這個美國總統做了一件事 以為可以增強國力 但事實上差點把美國毁掉兩次 大家都不知道 離世界末日距離只有30分鐘?

Mankind’s impression of nuclear energy was a symbol of progress. Nuclear power generation is cleaner and cheaper than coal. So when the nuclear power plant came to 3 Mile Island, Pennsylvania, they were quite looking forward to it. They did not know that while enjoying a large number of employment opportunities,

They would have to They paid a huge price and as the sirens sounded, the truth was revealed one by one. They discovered that not only the nuclear power companies but also the gov were taking advantage of people’s ignorance to make money A nightmare that has haunted Pennsylvania residents for 40 years

Is now about to begin. The story I’m going to tell you today is about the first reactor core meltdown in human history The Three Mile Island nuclear leak in the United States in 1979. At 5 a.m. on March 28, 1979, Dick, an employee of the Metropolitan Edison Nuclear Power Plant,

Was called by a phone call. When he woke up, his superiors asked him to go back to the company immediately for support because as early as 4 o’clock, every alarm in the control room was ringing. It took an hour and still no problem was found Unit 2 kept heating up

But the water cooling the furnace core showed normal status last year There is no reason for a machine that has just been put into production to go out of order after only 3 months. To put it simply, nuclear power generation uses the element uranium 235 to generate heat during the nuclear fission reaction.

The heat is used to generate steam. The steam drives the turbine and the turbine generates electricity. The fuel rods in the reactor must always be soaked in water. Overheating fuel rods or furnace core melting will release a large amount of radioactive materials, and once the explosive environment is contaminated

By humans, it will be uninhabitable. The employees in the control room are under tremendous pressure at this time. They discovered that the water mercury in the No. 2 reactor failed and the instruments could not be operated when the backup water mercury was activated. The watch showed that the temperature was increasing,

Which meant that the furnace core was about to come out of the water. They ran out of time until the situation appeared at 6 o’clock in the morning. Almost two hours later, they finally discovered the problem. It turned out that when the fault first started,

They opened the safety valve to relieve the pressure but forgot to close it. As a result, the water added later flowed out from the safety valve. The water problem was solved, but the furnace core continued to be high. About an hour later, another alarm sounded.

It was the radiation content that exceeded the warning level. Dick took two technicians into the nuclear reactor building. When he arrived at a position 60 meters away from the safety zone, Dick put the instrument above his head to check that the radiation coefficient suddenly soared.

He grabbed the other two people and ran away. His intuition told him that something was going to happen to the No.2 reactor. They went straight to the annex building of the No. 2 reactor to demand everyone. People were evacuated immediately and the radio said that the furnace core was about to melt.

Now it was an emergency. The situation was full of weirdness, as if it was a warning from God, because the plot of the movie Close-up released not long ago was that the nuclear power plant’s furnace core melted and exploded with radiation, contaminating Pennsylvania forever. Suitable for Humanity, God is trying to

Fill the void of human ignorance with movies. Residents nearby have been hearing loud noises from the nuclear power plant. News reports said it was a turbine failure. Later, the governor also said that everything is under control. However, there are more and more police and fire fighters

On the road outside the house. Cars and even reporters drove to 3 Mile Island Something seemed to be wrong with the cutting-edge technology they trusted. The governor, who had just been in office for 72 days, was told that the nuclear reactor was malfunctioning. He and his staff knew nothing about this new industry

And could only passively ask Metropolitan Edison to provide it. Information, but the company’s response was that everything was under control. In the afternoon, federal investigators detected radiation 26 kilometers away from Three Mile Island, but emphasized that it was harmless to humans. The governor questioned Metropolitan Corporation’s Vice President Herbin.

At this time, Herbin He admitted that the nuclear power plant was leaking radiation, but denied that he had concealed it. He did not ask questions, so there was no need to answer. The next morning, Unit 2 was still at a high temperature.

The amount of radiation in the surrounding area was 1 mi times higher than normal. The residents were panicked. They urgently needed to know the real news. Reporters from around the world poured into the three buildings. The small town of Mile Island used its own power to obtain information. Members of Congress

Were also concerned about the situation of the nuclear reactors in their area. They quickly held a hearing to question the Nuclear Energy Commision, which regulates the nuclear energy industry and protects public health The chairman of the Nuclear Energy Commission made it clear that

The radiation levels in the nuclear power plant environment were acceptable. The furnace core did not melt. He accused the media of deliberately spreading fear. The governor’s press secretary received an anonymous call the night after the hearing. He accused the Nuclear Commission of misleading the public

That the furnace core damage was more serious than described. They withheld the radiation data and now even the credible Nuclear Commission Everyone in the meeting was wondering who their role was in protecting. On the morning of the third day, the police car broadcast

That the radiation level was not high enough to affect health. However, half an hour later, the media measured the radiation level in the helicopter, which reached 1,200 millirems per hour. The human body could not tolerate it every year. 100 millirem seriously exceeded the standard.

Joseph, the chairman of the committee, was forced to change his attitude and recommend to Washington to evacuate residents. However, the then US President Carter was not willing. He advocated nuclear power generation to replace dependence on Middle East oil. Only nuclear energy can avoid the 1973 Middle East oil embargo. The evacuation

Represents the failure of his energy policy and also means that the lifeline of the United States continues to be in the hands of the enemy. The Pennsylvania government is also hesitant about whether to evacuate. It is worried that someone will take adv. of the residents during the evacuation.

The baby in the oxygen tank needs a respirator. The elderly and seriously ill patients are likely to die during the evacuation. The state government, the Nuclear Commission, and the President are still waiting for the radiation index to drop in the next minute. The result of the delay

Is that the citizens miss the opportunity to escape. The afternoon of the third day, Chairman of the Nuclear Commission Joseph finally announced on TV that pregnant women and preschool children within an 8-km radius of Three Mile Island should leave, and schools would be closed indefinitely. What confused the citizens was that

The governor of Pennsylvania proposed a preventive evacuation at this moment, which meant that there was no evacuation, but a reminder to citizens in advance. Be prepared and the real evacuation can go smoothly. These two messages are broadcast simultaneously on the news on the streets. People are at a loss

And don’t know what to do next. Fire trucks along the way are calling for windows to be opened. The next minute they are heard telling people to close the doors and windows and stay indoors. There is no clear answer for how to protect oneself in a radiation environment. Within

24 hours, people have experienced situations ranging from not affecting their health to serious enough to require them to leave their homes. The local government ‘s decision-making changes day and night. The information is opaque and confusing, and the people’s panic has reached the extreme. On the one hand, the parents were worried about

Organizing what they needed to take with them to escape, and on the other hand, they had to protect their children from panicking and fleeing to relatives’ houses. The roads were all crowded with vehicles leaving. Everyone hurriedly took their luggage and fled. Half of Middletown city on Three Mile Island

Disappeared in an instant. everyone who left is not sure whether they can come back again, and the 2020 epidemic seems familiar. They also stared at the TV to pay close attention to the radiation index over the nuclear power plant and the direction of the wind.

It was only on the fourth day after the accident that the government realized the need to establish a unified information channel. The president assigned Harold, his personal consultant, the director of operations of the Nuclear Commission, to be responsible for the observation. At the same time,

The president reported the latest news to the public media and the current status of the nuclear reactor . In his first press conference, he told the explosive news that a hydrogen bubble was hit in the reactor. This meant what people immediately thought of the 1945 bombings in Hiroshima

And Nagasaki , Japan. The Saki atomic bomb made everyone feel chills. The close-up scene in the movie that was just released two weeks ago suddenly seemed so close to reality. But they also misjudged that once it exploded, it would definitely be more serious than Hiroshima in the long term.

It would be exactly the same as the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 7 years later. Burned to death immediately within 8 kilometers. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will die of cancer in the future. The news triggered nationwide fear. People who were unable to leave rushed to the stadium to seek refuge.

Residents of Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia nearby were also afraid of being affected and began to prepare to flee. The fear was everywhere. The minutes are heating up. Thousands of nuclear experts from all over the world come to the rescue to calculate the size of hydrogen bubbles and the critical point of explosion.

But there will be no answer for a while. President Carter encounters an unprecedented political crisis for the future of the nuclear energy industry. I was able to continue to personally inspect Three Mile Island as a nuclear scientist. He used his personal experience in dealing with furnace core meltdowns

To tell everyone that there is no need to worry. After walking around for a while, government spokesman Harold admitted in the afternoon of the same day that the calculation was wrong and that the hydrogen bubble did not exist. Ten days after the threat, the governor announced that all bans on

Schools would be lifted. Six months later, the presidential commission’s investigative report admitted that the accident was caused by an equipment failure, a design error, and four human errors. The safety design needs to be reviewed in order to continue production in the future. The Three Mile Island accident is described How do you define

A nuclear meltdown with no fatalities? Residents returned home and symptoms started to appear one after another. Some people had a metallic taste in their mouths. Some people had sore throats and stomachaches. Children vomited green mucus. A student was found to have skin peeling all over his body after riding a bicycle outside.

There are radioactive iodine substances everywhere. There are dead fish and dead birds. I don’t know the purpose of the so-called health tracking. The residents who are really affected are not included in the tracking scope. As long as the problem exists, the problem will not exist. People finally understand that behind those high-sounding words

Is me. Before you eat and drink, you’d better be obedient until you rot. Three years later, the government reopened Unit 1. They were angry and formed the Three Mile Island Alert Group, vowing to stop nuclear power generation. Their actions seemed to block someone’s financial path. As the members

A general understanding of the nuclear industry in the United States: being followed, being secretly photographed with license plates, being eavesdropped, and later Rick’s story. In 1980, in order to save costs and speed up the pace of restarting production, the government and cleanup companies unanimously

Chose to use the latest The fastest way to complete the 14-year workload was shortened to 4 years. It not only ignored the safety of frontline workers, but also almost caused a nuclear disaster more severe than before. When the operation came to the stage of lifting the head of the reactor furnace

To clean up the debris at the bottom, no one knew it. They were in a crisis of near-destruction, but an unknown hero saved them. This job required the use of a circular crane. To steadily lift the head cable of the furnace, a new crane was required. Rick, who was responsible for this job,

Discovered that the crane was needed. The parts were missing and the adjustments were not made. Even the cables were old. He expressed concern to his superiors. Two supervisors Ed Gisele and Larry King, also expressed their support for the decision to not test and not sign to approve the start of the operation.

At the same time, Rick also reported to the site Lake Barrett, a member of the Nuclear Commission who monitors, complained. Unfortunately, Rick didn’t know that the Nuclear Commission itself is a player-referee. They only open doors for the nuclear industry under the guise of ensuring safety. That is the reason for their existence.

The last two supervisors were subsequently fired. Marijuana was placed in Rick’s car and he even sneaked into his home to steal the evidence he had. Rick knew that the company threatened his life and safety. Among his colleagues, a girl named Karen Skwood reported the Ohio nuclear power plant

To a New York Times reporter in 1974. However , he died in a car accident on the way and key evidence disappeared mysteriously. Rick’s girlfriend was afraid of breaking up and asked him not to report it, but Rick had no choice because when the head was lifted, it accidentally fell

And hit the reactor, which would cause a nuclear explosion. By then the disaster will be more serious than 4 years ago. Nearly 2 million people will die directly within an 80-kilometer radius of Three Mile Island. The radiation will spread to the entire east coast of the United States. Philadelphia,

New York City, and Washington, D.C., will never be habitable. In the end, Rick makes a desperate move with lawyer Tom Devine. With the help of En and Billie of the Government Accountability Project, they held a press conference to disclose all this. This operation attracted the attention of the FBI and called

For a suspension of the cleanup of the nuclear power plant until the investigation was completed . A previous presidential commission report concluded that the leak was man-made. Unexpectedly, but the result of the re-investigation 4 years later was that many corners were cut during the early construction period. Metropolitan Corporation falsified safety reports

And falsified data on radiation leaks. Evidence showed that there were multiple failures in the safety system in the three months before production was put into operation. In addition to suing the company Metropolitan Corporation’s FBI also condmened the Nuclear Commision for failing to fulfill its monitoring responsibilities

And failing to keep nuclear power plants in the United States at a safe level. The Nuclear Commission allowed unqualified nuclear power plants to operate and accidents occurred, and the president shirks responsibility for it. It is a complete one-stop service investigation. Revealing something that no one knew.

The hydrogen bubble that the entire United States was worried about actually exploded in the afternoon of the accident, followed by a meltdown of the furnace core. It released lethal radiation on the first day. Everyone should have been evacuated on the first day. Official unity Without any radiation data, it

Was determined that it would not harm the human body. Forty years later, residents in the town began to suffer from cancer. Some people did not show symptoms until middle age. Will it affect genes and cause strange tumors to appear in different generations? These require long-term tracking by the government. Deliberate neglect

Cannot be seen, so it does not exist. Unit 1 was reactivated in May 1985 amid huge opposition. Residents near Three Mile Island continue to live in anxiety and fear. The driving force behind the nuclear industry was U.S. President Carter, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. prize

Rick, the hero who prevented the second nuclear accident, suffered from throat cancer and left Three Mile Island to hide in hiding for 37 years because of fear of being hunted. The relationship between the people and the government, whether you question or believe it, must be thought through by yourself

Once the power is handed over. Can you take it back? This is the lesson of Three Mile Island. This is the end of the story. Thank you for watching.

Borrtex – Choice
Kevin MacLeod – Classic Horror 2
F.F.F Channe – Horror Scare Thriller

1 Comment

  1. 08:44 金屬的味道
    > 遭受輻射後嘴裡又金屬味道 ,一般需要兩個條件,一是放射性物質大量泄漏,遠超人類居住環境中放射性物質的量,二是人確實吸入了大量的放射性物質。實際上放射性物質是無處不在的,但就像毒液一樣,放射性物質要想對人體造成嚴重傷害,放射性強度及對人體作用的時間都需要 比較長,而日常生活中接觸到的物體中的放射性物質的量低得可以忽略不計。



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