Siêu Phẩm Phim Hàn Mới 2024 | Anh chàng Tài Phiệt Lại Là Ký Sinh Trùng | Review Phim Hàn Hay 2024

Because to restore Japanese imperial rule and find weapons that can turn the odds in war soldiers in this land of the rising sun without any tricks but captured innocent people for experiments Human corpses were scattered throughout the experimental area Innocent people are still alive I can’t escape these soldiers either

The base is filled with their crimes was destroyed in a sea of ​​fire The soldiers were stuck at the base saw something very scary 1945 at geong seong Right now the Republic of Korea is suffering influence of Japanese soldiers residents in geong seong

The capital of seong at that time was on its knees begging cried before the Japanese soldiers There are people who are determined to sacrifice for their country But there are also people who can’t stand it I was excited and resigned to my fate but participated in serving the Japanese army

Guys are captured and subjected to extreme torture This interrogation is a crime was a person at the peak of society in this period handsome, famous, yes In addition, he is also the owner of the royal palace Located on the most prime golden street corner of Bonjong

It is a secluded and most luxurious mansion write that this guy’s car is a pawn shop But this pawn shop only holds genuine luxury items At the same time, it is very rare and is the place where rich ladies come and go rich man and Giang Te Sang is a tycoon

And is the symbol of the round bud itself Wherever he goes, a bright halo shines Are not No high society party would be without him owner of the royal treasure There’s nothing that money can buy that he doesn’t already have But now I have to endure torture splash this water until it’s ragged

This soldier is being interrogated Lady Maedda’s mistress because he thinks I’m the person I love the most because the person she texts the most is her It’s also a crime to come here because you’re handsome The loophole of a girl texting something is to be suspected ambiguous to explain Lady Maedda

Texting me just to find a cup Bich Gia tea and lacquered plates inlaid with mother-of-pearl The other guy asked, sorry because he disappeared three days ago then she texted me Suddenly he explained that he suddenly got lucky So I found that rare cup and plate Hearing these words made that guy

Take over control One punch is less So too much ice is too much for the sang numb’s body While beating him, he cursed the bastard Joshian deep They were inferior and he grabbed his shirt Sang asked what he did to his beloved wife Nu Sang could only laugh he told commissioner ishikawa

This is probably crazy because of love he doubted someone as noble and respectable as lady ma eda numb sang said with a disdainful tone he said with long eyes to Lady Maedda knowing that the commissioner doubted her fidelity I’m sure it will be fine. It’ll be fine

Was said to have hit the heart and brought it up The commissioner’s name also agreed Let go and talk about the main issue He started showing pictures of the beautiful girl Came to look and said she had been missing for a week People say what they want from Bon Jong

Everyone has to cross the river You are an information machine in this place He wants you to find her for him why did she disappear? Where is she going? or run away with a lover, find that guy too Then he made a very strong threat If you don’t find her

Then you will lose everything you have If you come from the West, you will get a priority ticket to the battle listen to these words made him silently think about life then ask for the time The commissioner immediately told him to give him time to search until the cherry blossoms fall

Return to royal palace with slow steps Then go upstairs to have a sip of wine to refresh your spirit then he asked Mrs. nagon How much cash do they have now? I want to sell all my houses and properties in Buchon and even this royal treasure in another month

These two people are walking on the street Then the father went into a liquor store ask people here about the name sachi moto is a painter The other girl replied that she knew two people named Sachi moto they are all Japanese soldiers not an artist Hearing these words, he also slowly walked back

Then she suggested he come Hoang Bao Trang asked for information Because there are people there who are called machines information whether it is money things or human, he can still find out the information This girl is ion cho ok She entered an old store Want to buy a broken car here

Ok pay the price with the boss here Because anyway, that car is nothing more than a pile of scrap metal He kicked back again Diamonds in a pile of trubin are still diamonds asked motorbikes are still motorbikes look at ch ok’s face So he also agreed to reduce the price a bit

She immediately closed the deal But I have to add a few dishes from you He thought about it and then agreed coc immediately threw the stake to him and went out to fix the car The boss still thinks he’s a bargain because that car was outside in the sun

Endured rain and storms for the past three years Who would have thought that it would be less than a minute and 30 seconds later It’s been fixed and the engine is running like crazy Coming to this side, it’s oily don’t know how to find it the commissioner’s mistress

Suddenly his employee told a source that from bud chon to male chon The whole city was in chaos Women keep disappearing listen to these words The taste manager couldn’t hide his fear He has a gentle nature Sell ​​everything and run away Sounds probably reasonable

But the owner of the river here is selling real estate suddenly like that whatever the hell it is will go to Commissioner Ishikawa but below the pawn shop is currently owned by Sang Nu It’s all Ishikawa’s eyes and ears Install a cam to track your movements he ordered the gu manager

Contact all sources and acquaintances Find all the clues about Miyong then told her to leave Sell ​​the most expensive items in the room securely and as quickly as possible Both cash and gold ensure the highest liquidity and find ships departing within a month Just in case for the worst case scenario

This is a trick to change the car and everyone will leave the car grandfather The commissioner on this side was also informed by his own eyes and hands Sang Tê has begun to open the match looking for his beloved daughter The fact that he was in such a hurry to find her

Because maeda had a child with him maida is fainting in some godforsaken place This place is a prison she was captured along with other girls by the zealous army The two girls were immediately arrested and taken to another prison They left food for the two girls to enjoy

Due to being starved for many days So the other girl ate very enthusiastically Eat until you choke and drink the next bowl of water The girl on the other side also started drinking that water This made the leader very satisfied because it contains blood clear vitality Insects of the monsters they researched

From dark to elegant, wear an elegant white suit His hair is slicked back and he proudly walks around the streets He looked at the guy in the car and knew he was the one stalking him I’ve been waiting all day to stalk you So Sang Ngo created a job for him

That is, wait for me to come round but these stories have been widely criticized observed from afar She also started following Sang Ting She was always there while selling things to the boss I heard that uncle say that the rumor had spread thousands of miles away

Not sure if the news is accurate yet But the people rumored too much It is rumored that you will leave this place He revealed to her about a VIP pro scouting association They can find people everywhere Even though that person is fan mu hiding in the cave they can still find it

Listen to these words Mrs. Na Won immediately saw that it was probably very prestigious so I immediately asked him about the information about that scouting association after a while of moving Then I have arrived at my destination he is generous for the commissioner’s henchman then said it was coffee money

Then move into the restaurant He told the owner that he wanted a ride through the back door immediately made the other guy lose track of him Inside the car happily counting money On the last page, I discovered two words: idiot made him very bitter he started wandering in a small street

Tease also quickly followed behind seems to know something As soon as the corner turned, the tease lost sight of him Suddenly, this time I became numb from behind pointed a gun straight at her head he knew she was not the commissioner’s henchman asking why Then she tried to escape from the gun’s mouth

Then innova with me One punch is missing, but one kick is too much If you punch him, she will also kick you no one is inferior to anyone She shows herself to be a strong-willed woman causing numbness So eat onions without tightening suddenly came

If you can get the stick to counter attack, it will make jo’s hat k thrown out Her long, shiny hair shines under the quiet night along with that pretty face It seemed like it had sucked all the soul out of sang numb The two rushed at each other again

So people with one gun and one knife at their necks glared at each other After a while, peace and harmony became precious Then sang numb also lowered his ego and put it down in front of that beautiful woman She heard rumors that he was the number one information machine here

Sang Te immediately said this news was correct Your information will be priced differently depending on its high or low level cheloke immediately asked him about the artist named sachi moto About 30 years old Japanese but sang numb doesn’t know this person at all she asked further

My main purpose is to ask him about his deceased mother cum 15 ago Change your mouth to eat salt and fish sauce said that her mother had run away with him My lover is far away from that motorbike 15 is a long time ago

If her mother already has a new family, why bother looking? Hearing these harsh words made the uncle angry slap him hard curse him for being a bastard If you are trash then you have the number one source of information What the hell is so cool about hearing you use floss like that?

But did not show anger but replied calmly It’s true that I was born like trash and had to roll around like trash to survive She told him to use the mosquito net to go far away Be careful that one day you will be skewered Before leaving, he asked her what her name was

And complimented her on her beautiful eyes She was sharp and wanted to gouge out his eyes turned around and left, calling him crazy Somewhere there is an artist painting very strange paintings at the small moon shop john tick has let his soul in following each melody for the guests here to enjoy

Sang Ngo came to ask his friend about the missing prostitute his best friend said to her I am a joker and have broken your heart devastated when asked if she knew where she was then he immediately answered no and advise you

My rich friends often take advantage of this occasion to do charity work Let’s go because the rumors are coming anyway It’s been rumored all over here with the commissioner but sang numb doesn’t allow that because now I just need it Find that prostitute and everything will be fine jump

Then I see that things are not as simple as I thought because if she had been found, ishikawa would have found her It’s been a week and she’s still negative He was hopeless so he pulled you in but you probably already know that listen to what your friend says

Sang Tê just patted him on the shoulder and said he was drunk and left The worm stood up and told Sang Ngo not to be haunted by it money because after all it is like a cow losing its hair tamarind tree sheds its leaves Sang Ting was bitter because of these words

Because he spent his whole life plowing like a buffalo I would rather be insulted but not insulted with my money Because what makes you who you are today and protects you is your money and assets After speaking, he sadly left The commissioner’s henchmen also arrived It’s too convenient for you

Uncle, please wait for me to come home at some place The Japanese soldier informed his superior that the object tested and had symptoms The girl just drank water containing serum a while ago was screaming non-stop because of the headache to the point that he had to bang his head and the other girl

Then he sat curled up like a stump and vomited and something in her neck is moving When I got home, Sang Te was informed by Mrs. Na Guon The good news is that a group of scouts have been found introduced by broker The bad news is that some of them are rude

The person who cursed him just now Sang Tê asked about the secret technique that the two of them used to find the missing person The uncle just said that it was a motto of not giving up and persistently followed them to the ends of the earth

Sang numb asked again if he had found the bag Many people criticize it immediately If you don’t believe it, find someone else and leave Sang Tê said because he was about to entrust an important task So it’s natural to ask a little The uncle answered gently

Over the past 15 years, the two of them have received more than 200 cases and more than 140 of them were found play O ke told his father to leave because he did not want to take on this case because she has a grudge against him Mrs. Na Won

Asked him what he did to deserve that beautiful girl saying that then he immediately told me to just report that her eyes were beautiful Hearing this, the chicken’s father immediately turned around and left At this moment, sang numb spoke seriously I will help them find the artist

Sachi Moto and that will find the tease’s mother The time they searched for was when the cherry blossoms fell On this side, the artist was captured by Japanese soldiers hired to draw something he shined a flashlight then saw a body lying on the ground look up

Then that mysterious animal immediately rushed to attack him That artist is Sachi Motoriu Graduated from Tokyo University of Fine Arts You came here because you wanted to contribute heaven and empire Japan because they heard rumors that they came here to serve will be richly rewarded Your mission is accepted here

It’s a redrawing of the process of living human experimentation return to consciousness He sat in a corner crying because of his wrong choice An aunt came in and told him not to cry Because it seems human nature is like that We adapt very quickly whether painful or disillusioned listen to these words

Sachi Moto quickly wiped her tears and then slowly walked out He looked at both sides These are all unfortunate prisoners captured for experimentation back to reality her grandmother has been transformed with cloudy eyes then gradually magnetize into a monster with long, terrifying claws Sachi Moto tried to hold the black battery

Looking at it, I saw it was wearing a necklace This side of O-go playing is falling into a slump Then I took out my mother’s picture and looked at it She didn’t understand why her father took this case

Because that guy she saw had a thick face and a bit of a dirty mouth He said people have supply and people have demand If both sides benefit, let’s fight She confided to her father that she had a premonition This case is not good

He advised his daughter that this would be the last case she would complete work, you should return home As for his mother, he will find it himself because that is the fate and karma that he must bear That night, O Ke escaped and appeared Monitor the movements at the Japanese commissioner’s house

After observation Then she saw his first wife he gave a letter to a certain man So she followed behind him to spy Giang Sang Te Lom Rom walked back to Hoang Bao Trang Well, here there are a few The flirtatious cauliflower is deliberately causing trouble

Brought kettle to ask to be pawned at a high price Because these bastards heard rumors about Ishikawa Sang Te’s assets will be confiscated Look at this bastard talking nonsense making him just laugh at nothing Then he said that trying to punch and eat sticky rice would only harm him

He immediately broke the basin pulled the sword out of the lettuce bag But this side has guns causing him and his accomplices to quietly leave with this situation If I don’t find myeong soon The royal palace will welcome all the guests every day

So Chelsea and my father came here to tell the news They found the person who pulled the cart that carried myeong out 7 days ago Unexpected taste management Because he had 6 spring moon hall asked each person but Nobody know Jo’s father k said he didn’t work in the spring moon hall

And also said she may have been murdered jo k I immediately thought of someone who could do this that is lady maeda eukiko because she was originally called to ishikawa’s mansion and half an hour later she went somewhere and where she came from according to jo’s father

K is to go to ongseong hospital because he interrogated the rickshaw puller gu manager finds this very unreasonable and cannot happen Because that hospital only has people in the Japanese army police or work in a government official’s office to enter When you wake up, you have thoughts

What about maeda yukiko being the one to wake up and make arrangements I heard that the boss is very well known Can you guide us all to that hospital? said teasingly, looking over numb with eyes full of judgment You’re a social peak yet you’re being suspected

So I’m sure the belt will help with this Sang Ting immediately ran into the room and secretly opened the safe Get some money then gallantly come d’one ate for my friend I can spend it however I want Jun Tech immediately realized something strange and kissed you

Sang Ting also did not hide it and said it I just borrowed your ID because jun tech is one of the few joshian families In Giongseon, you can go to Ongseon Hospital heard of ishikawa Juntik doesn’t want to bring trouble to himself so immediately refused After a while of talking and convincing

Then juntik also agreed to lend it to him The scouting group then arrived to go along playing checkers in new clothes? It’s luxurious and arrogant Sang Ngo watched and forgot to close his eyes He also shows a gentlemanly demeanor Open the door and hold out your hand to lift her kite

But was cruelly ignored by I say he’s handsome and has a lot of money, but if he speaks rudely, he’ll be ignored even them Then also safely passed through the door of Ongseong Hospital but go inside sang numb and managed outside taste Attract everyone’s attention so the scouts can go

Collect 10 news from this place millet and 6 documents was discovered by a man Her father also came in here pointing a gun at him he calmed down Are you two from Manchuria? Outside management gu is pretending to be sick The doctor is about to give me a super syringe super huge

In a thousand-pound moment hanging by armpit hair Then luckily for you it’s the scouting association finished work and left Suddenly, a gunshot was fired causing everyone to panic somewhere The soldiers are facing monsters are killing countless of their comrades It stretches out its long tentacles

Then touched the soldier’s head and drained the blood saw his comrades murdered One of them immediately rushed up Shoot straight at that monster Then, countless tentacles pierced his body then pulled him closer to the iron cage put the big, big tentacle in his face The loyal guy looked at this scene

He is not afraid but the face is very happy then said that a goddess had such a figure This side is critical Tell sang numb and gu manager to go back because they will stay here tonight They’re just here to get in the way

She knew there was a military area behind the hospital and felt the basement there was very suspicious The mysterious janitor from earlier came in Today’s military zone announcement is very unusual and told them to come back another day Sang Ngo didn’t understand what was going on, Mr. Lao the other worker said

My younger brother was transferred here from prison cod moon a year ago He had a high fever and was hospitalized, but then there was no sound Sang Ting felt like he couldn’t trust this guy because we just met Older brother I immediately used the symbol of the patriotic association to show you

Sang Tê wants to use another plan because he felt it was too dangerous The CEO immediately said this is called flexibility like you said They will quickly find myeong ra before the cherry blossoms bloom And I hope you do your job well too

As soon as I went out, there was an emergency alarm urge everyone to get out of the hospital next to the military zone The soldiers are fully equipped with protective equipment then sprayed nitrogen gas at the monster The monster moves on They immediately put it in a cage then move somewhere else

While moving, its spores fell out people are detained I thought it was snow So I immediately went out and looked and touched it right after that All of their bodies were necrotic in places where the spores reach The reconnaissance group observed from above Receiving orders from his father is as skillful as one

The ninja briefly congratulated her on reaching the observatory From here she saw a horrifying scene Human corpses are piled up like lewds On this side, I still don’t understand my feelings I’m worried that before I finish the house, I’ll have a lot of work to do

But I don’t understand why you’re worried about me Hearing this, Mrs. Nagon immediately felt gay They say love is incurable When he changed his name, he immediately argued that he was the number one single guy The best male buds choose the great design Women rush to love

Mrs. Nagon saw that that was why he had to fall in love because he didn’t pay any attention to the beauties surrounding him you’re worried now Eagerly wanting to help, she immediately scolded him is a man who is the eldest son of a manly man

If you have long and broad shoulders, you should do useful work She advised him to focus on his work It’s better to find Sachimoto Sang immediately became enlightened and ran out Tell Sachimoto’s information to the commissioner’s carpet Tell him this is the person you need to find urgently

And is related to the lover his vague chatter The next morning news came of a new plague causing people to panic The soldiers are fine Armed with guns to protect the hospital with the goal of being invulnerable foreign non-invasion The scouting association still has no news

So Sang Ngo immediately went to scout the situation the nurse yesterday Luckily, I was able to escape the hospital and go to Sang’s place I cried pitifully to let him know Last night at the hospital, many people died Human bodies were piled up She brought him a note

Which says we found myong ra at the military zone The experimental subjects all seemed to die People piled up Everyone, young and old, becomes a victim of these guys in a hospital room named lieutenant kato are constantly questioning the wounded soldiers full of people about the beauty of the monster

6 hours ago while transporting the monster Then a soldier discovered that it had not secreted its treasure die now Its tentacles begin Attack and skewer all these soldiers My teammates just lay there lying on the ground The monster also escaped from its cage missing me endo because he wanted to save his life

So I told my teammate to close the elevator door but he immediately got grabbed by a monster Endo doesn’t show camaraderie Directly attack your teammates to close the door escape him neither do we escape the absolute power of that monster The beast could just go right through him he screamed in fear

Opened fire wildly at the monster Luckily, the military drama also wrote dialogue for him So he can still keep his old life when asked about it by the general’s opinion endo just knows With each weak breath, I beg you to consider it before it’s too late it is a disaster

Endo said while crying very pitifully The monster below sucked human blood so it became bigger along with injuries from bullets to the body it also recovered on its own Sang numb when he heard the news that the hospital was closing immediately went to see Lady Maeda knew about her husband’s affair

In the hospital is standard news as a friend maeda advised him to measure his strength Don’t get involved in this matter because now oceong hospital has banned others from entering Even if you use the relationship, it’s hard to get in there

Told him it would be better to find another way to save them Know important information you need to know sang numb to inform everyone knowing that the scouts had indeed found the right person he intended Tonight at 10 o’clock we will enter there to rescue the withdrawn flag Commissioner’s secret notice

When I followed him, I immediately reported that it was very strange he went all over the city in the morning then sit face to face chill chill for an hour then he went by car Drove around the streets of Bon rong for half an hour and finally stop by the tailor shop

To sew the most elegant suit but that’s just the tip The hidden part is the information from the lunar tavern I sent you last night to lighten up At the hospital, the team did The detective and the janitor are still safe in the cleaning room They also have a new ally

Even though it’s a Japanese soldier’s shirt, it’s a Joshian royal treasure page The other woman sold her livelihood in their past 15 Mrs. Wona she doesn’t need the money I want to ask the royal treasure page to help me find my child boys lost 7 after entering 5 at Egi Ongseong University

This side That guy also told the story of entering 5 at Egi Ongseong University he was injured in the ball dream match in china and was transferred to oceong hospital After recovering, he was allowed to join the epidemic control platoon cheloke also recounted the incident

Last night I saw countless Joshian people lose their lives The janitor immediately got excited and wanted to ask him carefully about his younger brother but he apologized because I didn’t either You can look closely at the face of the deceased he revealed There are still a lot of jesseong people in that dungeon

Underground That’s when he met Ishikawa’s beloved daughter having to beg crying at the horrifying scene before her eyes Even though I said I’m Akiko but he doesn’t care about that either Because basically you can’t help her at all Because you are just like them

Because he was a joshin, he was brutally beaten by the commander just because he vomited while carrying the deceased’s body while you He intended to end his life escape the human path full of sorrow During this time, Chelsea came and rescued him she told him to die when it was really worth it

After hearing it, he just burst into tears sang numb This side has the most accurate information about the artist name sachi moto He immediately gave the money to the girl wine here for more her information He immediately made an appointment with me at Saharu at 8 o’clock to eat Chinese food

Sang Ting immediately said he was not in the mood but he will eat with sachi moto, not her because she had arranged to meet him at saharu same idea kato Talk to the professor researching the project This pagan evil spirit he wants to use the creature that destroyed the world

Virtual below to restore authority to Tokyo But kato doesn’t think it’s possible yet domesticated or not The professor replied arrogantly every living creature in this world is possible domesticated just like they tamed this joshian Everyone here let’s discuss Calculating a plan to rescue his beloved daughter commissioner out and

Find a way out of here the other young man so as not to spoil the plan so also decided trust them and return to the platoon so you don’t get hurt discovered Sang Ngo was waiting for her bartending in saharu with the spy he just needs to nag over

Numb because they’ve been waiting here for an hour saw her coming Sang Ting also risked putting two bills in his mouth Tell him to buy Xe mu corn and juice tonight I was on my way when it happened

The crowd of cauliflowers broke through the crowd from the previous day and blocked the road Sachimoto also went to the meeting place to meet the other girl But he was still beaten to shore by these Japanese soldiers Going down to the field, the injuries were all over

I want to use money to compromise But these guys are greedy I want the whole royal palace to be satisfied Haha, the leader of the gang you are a useless guy Sitting on piles of money is nothing more than trash Hearing this, he immediately lost control

Turn around and kick straight at his 5 ugly mandarins causing him to lose consciousness after a long match Then Sang Nu also felt like he was crawling around his body covered his wounds to the rendezvous point but everything was too late gu manager got the oceong hospital map

Bring it back to the temple Mrs. Gona had tears in her eyes I don’t know why you try throw away your life just because of that Japanese guy’s daughter he was bitter because it wasn’t that But the things you make was robbed by them with the three-sham ball valve

So he wanted to stand up and fight for himself Mrs. Gona saw that the country was still plundered So these few things have nothing to do with them Sang Ngo felt that the sword did not hurt him but pride at times hey the girl at the bar yong chun also brought the artist

Sachimoto came to see Mr. Coc Moving through the pipe, you will reach a mysterious area This place is full of human heads stored in boxes In addition, there are countless internal organs Along with that, small children and infants are stored here She shined the light for a while then

Saw the iron cage holding countless innocent children Then he teased and helped the children escape through the pipe The doctor went over to inject the serum when he saw the flood The child has escaped I was about to go report to my superiors but it happened tease the cock once

God bless you, stay away from motorbikes but juntex and sang numb easily bypassed the Japanese army and entered inside taste management was transporting a car with countless goods somewhere Sachimoto took them to the first floor where cleaning supplies were stored because everyone has arranged to meet here Chelsea’s father was standing there watching

Was caught by Japanese soldiers Suddenly, majestic fireworks exploded in the sky to illuminate the sky the whole night was quiet At this moment, he immediately took the opportunity to attack these guys Te O ke also arrived in time to sing a duet with his father

After a while, both of them quelled the remaining Japanese troops One last guy tried to shoot at her Then suddenly came Ngo arrived in time to open fire and saved her in time The children were then brought to ok conditions If you get them out of here I will find myong out

Below the basement Innocent people were put to work Food for the monster The professor used a bell to try to tame it The group then gathered together in the cleaning room ok I wonder who the Japanese person next to me is Sang immediately told him to work at Oceong hospital

When asked about the children She immediately lifted her shirt to show them the stain the pain the girl had to endure here Before that she worked at an ammunition factory Then I was suddenly forced to come here After that, he was injected with drugs every day

Other children have too much strength to resist pulling Many people have fever The other one passed away while sleeping Every day there are people screaming in pain they kept screaming for help The same is true in Manchuria They performed inhumane experiments on the people there hear that

Sang immediately wanted to quickly find Miyong I don’t care about the flood young because there’s still a lot of work to do at home say so, say so If the simp part is lost, you still have to accept the withdrawal of the flag motorbike taxi before taking them to my room then you

I also hid the pictures of that monster everybody busy preparing to take the children out Suddenly a little girl screamed startling the soldier outside Be careful about this room Te gasoline and te o ke came in to look at these paintings only now did he speak That Japanese guy is a sexy moto

Te O Ke immediately showed him the photo That photo was drawn by him a year ago chao millet wants to know about this woman because she is her mother below the monster is intervening continue to skewer one person to another Listen to the bell of the professor above The monster attacks them crazily

Causing the body to lie on the ground Agile, silent and dangerous while being strong the professor asked kato How many more of these can be created? kato is not sure This is the first experimental object obtained after thousands of corpses and mutations he wants him to increase the rate

Success up to reporting this result This great experiment to the emperor as soon as possible back here Sachimoto said he didn’t know Any information about the person you drew? Hearing these words brought tears to my heart She must have felt a lot of pain because she had given up hope

7 looked at this scene I can’t help but criticize but walked out and left her alone quiet alone he gave his coat to a boy Then he told me he was the leader is a man You will have the courage to get your brothers out of here

Sang angrily told the boy to keep pulling the cart and the children were not allowed to be seen by the Japanese soldiers He took out a box of cakes to give to the children I want to bring the flood The child goes first and wants to complete this Please help me first

That humble soldier from before Hearing the child crying, he immediately went to report to the leader Even the guards went in to look for Sachi Moto and everyone left Now they block the road and talk about you Children escape from the laboratory I suspect those children are here

He turned 6 and got nothing At this time, the boy pretended to be pulling the cart and decided The mind firmly follows the words of luxury and criticism get out the door The boy pulled and cried in happiness and also out of fear of luxury xachimoto

When suspected, he immediately teased the soldier to show off his authority When they left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief The kids are now safely at the royal palace according to the instructions of the Sang Professor’s name at autopsy then saw Japanese soldiers killed through a cut

And he thought it was done by some joshian Right after that, a distinguished guest arrived He immediately went to meet that person Because of the distinguished guests, sir I came to meet the noble lady Maida She came so late at night to let him know Giang te sang

On this side, the group is looking at the map of the hospital The janitor is about to end his shift so we had to return so as not to be suspected I asked everyone if I could get down to the dungeon Please find your brother for help

Next to the right ear there is a black spot the size of a thumb about 20 years old sachi moto also greets everyone because he only helped them get here so they wouldn’t get involved Tê Sang told him and his father to go because both of them saw sachi

Moto without anything to look for and their deal was done The two kept fighting over the map back and forth looks very pointless No matter what, he still decided to follow this case to the end and she will be your guide everyone then goes to the rooftop to enter the tube

When everyone gets in then juntech Outside, he pulled out his sword and left behind his patriotic sign This guy is beyond handsome Then that’s a sign of life The soldiers outside also saw this incident and started Search for their group of people under maeda’s orders then Japanese soldiers captured her husband’s beloved daughter

She went to another place to ensure her life while waiting for the elevator to go down The arrogant leader went in first It became the monster’s first victory The remaining three soldiers were immediately scared opened fire and then ran away Now the group on this side can’t take the stairs anymore

But before that xachimoto showed them another safe path Path leading to the laundry room on basement 2 soldier above the lance Feeling strange, he went into the pipe to investigate The group safely reached the laundry room Then a soldier behind him pointed his gun at them while he was distracted by gunfire

Was attacked by opprobrium But she was also knocked down by him right there The soldiers in the basement are one by one One by one they were impaled by the monster Go to ino and join this soldier Both of them consider each other that no one loses to the other

Meanwhile, my best friend opened the door to go somewhere He was thrown into the luggage box by him He used all his strength to calm his gun muzzle Then a gunshot immediately broke out The soldiers in the basement were lying around collecting trash cheluk’s father said his friend had run away

My face was numb and still cold because when I came here The two people have determined two different directions cheluk’s father left first to scout the situation alone and cheluk and numb sang will go together because he is seriously injured just went out I feel like something is going on here

Because there was a lot of gunfire As expected, I just went out The sight of soldiers lying around made him cold A tentacle dragged the corpse of a soldier whose blood had been exhausted Then the fully formed monster appeared causing the hearse to freeze first That’s the patriotic side of juntik

For writing reactionary news against Japanese forces so right after that Several key members were captured back to the present juntik is rom rom walked down to the basement where the prisoners were held he found his 2 friends Ask him about the explosives but you

I don’t want to say it for my own life But if you want to be saved, then point to that place The three chatted for a while then juntik was also captured by the 4th Japanese army this side Sang Sang was hit in the shoulder by the monster

He tried to run and dodge the attack playing checkers right there immediately came to support him She just took the K 98 and continuously dropped bullets on it Her father was downstairs and heard the gunshots immediately ran to help She shot and loaded the bullets so much that it was like a salad

Suddenly the bullet jammed Sang suddenly rushed like flying to pull her away Both of them ran and dodged the attack luckily got into a warehouse and closed the door Uncle Ho’s father poured gasoline outside then combined with gunpowder Then he shot bullets at it to lure the monster out

In this case, it’s ok to avoid the melon rind then came across coconut shells They pointed guns at both of them So both of them had to give up I went down and listened to them bitter professor when the specimen destroyed countless soldiers and now I don’t know where

He blamed the commander for being useless then just went outside to see who the intruder was is a very famous star The owner of bugang company He asked if you were on the rebel side received no answer He then slapped him hard

Even though on the outside he has big ears and a big face But no one knows what quality comes here Then he told the soldiers to take him to a place to be a model experiment The petrolhead and the opossum were taken to prison by these guys

On the way, I met the commander He stopped me and wanted to lead me away I’m sorry for being arrested here When asked about it, she didn’t say anything Then he was beaten by that guy tattered He acted violently even though it was a beautiful flower here

The commander began to confide in Sang Tokyo was destroyed by bombs So now he and his family don’t want to go back there anymore His wife and children both love this Ongseong record and want it continue to live here The condition is a settlement fund of 300 yen

A house to live in and a 33m² shop If you give him those things, he will guarantee you will survive leave onseong hospital Sang asked why I had to help him then he said he saved you once last time I checked the stroller

He saw the shadow of juntik but did not expose it right then Tê Sang asked another question about Mi Eong Ra and Eun ch ok that’s what you need or it’s out of deal ok even though I was brutally beaten and tortured But she still didn’t say her purpose here

This ugly but cruel guy called the soldiers to help her up Then he took a knife and cut off each button of her shirt You can use force to humiliate me But that doesn’t mean you won I still don’t understand why Hearing these words made him bitter and wanted to skewer her

But kato now came and told him to stop he said his name This sergeant had already lost and was using judgmental eyes Look at me and hate me Why don’t I know if there is any agreement or not? was also arrested and taken to jail

The professor came to inform Juntik’s father that it was his son My son is on my side Rebel if you are still crazy not just boys but your company will also be gone Zuntex at the prison was injected with serum They gave him pen and paper make him write

The names of the invaders indicate their purpose here If you don’t obediently listen then 1 hour later you will be tortured On the operating table, Zuntex sat, remembering the beautiful past youthful youth when he and his best friend Giang first met numb sang is the only friend who recognizes sincerity

Patriotism and everything juntik so he loves this guy very much Sang sat thoughtfully in prison immediately asked by the other two boys The house has a lot of money and wealth There’s nothing but conditions so why not pay a bribe? when asked to join comrades

Then numb sang said he didn’t deserve to be mentioned by name to him because he risked his life because item A nobler goal is to save someone like the prostitute Myonga listen to these words making the other two guys probably feel a little sad rambled

After a while, I looked up at my watch Then he said he would come out here I’m Giang T to the owner of a rich and famous royal palace The illustrious mind comes here without any bribery? before coming here he agreed on three things with the commander

First, send a message to Mrs. Nagon at Hoang Bao Trang Monday Take all the guards and guards out of the prison so you can get out of here with the third thing The commander tried his best to stop it because you might lose your life that’s looking for yun cheloke

Cheloke is over here with lieutenant kato He asked her purpose of coming here She also openly said that it was because her mother had disappeared at 15 years old before yours then he brought his ear close to his face asked if we had met before because he had seen those eyes before

He asked her about the name of her missing mother and the car Sim built for her listen This name reminded him of the woman from before and she has now become a monster he then asked her about the specimen he had created then asked if there was any feeling towards his specimen

She saw that it only had the ability to attack and was very ferocious He started taking out 2 glasses of water for him to drink One glass left he put his biological serum in there After he finished drinking, he was taken back to prison Sang quickly went to find and rescue her

Outside juntik’s father also paid a bribe Professor’s name to hope his child is safe The royal palace’s people immediately came here according to the owner’s words They want to join forces to save the captain and the owner of Giang Coc in the room suddenly turned on

Sobbing because of the words written in blood on the wall, mother misses her child my daughter 2 familiar soldiers were guarding it and felt hungry If you’re hungry, there’s very rare caramel candy on the ground According to God’s will, there are up to 2 tablets

If you don’t do it and ask for food, you’ll only get chubin Sang immediately went to the street to knock out the two unconscious men His staff took the key to open the door and rescued him She sat in here silent with pain

She now doesn’t want to go out but wants to find her mother Ting Sang tried his best to dissuade her Because after all, this is the lair of hot-blooded soldiers He gave her another, safer plan to find his mother rambling wordlessly then hugged him, making him speechless

She apologized for not being able to be with him until the end numb sang also hugged her and told her not to lose her life Worms accumulated in the cell My heart hurts like I shed tears while writing The names of the two friends who went with me are

Numb sang and criticized oh ke numb sang back to prison Then suddenly everyone here was released because I gave the key to my friend earlier and the prison leaves it to you I believe the whole group of prisoners can move at once Then the Japanese army blocked the way

Then let some people eat copper candy as a warning At this time, Sang appeared and shot that guy down Then lead everyone to run away from the monster hunt them down while escaping Then a person was captured by it and drained of blood instinct to kill without mercy

Regret is the only motive for its existence everyone ran away in panic The rhinoceros stood firmly holding the gun Unabashedly sold on the monster Suddenly it hit compressed nita gas cylinders while the two guns in his body were out of bullets

Sang immediately took advantage of it and used a stick to break the Nita vase Nita gas immediately emitted Soon after, the monster also lost consciousness Oh Ke is over here questioning Lieutenant Kato hoping to find his mother again Juntik’s father comes to negotiate with Commissioner Ishikawa hope he can investigate oceong hospital

He immediately refused because oceong hospital is under the jurisdiction of the military The police department can’t just get involved when he turned and left then he revealed The little guy numb sang found miyong ra there listen to this causing him to turn around and go back to negotiate on the way back home

Ba Na Gon remembers his past of being captured and suffering hardship thrown out into the cold and snow At that time, Sang came and gave him the half-eaten sweet potato then confided that his mother was also there heard this name Suddenly she stopped for about five seconds

Then said he didn’t know that person Then he gave her a pitcher of water then said it was very cold Please go home quickly He crawled into a corner to wait for his mother back to reality Why am I listening to that guy’s story? His comrades said he was a despicable scoundrel

So they 7 promised him to leave the prison as originally planned This bastard even said he was rich but when people suffer but he still turned a blind eye and refused to donate because he did not join the patriotic association so he thinks you are neutral no loyalty

When he was numb, he spoke straight to his heart Then this bastard suddenly jumped up said he did what he did just to escape hell this world Hearing this guy talk so much gives me a headache causing him to bitterly curse him Don’t make excuses and excuses for mistakes

Your mistakes and incompetence too he didn’t even have the courage to die Don’t take other people’s deaths for granted I heard you have strong faith But perhaps the mantis was mistaken brainless causing him to fall to the ground crying because what he said was so true cumulus worms

This side has finished writing down the group’s name and purpose here the other commander asked him Now write down the names of patriotic association members family Tan Ki’s father then reunited with Sang Sang but he discovered that his daughter was not here

Chao millet here had tears in her eyes when she learned the truth Heaven-shaking when Kato revealed that the monster was her mother She didn’t believe such nonsense he said it wasn’t a monster but only evolve it back should stronger and more beautiful than any weak human

He asked her if she wanted to try it Because maybe if she changes like her mother, her mother will recognize her Hearing this conscientious praise made the critic angry He wrestled him to the ground and then pointed the gun at his head asked how to stop that monster he burst out laughing

Because she thought there was no way she could stop it Te Giang told Te O Ke’s father Or get everyone to a safe place first And I will stay here and go find the tiger to bring it back to you That commander let all the prisoners escape

So he was beaten by the professor and sent him to the field stupid, bad food outside commissioner ishikawa came and wanted to cooperate Investigate mass disappearances hear this bad news The professor kicked the commander’s head and threatened if any prisoner escaped Then your family will take over

And I will gut your whole family with my own hands Coc took Cato to find a way to stop the monster On the way, a group of soldiers stopped and asked questions he said how The only way to consider it is to cremate it then turned back and asked her if she did

Yes or no because after all it is her mother Coc took him as a hostage Then he was secretly attacked by a soldier and fainted Lady Ma Eda This side also has a secret message reported that her husband went to the rescue

Nagon’s concubine went to the tailor’s shop and handed over some paper This form is then transferred from this person to someone in town Ishikawa’s beloved daughter A soldier also came and opened the door to rescue him izikawa also did Go to the hospital with the police force to check this whole place

Taste management is also mixed in here Chelsea was chained to the basement to wait for the monster The soldiers from afar had their guns ready On the way, he was stopped by a soldier He quickly resolved it and continued to look for her The soldiers began to fire nita gas

To lead the monster to his place The tiger is locked up Sang Sang found a soldier during interrogation then he heard the monster’s voice so he quickly left The medical university student saw t’s shadow immediately asked the commander Will she be attacked by that creature? The commander immediately told him to shut up

Throat below cho o Don’t tremble in fear as the monster slowly approaches while it was preparing to devour her then she yelled at her mother to make it stop but no more effort it opened its cloudy eyes then remember the moment with cho o k in the past

The two kept looking at each other cato name Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot The monster immediately tried to shield Chelokê with his back then use tentacles to create a protective shield Nita gas began to be sprayed The monster’s body gradually weakened

But it still had time to use its tentacles skewered a few familiar soldiers there Then break the chain and rescue cheloke She watched her mother fight against the humans alone cruel but not without pain numb sang also come and pull her out of this dangerous place

Go out and cheloke and tell the story She knew that monster was indeed her mother kato received saw the monster grow stronger the more air it inhaled That nita can still resist He ordered soldiers to go after cheloke then leave Even the soldiers received orders and quickly left Find every corner

Sitting in the pipe numb to share feelings with ch ok I won’t ask if you’re okay Because I know you’re not okay But I hope she gets better but the last word mom I told myself you had to live She told him to live no matter what he went through

That year he was only nine years old and could not understand What does it mean to live without a mother? I hope you two can leave here and spend some time Find another plan playing checkerboard, I asked him to eat another piece of candy and then silently cried teak worms after obediently declaring

Was also released leave his head The soldiers inside searched for traces but it’s okay and the Sang Sang disguised themselves with their uniforms They all then reunited together The other commander also led myong out to wish everyone and everyone to escape people tore the cloth in this place to form ropes

Take everyone down Priority is given to the elderly and women Ting Sang told him to get in line and she asked him again do you like me? Hearing this sentence made him stunned and speechless if not then I refuse all your unnecessary worries

Then turned around and smiled to signal that he was ready Suddenly a Japanese soldier entered The student quickly said The gunman made all attention focus on this place Go out and set up a barricade to protect everyone The student sat and cried because he had made everyone miserable

But after that he was fine Calm down then come out and fight with everyone The Japanese just kept shooting at the three of them The fragile defense just fell apart They started pointing guns and walking forward Then one or two bullets came and knocked him down

Ngo Sang was also injured after that attack and the student was shot in the fatal point he gave it Show off your badge and hope you remember it Your name is Choi Ong Quan he said his final denial Please tell mom I miss her Then, he gently pushed me down

Then he told his brother that the other life was one of the two We will have to stay here Suddenly there was an order from superiors to capture all of them alive But That sergeant was killed because of his army owl should order to destroy them all when everyone goes down

Sang immediately cut the rope then closed the door Just now, Sang had laid out a plan when the car left oceong hospital safely There must be someone staying behind to act as a distraction and he decided to stay and hold them back

The player wanted to climb back up to save him but was stopped because other than her There are other innocent people who want to leave here manager gu remembered what nagon told her No matter what, he had to leave on time even though some people couldn’t get on the truck

Even the boss can’t hesitate My heart hurts as if I’m crying profusely But he still decided to start the engine and leave Up here, I alone fought against the country robbers He shot from one man to another, refusing to yield even if the enemy is numerous

He reached out and threw the smoke ball out Then continue to fight them The mirror on top of him shattered Sang’s strength is now exhausted and his strength is exhausted everyone leave but my heart cannot help but feel pity about his noble sacrifice when the commander and his accomplices arrived

Then he escaped through the pipe The soldiers then quickly came up here Men chased after him While running, he didn’t pay attention and walked into one Another hole just like that, he fell straight down When he fell, he lay on a pile of human bones

Mrs. Nagon also went to trade her rare porcelain vase pawn shop for someone Juntik’s father also waited and saw the soldiers throw his son out on the street His face looked scared The face of the 7 gods with a mouth that always says sorry

The taste manager brought the little girl to meet Commissioner Izikawa Professor’s name inside I just heard that she has been released and the releaser is the soma commander but this is not important cato stuff The main concern is who drank the glass of water on the table

When asking for the soldiers’ names here Then he said there were 4 people in here cato posted a thought One of those four people drank this glass of water Numbness to struggle When I woke up, the commander was already waiting here pointed the gun at his head Immediately afterwards, gunfire rang out

When they finished returning the people, the police did not let them go but keep chasing taste management with the talent of zigzagging and swinging to the numbered station but he also cut them off then go to town Here everyone is having a grand party cause traffic jams The others immediately changed direction

Going another way, a bunch of cyclos pulled up After that, they also caught up to block the gu manager’s path But when he suddenly got out of the car to search, he was gone In fact, all plans have been compiled everyone was disguised then go another way at the tailor shop

Here Mrs. Nagon has prepared a tow truck to wait for the victims return to their home the other brother wondered I didn’t know this was all one-upmanship Is it okay to do it? Mrs. Nagon also replied to him to clearly understand the great design What do you need in this village?

Everyone has to find the boss whether it is money, human belongings or life The gu manager was then arrested by the police Then these police came in and beat people crime to capture those who escaped Playing O Ke was sad and moody when he returned home

She looked at the image of falling cherry blossoms But remember about Sang Ishikawa As soon as his lover was picked up, he immediately left home and his wife Go through love and love with your little girl Lady Maeda immediately went to blame the professor and he hurried to get the test copy

Success for her We watch to atone for our mistakes The specimen was anesthetized and kept in a cage and what kato always cares about Who is the person drinking that glass of water? numb sang is not dead yet He woke up with blood all over his body and then slowly walked away

Next morning The student’s mother received the returned item from royal treasure page and a medal for that boy Looking at these things made her cry in pain while sleeping, ishikawa’s little daughter something crawled on my head After Jun Tech returned home, he was constantly scared

He couldn’t sleep and refused to eat or drink The merchants in bonjong were all confined to their homes police rush cheloke Go to Hoang Bao Trang pawn shop to hold on to hope When she forgot, she sighed and looked forward numbness can return The commander’s name was found at the corpse site

He was barely alive and wanted the soldiers to find the temple numb after a while of struggling Struggle with death already Find a place to rest and change into soldiers’ uniforms to blend in As soon as he went out, he saw Lady Maeda so he followed her maeda when entering the room

I always think about pictures in my head photo of the monster she met in the basement Ngo Sang walked in and pointed the gun at her I hope you can help me get out Professor’s name after going inside I discovered there were blood stains on the floor

Thinking that lady maedda was in danger so he immediately got upset with the protection of Lady Maedda numb sang safely go out and fall away in her own car Get in the car and say thank you then fainted on maedda’s shoulder from exhaustion This side cheloke is coming again

Hoang Bao Trang sat and waited in hope along with that is despair She returned to see her father He said it’s been 4 days without any news it means he is unlikely to return safely And again, my mission is to find mi yong It’s done now, so let’s go home

Listening to this, he confided in reply she should have been there instead of him I should have stayed and found a way to save mom At least I can take revenge on those who hurt me become like that If so he wouldn’t have been left alone And I don’t feel any regret either

Hearing his daughter’s words, he still didn’t understand anything tok now revealed to him that I met my mother in that hospital The monster is agitated destroy the cage because she misses her child tok’s father when he heard his daughter tell this story brought tears to his eyes Remember happy family times manage

Gu was tortured and suffered major and minor injuries scattered all over the body nail plucking The toenails were burned directly on the body was doused with water and then tortured with electricity Pour water mixed with red chili powder each time it is hung upside down

These are all things he is having to endure Mrs. Nagon warned him if he encountered this situation Even if she betrays, she will not resent him but no matter how much you ask him how painful it is to the point where he burst into tears like a child

He still decided not to say a word The numbness woke up at Lady Maeda’s house According to her, he was unconscious here for 4 days She advised him not to risk his life for others And that’s not his style either I saw scenes of people being tortured

The brutal torture there made him unbearable as a human being maida immediately replied he really thinks all human lives are equal Then ask them We’re still friends, ishikawa heard reports from subordinates about mass stabbings In the past 4 days, there have been 11 cases in John Jay Jayon

Strangely enough, all the corpses lost their brains at royal palace Tay Sang has returned very handsomely to answer the phone The names rumored that he was betel nut in the Western world of ecstasy When Mrs. Nagon saw him, she burst into tears of happiness then told him to go save manager gu

The gu manager at the police station was tortured by them When she was in tatters, they planned to force her to work at a bar then luck has arrived He elegantly put his shirt on for her Then go find Ishikawa to negotiate with him I’m here to represent the association bonjong trader

Is a person of integrity he wanted to release the bonjong merchants who were being unjustly imprisoned resent him Let us immediately mention the countless crimes that those people committed must sing loudly play music violate public order violate safety rules

What do you think, but if you do that, you want to pay a fine Because that’s the fastest way ishikawa said if I refuse What ideas If so then bonjong stores will be closed today Then he continued to say 2 days

There will also be a party to raise funds for the war effort all supplies of alcohol and food for the meal The party will stop clothes of officials and wives On this occasion, it will not be delivered on time numb sang learned something important after visiting Visit oceong hospital

When you need to risk your life, you have to do it to the end If you hesitate, you will surely die Ishikawa’s beloved daughter Akiko has started killing innocent people because I saw the body murdered by that prostitute so he wants to numb sang revealed what happened inside oceong hospital

But the cost of your information is very expensive Besides that, it’s also about Oceong hospital So I made a bet with him Even if you don’t like it, you have to endure it Later He ordered people to release all the innocent people When the manager saw this, he cried like a child

Numb sang kite management out under a warm welcome from everyone That night, the uncle in the room was sad and her father did not go with her But I’m thinking about something walking down the street to buy food for his father then she felt someone was watching her

Holding a knife ready to crush that person close to the wall Then the O Ke suddenly hugged him and hugged him her eyes filled with tears because of the happiness at ishikawa’s house he was asking his wife about oceong hospital then asked her what she did to Akiko Lady Ma Eda immediately replied

You have no right to ask that question because right from the start Their relationship is based solely on mutual benefits She needs a husband to go to Joshian and ishikawa needs reputation and her family background to advance and succeed If you suddenly act like you’re my husband

Then I would find it quite awkward Mr. Ishikawa Maeda said in a sarcastic tone he shouted she broke break agreements about each other’s private lives she also respects his pastimes But whoever has it is cheap If you have children, that’s a completely different story Being caught making him leave angrily

Then leave a sentence: Tê Sang has a lover, a woman named Joshian name is yoon cheetah very young and beautiful then complain about the effort involved in taking care of it he considered it useless Over here, let’s play checkers and go on dates together

He put his hand out to make a sign that she didn’t understand at all but then she immediately took the initiative to wrap her arms around him The air is wandering and she is dead Then a gunshot rang out in the distance The commissioner’s servant followed

When numb, I see my eyes coming out with muscles His body and mouth were covered in blood stains She just used her hand to go straight into his eye sang numb and The tiger has arrived here then she started moving towards them maida comes to see kato He revealed about the Nazi serum

They are found in the muri he snow mountain glacier where the najog people live if only nazin is used it will only turn humans into predators in human form That organism will maintain its survival and hunting instinct it is very aggressive and violent than most predators

At the same time, it is very agile and heals well injured immediately What if I become a monster like my mother? must be injected with serum containing anthrax Gato also opened the cabinet light frek a few vials of this serum to show ma eda Their weakness is that they hate sunlight

Fire and weakened by nita gas This side is behind a membrane heated fight Then he called Mi Eong out loud and suddenly made her take it regained his consciousness and ran away The henchman in pain also shot the arrow It’s natural to call your accomplices

The police then immediately came to arrest her and take her out play checkers together Sang Sang also tried his best to force Mi Eong out again Miss She didn’t want her to get caught because things would get worse like her mother did myeong came out

Running through the woods with a mouth full of blood haunted by the pursuit of the police forever running in the forest myeong was eventually rounded up by the police Ishikawa’s car also arrived here later He showed his dirty face when he saw her in this form

Then I advised her to go back to Ongseong Hospital because her hands were stained with the blood of too many people She held her stomach and talked about their child Then he was yelled at He brought out a cage and told her to get into it herself

And even said it was the last act of kindness he had could be for her Listen to him say these condescending words Then he yelled at her like it was her duty to do it Miyong immediately rushed forward and grabbed his neck then scratched in extreme indignation

Many gunshots then echoed loudly in the green forest miyong ra feels the pain She shed tears from pain and probably also from betrayal Commissioner Ishikawa was taken to the emergency room As for miyong, he was locked back in an iron cage

When she came home from playing checkers, she saw that her father had written a letter to her Let’s play goo, I’m going to your mother’s place father will fulfill his final responsibility as a husband Should you play checkers or live your life? Read the autobiographical lines from his father

Playing Oce, I suddenly burst into tears And you over here was taken to see Lieutenant Kato He immediately showed him a picture of his wife in the form of a monster biting a soldier Looking at this image, he could not help but feel pity and anger tormented underground

Playing checkers is now like a child of sadness She fell into contemplation and cried alone numb sang decided to close Hoang Bao Trang until the situation is resolved And you should also move management to a safer place he felt what he witnessed at the hospital That shouldn’t happen to any human being

Even though myeong ja has skewered a lot of people but no newspaper reported about this And that’s the way they do it daily duty If we turn a blind eye because it has nothing to do with us One day it will happen to all of us ishikawa is in pain

From the scratches on his body I was barely alive and the doctors stopped the bleeding maida finds this unfortunate and she hoped the professor would take good care of her husband maida at home opened the album to look at it There was a photo of her in there

I took a photo with my mother Sang came to confide in Chelsea he said maybe myong ra was taken to the hospital Final So we can’t eat what they do? Chelsea said sadly Then he led her into the secret room This is the collection place His vision of his favorite antiques

He just criticized me for looking at the items and the story behind each of those items He took out a box from the cupboard and said yes O ke put out his hand he bought the bracelet This gambler comes from an American missionary In the middle there is an oban stone

I heard that in Europe people consider this a lucky stone I hope from now on Playing Otaku will only bring you luck Looking at the scene might be a bit embarrassing should numb sang quickly beat the village drum to another topic She hopes both of them will remember each other

If one of us loses our life before the other Then the person who stays must remember the other person she overthinks thinking that no one will remember the existence mine when I die Hearing these words was very touching he apologized to her because this would not happen

Because you two will be together until happiness The two hugged each other with overwhelming emotions then say hello together passionate kiss under the moonlight in the quiet night numbness afterward Go to the pub to meet your best friend June his achievements Also playing checkers on the stairs also prepared a gun

To do something after a period of psychological trauma then you did too return to the peak of his original form at Lady Maeda’s house The police officers gathered here for the ceremony by Commissioner Ishikawa that night while the commissioner was barely alive was called a professor inject drugs to end his life

Because of maeda’s orders maeda’s face showed no emotion told the police officers I want my husband’s death to be a little more dignified sugar sugar is The government’s presidential commissioner lost his life again the hand of a joshian prostitute The press then immediately published this hot news and the joshian was somehow sown

The loophole name has drama that they will blame joshian numb sang wanted to risk his life again and discuss new plans with juntik It was pouring rain playing checkers outside ishikawa’s funeral and waiting She walked slowly step by step As he walked, he loaded bullets but walked heavily in the rain

Everything she probably planned in advance She pointed the gun at the professor and then opened fire She silently thanked Sang Sang and promised herself No matter what, she won’t forget him Just then a shot rang out The o ke also collapsed to the ground numb sang to meet people

In the patriotic association and told them a secret information That’s the booming one event postponed indefinitely This is standard news from bookmakers from Asia he asked about the bombs of the patriotic group Because I’m planning on wiping out Occeo hospital Suddenly the girl working at the bar told me to come

News female spy ion coc caused a big problem hearing this news is numb The three-legged 6 immediately ran away for dear life The monster is in captivity at the hospital was able to break the iron cage and escape went to ishikawa’s funeral meet his henchmen

He immediately went to ask about Yun and criticized her he revealed after she fed the professor candy then nearby officers gave chase immediately but she suddenly disappeared officers from jong-no and the entire police department looked for her It’s from marie to jong-no but still no sign of it anywhere

They had just ordered a search of the royal palace The situation is very sudden now so this is the last time This young man can provide information to Sang Sang He also told him to keep a distance from him Time is better when he just left about 2 steps

Then he pulled his hand back and warned him to be careful because there is an invisible hand manipulate everything A meeting of high-ranking officials and big names took place at Lady Maeda’s house All of them have 01 who knows jo’s information Where are you? Outside, maeda’s driver was talking to him

Baby maid at Hoang Bao Trang He blamed them for coming to the royal palace to cause trouble because from the beginning there was no such agreement What you revealed was to reveal where she was spying The boy didn’t want to do this conscientious work anymore

Want to stop and want the money as promised so you can go up train to tokyo hear that That guy immediately turned around Turn off the machine with very decisive actions that this dialogue between the two was managed Gu stood upstairs and heard everything under the soldiers’ basement

The monster’s whereabouts have yet to be found Escape from the iron cage kato immediately wanted to give it more bait and told the soldiers there was still one left after that Two soldiers were next door to Chelokê’s father’s cell he lay motionless

Those two guys saw that and came in and axed him to wake him up Then he immediately went to the street and gave him candy The tok has also woken up at this time she looked around then saw a woman being hung up and tortured The sound of footsteps slowly walked in

None other than maeda akiko fortune and treasure T’s secret message When they arrived to report the news, they saw that things were very strange The Japanese police suddenly became silent Jono Police Department has not yet found Tok’s whereabouts The atmosphere is very different and they also gave the monk the professor’s name

Mrs. Nagon came to give him two tickets or something Then he told him to quickly go downstairs because a customer was coming he hurriedly ran downstairs Then that guest is Lady Maeda The two looked at each other for about 10 seconds but didn’t say a word Mrs. Nagon

Seeing that, he also went out to give them private space There was no sign of the maid She immediately asked the manager He immediately said it wouldn’t come back inside maeda asks him if nagon is trustworthy He immediately told her that she was like his family since childhood

She went on to say that family members don’t mean they can be trusted and told him not to trust people so easily they didn’t betray him because they were evil that they betrayed because they were weak and most humans are weak creatures maeda said with a smiling voice

She told him not to wait any longer because yun chao millet will not come back She hopes he will forget Izikawa Akiko and Oceong Hospital went and even Yun Chao Millet Live your life like before as if there had never been a separation between children eternal people with such

Then you and the royal treasure can be safe At this moment, I turned to look at maeda and remember his words The young police officer said there was a table Invisible hands control everything numb and tense, asking why How did she know that cheloke was gone?

While he used all his relationships to 6 blow this place up maida did not answer that question but only mentioned if it weren’t for her then he was arrested that he was close to the woman gave the name professor ichiro Eating copper candy is enough charged him with treason

Both of them kept asking and criticizing each other Others refused to answer that question before leaving convert even reminded him that he would never see her again He didn’t give up and chased after maeda he opened the door Tell her that no matter what she does then you will find her too

Even though I don’t know whether I live or die then he will still definitely find her Hearing these words, maeda slowly turned around and asked Are you planning on confronting me? he knew that she had power and came from a powerful background still Japanese Time and place are favorable and harmonious

How can he dare to confront? But that’s an ok ion Even though he is just an ordinary pawn shop owner live a peaceful life live a life doing all sorts of dirty things just to survive but this time she is the one he wants to protect

Even if I have to give up everything listen to these words Maeda immediately exposed the trusted people next to him woman named nagon whom he considered family It was the person who had pointed out his mother a long time ago also manage taste recently betrayed you in the interrogation room police attack

The boy helps because he wants to find his mother abandoned it at a young age and ran away to Japan but betrayed him with a cheap ticket Besides, his best friend takes care of everyone In less than half a day, he and his friends were revealed you are reactionary

Mainly they want to save their lives don’t care about grace or morality maida sees them as trash friends And she is wholehearted and constantly tries her best Because of the lack of gasoline, he intended to betray her made her cry bitterly with red eyes numb sang also confided his feelings

All those people will not have to suffer It would be so bad if the world were not in this situation if the world wasn’t like this they will not be dragged to jail Beat him to death to say his teammate’s name

They will not be burned or have their fingernails and toenails pulled out they will not succumb to torture but have to scream out my teammates’ names then live a life in sin but despite everything They did everything they could to survive even if it’s humiliating no matter how painful it is

Because if they don’t survive then no one will remember what they went through numb sang angrily shouted at ma eda loudly So don’t call them trash One of them deserves to be called arbitrary trash by her After speaking, bitterness filled my heart

Immediately he turned around and hurried into the house to close the door Mrs. Nagon came to him and asked Since when did he know that she gave his mother’s name? numb sang sadly said a while ago when his mother passed away he shed tears because he knew it wasn’t her fault

In the basement The soldiers took her mother to prison The maid boy then entered the royal palace page to capture errors because he saw the pangolin being taken away Mrs. Nagon said he was the kind of thing that carries snakes and bites chickens Ungrateful things like that

The taste management thing has completely cleared up he said because before maida said that just say the girl is here and the boss will be fine It’s all to help boss Giang Just like that, one person dares to promise and the other person dares to believe

Ting Sang stood up and asked Ting O Ke where he was he instructed Mrs. Nagon If you don’t come back this trip Then sell the royal jewelry Then he and juntik carried the suitcase up and away with dynamite in it The two broke up because

Ngo Sang wanted to go there alone for convenience If this trip can return, let’s meet for a drink at the stop Play checkers in the basement I find this group so indifferent I’m ashamed to do such bad things and still be so carefree free

When the cato heard these words, the owl slapped her monster below Feeling this, he immediately jumped up Outside, numb sang also caused trouble at the hospital gate explosives hidden in the vehicle the monster inside then take the right path with each The soldier dared to threaten his child

Kato immediately took the name ok threatened her life Just like that for my daughter so the monster had to must be humiliated and subjected to bullets from the soldiers familiar Sachi Moto is in the room preparing his luggage to return to Tokyo while holding a photo of cho o’s mother

When she went up, the soldier saw that she was very beautiful sakimoto immediately told him it was sesine Hearing this surprised him such a beautiful face No wonder her husband couldn’t forget sakimoto immediately looked at him We found out her husband was here because he wanted to find my wife

Tio ke’s father is on the mend Follow the pipeline to observe the situation Sang also just arrived here to prepare guns and ammunition As soon as the two saw each other, they immediately pointed their guns thought he was the enemy Kato here brings coc and ordered all soldiers to release nita gas

If the monster comes here The remaining five guys brought coc with him Sang Te told my father knowing that she was brought here for murder Professor, I’m sorry because I should have protected her better Then he took 12 train tickets early tomorrow morning from incheon to shanghai

Because chelsea is now wanted in this place The monster gives chase Chelsea was sprayed with nitrogen gas by soldiers inside the pipe Two people already knew the information That monster is on the 2nd floor As for the general idea, Qatar is taking the emergency exit

Ngo Sang wants to go there first with the explosives he has Oke’s father immediately stopped him and wanted him to give it to him numb o ke out Because the person she needs is you he is just a person living in the past But you and I will live for the future

Besides, that monster is also his wife so he wanted his last moment to be with his wife he put it in his pocket I have 2 tickets left at this time and I hope you take care The base begins to collapse Ngo Sang arrived in time and rescued Chi O Ke

Kato quickly returned to his room Let me take the serum and escape but while moving down the stairs he immediately fell As he walked along the wall, he heard a cry of stomach pain When I got closer, it was mi eong ja He immediately had something in mind chelsea’s father is ready

Explosives placed below Then stood and sang about the old song In the quiet space, there were countless dead bodies voice of He alerted his wife who had the appearance of a monster Then both were burned in a huge explosion hear this explosion O ke also felt something and cried loudly

Numbness in my heart big Bang That affected all the residents in the city Ambulances and fire trucks were also quick Go to the hospital to rescue survivors Sachi Moto came to lead the two of them to find a car to escape I regret what I did to this place

And the monster after the big explosion He was still alive and well and breathing heavily on the rooftop both after escaping from there then cheloke wants from now on she will go alone Because everything comes from her she didn’t want to involve him she didn’t want to drag him into her chaotic life

Don’t be in front of people I’m living a second life Thanks to my father for being with me and protecting me No matter what, I will protect you at all costs I can’t live without you, you know that Tê Sang spoke with full sincerity and love Love the scene at the devastated hospital

And the one-armed monster is rom walking slowly on the street maid have collected enough gold rings money came for his boss to run away After a while of cycling, he arrived at his destination because I have to cut my followers in half

But right after that, in the year 6, the car came here The person behind this is maeda She felt that it was because of this joshin that made him rebel So I want to end our friendship from here then said secretly She also had a friend before and was lost by cheloke’s mother

Then ordered his subordinates to kill 2 people here 2 30 gangsters immediately rushed up with swords and knives The two tried their best to fight and defeated many people But they were also injured is counting human endurance with introduction At a time when armpit hair is hanging by a thread

Then mysterious monsters have arrived These scoundrels His indignation has not stopped It spreads its tentacles to attack the tiger But The o ke quickly realized and received that fatal blow This person is the person I love so please stop Just stop, mom finished saying the words of denial

In the end, the boss also collapsed On the grass temple, the cherry blossoms have all fallen she looked numb His eyes were positive and then he took his last breath Looking at this image, I can only cry in pain tragically The monster was also suffering beside him at the hospital name kato

Still not dead but helped miyong give birth to a child at izikawa’s memorial service juntech went to deliver the letter from his friend My sang came to maeda with the message of farewell Along with that are countless flowers inscribed with the names of the deceased maedda immediately realized something and ran away

But still couldn’t keep up with the explosion I came to drink with my best friend Juntik had previously told all his stories Sell ​​out your teammates and yourself to save his life But he was not angry but smiled happily Ask Juntik out for a drink Then he returned to the peaceful neighborhood

Sat in front of the royal palace sadly Remember the words your loved one said Korea later regained its independence Lady Ma Eda hasn’t lost her life yet, but she has lost it His legs and face were destroyed deep below the sea surface coc is floating up to her mother

Went to touch his little daughter’s face create help for practice help your daughter The germ gas immediately escaped from the monster’s body then slowly entered her mouth when this process is complete The monster fell into the depths of the sea Coc opened his eyes and woke up The movie ends here

If you find it interesting, please leave a channel subscription Today’s episode is over now Thank you for watching Now, goodbye and see you again

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