For the next 5 weeks I’m going to be traveling  across South America and Antarctica starting in Chile I’ll be exploring the  capital city of Santiago as well as the   gorgeous Coastline on the west coast this might  look like the Caribbean but it is freezing then  

Later in this series I’ll be heading over  to Argentina to discover its incredible   waterfalls its vibrant cities and the wonders of  [Music] Patagonia and finally I’ll be going on a   10day expedition to Antarctica to visit one  of the world’s most remote but or inspiring  

Destinations this gorgeous planet has to offer  there’s a baby humpback whale circling our boat   so if you want to relax and experience something  a little bit different subscribe to the channel   and let’s begin our adventures in South America  by exploring our first destination of this trip

Chile right let’s begin we have a lot to see and  experience and we only have a few short days to   do it so let’s not waste any time so firstly  what do I mean by we well I’m not traveling  

Alone for most of this trip for most of this  trip I’m going to be with Michael Michael if   you don’t know he is someone who I traveled  with from Bangkok all the way to puket at   the end of my Thailand series he invited me  to come on a Antarctica cruise with him but  

It’s a long way to get to Antarctica so  we built a trip around this part of the world we’re making the most out of five nights  in San dieago and that’s what this video is about  

Explaining and showing you some of the sights  here and what we got up to and what we ate and   I’ll go meet Michael in a minute and I bumped  into some subscribers from Puerto Rico of all   places we got chatting and they were really  excited and they invited me on a day [Music]

Out yeah these three Lads were lovely  and finally invited me to the coast   for the day to explore and make  the most out of their car rental hey we headed to a few parks and  some gorgeous beaches along the   Chilean Coastline and we got to see some awesome

Nature this might look like the Caribbean  or Thailand but it is freezing I don’t   know how these people are swimming in it it is  absolutely Baltic it’s like the North Sea even   though it looks like that amazing but freezing  absolutely freezing we also visited the home  

Of South America’s most famous and important poet  Pablo nuda his home is on a beautiful spot on the   coast packed with history and there’s a very fun  Museum which was a great place to learn about his  

Life and about how important he is to the South  American people you can’t feel inside the museum   but I got some snaps from outside and I really  recommend it it was one of the best things I did  

In my time in Chile thank you that was so much fun  how was that that was great all together this day   turned out fantastic and it was a great way to  help shape a very positive first impression of

[Music] Chile so Carlos thank you again I  had such a great day out with you my other   first impressions of sand dieago have been really  positive it’s a vibrant big city huge Metropolis   surrounded by not just Hills but 5,000 m peaks of  the Andes and I’ll show you and we’ll go look at  

Some of the more of the views in a minute because  one of the places that I’m really excited to go   to is with Michael later he’s just taking a nap  because he’s also a little bit jet [Music] lagged

Right I’m going to get down off this rock and  walk about 15 minutes back to near where I’m   staying going to meet up with Michael first  time in Chile first time in San dieago first   time in South America so excited to share it  with you just a little bit flustered because  

It’s the first time I’ve dusted this camera  off for a while so I’ve forgotten how to talk   and express myself and it’s always a little  bit overwhelming especially in a brand new   continent where every plant every bird every  species every car and road sign is something  

You’ve never seen before so you are very  much wide-eyed and that true excitement   that is quite rare these days for me I’ve been  traveling way too much in Asia way too [Music] much later that afternoon I found Michael  and we made a plan to just explore on foot  

And soak up the sun the scen and  our first taste of this incredible [Music] City we visited a few museums we had fun just walking amongst the locals  going about their daily lives and enjoying   the Summer sun and in the main Piaza we found  a lovely little restaurant where we could try  

One of the local Delicacies here called  completos it’s basically a hot dog with   some strange toppings including avocado  and mayonnaise not really for me but hey   we tried it and Michael and I made some plans  to meet up later for sunset at a Viewpoint so  

I continued exploring a little while on foot  to just see what else I could find graffiti   everywhere this is actually okay this is like  a big murial don’t mind this one it depends   if you’re a fan of graffiti then I think  you’ll love San dieago but it’s everywhere  

Everywhere even on the ancient old buildings  and the fountains in the park everything think graffiti home to over 7 million people san  dieago is obviously the capital city of Chile   and walking around with Michael and on my own you  can really sense the diverse population which adds  

To its cultural richness and is a melting part  of traditions art and delicious flavors the real   fascinating place that I think is best explored on  [Music] foot okie dokie so I’ve just popped into a   little typical Cafe here in San dieago right next  to the Museum of Visual Arts and there’s a really  

Nice little sort of flea market just down here on  these Cobble streets and there’s no traffic and   it’s like it’s quite nice and quite quiet so I’ve  ordered what is a very traditional drink here in  

Chile and I’ve also ordered a local delicacy which  I’ll show you in a second this is a Pisco sours   Pisco is a local spirit I think it’s similar to a  brand candy and they just Chuck in egg white which  

Is why it’s froy and lemon and sugar shake it like  hell you know the base of any sours a little bit   of angera bitters on top and this is my first one  even though I’ve been in uh Chile now for a while  

3 days 4 days my jet lag is crazy guys I don’t  even know what planet I’m on this is my first   time having a Pisco sours in Chile I definitely  had one before but probably not for 15 years it’s  

Perfectly balanced not too sour not too sweet and  then that egg white gives it that creamy texture   it’s delicious right okay so the empanadas are  here this is a very traditional dish here and   they all come completely different in every place  that you go to this one in this particular Cafe  

They serve three small empanadas and typically  inside you get some kind of meat normally beef   uh cheese sometimes they can come with olives  and sometimes there’s vegetables in there but   mainly it’s just meat and cheese so it’s not very  very vegan friendly and I’ve just cut into the  

Smallest piece uh to see what’s in this one and  yeah it’s it’s beef and cheese so let’s have a try   it’s a very simple snack really and all of this  Pisco sours and these empanadas $7 on the street  

Empanadas will cost you just over a dollar so  it’s obviously more expensive to have it here in a cafe so after my first empan and Pisco sours  it was time to continue exploring and continue   eating mhm oh [Music] wow what’s cool about  this trip is that Michael like me loves to  

Video his travels and so it was great to know  that Michael was on the other side of town   enjoying his exploration of San dieago as well  I’m having [Music] my I think I P paid about  

$4 for it buildings like this this is just one  small room that I found and by late afternoon   it was time to meet up once more and head up  the hill near our hotel which boasts amazing  

Views 360 of the city skyline and with this  cute vernacular we were up there in no [Music] time [Music] [Music] yeah Michael and I absolutely loved it  up here St Lucia’s Hill interestingly there’s   a Time Capture that was buried here in 1990 to  commemorate the 500th anniversary of the discovery  

Of America and they’re set to reopen it in 2090 so  that future Generations can discover a snapshot of   Santiago’s history and the culture from well the  past Century and obviously from up here there’s a   gorgeous view of the city and we got speaking  to a few locals and we learned that graffiti  

In this city is actually legal and in some areas  encouraged which explains why I was kind of taken   back by just how much graffiti was all over the  city the people of this city embrace it as a form   of artistic expression and showcase obviously  a lot of the stunning local and international

Artists Michael what’s your first impressions of  San dieago this is a very modern city what do you   think about the Viewpoint up here it’s gorgeous  I like what they’ve done with the flowers and   the music and the vernacular to get up here very  peaceful and the the artistic crosses that look  

Like they’ve been commissioned by different  artists you brought the good weather with you   cuz the two days I was getting over my jet lag  and I was just dead yeah my bag was over my bag   was overweight because of that but I’m like I  brought sunshine you did they don’t get rain  

Here it’s a desert it’s a desert here it’s  dry I need to have chap chapsticks need to   put moisturizer on it’s really really dry here  there’s like Cactus and stuff in the mountains   I’m excited they have Starbucks here yeah we  absolutely recommend coming up here gorgeous  

Beautiful views and getting down you have a couple  of options you can get back on the vernacular the   way we came up or more interestingly you can get  on the cable car which is exactly what we decided  

To do okay go back on the vernacular we’ll  take the cable car which is what we’re doing   y oh she says sit on the other side she start  Shou at you [Music] I told you these things are terrifying look at the bike path  with bike monitors or something as  

The evening Drew in we headed  to an area called Bella Vista [Applause] [Music] look at [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mel to the place I belong yeah this is a really  cool little vibrant neighborhood renowned for   lively atmosphere lots of bars and restaurants  artistic character and just a cool place to  

Spend your evening it has lots of street art  there’s also another one of Pablo neruda’s   homes here in this neighborhood so you can  check out that museum as well if you’re in   this area and we just enjoyed the night life  the food the culture and the Latin American  

Vibes on the streets of this awesome little  [Music] neighborhood finally on our last day   here in the city Michael and I wanted to  go check out the tallest tower in the city   it’s called Grand Tor sanago and it is a very  impressive building over 300 M or 1,000 ft in  

He height it’s the tallest building in Chile  and one of the tallest buildings in the entire continent okay we’ve made it up to the first  level I don’t think this is the highest level   I think there’s one more and this is the  south facing view when you come out of  

The lift Michael’s taken some pictures of  some tourists and the view is is good but   it’s a little bit Misty today it’s a little  bit smug compared to yesterday so yesterday   when we went up to the hill to see Virgin Mary  the mountains were a little bit more in view  

But that’s okay it was quite expensive  to come up here it cost around $30 for   two people there is a bar and a restaurant  and it’s some sort of Cafe I think [Music] upstairs [Music] excuse me are you Patty Doyle no I’m Carl  Watson you’re Carl Watson oh right I watch  

All your videos like you’ve been to Borneo  and Philippines that’s me you think they’d   clean the windows huh would you want to be  the guy that goes out and cleans [Music] Windows yeah what a beautiful experience to  go up there and it was super fun to share it  

With Michael and he wanted to take me to a very  special [Music] place wow small car I love it welcome to borago this is one of  the top 50 restaurants currently   on planet Earth and a real culinary gem  the first thing that we noticed was the  

Ambience was elegant and unpretentious  with a focus on celebrating Nature’s Bounty oh the menu was a complete Masterpiece  rodulfo Guzman dedicates the entire menu to   showcasing indigenous Chilean ingredients  each dish was actually presented as an   experience and each dish was a work of art  meticulously crafted to the highest levels  

The flavors the textures and the stories  behind the ingredients were fascinating   I’ll just show you some of the highlights  get yourself down here book a table online   it’s a little bit pricey but what  an unbelievable incredible dining experienceas who comes the farthest away  who’s from India who’s from Europe you’re  

From Europe Italy Germany Germany  who’s from California me he’s from   California who’s from California  you no 5 4 3 Patty this way two one after dinner we stumbled into a karaoke  bar but don’t worry I’ll spare you the audio  

Because we can’t sing but yeah what a great  way to start my adventures in South America   a pretty lazy jet lag field exploration of  Santiago so I hope you enjoyed this Vlog   there’s many more videos from South America and  Antarctica to come so subscribe if you’re new  

And you enjoyed this video Drop It a like  and I’ll see you this time next week from Argentina just by her ankle what the hell man mate you’re getting  destroyed oh out the [ __ ] I mean out of the rig

Come explore the vibrant city of Santiago Chile on my FIRST trip to South America.

Embark on a breathtaking journey through the captivating city of Santiago, Chile, as we explore its rich cultural heritage and iconic landmarks. From the bustling streets of the city center to the serene beauty of the Andes Mountains, this travel guide offers a comprehensive glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of Santiago’s attractions.

Wander through the bohemian neighborhoods of Bellavista, we will also eat at one of the worlds best restaurants at Borago. We will also visit one of the homes of Pablo Neruda on the coast, we will visit the top if the tallest skyscraper and MUCH more!

00:00 – 01:18 – The Plan for the Series
01:19 – Who am I with?
02:20 – Isla Negra
03:58 – First Impressions of Chile
05:24 – Exploring Downtown
07:45 – Pisco Sours
10:07 – Cerro San Cristóbal
13:24 – Bellavista
14:45 – Grand Torre Santiago
16:51 – Borago
18:45 – Adios Chile

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  1. Bellas imágenes de la capital adornada con la cordillera de los Andes. Se hizo un muy buen trabajo y de buen gusto.

    Espero ver pronto imágenes del sur de Chile a camino hacia la Antártica.

    Chile va desde el desierto de Atacama, el más árido del mundo, con las momias más antiguas, hasta la Patagonia y Tierra del Fuego y Antártica…. Sin olvidar jamás sus islas Robinson Crusoe,…..
    .o Rapa Nui, también conocída como Isla de Pascua….

    "Es que Santiago NO es Chile"…… Así se dice en este país.

  2. I do enjoy your videos, and I find it relaxing watching them!

    I never really comment on videos, but I thought it was worth mentioning something on this one. This is not a criticism, as I only learnt this not long as my wife has indigenous background and this term is taught in school.

    We shouldn't use the term "Discovered the Americas". The indigenous people were already living there, so it wasn't really discovered. I won't go into details, but I am sure you understood the point.

    I am commenting here, as I think it is important for people with a good audience to share this type of information.

    I have been advised to use words like Encountered, Happened upon, Invaded and many others.

    Keep up the good work!!!

  3. one small correction, we detest the graffiti and it's a small/vocal minority that sees it as art. it was cleaner before 2019 where it exploded and is now sort of on the mend thankfully. glad you enjoyed santiago/chile otherwise.

  4. Santiago is the best city in south America, more modern and friendly with tourists, you didn't like completos sadly but also you can try lomito or churrasco the next time. Thanks for your video and work

  5. Graffiti legal? not really. I mean if you want to have your property graffitied is up to you! but public space (unless the space serves that purpose) graffiti is ilegal.

  6. Your friend seems like a decent person, and I'm not sure if he's just hamming it up for the camera, but man does he have a lot of energy. It distracts from the content, tbh. This isn't The Michael Show. The vibe of this vid just feels different from most of your other content.

  7. Chile is a wonderful country, a Pandora's box, where you find different surprises, from its geography, where you have the different seasons throughout the country, to the north the driest desert in the world, passing through a center of temperate climate and to the south With its rugged geography, very green, with large lakes, volcanoes, but with a very cold climate, there is also the Easter Island or "Rapanui" all this shows you how wonderful Chile is, not to mention that its people are very friendly. Thank you for visiting this beautiful country.

  8. Interesante que conozcas Chile pero conocer Santiago no te entrega la experiencia de conocer Chile ya que por su extension tiene geografias y climas variados… necesitas tiempo para recorrer Chile porque como dijo alguien por ahi "Santiago no es Chile"

  9. Pregunta, tu eres latino??, porque cuando nombras algunas cosas o lugares , no tienes acento gringo o británico, entonces porque los videos los haces en inglés?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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