’s been a while Four or five more.

Let me show you one two three four Yes. Hey hey wow Look, I found a half-clawed fish here. Is he lying in the sand or something? Oh, sheep, sheep and sheep are indeed lying in the sand. very fresh Still here to let me down his lair Wash it quickly.

This octopus is too fat Look at digging a piece over there. Still ready to go home Let’s also look for it quickly. No words Then go home. Wow, didn’t I read it right there? Is it sea cucumber or stone Sea cucumber is still a big one You see it lying here

Curled up here A pure little fat man A lot of meat. I just want to eat sea cucumber recently. Then I picked up another one. What I want is done. Put it in the bucket Look, it’s a crab bite here. Oh, it looks fresh. You see very fresh

There is no such thing as not living. It doesn’t look like you can’t eat it at all. Crabs that have just not lived are completely edible. This must be the tide recede They have no ability to go down In the oxygen-deprived relaxation Look, there’s still

There are a lot of friends worried that he can’t eat In fact, there is no problem at all Just slept no problem Eat at ease Can put a head is about the same size Ah And here’s the scallops Parking on This is also the tide today, huh

The ebb tide came two or three days early. It’s not as good as coincidence Look at the same color as the stone If we say he didn’t I’m here Obviously, you can’t even see him carrying out an oyster here. This head is not small You see now so big oysters

In our seaside for a year or two This oyster is a good thing I just cooked it with our scallops just now. Put it in the bucket Wow, this is white. isn’t it a big one This is not a sea duck egg You see, the sea duck eggs are very small and green.

This big white goose These are their geese from a nearby fishing village, uh… I came here to lay eggs. I caught that sea duck egg before. It’s your goose egg without mud It’s a sea duck egg You guys have no idea It feels wrong to take you

It’s not right not to take you Now do you understand Take it and see if you have seen a pile of fish here. My god my far away I saw him red. I guess there are goods here There is underground Look in September. I didn’t expect it So many octopus

Do you think this octopus is very big? Look at this big head. Wow, I ‘ve taken it. That’s awesome. You see, the hole is very big Take a look at this article. Wow, this one can definitely be fired one by one Oh, my God. Since entering the summer autumn

I didn’t, didn’t, didn’t catch such a big octopus You see this one is so small Do you think you can turn This is very active. Er, good Here are a few Three, eh Under the gray dance ah Whoa, whoa. There’s a nest of five underneath. That’s awesome. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Make a fortune Just came to harvest so many octopus Oh, give him 10 copies Still can’t pull it down This suction is too strong Crazy escape. Get rich on this day. Take it. Hello everyone I am Niu Niu I ‘ve come to catch the sea You guys feel good

Give me some praise if you feel satisfied Thank you. If you lose, look. Cow not cow Stay here a lot of hair shellfish This scallop can still run Look, it’s okay Let’s go. Oh, just a moment. And a big baby When I get to that what I drive big fish Look.

It’s so dark A lot of octopus Hey hey yo Er, ah. Er, er, er, er, er, turn the pieces around I’m sure something hasn’t been here before. Oh yeah Don’t six octopus on the goods No, there’s still tomorrow. No. You saw scallops all the way over here. walk into a look

And here’s an octopus That’s awesome Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Suction so strong You see, the claws are pulled like this. It doesn’t even come out Oh, oh, it’s broken Look at the claws. The claws are still moving. You see, this end goes in Take it out directly.

Wow, let me show you how big its head is. This is also too big Let’s look at this side. The head is bigger. Have you ever seen rice in it? Some lost. Such Also look below. I found a big hairy clam exploding over here. It wants it to be called Chibei

Can be stabbed Wow. Breathe in this opening You can see the flesh. It also spit water and used the words of feeding this big red shellfish sashimi. One can cut a large plate Yes, it’s enjoyable. See if there’s any sugar under there. Oh, it looks like a clam You see the black

Recently, there are still a lot of such black beautiful backs. Black beauty You are quite delicious Before, I was worried about whether it had a fishy smell. Actually, no. Take it. This piece of fruit There’s also a scallop shell There’s a scallop shell This one is so small Is this comparison 1/3 worse?

See if there are any more It’s gone. Let’s go. Wow, it’s so amazing. Just now I was worried that one was not enough to eat. Plus here is enough Those who go out to restaurants and can shoot tortoises can’t afford to eat them. See? I can eat such a big one myself.

Go, hold it up, and watch you eat it all The bottom is like fried goods. Can I see it? Oh, yo, it’s good that it’s up here You see, this is also OK It’s smaller than today’s inside. But it’s much bigger than before. Pack it up and put it in the bucket.

Oh, I hit it Hey hey Er, I found another octopus here. What a big head Big claws You see, this one is not small Oh, yes Did he crawl out of these handcuffs See if there is one here It’s just… Your next three. Do you dare to believe Eat the flowering

You see, if you can’t run, you can squirm and spit water to attack. I don’t care anymore direct harvesting Look, these two are smaller than the one just now. Come on, come on. I found a lot of scallops to pick up. Come on, it’s as big as the front.

This season is the time to eat this little red roasted Small flavor The price is not expensive it’s quite delicious To tell the truth, we are quite happy at the seaside. Look, what a hairy clam is here Hey, what’s the matter with this The opening is not alive You see don’t quite happy

Seafood is cheap. Wow, there’s fish here Then he has another one there. I dropped a fish. Oh, my God. You see oh Don’t swim over the mountain here. Oh. Oh oh oh oh oh yeah You look so long Oh, my God. What fish is this? I didn’t see it clearly American Red Fish

Why is he so big Take it quickly, huh Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah I haven’t responded yet. I met a big fish. There’s a small one over there. Look how he’s been swimming Look at it. Look, he’s been swimming This fish is a little smaller What kind of fish is this?

Isn’t this smaller than a bull? Er, this is not bad No, I can’t suck a little good, good Are happy to live This time you don’t say I caught dead fish How about Get rich this time. Pour some water hit a little bit Have you passed? Can’t get the machine That’s it.

Can continue to see What kind of rubbish is this? Let me see. with the inside of the barrel Wow, here’s a shrimp white wow This shrimp skin is good, huh too fat Although the head is not very big But it is very fat See? Take away you can also

Run here to touch the ground Look at this opening. Oh, good boy Close the line I picked it up Oops. I just found a place to keep the fish. Now it’s easy to put clams directly in the bucket. Look at this big clam or shell This is also open. That’s great. thanks

It is wrong to work fast with two hands. two hands. This, this, this clam cannot be different from what I usually see. I usually see the black This is white. Oops. Lost Yes. Keep making dishes. What other goods Just got excited around here. I caught two fish Gone. I’m back again

I haven’t seen it yet. and scallops this is a bit too stingy Take it home Look at the problem is not big twenty or thirty yuan No, eh No, eh There is goods Oh, this octopus is really not small. This is too much knife on the paw Why such a knife

I used to grab an octopus, but I didn’t eat it anymore. so sorry Iron pot night I am a cat. also hair Not this line Hey, don’t let it go This is the easiest place to hide. All kinds of goods are lifted here. You see shake good Go down with the current

Look at all the goods. Well, I suddenly found that this sentence rhymes. Run down with the current There are all kinds of goods What is this tide? Er, it’s okay Looking at can go home He’s dead water You don’t see not to eat ah It’s okay.

I’ll see if I can show you one of these. He’s okay, too. Maybe it was tested in advance Take it away, it’s okay Watching the water go down can’t oh All have a look at this Er, no, oh Yes Oh, this sea is so salty

There is really no salty sea water to take away. Come on, come on. Look at the man next door. He’ll just walk over. I didn’t see it This how a look back Then there is still a rainbow That Yes Let me see that today’s sea red has been blowing the tide recently.

The red change is not so clean. You see, this is broken again Let me show you how thin the shell of the sea rainbow is. a pinch on the appearance of broken This is a female The red one is the female one. Don’t go. The big block now feels like a headshot again.

Plus two fish I can’t take it home again. Let’s go, yo Another sea worm You can see this red one. I haven’t eaten this sausage in it yet. Have you eaten? Terrible Do you dare to eat? This thing. I heard it’s delicious. Don’t go. Not bad I’m on this side and up there.

Take a look at this under a melon Oh, it’s heavy No, right? Ha ha ha ha ha large shell I thought there were scallops I think this season there is no such walk What happened to this octopus? I don’t think the looks are all the same. It’s not the same

You see how much you can eat too good to eat These clams sea rainbow Oh, this is not successful yet. I said they have different shapes. This became my food. I put it in the bucket to see I found two eggs here Er, yo, good Oops. There are also

Look at the three in here. All of a sudden five eggs Ah And here are the scallops This is also just down not long Look, his dirt and everything is still up there. I just had a little while, huh Hey, the front is full of clams or something I didn’t film it.

I found an egg. Quickly take a picture for you to see I prefer to pick up eggs. It’s not like these scallops. I’m used to it. I’m all wow ouch Can’t reach it Hey, I can’t get three eggs in one hand. Almost crawled in. Not bad, huh You can shout loudly, wow

This one has already opened its mouth. No, that’s great I’ll open it for you to see This meat is already dry. It’s in the sun Now the weather is still very hot ah Small oysters are called oysters. The big one is called ShengOyster This is the life of people breeding ah

Maybe too much wind. Dangling in the cage, it broke out. Wow, the previous comment section told me This is called an oyster. In Rizhao, it costs several kilos for a dollar. This is a big oyster It’s precious Says there’s another one here But this is farmed Not wild. But it’s also delicious

Look, I found scallops I saw it red from far away. Do you like this color shell It’s so beautiful This is more beautiful than that kind of problem Don’t know how many times But in the market they’re a little cheaper than that problem. This you should know This is also very beautiful beautiful

Hey hey recovery When I just got the answer Oh take it Oh, I just missed it when I took the egg. Is he supposed to have meat outside As soon as I take it out It’s indented And here’s an oyster Can they really hide? Find a corner to hide This is not small

Let me show you Eat this one. Eat two or three and you’re full. Oh, is this rich? Oh, my God, my family is rich. I lost weight. Wow, look at 123455 Oh, my God. The next five stalls The wife is rich. 11 dropped today. What kind of luck is this?

This egg is special. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo I almost broke it. This egg is especially delicious Fortunately, it didn’t move. There is also a wooden pole machine You see Wait a minute. it’s really delicious It’s red And the color is also particularly bright It smells ten times better than eggs.

Ah, really, ah Come out and look at the opening. It’s all slightly open. Er, er, why is he slow to respond Take this first and let me see what it’s like. The slow response is that the medicine is not alive. Today, I still have time to eat tonight.

The photographer’s eyes are next to my feet. I didn’t see him. Wow, you two do so much back It’s amazing I have 20 eggs today. That’s awesome. This is not a fortune I also take Should I take it to the market? Has anyone bought one of his ten dollars? Hey hey hey

There should be no Then buy two dollars each I think someone must have bought it for two dollars. They buy it like a goose egg Now goose eggs are quite expensive Is it sold as a goose egg? It should be no problem to sell for five or six dollars.

Look at this. Look at the big clam. You see it has traces Crawling from here to here we have octopus Hey. Startled Is a little blind Ouch Not small not small No, I’ll see if there’s any octopus. Big Crab No. Just look here yes

I see another one on the soles of your feet, and that’s it. There’s one they all like in the water They are not stupid Look at the fish here. Oh, I can’t live What a big flounder is not alive. It’s a pity See how it goes Let me see how it is

Does it look to see or fly It’s still very fresh. Really? This is feasible. The stairs look at this one wow Oh, look, here’s another one Oh, my God. This is about Don’t you live? Well, you said, well, still alive. Live not live You can throw it in the water Live not live

Feel it move How are you? Yes, it’s really ha ha ha ha ha ha He suddenly in order to learn more water ah Whoops, come, come, come, come Don’t run Uh-huh. OK, OK I’ll take it. This is a moray eel You should all know the braised rice with moray eel. it’s delicious

I’ll take it. Let’s go and have a look Look! I was just about to take him to this octopus Cut these two octopus It felt like he was going to pop out. Never jump up directly Hey, hey, hey, hey Such a small strength is not small I almost didn’t catch it

Ah, I’m not moving again now. Ha ha ha ha Is there a very light one on the plate? Well, see if you think I saw a sea urchin So you brought the camera over I don’t see I was walking here I just found out there are two sea urchins

You see, because it’s the same color as the ground. Of course I can’t see This is called horse dung sea urchin What horse manure sea urchin Don’t you feel like he’s a dung ball? Hamma dung sea urchin like a sheep excrement egg Yes, yes, yes. It’s a dung ball. Still mine

You see, this is the mouth of a sea urchin It’s different from the one with the big long spines. Is two varieties can eat ah Take it home good, good, beautiful I ‘ve picked up a lot of starfish recently, haven’t I? I received a pair Who is this

I moved the stone and didn’t move it back. It should be like this Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at jumping again It’s jumping You see, it’s very new here. Oh, why is this a broken claw? Who broke it? There he turned. I saw what happened. You’re hurt. Take it home.

This can be eaten it’s too big this is not bad There are really sea urchins here. Ride it to see This is a what I have a long leg Well, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Ha ha ha ha ah It’s fun to drink enough water here.

If you order a flat, it will be flat. I can’t eat this one when I go home. Put it here later Here you hide Take a closer look at you fool a dozen Waste ball quick play Pick up a dozen and go back to eat a piece. Not under the stone

Here, let’s see if there are any big ones around here. Hello. Is this an octopus Huh! Recently, there have been a lot of little octopus with leopard print. See how tight it is. Come on out. No. Why does the leopard octopus have a pig’s paw? Six bar No. Two wow wow wow wow

The feeling of killing two birds with one stone Er, it’s so tight Yah, yah, yah It doesn’t want to go Not bad. I ‘ve lost weight. This octopus It beeps and beeps and beeps from here Run here again You see its traces This is a clam Why doesn’t it eat

It’s quite picky about food. Come on out. Then go to my house and be a guest My family has plenty of good food I’m ready for you. I took the clams and took them home. good This one is very slow. What a coincidence There’s a neighbor next to it. small octopus oh

Oh, oh, it’s so beautiful Look at her earrings The golden one is still accepted Wash the sand How about this fish skin? The cow is dead. Three big here. Watch you step by step an egg Is this product going to be big one step at a time? That’s right.

Today I want to explain to the fans Last time, most people said this was a goose egg. But this is really not a goose egg I used to say it was a goose egg. But I’ll take it back Luo also took it with him and found a snail ha ha Release point

I’ll go back Our elders, they say it’s not a goose egg. Oh, my God. What the hell is this Until now, most people say that goose eggs still have turtle eggs. Swan eggs have everything to say, ah, ah, er, read novels Now, there are too many small fortune lines here.

But Song’s line is not common He found It’s the big one that can be eaten. Ran me to see I want to find a different Compare it with you. Forget it What kind of situation can’t run away The octopus is not moving It’s shaved, isn’t it? Ah, but its feet are still moving.

Yes, ha A little bit can’t breathe in Look at wow. What happened? Am I right? Two cat-eye snails Come on, come on, come on. He’s too fast in his hands What situation Nothing washed Hands without you Really. Send it over I want you to give me a face

Er, it does not make mistakes Look, let me pinch it It’s great to play for a while Soft waxy silky This is the feeling But it didn’t play well either. I hope I catch a few more later Also fun for a while This is my wish every time I drive to the sea.

Grab a few more cat-eye snails. Let’s go. Look, there’s a sea duck egg Before that, someone said in the comments section. This big white egg I picked up is a sea duck egg. Let me prove it to you. How about comparing the difference between sea duck eggs and this big white egg?

But the difference is not a little bit, is it The age is also different I’ll take it. Put it in the bucket I continue to look at today’s goal Eight cat-eye snails Pick up the garbage Just put this garbage on the head You can also plant some other garbage.

Look here, one egg at a time. Wow Come on, come on, come on. How many do you think this round is? 1234 Visual inspection is four ah I’m only eight I may still have it under Oh, it’s so big greatly Woo A lot, a lot, wow. Four is four. I am also satisfied

Maybe there’s more underneath. Er, er, er, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone This is still my accurate view. It’s not enough Wow, be careful on your way back here. Otherwise, it’s right. Put it down. Put it down. Oops. Oops. Not bad Look at this little crab. He was dying

But it doesn’t seem very good. What’s wrong with him? What tickling happened? Ha ha ha Large to tickle their own ass The scene was so exposed by me Ha ha, this crab tickles his ass Don’t bother him Let’s go Ah, ah, what is it doing

Before this head was taken, I saw that his movements were not quite right. Er, look, it’s turned over Roll, roll, roll Quietly watching you perform It should be sick Where does it hurt You see, I found a little sweet snail. Come out It’s easy to hide underneath.

Look how fine the sand is here. Feed out with meat It just didn’t come out, did it? Come out. Always brush right here It’s good to be in pairs Hey, this is big, this is small, one male and one female Lose my god You are still looking at so many abalone Wow. Octopus

I see you good I’ll pick it up from here first Here’s a lonely one crawling here Wow, the reason why I don’t wash stones Is he in this happy wandering ah Octopus is here. Oh, there are so many Oh, my God, today I’m going to recount

Let’s see how many abalone I can order. Oh, my God, I didn’t expect that There’s also an octopus hidden here. I know that octopus is here to eat abalone The octopus is nesting Wow, this is so cool I give it to move back ah Come on, come on. Oh, my God.

So much oops Look all crawling here eat sea cucumber You see how alive That 12346 only You see different sizes A small price. These two small Most of these two have. Oh, look at this. It’s beautiful. Wow, the suction force in this north teachers’ district is small

Because there’s a lot of water here. is such a big Did you tell me Oh, oh, oh, oh My math test is six points, ten, ten, eleven, twelve Then temporarily saw 12 Not wow this is a little hard Is that kelp it’s really Wow, there’s more. Look, there’s two more over there.

Oh, my God. Rich. Rich. This will be rich very fresh The one that has been dead is hard. This is also a bit hard. This one died too. Lost ah Come on, come on. Here are two more But this is a really good place Wow. Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops

This is still so strong Take it Do you have it? Not even your crabs Is there no Do you have it? No. Look at these stones. No one is no good poor Ah ah ah ah ah how to drop Go in and turn back. There are Scared me

Can you calm down a little bit Is this better than me or is this not a fool He put it. He sprayed water and attacked me. Little demon, I really didn’t You this See if there is any money under this. Come on, come on How about Oh, how miserable

Continue to buy a dish Is there no It takes hours to get under the stone. Without giving it to get down I think this is your waist Break it up and have a look Is there anything else No. Look, there’s a big sea rainbow Er… It also sucked a snail. not bad

Look over here. I found an octopus. Takeoff Hey, look, look, look, look, it’s hidden inside It is also very hidden. Flowering Take a look at this phone How about two? Oops. Comfortable good Go home. This little hand is leaving. put for two days I really didn’t expect it

I don’t know who threw the rubbish here. I pick up trash every day. I put it in my childhood. Put it here first. I’ll take it out when I go I’ll give you five seconds You see where there is grass Did you find the crab 54321? Look here Ah, ah, ah, ah

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Good fierce Hey. I can’t hold it well. This clip of mine is not easy to use. Hey, look at your feet. Not big Don’t do it Put it down. In fact, the pole head is not small either. No more Look here, we found two more abalones.

Look at this little tentacle As soon as I take it It went in I’ll take it. There’s more here. Too much This is also the realization of abalone freedom today. Another day of abalone freedom No. That’s six. Take away, take away and tidy up See if there is any shaking under a stone.

No, a little crab went in. Here is a string of sea rainbow What a big head What is this a piece of black You see, this is a great break. Didn’t I tell you before Its roots are soft As soon as you take it, it grows in the sand.

Take it and drop it. You see, it was windy last night Recently, it has been cloudy and rainy Is it also very cold over there? You can’t even look at it. Oh, I don’t need to pull it directly by hand. DirectJust take it out You see, this is from the deep sea

It should also be in the deep sea. Also on the beach. But not so big on the beach That’s great. Hot with hot water a direct cold It’s delicious Look, there are so many here. Oh, pretty. This is much more beautiful than the one on the shore. wow, beautiful, beautiful

Why such a bucket Come on, come on. There’s a lot more up there. Come on. I didn’t sell it I’m so good Still so much There are so many below. Take a look Hey, hey, this must be done quickly. If it weren’t for netizens to say you Hey hey How about that?

I’m so slow I can’t work Me, me, me, mama ah How do I pick up for a while tired Look at the southeast. How about a lot? Too much I’ll go back to the cold tonight and eat it all at once. Oh, a lot

This and this and this and this and this and so many You see see This is too much The barrel exploded for a while. Oh, I seldom feel like a toilet Unless you pick up kelp Or this is the cold dish I’m so happy

Look at me coming all the way over here. Look, there’s a bunch of them. Take a closer look There’s another head there You see, there’s a little crab crawling over Oh, this weather is cold The fire was hidden. The weather is warm and alive Coming out soon Give me a ride oops

You reacted quite quickly. You see, the sloth, the octopus, is quite white and tender It’s much fatter than the one I caught before. Look at this. I didn’t think there was another one here. You see, it suddenly changed color I feel it’s going to run just now. It won’t change. also dehydrated

You see, it’s really cool This is delicious This is a beautiful and delicate little starfish. You see, the palm is larger. Do you like it? Lots of scallops here Look, there are cold dishes in there. This is a sea cold dish Just use hot water to scald it a little cold special delicious

Like Gracilaria lemaneiformis You see, but it doesn’t change color when it’s hot. It’s too serious Look here, here’s an octopus Ouch! Ouch! Oh, my God. Why is there a head here? That’s great. Ah, ah, oh, oh, where are you going You see it can run Look, there’s another one here. Ouch

You see, this big man is so big Oops. Go on Here, here, here, and make a nest for it. Hey, you know I put the stone back What is the problem? The first is to protect nature. The second is around the nest Let them quarrel There was an old one here just now.

Why do you like to have your head? You see you hide in Can’t I just find out Here’s another carved dish Er… Hey, come on out Oh, this is so flexible I took away the feeling of a head shot. I can’t carry it And here’s a little starfish Hey, hey

Oh, my God, I found out that Mom has a big octopus here. I’m here to pick up the starfish oh, beautiful You see, this octopus is also white and tender. Take me away ah I think there are any more underground You give me up There is no go down There’s scallops down there

Look at this for a while I feel that the bucket can’t be held any more. Look at this table. Hainiang is the stone that blocked it. Go for a ride, go down Look, the current here is very fast. Can’t go on They were hit by the waves. Then the tide does not ebb

The tide There’s a current here and it’s going down. Like such a lost I brought it back to see There are electronics here. Just stay. A lot Look away. Here are a lot of scallops Oops, this comparison You see This is really nothing Why is this scallop so big? And still so clean

Do you think the sea here is clear? It’s so clean Take away The seafood on our side is very sweet. Seriously, the moon fell off. Oops. Take away Hey put my head You see, there are many teachers here You see, there are so many shrimps here Look, it’s all from top to bottom.

Wow, this drain is white and blind again. This is too handsome Thin ah The turnover is not small. And live. Just far away When I go this way I saw it jump and dig a piece of tofu. Jump to see

It is said that the downwind of water and oil has been going down. Ouch, I can’t pull it up Hello everyone I am Niu Niu Today I came to the sea again I got a new pair of gloves today. Good luck Go on. You see, this one has gone in

Do you want to take this big clam shell back Not beautiful for a long time Pick it up first Hey, it’s still red. Lost ah Hey, there’s a lot down there. What’s underneath And this is my god You watch it for me. I’m sure I can do it. I can’t add

Cut it a few times. Look, there’s so much more here. to show you This moment to pick up a plate There’s more It’s not here yet. Below are all There’s a lot down there. Let’s go. This is so small Look at the size of this finger. You see this is very small

Yes, go ahead. Take it back in size Uh-huh fried You see how big these three are My day is probably the largest specification The drain from the shrimp farm This is not wild. Many, many, many. Reveals again Sure enough, there is still a leak. Is this head okay? I wash what feels good

Thin ah See if there is any leakage Look, there’s another one missing. Just blocked by a stone I don’t see See if there is any goods under the tongue. Ouch, what’s the situation Where did he go? Is it here? Is it hidden here? This is also a leak.

This head is really not small Wait a minute, huh It doesn’t work There’s probably another one here in the rock. It’s all coming out now. See if there is any hanging under the stone. Blocking it, yeah. No. Oh, let’s see if there’s any leakage under this. Stop aha Is there no no no

Er… Hey hey hey I’m exhausted Look at the shrimp from the cracks in the stone. I can’t find it. Now find a scallop What is this situation Live can’t see closed Should be not live Er… This is also slowly closed My day is still alive It’s too cold Are you slow to respond?

Hey, hey, take it There is another one here. Does this have meat? Oh, my god, there is meat too Not bad Let’s go and see what this is. There’s no goods under it. Really look at those rocks. Oh, this is not so fast Is this octopus? Ha ha ha

Look at this 80 yuan. I haven’t had time to send it yet. See a small octopus from here Oh. So small Watch the pig octopus go back one by one. Don’t grab it. Big head is not big Do you watch the ball? It’s still very active here. It’s just a little cold

Look, there is no under the big stone in the grass at this foot. Pack it up and see if shrimp oil is available Ho, there’s one It’s so small One mouthful said Today, I have short legs. Ha ha is long legs This head is small Ouch Is it so compact You see

Ah, that’s great This also Get him a stone. You see, it has a screw here. It’s dancing. It’s blooming, isn’t it? Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, said There are three octopus that have been hit. Yo, there’s shrimp Come on, come on, hahaha This head is not small good, no This nest hides so much

Just because there’s a little more water here Don’t have a long octopus under this rock. Then I will be extremely happy Clearly, well, zombies didn’t think too much Go back and your head is scratched. This glove is scratched Water Fuck off. I have walked three times today. You see, there are still omissions

It is estimated that you can find it after walking five times. Go again, there is a harvest Let’s look at the cracks in the stones. Sure enough, there are Ah, ah, ah Wow, look! I want to eat saury here. This is still rare. Rare Very rare

A lot of sea fish basically don’t meet too long fish. Let’s take a break Can wow Fresh taste is really fresh taste Yes. That’s a safe way home. The whole class This buttress is still broken Not many people can catch long fish in this sea. Rare Can

This bulging cell phone has been here all along. After you said you weren’t with them How good are four? I look at you like you have a leopard claw fish. See? Oh, I saw stones from a distance When I see a stone, I have a better sense of smell than I do.

I knew the delivery was under my tongue. You see it just won’t come out This alive now does not come out You see, the claws are going to break. It doesn’t even come out Use your phone to get his leg. This crab clip me Your cell phone, your cell phone, stay away.

Oh, oh, oh. Oh, my God. It doesn’t come out I can’t move my diamond head. Oh, my God. The stones are all in bubble gloves. Don’t want to come out Don’t want to go to our house Welcome you to my home A year with my family.

This octopus here is also super big, huh The octopus caught recently has always been so big. thin The eyes are quite deep. It’s no use seeing dew’s tail here. Hey, look, I’m quite deep here. Okay, okay, huh This one has five I caught five fish for a while. Yes, ha

Let’s go. I’ll see if there’s anything else underneath. I don’t want to hide it. But this stone is small It can’t climb in My God, I met him again. It’s so big This head is not small Not much to say I ‘ve received it See if there are any goods.

Grab a crab or something and fly out. Let go, run and catch too much. Look, here are some scallop crabs It should all be under the big reef. Yes. are all alive There’s another job on the mountain. You see, accept it Look, here’s another one Why is this broken? Injured

Should have been broken by the wave A wave pats up If you hit this rock it broke Right? Look at this scallop. It’s very fat This one is broken today. have a chance to show you None of you knew before Light said fat You guys don’t know His big remark is very sweet.

It’s delicious. This is super big Is it so big in my hands? What’s up here Wow, so many elephants. Right here Shrimp today Why don’t I know You see this shrimp alive and kicking Meowed They were all shocked when I arrived. Look at that. This is still alive. Oh, my God.

Oh, look, it’s so big What specifications do you think I look? I compare it with my hands. 4050 is a little bigger 4050 is a little bigger Quickly pick it up Ouch, I secretly took this picture today. Don’t give me the news You see owe him big cock Go back today

Then buy two more big cocks to send to him. Oh, that’s a lot Look around here, and here’s the bracelet. I gave birth to a child, alas. What are you looking Good. Half of them are still alive. Oh, I’m rich today. I’m rich today. Of course, this is better than death.

Is it people Look at this. It won’t work. This is still alive. The claws are still moving Touch, this is also great. Whoa, whoa, whoa. They’re not small. Ouch This is a pool of shrimp out of ah One more head is about the same size Don’t run under any circumstances

Yo roar, great strength, aha, er, take a look There must be a lot more Look, it’s a shrimp in this pit. It’s not scientific Hey, there’s another cat Ouch, yo, yo Ran out Not small Still very active Take this hairy clam and grab it It’s like a monkey’s ass. It’s not small yet.

Look, let’s take a look Come and see I almost went in here. Almost didn’t find it. It also got This head is not small There were small fish here just now, right Let’s go and see Many Released. Hey, hey, it’s awesome Also want to escape ah Big brother give it a wash

Come here and see Looks like an octopus. You see, there are small crabs But there’s no octopus inside to look at this rock. Ouch, under this stone is real no oh Look at the live shrimp here. Ouch We are quite good at hiding

You see, you see, not only can’t it have to be much But never reach what I am Its claws are still moving. I came here to see Oh, look what’s in here. Here, small fish, small fry Whoops, whoops, whoops itself is not small You see, there’s still yummy here.

Hey, I’ll take it later. Look. Oops. What a big one Look at the prawns Our local bite down and get it out. See you help me see Is there anything else Er, where did you go? I thought he went in again Er… Do you still have samples for the Expo Park? Look inside.

Don’t slip away This, this, this, this is all in sight. Let him run away again Can’t say it’s gone I don’t have this TV show. I think there is a sea rainbow shell in it. This oops silt Good black mud Oh, here, oh What is there Crabs. a good big one

Look over here. He ran this way It’s gone See what this is There are many buckets in it. Take them away It’s all polluted garbage. Can’t you get down? There’s another one here. Is this all stepped on by that blx? Take it out And here’s a cat clam It’s not small

You see, from the way it looks Look at it is not small It’s still so big Look, there’s stillA Oncomelania hupensis You see, you see if it has meat Pull it out and have a look Organic fish crab ghost, yeah Cancer likes to be in this shell. bask in the water

I don’t know if there is any meat. But it looks like there is meat. Without meat it would be dirty You see, this is clean. Oh, ho, this hits you on the conch. Do you have meat? You guys guess, um… I’ll look at the meat first. Look indent It’s so heavy Yes

It’s big It has high flexibility Wow, this one can smoke Absolutely too heavy This is bigger than the previous ones. But it’s got a lot of that hairy clam on it. You see, all with their mouths open Breathe in here slowly I can’t bear to disturb them. I’m slow to respond.

I move it It is not immediately closed It is light Close it It’s challenging I look at this layer I see how the undersea reaction Well, this reaction is very strong. Look at this big ye See you shrimp tiger shrimp tiger meat Ouch, these guys are going in.

Come out here, here, here, oh This one shut up and shut up pretty fast. Here’s another one. I feel like it’s all over the beach I found three more. I told you there were a lot of clams on the beach today. Carp this gently open a move It just closed It’s hilarious

Chasing the stars is fat Now take a walk You gotta look good Some of them are getting Uh-huh, uh-huh, one of them went in I see two here. See? This almost went in. Is it locked up and you can’t find it? All I found this rock here is still a conch.

You see the red color If he wasn’t too obvious I didn’t even see my conch. Wow This snail with meat tastes so much. You see where ah Turn over this side I don’t know is really interesting This long French tattoo No way, this is this. This is another one.

This conch on the beach recently Lahei is also different. Now you look at that Of course not the same That is a will see Don’t you see? Such a situation Then it’s the same as human skin. Right? I look black with white background Then you see you walk over I thought you saw

Look at my footprints. I almost missed it here. That’s 2cm. and crab claws I saw this crab claw. I would like to have a look at this This paragraph is choked. Don’t play it. I really let everyone see my eyes so close I don’t even see what I’m doing Black Good guy.

But this is dying The sea cucumber is dying for such a long time. You have to know yo To buy sea cucumber to buy a little fat Hey hey lost Let’s go. Look, I found clams Visual inspection here is another pile You see, these clams are still waiting with their mouths open I…

This is also open. Take a look at it and see if there is any Er… There are, er, some of them in the stone. I thought they were stones. Ouch, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa There are a lot of digging Six at this table is fine. The basis is this

A pair of six is about the same Okay, it’s gone My bucket is still over there What a beautiful sea dish Look, there’s a hairy clam hidden next to it. Wow, the water here is very urgent The grass is very tight Look at this. It’s growing out.

There are also two cat brothers eating together here in front. I take it home Er, there are also baked small fish in it. Oops. I feel my little fish Wow, a big cabbage Look at that. Not hard. Look, this is a big shell should be a shell There’s no meat, is there?

Does the leek have meat? Oh, oh, oh. without meat. You watch a big strong card I see she is so beautiful I knew there was no meat You see, it’s beautiful You like it, don’t you Scenic snail, right You look at the surface of the painting is full of mountains Like a house.

Mmm. beautiful, pretty, good How long has it been without exhibition? In a year, there will be two or three opportunities. What’s the matter? Take it away It’s good to be a decoration. It’s too cold today How big is the ignition warm and warm The wind is too strong Work oh yo ho hey

There’s a little cute here You see it’s still very active. Let’s get up, let’s get up. Pack up and go to my house to give him back his blood. Look at that little rock It looks like there is no goods What if there is You said Do more work Warm and warm

There’s nothing on it Let’s just go ahead and look for it. The clams are here. Here’s another one You see, there’s still Did you spit out your tongue Huo Look at this on the ground. It’s ugly too. Here are two more scallops Good thick furry Take it apart There’s a meat here.

This is what adsorption This is a living creature. It’s actually a tea. The terrible ones are together. Just like that old moon line Be careful here. it can always be Did you see the fat fish? like it’s obvious It’s not hard to find ha yo small fire to stone

This stone is thinner than himself. Er… You see, it’s quite good Don’t wanna come down You see here has been very big how to look This color looks like many days You’re watching It looks not very fresh. it’s also broken Should be in the sea water It’s a little empty again. No more

Put it here. Don’t move. Put it here Where is this hand? Haha, after watching this I don’t like to talk to my head. Oh, my God. Yi Zha into a small octopus Two people are lying in it for their birthday. Don’t go. Look at this little octopus the head is quite big Oops.

It’s still cold today colder than years ago I feel the wind is too strong and too cold Don’t say more than years ago At least it was born a few days ago. February 2 today. Oh, have you not Why do you send such a big stone Didn’t go back

Ah, look at you. Look at what I found. This stone is very beautiful. Just you came along You don’t get in the way It was beautiful in the sun. This stone. Many people like to eat meat. I sometimes feel they are particularly beautiful Take it home

I watched him put it in my bathtub. Why are there so many these days? I feel I’m rarely cold I feel a small white claw But today is particularly cold After one bite, the body is not so good. People on your side have caught a cold. Not yet frost-resistant It’s too cold Today

Oops. That’s right. Last night in the comments section said The business must be panting too tired See if they all think you’re tired You think I’m tired too I am also very tired after driving the sea for many hours. Well, good clams

I don’t feel sorry for me if I look at it now. I only see the nose. I don’t see it I’m tired too I’m so sad Er… I thought it was clams Show me what this is. Yo, big kelp This kelp is really green when I come in late.

You see, er, this quality is still good Take it back This should be able to make a small plate I feel he wants to mention more There are octopus The chances of winning the prize today are quite high. Well, yo, live You see big mouth big breath It’s too cold It’s cold today.

I’m so cold should be frozen Home warm After a while, they all lived. Do you have money or goods You see such a big stone He’s not even broken. There’s another piece of kelp over there. It’s so small. This is too poor Bucket exploded before It’s no better than not knowing

This one is more than startled too sad scrap But this jellyfish leather is good Very nunha The one just now I said smelly fish is difficult Plus this piece is enough You don’t need to eat a big piece. A small plate with a small cold dish can go.

I see a lot of octopus here is a nest Oh, my God. Wow. Let me see how much this is. Come up, this is one. Look, this one is not small. Put the head curtain Er, er, er, er, er, spit water Look at how many. Wow so much one

Ah, but I can’t hold wood with one hand. I have to turn this out Ah, look, there is another one here One or two hey handsome boy don’t run four wow This is too enjoyable Hey, I think there’s another one here. When I come and catch him

Come out. Look, he’s only showing his head. Can’t get it out here I can’t get it out a bit. Well, a lot of sand has been washed and collected. Wow, that’s great. I ‘ve received it Yo, is this what I can chase That must be Am I so strong?

You see, it’s three times as much here. Good size is not big It’s not small all of a sudden excited Wrong. Hey. That’s still open In the twinkle of the flash Hey, this is also open Breathing there. Look who ouch Yo, this in hand It’s too big

This is the biggest scallop I ‘ve picked up recently. Wow What’s small Under the stolen water or this thigh It’s a shell. There’s more here. Come here. Oh, my God. so big? It’s in the water Look here and open another one for everyone. Hello everyone My name is Niu Niu

Look at this one. Wow, don’t accept, don’t accept, don’t accept A drum kit down here Is it a cat’s eye snail? Wow, yeah, yeah Oh, this big meat Oh, so fat Huh. Look, look at him. Chain with lock I even pinched Just let it clean up his water. Take it. It’s so cool

Ah, the next generation is still dancing here. He went in to see This is not This is definitely Wow, look at this big drum bag. I knew this scallop was not small. No, this cat’s eye is not small. Wow, today I Ha ha ha I’m doing

How should I use words to describe it So much octopus Scallops so big The cat’s eye snail is so fat Hey hey hit Look at the cat clam Watch the little tongue beep of meat here Here I come Uh, unresponsive? You are lost ah Hey. Really Stop arguing Breathe in here

Are you telling me Here’s another one Not bad not very big But it is also possible Look, come and go home. There are a lot of these big scallops here today. This is the season oh All kinds of spitting water Look at this. Look, don’t move.

When the season comes, it’s really all kinds of sideline Close the ground, open the tube, or close it. Received, received, received I found ah He’s a little slow Did you accept it? Look here. I found cats and clams again. Look, another small mouth Breathe in here yeah What caught me? Octopus?

That’s what I ‘ve seen Don’t remind me to come out It’s so big You see, this fish is not small Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Does it suck so tight? Come out and take it home. This is too beautiful

Take it and dance with your feet There’s no stone to go back Ah. Let’s all go this way and see if this big snake boat can do it. Dig Take a look It’s so sweet

Is there? Yes, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This is also my god such a big one? Your home it’s so big Awesome Let you from you Let’s go. Oh, my God, I saw this big fish. It’s a big fish Brother. How could it be here You see, it’s so strange Here is, here is the tide again, huh

It was followed by the tide. Long tide again Follow the tide I am also very evil fire Don’t let the arrest Take seven pieces ah ah ah ah come I can’t get it with my hands. Use the bucket Get in the dog. I just caught fish in the process I found a thing

Look at them. This color is very bright. orange red This is from a fishing boat. It should be, right Like that thing on the plane. It should be the record on the fishing boat. Use it, right pretty good It is iron I feel bad in the sea can bring him back

What’s going on? My bucket also leaked This time my fish is broken I was going to pick up this garbage. Look at the garbage to bring in time. Hey, I seem to find We caught a lot of octopus here today. Why not today Ouch Look, yes, yes, eat quickly

Look at him standing here whirring Laugh me to death Is he waiting for me? You see, you’re still dancing. What did you say when you caught him? It’s just what you want. not bad, huh good fresh good, good Take it a fish an octopus I feel it’s worth going back like this.

It looks like an octopus here You look at this You see its posture is not alive Look at it. It’s a pity. This is not small Oh, what do you think of this big head Is it clearly not alive? You see this egg is too bad I’m late

The tide is about to rise now. Up to the side Look, it’s a pity Er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er You see its claws are too moving This is a pretend Ha ha, this is a costume Nothing, huh Because, after all, is the first

It’s because, after all, it’s the current dynasty. After all, it is also alive. Even if death is just death is OK Still alive still alive Also a absorb eighty or eighty dollars nothing ah Look at this. There’s nothing like it. Wow, look! Here I feel so like there is such

My sixth sense is strong. Wow. How about another big head? Have a good time Wow, look, this big head is filled with warm yellow wood incense. Run down first Yes, yes, yes. There’s a peach feeling Like a peach can’t pull it out Oh, my God, I dug it up. Wow

It seems that this sharp This thigh If you eat special features, you must feel very good. Spicy fried It’s delicious How to cook seafood is delicious As long as it’s fresh. Let’s look for it carefully. What if there are crabs in these rocks?of Hey, no crab This is a fried mountain bit

Oh, my God, this scallop is so big Look, it’s about the size of a palm. If this is sold in the outside market. It is estimated that one will cost about ten dollars. 15 come here. If you look at it, you can’t see it clearly. Too expensive eyes Eat some seafood

Don’t play anymore Where else is this? Is it white? Luckily you woke up. I didn’t even see Wow, I see a lot of fish here. Come here, come here. Listen, this is a bunch of stranded little fish It’s blackhead fish, huh This fish is delicious You know what? Look. So big

The head is not too big. But if you have two, you can pack a bag and a pot of soup. Hey, run away, run away Look, they’re all a little hypoxic. Just take it, huh Hello, everyone. I am Niu Niu I came to the sea again today

Here are two more that run fast Hey hey yo Ho, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah It’s harder than I thought got Kill this one first. So two hands to give it some water to keep Don’t die. What about that one? Well, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Ran over there.

Wow, it’s handsome can’t change Ah, ah, ah, ah Ah Where is it? Here, grab it with a bucket. Go inside. Oh, mom. did not catch Another one ran. Here. Hey, go in. This, this, this, this, this leg, this, this, this I can’t catch him. Come on in.

And it got itself stuck in a stone. Ouch, I’ll go Ha didn’t catch it This piece, this piece, this car I let me show you I’ll buy some chicks and take a look. Go south to see a movie Look again If you don’t add it, you have to use your hands.

Use your hands, huh Another one came out. Look at this puddle Just a bunch of little blackheads Come on, come on. I watch them There’s another fish This head is not very big Ah ah ah ah This Brother You see it swim You see it swims so fast I finally met him

I’ll pay you to swim with it for a long time. Fortunately, there are stones here to block it. Oh, my God. I didn’t bring a big copy net today. Just bring a big straw hat One net one net one Er… Hey, got it. See how ah ah ah ah Picked me to death

Looking at this thorn is very prickly Oh, my God. Scared me to death I’ll see if there’s any big stuff under this rock. They are all small snails. Wow, look there. You have to run the line quickly. Take this to one Ouch, my hair is terrible Hey. The derailment leaves also came out

I went to a big crab Oh. Ha ha so big The only regret is that he’s missing a big claw. Look! So big My second mother crab ha See it run here See if there is any in it. Can’t lift it Look, there’s only a claw here. This is a Oh, my God.

Why are the crabs here so big? Look here. This is bigger. My day is not big You said it was over when you were big. Wow surprised Not so cool This is a public See? It looks different from the one just now. very fresh Take it. Look at all the stones.

Wait for me to start turning Keep turning it over. The more your hair is tied up This way. Look over here. Wow, look at a big red You see, it’s not moving here You think you’re not moving Can’t I see you See how This big rock boulder beetle Whoa, whoa, whoa

A claw is so powerful Oh, my God. Can’t catch up He See how they got it. It’s coming out. still on this side No, eh Let me see if there’s a feed here. There are people here. Oh, my God Someone poured out Ah, forget it See why he doesn’t move Is not alive

Hey don’t let me add it This is this, this, this, this is also very hard It’s Senior high school to rest there Just high up there to rest I caught him. Storage Wow, look! I found another fish. Come on, look at you These, these fish are stranded in those crevices.

You see, I’m still a blackhead Maybe in a day. There’s this group of blackheads around here. They’re stranded here. Harvest so much today Let’s take a video today. This enough to eat Go home to make fish and steamed crabs I see a lot of eggs here There’s still

I found that the color is not the same Hello everyone I am Niu Niu Today I came to the sea again Today’s tide is afternoon Almost a day Look, this is a sea duck egg So I can’t see the weather clearly now. No one on the beach.

Because at this point, few people come to drive the sea. Great. All the goods on the beach are mine. I picked up three or six sea duck eggs this time. Let me see if this color is different. How to wear today There are all kinds of eggs here.

Look, this is the unknown egg again. How about calling it a goose egg? It should not be Lost, huh? Look here, ah, ah, ah, wow I didn’t find an octopus when I came back today. It’s all eggs. I laughed Why isn’t this octopus under the stone? I was just thinking

I have to go over the rocks I guess it’s not a Come and have a look There is another one here. What is the situation? Is it too cold recently? The octopus harvested recently did not bring any goods. Not love fire. No, no, it’s a little hard to see.

Let’s go to the exit and see what we eat. Come here every day to pick up the leak It depends on how many places there are. There’s another blind man here That day This shrimp is red Wow, there are a lot of clams Ah, this one’s tongue is sticking out.

You see, don’t go on put it away Wow. A lot of hairy clams I ‘ve got it. I ‘ve got it. Er, ha-ha, good, good This is also a lot My hands are a little cold Can’t pick it up Grabbing a small mouth, you see? You guys Oh, come on

I said how can I see a shrimp Today, the discharge outlet is white and blind again. See? But if I don’t cut it Maybe someone will drive the sea at the party. It’s the kind of people who drive the sea in the dark. Just come and pick it up

Fortunately, I am diligent enough I’m coming good, good Look at the sea cold dishes There are a lot of sea cold dishes here We don’t want Wow, are there two sea cucumbers Oh, my God. Ha. good, good It’s so big Look at this head, this, this, this thorn, why is it so thick?

I have picked up something like this before. But that one is bigger than it this one is small and beautiful See if there are any goods. No wow Come here. That’s a big one. Marco’s right here. Wow Have you spoken? A little black. The tongue is not exposed. Squeeze hard can squeeze out

The water hasn’t come yet. Is there any There is nothing here Don’t burn, don’t burn, don’t burn There are many snails. Wow. The plug knew there were too many snails in winter. Look how big this is My day nut Look how big this is dropped one Also Oh, I can’t pick it up

Not with the sand. Not anymore. My mother Picked up its hairy all You look at this to see if there is any goods This is what There’s one left It was a little octopus or something. Not a single octopus today No way. I don’t catch an octopus someday Not a single octopus today

Why not Did you pick up two eggs just now Yes Lose I actually gave it risk I ‘ve received it awesome I don’t believe it, do I? No. There’s not even a screw in here. He still has eggs here Whoops I almost fell on the ground Hey, I’m in

Look, there are still two soaked in water. Home tight Can’t walk into the express train No problem Wow, how is this scallop black? Use it too much it is big black You’re kidding. The waters on our side are clean. 111 level sea pollution A lot of people are talking nonsense

In fact, our side of the water is particularly clean Take it. Look, I found prawns here Look, there’s no water The prawns are lying here Fortunately, it’s not summer. If it’s summer Have you all dried up? Not bad Look no small. There’s another big one from this side Another big white egg

This is not a sea duck egg Is this big or small? Well, wow. Go home and eat one and you’ll be full. It is estimated that he has gone. It’s still dark today I can’t even see When I looked at it, I had to get down directly. Go home See you next time.

Bye. Wow. What is this? You see, there are still a lot of situations there. red This is the first time I’ll see you I ‘ve been driving the sea for so many years, like a little mushroom. Look at it. Look at it. Haven’t you seen it? No.

I ‘ve seen it. Why is there no root? It’s called sea mushrooms Sea mushroom walking sea mushroom is it Oh, my God. Well, it really smells like mushrooms. This, this, this, this is strange. Then pick it up Let’s pick it up first. Well, go home and check online how to eat it.

What do you say Hey hey, this is so fast Well, wow, this is so big Big and small I don’t want small ones like this. Pick up some big ones. This nutritional value is particularly high Foot next. I’ll go home and taste what it tastes like. Ouch. Don’t you lie to me

He has no root Ah. A walking sea mushroom? This would have been no fundamental Not necessarily also Oh, although my seafood cheese is very rich But this is the first time I have seen this sea mushroom. Oh, this is not easy to take Cui Hua Cui Hua Ha ha ha

Oh, wash your cell phone I saw this leg a long way off. vaguely You see, there’s a big octopus hidden here. Take it away wow Look at this big head. Hey, how’s it going? Wow You don’t move it It’s not responding If you pat it on the head It may respond to you

Come back soon Usually open ouch My mother My God, where does he have kelp? Look, there are so many octopus My mom, yeah Take away You see this is also very big Look at the side dish cover Do you like to watch you shoot without wasting time? I’ll go

The wind is too strong to tear Oh, this one is not bad The following point seems a little bad. You see, I guess this is what we are doing with netizens But the kelp they buy there is very expensive And it’s not good It’s all this quality Either it is very thick

Can’t bite You see, our side is the red kelp This is the kind of thick But it’s crisp and tender Look at the kind that breaks when you get it. this is very fat, very tender In fact, I don’t need to say Everyone can see it in the video.

There’s a big kelp here This one is much better than the quality of this one. A lot of slag Wait a minute. Wow, this is great. Oh, my God. That’s great. This piece and the whole piece are simply fine. nothing bad You see, it’s fine until the bottom.

This is the only thing that tastes great. I’m so happy Ha ha ha During this period of time, I have saved you 500 or 600kg is wanted Want me to say ah You said I couldn’t carry it But I see a very comfortable one here. This is a clam There is no

He seems to have some clams on his side. We still have to vaguely this one, this one, this one, this one This, this, here, is another nest. I’ll draw for you Just this nest to start digging Look at my mom. Wow, wow, wow, wow Is the sea big? Take a look

Light and shadow There’s still head here. It’s bigger than the circle I drew. You see, it’s all poked out I drew a circle Such a big clam First meeting. The previous ones are smaller than this one. Not for more than a month. Probably all grew up a little Er, ha ha

I ‘ve been to this batch of brains too much. See if there are any more Inside the earth here Do you feel so fertile? Look at another one. Hey, take it away See the whole body is gone It’s so fat This kind of clam growing in the soil is also very delicious.

Very tender You see, it’s delicious Not at all This smell is very big You try it tender and juicy Yo, my God, what? Draw it out The circle bird I drew is also good. Not hanging. Let’s keep looking for oil. Look, there are so many eggs in this hole.

Is this an unlucky egg or an egg? duck egg large This is big white You see, you see, you see, do you see if this place is a footprint? Does it look like I can’t see that this is not very good for me. Many, many, four at once.

All right, don’t put it in the bucket Wow, look, there are still several sea cucumbers left here. Look at that. It’s so hard and hard Wash the killer. Wipe with water This is not yet The back of the bird also caused a deep This is also this you are not two

There is another one here Look at the sea cucumbers we have picked up everywhere. Look, look, dig a ground not bad It’s still this small size There are fish here. Is it okay Not a small snail I almost picked up a plate in this pocket.

Eldest brother, there is another one I didn’t even see You see, this is a marine dish So long in the sea can grow up See if it’s not this cold. More rocks in the water Brush a few more stones I can’t break it off. Do you want to spread more light and warm

Look at this No, look at this. Can you look at this? Not yet did not put one No. I have to. Look, there’s a belt over there. I see there’s a deep Bring the sea cucumber here There’s one in here. There’s another one here. Not wrong Not just this one.

This is the understanding of sea duck eggs. Look, there’s another one here. Ouch this is really good looks very beautiful This won’t turn over Oh, look, is there any goods under this stone? No, you can go. Look at the little eight Java that I found frozen to death. You see, it’s really fresh

It’s actually very fresh It’s just not very good. Take it. See if there is still a stone on it. Look at this, all right? Ouch, mama ah Take a look here Is there a moment here You can hit hard like this. Give me a kiss Nor Ouch, all right, all right

Can’t hold it I can’t catch the green phoenix You see Finally one. Eh, hey. These are not frozen ha ha Such a cold day They shouldn’t have come up It was frozen when it came up. But there’s food here to attract them. Hey hey Oh, look, I found another sea cucumber

Do you have any goods Here’s another one Or is it not This is not yes Hey, hey, this is okay I ‘ve lost weight 820 yuan Is there a peach blossom uncle Look what I found. Clams It’s so big This clam is really good Look, I’ll tell you

The quality of the seafood that grows in our waters is really good. Look. See how big I’ll take it. I’ll go wash it, right Wow, there are three eggs here too You see, this one has added a lot of eggs, huh Look, it’s confiscated. This head is really not small

You see, I can’t hold my hand Er, in the head There must be fire in here No octopus There are two sea cucumbers Look at this one. It’s soft and waxy. This is hard Look at this one. It’s not soft or hard. good condition This may be a long time

Fortunately, it can still work. Then I went to eat Ten dollars to give it back Oops. It’s going to be dark. I can’t see No lights After showing these, I went home. alright This gun sister This, this, this, this, this This is ouch shell Look at this shell. It’s not small.

Then I looked at this piece and it tasted delicious. You a mouthful of flower armor I can’t see You help me see Where You saw it, yeah I saw it. But you’re a flower I-I didn’t look I’m here, this, this, this, this, this, this, this Really? I see him You said flower armor

I look over there Then I came back and couldn’t find it. It’s getting dark. Go home. Look, there’s a big pile here. Look, there are two more. Wow Such a situation Haven’t been here for a few days I found this place is big again This time the sea duck ran out again

The front is that they ah You all said you didn’t believe it. That’s up ahead. Is there a farm here? It will cover several cabins Watching the farm here Then I will raise some ducks sea duck We sea ducks Our sea ducks grow up here eating seafood.

So there is no problem for him to lay a few eggs. Does it count? I’ll keep my voice down So they don’t have to hear it. good, good I’ll take it. Not bad Keep looking I feel there are still many eggs. Go Look at the stone. Close it. Not cute an abalone

I haven’t had time to stone I saw an abalone. Yes He’s eating seafood here. Abalone likes to eat kelp Sea vegetables and the like Take it. Many friends said that I don’t make stones. In fact, you can see that there is nothing in the stone. I didn’t cut it out Here’s a scallop

What did you pick up? Recently ha Can you pick up more shellfish? Rely on my Is that right? Haven’t you eaten sand for a long time? Brother Chao is half here See, it doesn’t take any time. There’s a big stash lurking next to it. Look under the stone, 1.1 can’t be wasted.

If the stones I sent today are not in stock I also cut it out for everyone to see. I’m really afraid that others will say I’m lazy. Said I don’t turn over stones ah what ah Is it a little crab to go in In, in, out. Hey hey hey come out

See if there’s any goods under this stone. Did you do anything I blocked the lens. I was, um… There are more than a dozen below. No. Plus ten dollars and one can’t miss it. Ya yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo There’s a big fish in here.

Scared my legs shake What situation What do you mean it will change? My sister saw a fish pond underneath and went in. How to send out is an abalone Hey hey it will shit It will change 76. I want to say this is funny That fish, that bag of fish, that fish

Have you changed? I’m familiar with it. You know what? There’s nothing near the drain What am I really looking I finished the stone. Ah did not go Come here and have a look Oh, yo, yo, yo, the flap is not covered It’s so big here. It’s pressed here. Hot well It’s hot.

It’s okay. This duck, I said, is it hidden here? Lay eggs here It could also have been washed by water. Look how big these are nice and comfortable He This is rich I picked up 20 eggs Do you dare to believe Look, I found a cat’s eye

Do you think there is a small snail beside it? Oh my mother I’ll go I’ll go I’ll go This is a cat eye snail Is there more meat? Where did this one go? It’s hard to pick up with gloves on. Oh, it’s because there’s a hermit crab hidden here.

You see, this is a little cat’s eye Cut it off. Cut off this big hat, too. He spoke so fast Look what he just wanted here. Let me be caught No water at all. You see what’s the back here I have an abalone here Today I found my eyes it’s not so smooth

See the bright colors take a closer look Here’s another abalone You see, if you hadn’t seen this scallop abalone lost Can’t see Well, well, look at your active appearance. but also very fat Very meat. Today’s abalone is good Only it’s not sucking stones Not so much The breeding is so soft

Almost inspired today. Why can’t you catch an octopus? Can you do it I saw crabs. There’s nothing Look at this. Come here. Octopus Octopus Also did not go The big black fish on this head is here That’s it. See here. Okay. We still have two big hum here I’ll just say it

There’s nothing on the beach today, of course. This is the 30th egg I caught. You two big finishing lines It’s not too early next time. Let’s go home Look, there’s a big one in there. You see there’s another wow There’s a whole bunch here Oh, my God, wow. After many days

I finally hit the egg again Look at the big white egg. Where do you put the unknown fried white egg in the bucket? Here’s another one Isn’t there another one? Oh, I said that I saw it Here’s another one Oh, my God, I’m still a little drunk This one, this what situation

How did he pull this rock here to the shore Does it not smell good in the mountains? Go and have a look This looks like a bunch of octopus Look at me. Oh, my God. I’m hiding here. It’s good. Ah, this, this, this head This head is big

This one is soft and soft and big Meters See? Hey, take it Look, here’s an abalone Oh, my God. This is also a I saw it. Don’t you see Ha ha I really haven’t seen it Tear its head up Hey, this one is also good Take this. Look at the crocodile

When you move it, it changes color. Oh, look, it can’t be pulled What a strong suction force Wow, how big is this? This is the biggest of the three, right I ‘ve received it This is a cat’s eye snail Not alive It’s been many days since you took a look.

The meat is white. We don’t want Put it here. Big basin this mouth There are fish here. Er… This head is not small Look at you look Er, hey, hey I still can’t get you Oops Yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to throw in You see, there’s another one This is not alive.

I still can’t catch you Ha ha, my mother This is too humiliating Don’t move. Ah, the water here is so deep Er, er, er, er, er, er Caught. I started pinching its thorns So I said I didn’t take it well. I lost weight. Not small Look at its little tail Small Paws

Such a small paw can still suck stones. See? It’s exposed. Oh. Yo, my mama I thought there was a little octopus Look at the two big ones. It seems that the action is not very active. I lost weight. There is also a white nail nail I see this fish.

A bite of fish alive Also alive You a wash Because the water here is too shallow Go back again, wow, wow, wow good, good, good These two big eggs are beautiful Go, keep looking ahead There is a little red here. There are still a few snails. Take it away together Tell me today

Fried delicious Look what happened to this tablet This should be pecked by seagulls Drunk The mouth of the seagull is so powerful This should have been broken by wolves Take away the big Shanghai fire You see, I found another abalone here. Are eating malicious food Look, where else is it here?

Which one of these? I saw several faces. What about that one? It’s gone Ha ha ha You stepped on it Oh, my God. You see, your feet are right here He’s right here. He’s lying on his stomach. Almost a dish So big If more than you licked

It’s a pity that this is ten dollars each Look, there are many golden snails here. I can’t even hold my bucket. Look here and there’s another one here. There are many here Oops. At that time, I said that two or three of them were not enough to eat. You see it That’s enough

That’s enough It’s okay to fry a small basin, isn’t it Not enough gold snails Side dishes to gather together Put some side dishes Go, go, go, go, drink more. Put some more of that onion Put some green red pepper and fry it out to eat. delicious All right.

Look, I found abalone here again. Abalone by the beach You see, abalone is a food So fat also eat ah Where are the scallops Take the scallops There’s still half here. You see, you didn’t even see this You just saw the scallops Oh, you see Once again, so much has been gained.

Look, there are many places So much This head is not small. What is this Whose white hair A few bucks quick fishing line This is you hey Forget it. Take away, take away, yeah There’s an open one here, and there’s another one here. Look at this fish. Come on, come on.

Oh, my God. This water seems very deep have been dug up Can’t hit It clearly lives You see the tail is still moving I’m not full and I’m still working on it. He hey hey good, good Such a big blackhead What a big black head Oh, wait for the ham

Oh, yo, you guys love winning so much This barracuda dinosaur ah It’s too big This also I just look at his head I knew it wasn’t small Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Don’t move. Don’t move. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Why is this fish so powerful? I still use my day to scare me Ah ah ah ah I began to underestimate it Also American red fish, right It’s just an American red fish. How much does this weigh? There is a two or three catties Yes, yes, yes, yes

I think he’s a great fish. Let’s see what else is here. You stepped on it, didn’t you? Well, it seems to be my mother This is a flounder It’s all lying in the sand Yi Yi I give it a reuse This is also very powerful I thought of washing it Face Good sand.

This flounder has a kilo and a half I think you look very big very fat You see, he’s not hurt at all That’s complete. Great. You don’t know who built his nest They’re hiding here and they’re stranded. I took it with me You put the monster and keep the fish here.

Do you keep it here? I’m not too heavy Yes Then I’ll put it here Take it later when you wait. Give it down here Tie it up No one must have found it. OK, let’s continue to drive the sea Hello, everyone. I’m your friend We ‘ve driven the sea. Keep going haha

I just caught the fish. I found a piece of mosquito here. I guessed it was starfish But I didn’t expect it to be so big Don’t go. Oh, a lot One on your side is bigger than the other. Take the spring diandian I feel like I ‘ve collected all the seafood.

I can’t carry this bucket either. You look really good Wow. That’s awesome. I’m wow, wow But there is no culture All day long to express my feelings Hey hey take away You ‘ve seen the head. A cruel day This is too much Look at this one. It’s really nice.

All five corners are up. Er, you wash it It’s really clean to wash it out. Take a picture ha ha There’s another big one here. Ah mama ah Directly stunned Have you ever seen a starfish this big Before you look at this is bigger than two palms I ‘ve seen a gorilla before

I gave you a gesture with the length of the tree. You see How did I pick one up before I said It turns out that there have been many attacks here. Why is it so big Yes, there are many here Look, there’s equipment here. Ouch, don’t move.

I was afraid you ‘d step on it Ha, ah, ah, ah, ah I… Awesome yo yo yo yo yo ouch One of its claws sucked Almost couldn’t pick it up It’s quite comfortable for us to have this. very slim Also white What kind of ghost is this

Look at me. Take a closer look There’s a hair there The octopus is out of the pot This octopus touched You look soft A touch it is soft This is definitely the speed limit Get another bird. Oh, I picked it up It’s really big, isn’t it? This is called red.shellfish particles sashimi

Quickly pick up that scallop You see below is almost common This won’t move I think it’s a big mud Oh, I can’t move here either. There’s no such thing in there No. Give him back one. See the octopus crawling outside You see, it’s so pitiful Its claws are broken

This one is also broken But its suction is still very strong Blue You see, this seaside has been awesome for a long time. There’s so much sand on my body Oh, how enjoyable this starfish is. Can you die beautiful ah Bring an oversized hairy clam Can’t open the taste

Come at me to startle I closed And the lower generation. These two are glued together Good compulsion I have to take it apart Look, there’s a lot of starfish here. You see so much This is too powerful Wow, how’s it going? Look at this. It’s easy to breathe here. My mother

Let me tell you something. These three starfish are heavy I just feel a little unbearable. You know what? The three starfish than a kilo ah Oops. I’m numb I can’t carry it Here’s another bunch of starfish. Look at it. This, this, this, this, this is not needed. I didn’t see it

I see starfish You’re good. You just found out that a big haired dog is good. Come here and look at the back. Oh, this is quite good. Why is it rolling Look, this little claw is moving. Oh, it’s very vivid. What My God, I saw such a big one before I was stunned

Today is not unusual at all Shengwa, the octopus, has blossomed. This is the meaning of want to hole You see, it’s awesome. This dog ah And here are the scallops Er… not bad What do you think Damn, it’s okay Take away You see, there’s a lot of abalone here.

Look, I’ll see you over there. You look at this You see, there are many here My sister’s side is here now. You see, there’s still a little sea rainbow here. down here. You see Here is where the soil is relatively soft They didn’t go down

Look at this side. There are so many people who are still alive. Let me see first Alive You see, this is also alive Is there anything here? Let me look at this side first. Pick it up first This side is alive. You see Rich. Rich. Get rich Recently, I have gained a lot.

Should be spring harvest more than winter Don’t step on it Run to the sand bag Oh, this boy has a lion in his hand. Ouch You see, this has just exploded together. Oh, step on the squad A lot of sand You see, you see a lot of sand

This home need a good wash Come here again I came here to have a good wash Er, er Ha ha ha ha ha Almost Come on. Look in your hands I want to come back and look here. Come and have a look There’s a leak here. Come and take it I’m good

Look, you still have a sea cucumber Look, there’s abalone here. Don’t be a normal phenomenon There are several over there and there should be several over here. Can’t there is no this side Right? Uh-huh. This job, eh This is not alive. You see it lay flat Is not alive

What kind of situation is this? The big long legs of this life are here You see, one or two sea cucumbers are also super big. Today’s sea cucumbers look the same. Also this So there’s a big shark hidden Look how good you look. really slim White inside, white inside, red color, eh

Go to blossom Take it away Go back, wow, why are there so many abalones next to this stone? You see ah ah You said you don’t suck What are you doing hiding next to a rock? Five, six, seven, ouch, ouch I dropped it. Eat ah This today dozens of abalone

Forty or fifty abalone get rich If the head is not big I don’t know how much to sell What situation Oh, there’s another one underneath. There is also a sea rainbow The last is you Oh ho Baptism can Take away my legs are quite long Continue Catch scallops This scallop And close it?

Slowly closed. Take Alive Opening I thought there was nothing wrong with opening my mouth. I closed myself. Not dead Look, there’s a fish Today is the latest one, huh Before the first to shoot out of the bitter Let’s take a look at the last one today. I also thought there was no fish.

You see there are fish Good luck here I’m here to take a chance As for ha You see, his texture is quite good, that one is quite complete. This silt is quite complete the shape is quite good Take away Today’s Receiving Features Get rich The dog is light again.

Look at all the broken fish running down here. Awesome, yeah It’s good to be alive. I was afraid that the abalone would not live. Abalone is a little fishy if it doesn’t live. Oh, balsam pear is not fishy to it. It’s too hot Ah, although not big But are very active

Oh, this is still alive. So lucky Such a big sea cucumber today Fresh abalone I think there are still a few sand shells here. Er, ha, is there only three Too little No. What kind of shape do you have here? You see inserted in the water This should be something special.

You see, the two big meats are a little thin. Still walking. Go away I think there’s another one here. see clearly This can be a little fatter. I really want to eat its meat What do you think This

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