Good morning guys we are here leaving arches Dea Fronteira where we stayed at this hotel there on front Aí We spent the night there, little town quiet, very little movement tourists here seemed like it was Holiday yesterday here, we were circulating there through the city center there but look very little

People city is not small but movement is minimal, I don’t know if it wasn’t holiday saw incredible well well well really calm And today we go to Gibraltar another country there country of England stuck there in the Mediterranean Sea within Spain so calculate that around 120 km already we will be in

Gibraltar I think we will have to face an adana there to do that she is not part of think of the European Community Gibraltar, right? I think we have to Present a passport I’m kicking So I’m not sure, huh, then I I’ll confirm with you if necessary present passport or We didn’t leave the city from the border a few minutes ago we’re on the road here towards the altar gibra It’s a simple road I think we’ll go get there about 30 km or so from simple road like that and then I think that we will enter a

Highway but there you can have a Panorama there, the region here, the agricultural region large farms large plantations people preparing the land, I don’t know what that they will probably plant here now should be wheat there guys we walked 33 km and now I think we’re going to get one Highway here

Alcala sense and los Barrios Let’s see if there’s one There’s a highway there, there in front of me I think it’s a Highway So, missing here, let me see some here 80 km to our destination of today and let’s go there it is guys we are here 20 km from our objective of

Today very close to Gibraltar Hey guys, the sign there, line Gibraltar we will take on the right here and we are 10 km away from our hotel there Hey guys, look at this Porto here great intense movement of ships there Here, the Conception line is still here It’s Spain

Guys but Bahia here with many boats many ships wide in the distance look You just can’t stay There are ships of ships Cruise there oh this part of Spain on the border here the movement is intense here we continue here guys, look Oh There’s not much left there, Gibraltar

Gibraltar the signalmen Here they are all Synchronized So Look at a lot of traffic lights there but we’re walking calm because there weren’t many traffic stops flowing here normally here o gibra alttar à right here Oh and I think here Already channel to Border, have you seen ah

Here you go, Dona Customs Customs now we are here already close, already entering Gibraltar Here we go, donating Here let’s see if there is a queue, if not It’s quiet here to come in here There’s quite a line here, you can see

Here look at the front there you can see a lot of queue but let’s see there’s nothing we can do What do we want to go and go there, come on, let’s go follow here boy gave the tip there bike pass straight let’s pass cross here look there

Ah, let’s follow that bike there and see the what what what what That’s it for now, the motorcycle trail here calm calm down guys, we stamped passport when leaving the Community European and here at the entrance of Gibraltar for now guys S My passport broke and I don’t know if it’s there

One more for Duana up front but There’s probably something there entry into England Let’s see look guys this this wall this granite rock look but immense That’s it there we are there next to hotel here, show from motorcycles is mine many cars many bikes there and let’s go

There and the nOur hotel is here Here we are, I think it’s this one Oh, this is ours hotel let’s see what we do here if do we get in here or not but I think yes look guys we are here in the center of Gibraltar here is a square

Square mate here and look at the crowd here Egypt here full of bars shops staff alone taking your tea, look there, look there a big market I think it’s there and Here are the guys, and in a little while We’ll go up there and get one cable car there and go up there

Up there So let’s take some photos here and do some footage of this boardwalk here and there Main Street there, Avenida do Promenade that you will continue straight there in a little while we will take the cable car there and meet this famous Gibraltar here

Ok Look guys I wonder if there are people on this Avenue here on this boardwalk Look there good store center here, look perfumeries I think the good stores are everyone here, look how amazing this is boardwalk here street this pedestrian street here It’s personal, we’re still here promenade here full of famous shops

Here huh Jewelry and Perfume stores very good clothes huh look there Here’s an idea, Rolex store there then It’s all good here we go Hey guys, look at the here look just everything basic look look A Look at that blue one there look at the blue black gold show plate show Look guys We’re coming here at ccar in Gibraltar for our I climb that hill, look there where will we go soon there in Up visit the monkeys there in

Above I said that you have to be smart there monkeys there are are slight if you score silly Peg os they take everything Let’s see if it’s true That’s right Look, everyone getting on board here we won’t go there first passengers here hello there look See you there on

Up come on guys look Oh Show Show guys Look, we’re here o rising to F climbing the cable Car here the mountain from Gibraltar do our tours there panorama from the country there Oh deep inside Spain here sea ​​Look guys city ​​of Gibraltar there We are crossing a tower here and there

Marina boats guy lives in already has the The boat is already leaving the apartment ecado Now guys, we left the kebar there Look, I remember what I told you of the Monkeys there Oh there look how many there Oh There, one there picking ticks off the other

There there eight more laying there three more there feeding here says you have to take Be careful, they are very naughty and here is the background, look how amazing it is Then look at Bahia de Gibraltar Look guys, we’re coming up here look o Where is the said person looking there

Just look where there is one there Oh the monkeys here Oh, what a rascal here in Gibra Alttar there oh right in the tower here at jbr alttar where we are here, look guys, look there, look there there are three there o and here o Panorama of the region there look

It’s personal, we’re still here Ness top from this mountain here, look at this sea There’s a little monkey there, very calm there The people at the front are calm here In a little while we will go there and here Look, look at how high we are here on this cliff here in gibra

Alttar Look alone and in the background Africa African continent It starts on the other side of this sea here, look just a real show show show Look at the outline of Gibraltar here tiny country stuck here in the sea Mediterranean on the coast of Spain Look guys, now in another one

Perspective here another location here The Last Point You Can Come Here on this side and look, I’m going to do a 360 here for you lookWhat a shame it is time is closed opening a little some places some not there oh there city ​​we are in that hotel there on forward

Right there at the end of the airport runway there Going back a little here is our there the airport runway and here another one part of the mountain and here whoever wants to go You can go down there on foot or go up on foot I’m going to do a 360 here now

We are on the other side here look look Just There, here we are already on the other side side and then the road that forms the contour in Gibraltar there is a beach there fresh air here the sea breeze Mediterranean there people leaving the hotel here on Gibraltar And today we go until

Lisbon 656 km let’s see the exit there if we need it present a passport or any document do some stamping something then I think that no but let’s go see there, that’s where we go from there side there we present passport and everything There now I don’t know if you’ll need it

Again I believe so, there is a ticket window here Little guy there from the police there oh and the motorcycle is this way Let’s go on this track here to present passport and let’s go, I got the passport I’m waiting for him there carimar there, that’s the hill where we climbed

Yesterday Morro dos Macacos we went up there pay a visit there now let’s go Ok, let’s check the passport, it’s Mine is swapped here with Marcelo now let’s continue here and that’s it Ready, guys, let’s get it sense oh we take the left here let’s take I think there’s an Autopista down there

Kadesh direction and Seville guys, look at the circuit here goes right for the race track from from Border we are crossing by border area Now, guys, look at the sign there o R North there is J but in Spanish it is Jota If you say route then it’s her R

Border there, folks, we are getting around it Seville Look, we are more than 100 km away there is a completely flat region of big farms huh one show place magnificent You could see the farms with a lot of cultivation of cotton and preparing the land there I think it must be cultivation of

Wheat must come in, look at the highway there oh we’ll probably get into this highway there now Oh Yes, we are already doing the contour here to enter make the contour there of this city and let’s see what direction we take there Let’s go here, we’ve already taken a route here

Three tracks but an intense movement of vehicles you saw up front You can see The traffic is already very slow there here and there you hit traffic half almost stopping there Oh CR using the river here I didn’t see the name there mine but it’s big, Rio Grande is the height

Many people must pass this bridge here cargo ships here that’s why They did this time here with this one structure is under renovation there You must be a citizen and look at that I managed to get some for you get an idea of ​​the port there Oh So let’s go

Hang up in a little while I’ll be back with you there because today today is road day today is is until Portugal can soon be seen Look, this is the direction we will take, I don’t know if soon we will have to leave new take another direction but at first

That’s it inside C Then you take sense There is a big sign in front we’ll probably get another one Highway here and that’s it right there méda Hello everyone, look at the topography there and the land is all prepared There we are, we’re out of

Seville we are 150 km from the border of Portugal felt merit So come with me, come along soon Let’s go Portugal there boy we are running here near we crossed almendrados there now and a region here, look, it’s been a long time since we’re rolling and it’s

Only Olive Trees and Vines but Vines So, you see, it’s not a vineyard, it’s your feet on the ground with your branches there producing grapes and look there and the plantations disappear Then look and it’s just like that, look at middle of the Olive Trees here and the land

Be careful, everything is clean neat the Vines also that we passed back there That’s it clean hood here a big one Plant solar energy production there and here there Oh Oliveiras and Oliveiras Hello guys we continue here R to Portugal we’re passing through bad ross or bada

Joss and come on, come with me, come along Look at the city of bada roosa, next door far away you can see Hey guys, we stopped here in bada Rossa for a stocked one eat a snack last place in Spain and there you saw the sign, Portugal Here we are

Close to the Border In a little while we will enter Portugal last destination of ours Tour we did around Europe we just entered Portugal here I saw the sign there but didn’t have time to filming her I thought she was one a little further but it was already up

There I looked on Google Maps there It said that the border was in Rio and it wasn’t back there Maybe there’s another one there we are there Inside Portugal, Évora is already there alvas and two Let’s go Lisbon there there Guys, we continue on this Autopista here and here

As the villages the small towns the houses the buildings here in the interior of Portugal Olha there at up small town here several houses on the left also several houses we are in the region of many Olive trees I also saw a little grape

Back there but more Olive Trees and and I think which is almonds Hey guys, Lisbon Algarve we are crossing the region here from Montemor Montemor and garuch some Patrício who wants to kill the longing We’re passing by here, this is a visual from the region here

Hey guys We’re heading out here for a take a break because Look, it’s hot and the gasoline 1.88 P9 price almost equal to the price of Spain Hey guys, we stopped for gas there a little rest now we are here Again, look at Garb and Cera right there and straight Setubal and Lisbon Hey guys, 12 km from Lisbon Look, look, look at It’s hot here and walking motorcycle in the middle of these cars won’t go here be nothing easy Look at the traffic there guys Look wow ma’am, I’ll get there soup imagine this sun in this transit hellish here look

We are only 8 km away from the hotel, look only the queue we will have to face there uh Phew how hot guys It’s dripping inside this clothes here 32.5 we are still on the other side of Rio Tejo here, entering the bridge to cross into the main city of Lisbon there

Oh I hope you start walking here guys Do you see that noise of tires there that the guys go over this place here, but on the other side L where there is That’s that braided steel sheet there tire noise tire keeps singing on top of it So here we go, another look guys

Look at the left side too, there there There’s a lot of memorial in the tourist section beautiful there to visit far away there has a very beautiful Memorial there for per also has the house that makes the best pastel de nata of the world speaks pastel de belém there but

Think of a delicious pastry, my God Heaven tomorrow I want to buy some too to enjoy it we will stay until Sunday here today is Thursday so enjoy some around day there to help with the regime there Look there Guys, riding here the bike keeps pulling

From one side to the other here on these trails here is an iron rail here oh oh oh complicated Phew guys Oh, there’s a relief, I’m going to raise one little here to give refreshment here because, Our Lady, I’m all wet It’s crazy here, look, enjoy and enjoy a bit of Lisbon there

O here entering the bridge and now Entering the city we are here I think which is still about 4 km from hotel that is right on the other side of center right So, I’m so crazy that I’m suffocating there, man Ah, look at the relief of Our Lady

Refreshed here, man, I’m crazy, I’m going to hang up I’ll be back with you in a little while Hey guys after a huge struggle we are here very close to the Hotel now here in the center of Lisbon let’s go there it is at 200 Let’s go

There we are arriving 80 m is this building up ahead there oh there There’s the hotel getting there Let’s see if we can find one parking there is this one right there right here is our our hotel here Go find a place to park here we go we got there to

Smma is SM Y Lisbon let’s go n



  1. Na verdade, Gibraltar é um "Território Britânico Ultramarino".
    O nome Gibraltar tem origem na no topônimo árabe jabal al-Tariq (ﺨﺒﻝﻄﺭﻕ) que significa "montanha de Tárique". A montanha, um promontório militarmente estratégico na entrada do mar Mediterrâneo, guarnece o estreito oceânico que separa a África do continente europeu. O nome é uma homenagem ao general berbere Tárique que em 711 aí desembarcou, iniciando a conquista do Reino Visigótico.
    No início dos anos 1960, o governo espanhol levantou a "questão de Gibraltar" perante a Comissão de Descolonização das Nações Unidas e a Assembleia Geral aprovou as resoluções 2 231, de 1966 e 2 353, de 1967, que pediam o início das conversações entre Espanha e Reino Unido para por fim a situação colonial de Gibraltar, salvaguardando os interesses do povo de Gibraltar. Em resposta a estas resoluções, as autoridades de Gibraltar apelaram o direito à autodeterminação e o Reino Unido organizou um referendo em 1967 para os gibraltinos, em que 99,64% dos eleitores manifestaram a sua vontade de permanecer sob soberania britânica, o que também foi interpretado adicionalmente como uma rejeição ao regime franquista.

  2. Show, show,… Essas pontes com a pista de ferro gradeado eu sabia que existem no Alaska e Canadá e são para a neve sair quando os pneus dos veículos passam. Agura pistas alternadas de ferro e asfalto é nova para mim…

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